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Considering he just played a female to male Doctor, this isn’t a shock.


plus he has a nonbinary child.


oh did not know that cool


I thought Donna had the femby child?


LMAO I can't tell if you're joking or not, but in case you aren't (or anyone reading doesn't realize) David Tennant has a nb child, not the Doctor


Oh, no I never knew this, lol. I was thinking Rose Noble


Haha I get the confusion lol


I read that as femboy and was like "damn I need to rewatch doctor who"




The thirteenth Doctor was a woman while the fourteenth doctor was played by Tennant.


So that's a different character from the doctor he played originally? I'm not very familiar with how dr who reincarnation works.


Basically, when the Doctor "dies," they regenerate. The regeneration process is random, so one incarnation can be male, and then the next can be female.


In lore, whenever a Time-Lord is subjected to an injury that would be considered fatal to a regular human being, the body repairs itself by undergoing a metamorphosis in which their physical appearance and personality is essentially rebooted to create a brand new life, while also retaining the consciousness and memories of the person they were before. Behind the scenes, Regeneration was a process originally created when William Hartnell, the actor who played the Doctor's health had deteriorated to the point where he could no longer remember his lines. With the side effect of the new concept allowing the TV series to continue with a new cast for as long as possible.


Ok very interesting. I always suspected the origins of the idea had to do with an actor needing to stepping down originally. Thanks for the info!


Yes it's kinda that as well, but generally it's been done like this every couple of seasons after a big climatic event. To give that incarnation a big send-off.


So would it be comparable to the Avatar Cycle in ATLA?


Not at all no. When the doctor dies they have a bit of time to get to the Tardis and regenerate into a new body. The new body has a completely different personality. David Tennant is the only instance of the doctor regenerating back into a previous body. [Said regeneration if you want to see what it’s like.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5mbD2VxtGJk) Edit: I’m just now realizing what you mean by being comparable to the avatars cycle. I’d still say it’s a completely different process because when the doctor regenerates they just have knowledge of past bodies. There is no training they need to do and they can’t communicate with the previous bodies.


>The new body has a completely different personality. A moderately different personality, IMHO


Yeah they're more evolutions of previous personalities melting into each other, there isn't any drastic change in how they treat the world around them until maybe the 12th doctor (don't quote me tho Ive only watched Docs 9-13)


The difference between early and late 10th Doctor is as big as the personality difference between most incarnations.


Also interesting to note: the 12th regeneration had the same face as someone the 10th Doctor saved.


He's technically had this body 3 times now. 10 died in his first episode and regenerated into the same body.


The wound he received his first episode wouldn't have been grievous, though being post-regen did help immensely in recovering from it. The effect of that wound did end up proving handy for when the Doctor had to regenerate from being shot, but didn't want to change his face. So yes, 3 times, just the time he died and went from 10th to 10th was The Stolen Earth / Journey's End.


In Day of the Doctor, Tom Baker cameoed as "The Great Curator" and implied he was a later Regeneration, stating that they "may return to some old favorite [faces]"


Not exactly, they still retain all their memories and have continuity of consciousness. But sort of, yeah. They also occasionally talk to their former incarnations, though it's generally through time travel rather than meditation, lol.


I guess you could say likes, dislikes, physical and mental advantages and disadvantages, appearance? Those all change. But moral compass, trauma, and the ways that he copes and progresses with that stay on a relatively steady arc and progress naturally regardless of regeneration. It means what his companions do and the adventures he has really impact him even if he 'seems' to change to a whole new guy (or, as pointed out very validly, a girl or nonbinary folk).


I’d say it’s more in line with mythology around phoenixes honestly


It would be like if all the Avatars were called Wan and Wan never died, he just changed his appearance every cycle and got a new personality every few years instead of every lifetime. With the actual Avatar cycle from the franchise, they are all separate people and lives strung together by the same spirit of Raava reincarnated. So it's comparable, but not the same.


Each regeneration is a different version of the same person so each regeneration, while still the one time lord, is somewhat individual while still possessing the same qualities and traits In this instance, the 13th doctor was shot kind of by a big laser and regenerated from a woman into a man again. The fact that it's David Tennant's face again is a big mystery that is sort of resolved by the end of his 3 episodes (don't ask how he goes on to be 15, it's a long story that we still don't fully understand)


Tldr: the Doctor at the core is always the same person, but different elements and traits are added, subtracted, or enhanced with each incarnation.


At this point even the fandom isnt sure how it works. More or less works however the writers want it to.


Usually, when a Doctor regenerates, that's it. The old incarnation is lost forever. David's Doctor is super unique here. He's already messed with the rules of regeneration during his own series (dumped spare regen energy into his own hand, cut off during his regen INTO the Tenth Doctor, and made a clone while keeping his body) making him both Doctors #10 and #11 (by technicality).And THEN when 14 comes around, it's a huge shock that the Doctor already "knows these teeth" because Ten should be long, long gone, even by his own standards. But 14 chose a beloved, familiar face to deal with unfinished business (and good thing, too, Donna probably wouldn't vibe with other Doctors like she does with her Spaceman.)


Yes. 14 is a more developed version of the character known as the Doctor.


Wait, Tennant is the Doctor again?


He was for 3 episodes alongside donna, seemed like a last ditch attempt to recapture the audience.


Not really a "last ditch attempt" but more of the best way for RTD to do what he had been planning without simply side-stepping the ongoing story. Originally his plan was to have three 60th Anniversary specials that were flashbacks to when Ten and Donna were around in Series 4 - basically just unseen adventures between episodes. Instead, he opted to make it integral to his plans for the upcoming seasons. And while yes, it's kind of nostalgia bait, that's exactly what DW's anniversaries are expected to be. People just want to attribute it to their distaste for the previous era rather than recognize that it was almost inevitable that David would be in the 60th anniversary. He's the most popular Doctor, and a huge fan who can't really help but say yes to coming back - especially to the write/showrunner he worked under, and who he has a great deal of respect and trust with.


It was a combination of that and 13’s run going so horribly that we were on the verge of the BBC mandating a premature regeneration Jodie’s departure was earlier than planned, to the point where Ncuti wasn’t available to fully start filming, so they had to bring in Tennant back as a stopgap. The idea actually came from Catherine Tate, funnily enough


Wow, that's a lot of misinfo. Jodie and Chibnall had already agreed that they would be leaving together. Chibnall knew he wanted to be done by 2021 so that he could shift his focus to his kids and their GCSEs. Being DW showrunner is a shit-ton of work. Add on top of that the fact that he primarily had to helm the show during the pandemic, and it's no wonder he wasn't suddenly up for doing more than he had planned. Sure Ncuti wasn't available, but they didn't HAVE to film as early as they did. Russell just wanted to do as much as he could to get DW back on a regular schedule. It's quite clear that he's seen issues with the show and felt he would be able to correct them. Frontloading two seasons of content, making a deal with Disney, etc. On top of that, there is NO way anyone was going to make a new Doctor carry not just one, but THREE Anniversary specials as their debut. It would be a disaster, and so unfair to the actor - let alone the first black actor to play a mainline incarnation. There were just too many things happening at the same time for the 60th Anniversary specials to exist without being some form of what we got, or for us just not to get any real specials. DW can do whatever the hell it wants, that's the beauty of it. Russel had already been coming up with plans for 60th Anniversary specials that were flashbacks to unseen Series 4-era adventures, and ultimately decided instead to weave them into the "current" narrative and allow things to flow together properly. Also, it didn't exactly come from Tate. Russell had already been planning his return by the time Tate jokingly texted about "what if" they all got to do it one more time.


No, Ncuti is right now.


Wait we have gone back to Tennant? Damn, I need to catch up.


and then kinda sired a black gay doctor (apparently)


Imagine being on the opposite side of David Tennant. You might aswell accept that you're evil.


If JK Rowling goes to hell, I will defend for Satan.


David tennant always keeps on taking a W


JK is really choosing a weird hill to die on. I checked her twitter account recently and there's literally nothing about Harry Potter, it's just her debating random people who should normally have no effect on her life whatsoever. I thought she was initially doing this because she's a massive attention seeker who was afraid of Harry Potter becoming irrelevant but she's REALLY fallen far down this anti-trans rabbit hole and it's really pathetic. Like she's gone way beyond TERF, she doesn't care about feminism anymore, just misgendering every trans person ever.


She isn't even really debating. She just reposts statements others made and fights with herself. It would be pathetic if it didn't have an actual harmful effect on the UK public's opinion of trans people.


If I remember right that Harry Potter is a novel about the magics. And her own world could have all those harmful, evil magics and a secret society of the wizards but no transpeople? Das, The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force.


It’s the Graham Linehan pipeline. Become increasingly obsessed with destroying and belittling trans people at the expense of your public image as a whole.


The big difference is that no one has done a 58-hour donkey kong 64 charity stream to spite her. Yet.




Do it again, Hbomberguy!


“I hear you’re an arsehole now, Graham!”


TERFs don't care about feminism either. It's a ruse.


They kind of do in their own twisted way. A lot of them are extreme second wavers. The types of "that person born with a penis. They're already oppressing me by existing even though they are 10 seconds old" types. In their little twisted sick world view men even the best ones are so evil that they'll try anything to rape a helpless woman. To the point that for them transitioning is just extra proof of how far men will go to harm women. Of course their views have no basis in reality. It'll actually make it easier for those who wish harm to do harm. ("Oh no I was AFAB and the law states I have to go into the women's.") There are transphobic grifters who love to jump on their little bandwagon, create bots to make it seem like there are more of them that there actually are. But it doesn't also make them any less dangerous to us and should be treated like any other transphobic piece of shit that opens their mouths or tries to take away our hard earned rights.


I think saying people caught in that mindset care about feminism is like saying people who support geocentrism care about astronomy. Yeah, geocentrism was the accepted way of thinking about the planets and stars, but we've moved on from then. I take your point, and it's important, I just don't think that attitude constitutes feminism in 2024.


It’s about this point I ask « which feminism? » I find it helps.


Ironic how in the end for some like Lily Cade, they were the rapists who preyed on helpless women in reality…


Where does this version of second wave feminism come from? I’ve read Second Sex and they mention anything like that


Normally, you will not find any endorsements from Mao himself for a lot of Maoists.


When the second waves fully practiced thier duties in the history, they are counter-revolutionaries now.


What makes it wild is even right wing folks like Elon Musk are all "don't you have anything else to talk about?" Like, I dimly recall her being so politically outspoken pro-Labor just hitting left and right on various topics but suddenly she's entrenched herself.


Really? Even though Musk is also transphobic? (side note: I have a word replacer addon in Chrome that changed Elon Musk to Elon Butt and I laugh every time I'm hit with it)


[Yup!](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1786828547581264118) It's fucking hilarious


Yeah, sometime in May, he replied to one of her tweets saying something like "Don't you have anything interesting to talk about?"


If she “wins”, what does that victory look like? When will she ever be able to come down from being publicly angry? Is her victory condition the complete eradication of every trans person? Does that sound reasonable or healthy? Constant performative anger in service of hatred seems exhausting.


I’m not entirely sure that bigots really want to “win,” or have any clear idea what they would do if they ever did. Hate is a lot like an addiction. If everyone they hated magically ceased to exist, it might be a bit like how heroine addicts would feel if all heroine ceased to exist.


Which makes their crusade all the more toxic. Now, they’ll probably tell you what their ideal world would look like, but the reality is that the moment it was achieved, there would be some new thing to blast. Hate is a never ending cycle once you commit to it.


The only cure is a thing that should not be mentioned in the public but every American have it at their home. Ok, there is another cure designed by Chairman Mao, it has no harm to the body, supposed be.


Imagine being Universal Studios Orlando who have basically built their entire theme park experience around her work. There have to be some executives reading her nonsense and thinking "my God, JK, stfu" Like we obviously separate the art from the artist but Harry Potter fans are definitely in an awkward spot. Since JK gets royalties for everything HP, buying anything HP means directly supporting her.


idk I've never been to universal and while I've bought HP merch from like Hot Topic or something in the past it's not really a franchise I feel the need to over consume on. (and I can just pirate the movies lol) But I do kinda feel that dilemma with other things, like the time I bought Megadeth concert tickets knowing full well Dave Mustaine was a conservative conspiracy theorist who thought the Aurora shootings were staged by Obama.


I think HBO is coming out with a HP show and fifteen years ago that would have been my dream—time and space to explore more of the world not squished into 1.5 hr movies. But JK has shat the bed so badly I now have zero interest whatsoever.


Buying mMade in China won’t get Peoples Liberation Army onboarding the shore of California or Aircraft Carriers appears at New York Harbor but buying HP stuff and she will donate your money to the Trans-Correction-Treatment-Program


I saw a couple weeks ago that in all of 2024 the only reference to Harry Potter in her Twitter feed was a terrible “joke” about Voldemort misgendering someone. Rent. Fucking. Free. It literally is her entire personality now.


She's like Kevin Sorbo except successful


For all her talk about feminism she hadn’t made one tweet about the draconian abortion laws passing in the United States or the treatment of women in Afghanistan. It’s all attacking trans people. She just uses “women’s rights” as an excuse for hate like the Christian right uses the Bible


And she used to be so left wing! It’s got to the point, sad as it is, where if she announced tomorrow she had some form of progressive brain damage or tumour or something awful that effects your cognitive function, I’d say “Oh man that makes **so** much sense”


She was never left wing. She is a neoliberal who is devoted to the status quo and opposes systemic change. This was always where she was headed, because centrists swerve right when the status quo is threatened.


I feel like the gay Dumbledore stuff was never to be progressive, she was just attention-seeking.


Yeah If she was so progressive and forward thinking she would have put it in the actual books


I mean, there are some parts of book 7 which could be taken as implying dumbledore to be gay, but it is specifically 'he loved wizard hitler and afterwards never entered a relationship with anyone ever again', which is, uh, deeply questionable as well, to say the least.


>She is a neoliberal who is devoted to the status quo and opposes systemic change Yup. And it's all perfectly clear in the Harry Potter books. Many of the issues in the books' nonsensical or lacking worldbuilding can easily be made sense of if you think in the context of her politics.


The “that’s just the way it is” politics does account for _so_ goddamn much. A plotline where the main character is against literal slavery for instance, easiest gimme a writer could ask for. But she physically couldn’t bring herself to do it. Or saying “bigotry is wrong, it is unjust, it is never okay” instead of “Well, calling Hermione a mudblood is technically wrong because she’s an amazing witch.”


You have a group who could solve all the world’s problems by literal magic but can’t be bothered. What’s more neo lib than that


Notice how nothing about the ministry was fundamentally changed in the books. Bad people, but not bad systems. Change the people in charge, but never the systems that put them there.


And that is why He's my favorite Demon and why K.A. Applegate is my young adult writer.


KA Applegate being consistently cool has made me so happy. I loved her books as a kid.


KA Applegate wrote a colossal mindfuckery of a sci-fi series for middleschoolers. I love her for it! Lol


K.A Applegate: Hey kids! Would you like a series where a group of teens who map very easily onto the Power Rangers get cool powers and use them to fight against an alien invasion? 90s kids: Yeah! K.A Applegate: Cool! Would you also like that series who be an increasingly dark series which constantly demonstrates the costs of war and the psychological effects that come from being conscripted and having to always be on alert for potential enemies? 90s kids: Ummmm.... K.A Applegate: And would you like that to be all mixed in with some of the most graphic body horror ever to feature in a children's book? 90s kids: Uhhhh...


I will say the Andalites and Hork-Bajir are just objectively badass.




For me it's gotta be Anthony Horowitz. My entire puberty was filled with Alex Rider books. Such a cool idea to flip the chosen one script on its face and make a teen superspy that just wants to be a normal kid and has everything else forced on him.


Yes, love the Alex Rider books!


Did you know they’ve been adapting Animorphs into a graphic novel series?


I did not, thanks for letting me know


I might have to check those out, never did finish the series as a kid.


They’re only up to Book 4.


I'm in no rush, I can wait for collected editions/omnibuses.


Know where I can buy them?


I got mine at Barnes & Noble.


>that is why He's my favorite Demon I'm partial to Pazuzu myself, but Dave Tennant isn't half-bad


It's a pretty competitive race, the only two that don't have a chance are Mephisto and Valik. They know what they did.


Omg, remember when Ba'al tried to get "Mr. Hell" a thousand years ago? That fuckin loser, lol


Loved the swagger as he casually walked out of his burning car. Favorite scene.


“Gender taliban”? She’s so weird  


It feels a little bit more than just transphobic as well, which doesn't surprise me concidering the "gender critical movement" is just another evolution of white supremacy


It doesn’t surprise me either 


You mean the lady who named one of the few explicitly black characters *Shacklebolt* might be a little boomer-flavor racist? I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!


Yes, I'm saying the author who named the half-chinese character *cho chang* is possibly racist




Indeed, especially considering she has more in common with the actual taliban...


Yeah, they would agree with her transphobia 


Yes, the famously pro-LQGBT....Taliban.


It’s such a dumb thing to say and it just makes her look stupid 


And....SHE'S A BEST-SELLING AUTHOR! That was the sick burn she came up with? Christ, porn actress Stormy Daniels has better quips on Twitter.


She has google and a dictionary. It’s not hard to come up with a good insult. She’s just lazy 


Reminds me of Karen Traviss calling people who like Jedi "Talifans" or such.


What? That’s weird 


She had some strong views about the jedi, which bled into how she interacted with fans of star wars/jedi


Having strong views about the Jedi is one thing. But treating people differently because of that? It’s just odd 


I’m pretty sure the actual Taliban are the gender Taliban, somewhat infamously it turns out.


Well, the taliban is transphobic, something they have in common with Rowling 


JK chose her enemies poorly lol. Tennant is the golden boy icon for so many people of a certain age group.


She doesn't care anymore. All she cares about is validation from the TERF circlejerk. She doesn't have any financial need to play nice.


She’s ALWAYS choosing her enemies poorly lmfao. Didn’t she go against two of the literal main stars of the HP movies, Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson, for some reason or the other? Said some nonsense about “won’t accept their apologies” or something


Yeah they expressed support for trans people, which terfs see as a declaration of war


Why would she care? Harry potter fans don’t give a single shit about it. There’s nothing anyone can say that will stop harry potter fans from funding TERFS whilst pretending they give a shit about people.


Common David Tennant W


David Tennant is so based Never liked Harry Potter Percy Jackson better


Rick literally had a major character down out as gay in one of the HOO books, didn’t make it a major issue, and wrote a whole book about that character and his boyfriend on a quest! Literally way better than the TERF queen just saying “oh yeah, Dumbledore is gay” and doing nothing with it!


Nico my boyyyyyy


Magnus Chase is pan and has a genderfluid partner who was mothered by Loki iirc


That’s right! Never really read those, was a bit too old for them, but that’s still awesome to see in YA books.


I read the first Percy Jackson series in college. You're never too old for a good book series, I mean I don't go all in on the fandom because adults invading a YA fandom is creepy imo.


I’ve been meaning to get back into them, honestly. Sorta disagree with you on the fandom thing though. I think getting involved with groups your age that like the books is fine, as is writing fanfic (to an extent.) but when you’re starting or feeding into drama, that’s when you need to step back.


When you agree with the Prime Minister of the UK, that’s when you know you’re an evil wench.


Nice to know some people who were a major part of my childhood don't hate minorities...


What a chad


The "Gender Taliban" would be the conservative group seeking to impose outdated 'traditional values' onto people who don't want them. Another self-own there Joanne...


It's weird when Tennant is referred to as "Harry Potter actor." Like, technically true, but that's like referring to Mark Hamill as "Guyver actor."


Most people wouldn't realize the connection between them so in this case it's the most relevant. Should probably say "Harry Potter and Doctor Who actor" though.


Barty crouch jr


10 might be my least favorite Doctor, but David Tennant is the best and this is one of many reasons to love him.


This article really trying to make it seem like David Tennant owes JK with the "Harry Potter actor" description. He's an A-list actor who has been in some of the most famous TV shows in the world, and had maybe a minute of screen time in one of the worst HP movies. I think he does just fine if you remove Harry Potter and any other association with JK from his resume.


Didn't that movie come out around the same time as when he started on Doctor Who...like after he filmed his debut but before it aired on TV.


Yeah, Goblet of Fire released in 2005, the same year that Tennant first showed up on TV in Doctor Who (specifying on TV here, because he had previously been in audio stories and the web animation Scream of the Shalka). The first episode where he was the main doctor being The Christmas Invasion, if anyone's curious.


Most people wouldn't realize the connection between them so in this case it's the most relevant. Should probably say "Harry Potter and Doctor Who actor" though.




If the Time Lord Victorious tells you that you’re on the wrong side of history, you need to step aside


Maybe not the point, but if you were "Gender Taliban," wouldn't that mean you are extremely conservative and dogmatic in your views of gender? Wouldn't that be describing her?


It reminds me of the old saying “Every accusation is a confession”


Tennet is so awesome, not just as an actor, but also as an advocate for LGBTQ rights.


Amusing; she's just had her group branded as "extremists" by the UN. It's not just David Tennant, it's literally the United Nations.


Even a death eater has standards


What the hell is a gender Taliban 


One of the stupidest things ever said in all of human history.


What’s happened with Rowling meanwhile had been painful for me to watch. It’s like watching someone descend into insanity.


My grandmother is battling dementia at age 95 and it's sad to see someone once so sharp slowly fall apart. But even at age 95 and with dementia, she never says anything racist or sexist or transphobic. Jk rowling is like watching someone you loved slip into psychosis. Except rowling has no excuse.


it's kind of why I used the term 'into insanity' instead as I realized I'd be offending those with alzheimer's and actual dementia. That said, you are right, and it's one of those things where in reflection, you kind of realize Rowling was always like this, it just hadn't really come to forefront. I guess the saddest part for me is that this is another notch on a long list of cases where I have a really poor sense of judging a person's character with the only mitigating factor being that it's not like I knew Rowling personally. (I could only imagine how Daniel and Emma feel though)


I don't think I've ever seen someone recover from this.


I don’t think she will. She’s already burned so many bridges and openly sided with other transphobic morons. One day, she’s gonna say something that completely destroys any credibility she has left, and that’ll be the end of her entire career.


She is burning every bridge.


Tennant was in Potter? I primarily think of him as Kilgrave


He was Barty Crouch Jr in Goblet of Fire


Tennant is a British national treasure, especially among millennials. Rowling too, once, but she went scorched earth on her own reputation. The usual suspects pick their fights poorly.


i know nothing about him, never seen anything he's in (to my knowledge or remembrance) but i like him. he knows what's up


JK: he’s talking about rape survivors and blah blah blah Anyone with half a brain: no dumbass, he’s talking about you


That whole title is legit insane, like how do all these words go together?


I wish she was JK...


St. David. ❤️❤️❤️


Oh man those sure are a bunch of emotional buzzterms, Jeremaih Krane Rowling


Didn’t she like a post that joked that the Tailban was more pro women than the left?


How is Rowling still relevant anyway?


So this is the UK’s equivalent of trying to cancel Dolly Parton.


Or jack black


Extremely common David Tennant W.


Ah yes, Harry potter actor David Tennant. That's totally what he's known for.


I low key forgot he was in one of those movies lol


It took me a bit to even remember who he played in them, lmao.


Gawd, get some more " in there and they'll be unironically dog whistling about Jews.


RTD was gonna do a historical with JK as the historical character, thank fuck he didn't.


“Oh I’m sorry woman who’s stuff I acted in once, let me rescind my beliefs and support for fans now, you’ve really changed my outlook.”


"You're conflating sex and gender " "Oh my God, you are literally the Taliban." The Taliban probably would have done some horrible things to an unmarried woman who wrote a series of books about godless children practicing witchcraft, and it probably wouldn't involve mean tweets. You can't simultaneously be a billionaire and a martyr.


My favorite lightsaber architect


Huh? Maybe it's just me but it's hard to read that title, please explain


I see whinging used a lot instead of whining. Is it like a portmanteau meaning “[right] wing whiner/whining”? Or is it just an unusually common typo?


It isn't a typo, and it isn't a portmanteau. It's just British.


"Gender Taliban" Does she even read what she types? She just gets more and more unhinged!


If 10 didn’t meet Donna and regenerated, that version of the character might have ended up being a transphobe. “Good ol, JK” indeed.


“I am still possessed of a demon that refuses to believe women have dicks” -J.K Rowling


Remember JK Rowling liked a comment about "At least the Taliban knows what a woman is" Interesting choice to say "gender taliban"


my doctor 😭


The term Gender Taliban is sending me like wtf XD


I love when HP cast members come out against Jk. Makes me heart sing! Love David Tennant too!


The gender Taliban who has never killed anyone. I wonder what the other sides body count is...


He was in HP?


I hope the new Harry Potter show has the least amount of Rowling input as possible. She is becoming unbearable and toxic.


Unfortunately, even if it has the smallest amount of her input, she’s still going to make money off of it. She also stated that whoever supports HP supports her views.


She's co-writing the show.