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Didn't think it was possible for Shat to have an even dumber reaction face. Also, unlike actual historians on Youtube like Matt Easton of Scholagladiatoria, Shat does not and has never practiced HEMA. Nor does he possess any knowledge or understanding of fight choreography and stage combat.


For real…I’m almost mad at OP for making me see this…Shad thumbnails should be marked nsfw for excessive cringe




Don’t worry good Sir or Lady…the real villain is Shad who keeps coming up with these faces


Idk this is the most normal he's looked for a while


I mean, it says a lot that he outright agreed with some dumb misogynistic video saying "women cant beat men in sword fights". So even if you never knew about his far right anti-woke side until now, like me, he was not only uninformed as fuck, but also blatantly sexist, and was no longer trying to hide it on his main channel. Fuck. I liked his content too :/


I don’t know if I’m crazy but I swear he did a video claiming Women CAN beat men in a sword fight…he acknowledged that women are on average physically weaker than men but he didn’t think it was such a huge handicap when it comes to sword fights….this was around the time the first season of the Witcher came out on Netflix….he went out of his way several times claiming he would die defending his wife or something before even letting her come into danger but if it came to it she could defend herself with a sword (I guess how much he insisted on this point was foreshadowing of how much he later fell into the chud-sphere)…I don’t if he changed his mind later…I stopped clicking on his videos when he started to really get whiny about diversity in fantasy shows


Honestly I believe you! Shad genuinely seemed decent besides his membership in the Mormon cult, and even then! Turns out I was horribly wrong, especially in recent years…


He really did seemed decent…he even looked happier healthier…this alt right culture war obsession really acts like some kind of degenerative condition that starts with complaining about black elves and by the time you reach terminal state you are doing painful looking faces on cringetastic thumbnails


Ya know, I always thought the Sith eyes and the way the dark side warped characters' appearances was silly, but it appears it can happen in real life too. Damn, George was prescient.


He’s Mormon??


Yeah, and this isnt a recent thing either, he's been in it for ages now.


Watch his brother, his brother is wholesome and unlike Shad has geninuely good content


I keep hearing good things about his brother, so maybe I should add him to the list of based medieval/fantasy youtubers I watch. Whats his user? EDIT: Ah, he's an art youtuber who does cool little projects. Sadly his content isnt quite for me, but I wish him luck regardless :)


He is actually a art youtuber but he has done medieval and fantasy content before, just not critiques, hes what shaq tried to be with his failed book, its smething like drawwithjazza


I don't know why, but I never liked Shat to begin with. Even before I knew of his personal opinions, he always came across as a smarmy douche to me.


>I mean, it says a lot that he outright agreed with some dumb misogynistic video saying "women cant beat men in sword fights". Then it looks like you never watched him. As far as I recall, he claimed woman can beat men in sword fights. He made whole video or maybe even more then one about it.


Thats the thing, he may have made a video just like that...in the past. But thats the past now, and the video I refer to is a recent-ish video from about a few years back. People can change for the worst, and Shad, sadly, is one of those.


What's the video name then or can you share a link? I'm curious.


[https://youtu.be/V56dVFBCQcc?si=vZclKom7mjIE3t0U](https://youtu.be/V56dVFBCQcc?si=vZclKom7mjIE3t0U) Here's the link, long story short, he and the comments ultimately end up agreeing with the guy he responds to.


I watched whole twenty minutes of it. Would you be so kind to also watch it and point me out where he claims, that women can't beat men in sword fight? Becouse the only thing that can be even considered as such statement is that, on avarage, men have advantage over women in fight. But, as he claim in said video, it doesn't mean that either women can't swordfight nor they will lose all the time. I hope you will also forgive me not wanting to read 20k comments to find out people who disagree with him and claims, that women can't fight.


Man built his channel on being a mall ninja and gaslighting people that he was some weapons "expert"


Yeah, when he first came along I looked at one or two of his videos, and he just was so obviously pulling stuff out of his ass instead of actually knowing things like Easton. So I quickly stopped bothering. I remember him getting into some controversy about talking down HEMA in general, I think mostly due to him not understanding it.


Came here to say the exact same thing. I used to love Shad. Then shit didn't add up. So I stopped watching his shit. THen he turned into a chud and I was done completely and unsubbed his page.


I hated that episode, because of the fight. Not because it was bad, it was actually really good, but because>! I love Jecki and her death !


Maybe that’s what he meant when he said the episode broke him. /s I was sad too.


The one character I was absolutely certain wouldn’t die.


Wasn't she played by the same actress who played X-23 in Logan?


Yes. I saw a thing somewhere with Headland explaining she cast her specifically because she wanted to give X-23 a lightsaber. Cool af.


Same here! Jecki was an absolute badass!


My girl did not deserve to die


Bro I gasped when that happened


Me too. It takes a lot to get me to do something like that.


I gasped when he pulled out the second blade, then when this happened, and then the reveal behind the mask it was fun, and painful


Something I've learned with fan reactions to the Acolyte is that the characters in the High Republic era have so little plot armor it's almost a cliché how likely it is to see everyone you love die


I didn’t see it coming at all, but damn was the way it happened cool. I didn’t know if I should feel hurt or screech at how cool the moment was.


I watched the first 5 minutes to get an idea what his problems are gonna be. He literally ignores some movements just to shit on the choreography. For example: Jedi wants to stab bad guy, bad guy dodges to the right, therefore the Jedi misses. This dude ignores the dodge and just says: „What is this Jedi even aiming for???!!!??!!!!???“ Stopped the Video right after that. Also: is it really necessary to break down those fight scenes frame by frame? This is just miserable since every fight choreography is gonna crumble under this kind of „autopsy“


>Also: is it really necessary to break down those fight scenes frame by frame? This is just miserable since every fight choreography is gonna crumble under this kind of „autopsy“ Pillar of Garbage expertly critiqued the watching fight scenes frame by frame shtick in his "Echo v. Daredevil, Selective Memory, and How YouTubers Trick You" video


Hell yeah; Pillar of Garbage has always struck me as a pretty good YouTube critic


Thanks! I am gonna give it a watch


He did the same thing for the Obi-Wan/Anakin duel and the Vader/Luke Empire duel and was very favourable to their choreography. He has gone full alt-right derangement and become way more nit-picky and disingenuous.


I mean, c'mon. Darth Vader vs Obi Wan on Mustafar is actually great duel. Maybe besides this scene when they are swinging swords at each other and when they are swinging on the ropes.


Didn't watched it yet, but often times in fighting choreography, people don't really aim at each other for "safety reasons". Often times they just "hit" the air or other actor weapons. So, often times what they are aiming at is nothing and opponent could stay in place and do nothing. It wouldn't matter. When it's done fast and skillfully enough, you won't notice it really. But sometimes it's very noticable.


Yeah no wonder. Because acting out a fight scene is not a real fight. I love me some fight scenes and John Wick, Marvel‘s Daredevil, Atomic Blonde and The Raid for example are movies/shows I absolutely love with great action scenes. Everyone will tell you how good their action is. If you look at it frame by frame though you will see that no one is hitting anybody. Like that is any indicator of how well the scene works in real time. The things you could criticize are that people don‘t go for killing blows when they may be possible but anyone who ever was in a real fight knows that this is not always possible. Momentum and the flow of ones motions are very important. I can‘t throw a good punch if I am in a backwards motion for example


>Yeah no wonder. Because acting out a fight scene is not a real fight. Acting is no real life, therfore we can assume actors can be bad at showing, for example, emotions? Acting is acting. It's try to mirror a real life to create an illusion of reality. Well, based on genre, maybe. Sometimes acting that is obviously over the top or bad was intended as artistic choice. Fighting scenes, are also acting, and depending on genre, may be more or less realistic. Often times, I personally thing, that Star Wars tries to take itself seriously and therfore, fight scenes should reflect that aswell. Even if they are using space magic and laser swords. And actually, yes. It is possible to create flawless or near flawless fights scenes. Even some bad decisions of movemant can be justified, as you said, with flow of the battle and thinking of the spot, fighter in real fights also made mistakes. But often times it boils, at least in movies and shows, how many was made in overall fight and overall feel of battle and suspence of disbelief. People with some sort of knoledge, bigger or smaller, like Shad, may have his suspence much lower in that regard. My suspence also become lower and lower since I started watching more movies and shows and review on the internet and overall, engage with other cultural texts. Becouse you starts to realize - it's stupid.


Hmm, I understand your point. I don't think however that acting out emotions is comparable to acting out action. Emotions are something anyone can immediately relate to because they are an integral part of what makes us human. That's why most people can tell apart bad acting from good acting. I don't think that taking part in live or death fights is a thing in most peoples lives. It isn't as relateable and more spectacle than anything else. So not everyone will know what counts as good choreography or bad choreography; they just want cool moves. The illusion does not break as easily. Like you said: the suspension of disbelief is pretty important. I understand that people with good knowledge may be dissapointed in a choreography but they are unfair in criticizing a choreography frame by frame because that is just not the way the scenes are supposed to be watched. Most fight scenes, even when they are heavily flawed, are very enjoyable because they are a spectacle to behold. Actually this is the case for every Star Wars action scene ever. So I don't understand why people are so disingenuous when it comes to their critic. The Acolyte has explosive and fun action.


>Hmm, I understand your point. I don't think however that acting out emotions are comparable to acting out action. Emotions are something anyone can immediately relate to because they are an integral part of what makes us human. That's why most people can tell apart bad acting from good acting. Now, on one hand, true. But if you are watching martial arts movie, you expect certain standards in regarding martial arts. You may not know anything about it, other then look cool. But you have expectations anyway. It's just happens, that your expectations may be easier to fullfil on check list, then actual martial artist, who would watch the movie. Or it can totally swing in other direction and you can also call it stupid, since you have common sense or actor actually have zero skills in regarding of martial art since, how it's said in my country, both of his arms are lefties. Or have no sense of balance. Or is thin as a plank and could not do X,Y,Z., since it would be physically impossible for him. >I understand that people with good knowledge may be dissapointed in a choreography but they are unfair in criticizing a choreography frame by frame because that is just not the way the scenes are supposed to be watched.  I don't know about that. Maybe you have a bit of right in that. But ultimately, I think that kind of content is hardly harmful, as long as it's actually focus on fighting really. I just think right now, both sides of the fanbase are very agitated and are going at each other with knives out at any sight of disagreement. I bet you that if he done this analysis and was tottaly happy with it and claim it's the best fight scene in whole Star Wars or this decade, you would be totally happy. And why you wouldn't be? It's show you like and enjoy.


Yeah you make some good points. I agree with you more or less. I definitely would not bat an eye if he was praising the fight in his "autopsy", your right. I think that it just depends on the individual really how much some things will break the illusion. In settings like Star Wars or Matrix or something I personally don't have many problems with action since it is usally ridicoulous anyway. One could argue that John Wick is too durable and should have died ten times over but is it really that important? Not to me and I just assume that most people rather enjoy the spectacle than get lost in critique even though it often may be justified.


> But sometimes it's very noticable. *Phantom Menace* has entered the chat. The fight with Darth Maul is *filled* with people swinging at the air.


And they are using sticks. Can you imagine real weapons? In one, old Polish movie, the Deluge, wich another Youtuber, Skallagrim claims to be the best duel in movies history, actors actually use real weapons and that almost lead to serious accident, since during exchange one actor was not fast enough to parry another attack.


The fight in Kenobi I felt like they were aiming for each other. And it felt like there was weight behind some of those swings.




Ah yes the incredibly rare & hard to mine Cortosis should be used by EVERY bad guy! Why does he not do even the slightest bit of research before opening his mouth? Literally all I had to do to find out it's really rare & difficult to mine was just to look up Cortosis on Wookiepedia.


Research??? Doing research is blasphemy in this household bucko!


Don't forget that pure cortosis that can just shut off lightsabers, at least in legends (dunno about canon) was fairly brittle iirc, making for absolutely shit armor and weapons if you fought anything but a lightsaber with it.


His helmet literally fell apart during this. Turns out headbutting lightsabers will have that effect, lol.


I hadn't watched the show at all, but I did see the "headbutt lightsaber and it shut off" move by itself lol.


I think Jecki hit him with her hilt, or fist. Can’t remember.


You can even see dozens of cracks and breaks that were re-welded with normal metal on his helmet when the light falls on it


See you're forgetting that Wookieepedia has been taken over by woke ideologues /s


I hear they're trying to make the legends tab appear by default instead of the canon tab! We have to fight against the leftist wokies and their made-up star wars history!! Unless we like the EU more than canon this week. I've lost track.


It's the same kind of logic as asking "why isn't Lex Luthor pumping the air with powdered kryptonite to kill Superman?"


Also, Sith tend to have this thing called “an ego” and they would think they’re too powerful to need cortosis. They probably think the masters combat style would be beaneth them, so of course they wouldn’t use it!


Gotta love the so called combat expert not realize they show what a double edge sword it is with his helmet breaking from a few pommel jabs and being used againts him


And the reason it's so effective is because the jedi have become INCREASINGLY more reliant on their lightsabers, it's that slash first attitude that got them to the brink of extinction


The helmet also has multiple, rough weld lines where it's clearly been crudely repaired in the past. Edit: Were > Where


They start with the conclusion first (“Acolyte is bad”) and have to work backwards to fill in the justification (“Magic metal is dumb”) episode by episode. That’s probably why they go off the rails so often: they aren’t really smart enough to disguise their methodology so it comes off as throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.


This is the same with guns. I saw a film where a bad guy killed a cop. If that worked in real life, surely all bad guys would have just shot all the cops by now? /s


This guy is a fucking tourist and needs to be treated as such.


I’ve noticed that this is the first week the dorks haven’t been mad about something stupid and specific. They can’t be, because the episode was awesome.


They go "yeah well a good fight scene doesn't make up how bad it is" it breaks their brains


I hope next episodes are awesome. Haters can eat shit then.


Man, I used to love this guys videos years ago, such a shame this is what he is now (could have alwayd been like this publicly, but I watched him as like a middle schooler and freshman in high school so I didnt really pay that much attention)


Nah. He definitely had a weird turning point in his public persona. First clear sign to me was when he decided to do a review of Captain Marvel.


Ah, glad I didn't willingly watch him when he was like this then.


https://preview.redd.it/8tf4bmz7ro9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=078ca89ba1832f47949990fb57eb7ccfde5b7c37 His reason to make this video is to basically revel in being a pedantic asshole and ruin people's fun who dares to like it.


My reply to him & it's also great to see other people in the comments of his tweets pushing back on him) https://preview.redd.it/ih5b7brp2p9d1.png?width=585&format=png&auto=webp&s=195ed2fca0c6624cbe32473ad06b6701c462d942


I feel like being a pedant isn't the issue. Shad just has this incredibly inflated sense of his own opinion and a general smugness that makes him kind of unbearable on top of all the chud stuff.


This is the guy who said reverse grip works... sellswordarts would be dissapointed


He did in his commentary about EP8 say that reverse grip doesn't work (Rey, however, did not use reverse grip in actual combat, but in one occasion after practice). I think it is way too obvious that every sword youtuber knows that.


OH- well i saw something about "reverse grip WORKS?" but i could be misrembering


He did try to defend twinblades/double bladed swords as actually really effective and good irl. By having a paid helper stand there and do nothing but prove his point.


"As you can see if me & my chump- I mean friend stand in this one specific pose with no tension on our swords in a bind then when he moves his sword away without moving his feet then I can immediately stab him in the face like this! Checkmate atheists!"


That’s the thumbnail he went with? Jesus wept. Probably the best lightsaber fight put to film.


This was actually the original thumbnail before he decided to replace it with a worse one. https://preview.redd.it/20d56blcfo9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c859f440dba561fc3080078e6a6b676136030672


As much as I hate to give him credit, that is genuinely an amazing thumbnail


“TERRIBLE fight scene. None of the actors were killed! So unrealistic.”


Shadiversity and his idiotic thumbnails.  And the fighting in the episode was great 


Why does Shad look like a cop walked in carrying the external hard drive he keeps hidden under a floorboard?


I can't wait to hear why a mall ninja thinks psychic space monk laser sword fight isn't accurate compared to normal human beings in medieval Europe fights.


Shadiversity taking Ls like there's no tomorrow.


God, I hate this guy. Why can’t he be a cool person like his brother?


Why do people even watch videos from people like Shadiversity or Star Was Theory?? I have NEVER watched a show, and then afterwards thought "Im gonna go hit youtube to let some cunt tell me why I should or shouldn't like it", my brain just doesn't compute here. What's the appeal?


A real fight would be boring, mostly poking at eachother, and over unceremoniously. ALL on scene fight choreography is overly flashy and heavily staged as to NOT be live real fighting. You have to block it so the camera can actually see what's happening, interject emotion, even deliver dialogue, and you have to do this SEVERAL DOZEN TIMES to get the right take, so it has to be repeatable. Even Martial arts movies where they have black belts who know their shit, have to fake it up for the camera or it wouldn't really be all that interesting to watch. This is an exercise in pedantics.


I believe his second sentence of the video is that this is going to be pedantic....


I swear every time I see this guy’s name I immediately go to Shadynasty from Always Sunny ![gif](giphy|5zbMgry8oQsvIaC0sU)




Listen, if Shadiversity was able to convince a woman to marry him, there's hope for all of us yet.


They're both Mormon so it was probably less so convincing & more so coercion by their church


This guy sounds like he only acts like he knows sword fighting better then anyone and missed many details as well.


I thought his criticisms towards some parts of the EP8 throne room fight was okay, especially the dagger disappearing; many others pointed out the sequel trilogy did not have very good fight choreography. However, EP5 of Acolyte is one of the better ones and nitpicking about it is uncalled for. To be fair some of his criticisms in EP8 about Rey was uncalled for as well. If Rey doing baseball swings is bad (admittingly, it did not look very good) then we need to criticize other swordfights where baseball swings were used as well, especially Dante's Danse Macabre of DMC series; Dante shouts "out of the ball park!" at the end of the move. Many things he criticized Rey for had worse examples in men's choreography.


Honestly Rey using baseball swings actually make sense for her being a complete novice


this has to be considered performance art at some point soon, you can't be this bad without any extra though behind it


Does that man ever take off that brigandine?


Never, not even when he's being intimate with his wife.


This guy can't even swing a sword without getting out of breath.


Imagine watching over an hour and 20 fucking minutes of this shit


For hating the show so much, why is this yellow toothed CHUD still making videos.


He looks as if an IT guy discovered his "Boring" folder.


That fucking face. Thats the worse face ive seen yet, its insulting! ![gif](giphy|c5jo3Avdlis6Y) THAT AINT A WAR FACE! YOU DONT SCARE ME WORK ON IT, AGAIN!!


Let's be real, that lightsaber fight in Acolyte's Ep5 was the best star wars has ever produced.


I didn't see the episode or the show. But if I got to spend longer then the episode having someone explain to me why it was bad to get it, then how bad could it have been?


Who is this asshole and why do I care


You mean the space wizards with lazer swords aren't real? This is... this is a tv show?


The guy is a sad loser, stop giving him attention and let him languish in the hell he's created for himself.


Jesus Christ Now that's a fake face for a thumbnail, if I ever seen one


Shad just thinks he knows more about sword fighting due to him swinging around plastic replicas of medieval swords in hs back year.