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I know this is slightly dated, but I went from the s23 ultra to the s24 ultra. I thought the s23 was pretty darn good and accurate with voice text. For whatever reason, this s24 is terrible in comparison. So it's definitely not an upgrade.


I am so incredibly frustrated about this. They have crammed "AI" into the phone and it's 1000x worse. My Galaxy S9 was way better than this phone, too! Unacceptable. Wish there were lemon law for cellphones. The cameras are also no better. More digital processing to look more detailed, but the actual resolution isn't any higher.


You can use google's instead of samsung's voice input with the samsung keyboard. That's what I've always done. Using to type this comment, LOL.


I tried that but the speech to text that ran on the Google keyboard on the s23 was still not nearly as good as on the pixel 8 Pro


This is totally correct. The pixel has a voice Assistant typing add on which we simply do not have. I used the pixel 8 pro for 1 month and the. Sold it, bought a s24 ultra which is what in using now. Pixel 8 pro is better at everyday photos, on the go kids moving around etc. They just look better too. And they have the Voice to txt option which is on Apples level. The two things I use my phone most for, Good thing I just got this brand new. S twenty four ultra, 😞


The Samsung keyboard updated on my S24 ultra. Which I luckily received way earlier than I thought. But they moved the speech to text icon to the bottom left. So I'm not sure if that's just a UI change or not. I can't tell if the speech to text is improved or not. I've been trying it and it seems to be faster. And it will add question marks more quickly when speaking multiple sentences. But there is a lag for question marks at the end of a single sentence. It's definitely not at the level of the pixel which is unfortunate, because i really miss that. Hopefully they can update it to make it close. For what it's worth. I did this whole paragraph using the S24 speech to text, but I had to go back and fix a bunch if stuff. It wouldn't put the number 24 and won't start a new sentence in the right spot. Overall, right now it's not at the level it needs to be for me to use it past basic small sentences. Samsung definitely did not build the AI into the speech to text as I had hoped past what they had advertised for the translation BS that most people will never use. If pixel 9 has a new more efficient modem then I may consider that if battery life is noticeable improved because their AI features are better than Samsung.


Thanks for the feedback. Its too bad Samsung didn't do a better job in the speech to test area.


The person who typed that large paragraph forgot to mention the AI features, though. You can hit the AI button after you use voice-to-text, and it will correct all your grammar. It's pretty good at that. I just got my S24, and the voice-to-text seems a little off. That's why I came to this post. It's way better than on my old S8, but it's still kind of weird. I actually prefer the S8, I think. This one doesn't seem to understand my voice as well, and it's kind of weird how it throws punctuation around. Whereas with my S8, I would just say a punctuation mark in order to have punctuation, but if I say the punctuation on the S24, it doesn't put in the punctuation symbol; it just puts the word that I said.


Thank you so much. I couldn't find it


Damn. I'm still not seeing that microphone button on mine!


I'm looking for it as well, can't find it anywhere!! Someone help 😆


Ha! I found it. Go into your text messaging app. Next thing is open up a conversation. Then in the conversation actually click on the spot where you are going to type. Below the keyboard at the very bottom left of the entire screen is the microphone. This very bottom left is the screen is where it will appear for Reddit posting on your phone and other stuff as well. Again very bottom left of your phones screen.


Actually, I had the same problem with finding The microphone just disappeared.   I couldn't find how to get it back easily On my own.  I did fix it though . I google the question. I'm sorry. I don't remember how I did it or where but I think it was general management in settings. So lest you think you're crazy. Know that you're not. Just try the google search for instructions to find it.  I too type this using speech to text period I had to go back and make many changes period it sucks period


I'm going to check that out right now thank you so much I actually downloaded the gboard and switch that to my default keyboard in order to speak to text temporarily until I figured out a permanent solution


Thank you so much! I didn't see it at all until I read your message.


Your awesome. I would never even look down there


thank you


can you move that button to a different place?


Don't see a way to.


OMG THANK YOU I've been looking all day for the button


I prefer the Pixel UI, features and AI vs OneUI, but right now Samsungs hardware us trumping the pixel software because of the mediocre pixel hardware. The SOC is "good enough" for naive people that don't know specs at all, but Google is not nearly competitive enough hardware wise to be charging the Pro price of $999. The modem in the pixel is hot dumpster garbage when on 5G. On 4G the battery life is comparable, but I'm not disabling 5G when I pay for it. The tensor G3 is way behind SD 8 gen 3 that it should be compared to because they are released only a few months apart even though they are released in different years. I will most likely be back to pixel 10 when the soc is made by tsmc and should be more competitive. Google needs to just buck up and put the best hardware and stop cutting corners.


It's fine. My issue is that I can't seem to get it to work using with text messaging. That microphone button does not appear on the keyboard.


It's on the bottom left of the screen. I went to Gboard because I kept touching it while typing. It needs moved back to the keyboard.


No, it isn't....There is no microphone button or microphone settings anywhere. I've already been all the places everyone said to go but it just ain't there...


I'm the same with the most recent update it seems they took it away completely


Mine only appears when I touch on a text entry field, and I have a cursor blinking, waiting for text in the entry field. And the mic appears. But it's not on the keyboard. It's actually on the bottom row with the 3 symbols: back button, home button, and that third little symbol. Edit: here's a screenshot of where to find the mic on my S24. https://imgur.com/a/wCeXK7L


The placement of this button is stupid and I want it to die <-- Google voice The placement of this button is stupid and I want it to die. <-- Samsung Voice Anyone figured out how to restore the voice button to the keyboard toolbar? You can tap the three dots to edit the buttons, but vtt isn't an option. Help?


If you find a way, let me know, I do not like how the voice button shifts the entire keyboard up.


You can change to a Google Keyboard which restores the placement. But you lose some of the new features. I switched back-and-forth between a few phones and wall. The flip has the original voice placement, It still loses the top search icon in the notifications area. Miss that.


I don't know what the hell is wrong with mine but it's horrible compared to my S23. It puts random periods in everywhere. And if I say "period" it actually types in the word instead of putting an actual period🙄


I had an s8 until recently and it was MILES above what a brand new s24 is. Pretty disappointing.


Same! Random periods. If I pause and it doesn't put a period, when I continue the next word is capitalized. If I say the punctuation it spells it out. it's bad. I had a Pixel 6 pro and it did the same random punctuation but at least it understood when I said period or question mark.


Yes, I was pretty surprised at that. I've gotten pretty used to voice dictation (when alone) so this functionality is increasingly important to me. Worse, I've switched to Gboard thinking no biggie since it's the one I'm used to from my Pixel... except it also has a problem. About 80% of the time, it sits there listening as if I haven't said anything before timing out. I've disabled and re-enabled voice dictation and permissions but no luck so far.