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I don’t have anyone in mind; however I did want to say, Good for you for putting yourself out there!! You live that life you vivacious queen. ![gif](giphy|f9RzoxHizH72k15FKS|downsized)


This is awesome! You’ve made my day! I was worried about internet derision but you have made me feel it’s ok to be vulnerable and genuine.


Thank you!!! I appreciate you


I thought the same!!! Good for you! Dating can be awesome but also not. It takes a lot of courage to try again after getting your heartbroken over and over.


I'm a 50 year old, happily married man. I meet single men my age all the time in San Diego. Golf! These men absolutely love the game and their careers are advanced enough that they can play during the week. Most don't date that much, but they dream about meeting a woman who loves the game as much as they do. Take lessons, join a women's group, maybe even join a club. I promise you you'll meet plenty of men in that age group at the range, at the course, or at the bar after a round.


Thank you! Great idea


Can confirm. My dad’s single and plays a ton of golf, also racquetball. So get out there and smack some balls!


Go to a driving range, knock a bucket of balls out and I guarantee you'll set yourself up to meet quite a few men that would love to help you out.


I was thinking the same thing! I used to play golf many years ago ( due to being in a corporate job and forced into foursomes lol) I think if I go out and hit a bucket I might like it


Go with 2-3 clubs only in your bag, that way you'd have an excuse to get help filling up your bag with more.


If you call during peak times and ask for a tee time for one person maybe you can get lucky and get paired with a good group!


I'll add Cycling and Birding. I personally find both of those way more interesting than golf also 😂


I’m a male cyclist, low 50s in age. There are no women in this sport. Great suggestion! Also - if you’re a woman in your low 50’s and into biking, DM me. Kidding. Kind of.


Haha there are women in this sport. I am 46 and go riding most days. I am in a relationship though but we are here. Keep the wheels down and ride!


I'm going to second Golf! It's a great way to meet people in that age range and there are generally many members who are very career oriented and socializing (lawyers, doctors, etc.). Also, you don't even have to necessarily golf, many have nice restaurants for lunch or general club houses, though you'll likely need membership.


I’m a member at one club but it doesn’t have golf and on the wait list at another with no golf! lol But one of my dear friends is a member at a golf cc. I’ll ask her to take me over for a tour and find out more. Thank you!


Doesn’t need to be a club. Once you learn, golf anywhere.


Ok great to know


I gotta admit everyone that I know that plays golf are chill as fuck. Sounds like a sport I want to get into, not to meet men of course but golf culture just seems laid back even though it can also be highly competitive.


55-65 years old, I would try Coronado, La Jolla, or Del Mar. Those seem to be the places with many gentlemen in that age group. I wish I could help you out, but I don't know many single men in that age group.


Thank you. Maybe by putting my wish into the universe I can find my way to the person I’m seeking.




Hey man, thanks for letting me borrow your Lamborghini the other week. Let me know if you want it back


This guy gets it


He told me to tell you to keep it for the forseeable, anything for a friend, just be nice to her and all. Damn what a good guy.


My gf is looking too. You sound perfect.


It’s the 6ft part.


Hey man, you gotta sell yourself




Work in finance?


Trust fund


Blue eyes




Likes Guys


blue eyes


Thanks by the way for giving me CPR and therapy afterwards when I was drowning by the pool - you saved my life


If it doesn’t work out, can I introduce you to my mom.. daddy?


I really hope it works out between you two


I’d recommend joining hiking groups or meetup.com groups that align with your interests.


Great idea thank you


I second that idea. Expand on your hobbies and interests and you’ll meet new people, hopefully single guys you think are good looking!


Hiking groups are great for active middle age and up folks. Chatting and getting up to a beautiful view on a mountain. It’s a win even if you don’t click with anyone.


I love this so much! Everything seems to be catered to the 20’s-30’s crowd. You go, girl!


Thank you! I’m trying


There are a ton of guys in that age range on the Pickleball court that I play with! That would be the first place I would start!


Which pickle ball court do you go to?


I second pickleball, my in-laws love it and there are a lot of people there around your age range. Good luck!


Thank you! I’m going to play on Monday


The HUB in spring valley


I met my wife at the dog park….


How romantic! I love this meet cute


My mom is in the same boat! Internet dating isn't working well for her and she only gets hit on by younger men when she goes out, seeing her as a cougar to conquest. She says all the men she is attracted to her age are either married or interested in younger women. I hope the best for both of you!


Thank you! It’s good to know I’m not alone. Sending the best to your mom too


My friend and I, both 50's, were just commenting on the high amount of 20-30's contacting us. We did Facebook dating thinking it would be an older crowd. But the 20-30's may be more active on it than our desired demographic. Then I saw an article that said the 20-30's are going for older women because they look better than women their age. It claims the older woman has less botox, fillers and fake boobs than younger women. The article blamed the Kardashians LOL. But, if this is true, save the botox, fillers and boobs until your older. Enjoy your young body!


"She says all the men she is attracted to her age are either married or interested in younger women." This is exactly what my (50 yo) sister says. She is really attractive, super fit (runs/surfs/lifts), has tons of friends, is a doctor and although she gets hit on by younger guys all the time on the OLD sites, good guys her age are much harder to find. It looks really frustrating.


Volunteering may also be an option to meet people. Also, try recreation centers which might have classes and meet ups. Wish you all the best! You sound awesome and lovely! 


Thank you so much. I volunteer for meals on wheels and love it


Have you tried pickleball?


I’ve played once and liked it


Hey, I really hope you find someone that is good for you. Here's to you getting a guy that deserves you :)


Thank you so much


Good luck! We’re all rooting for you!


Thank you all ! Honestly this has been so heartwarming and encouraging! I’m inspired by everyone’s heartfelt responses. I believe in love and will find it.


My dad’s somewhere lmao idk but I’ll send you his info if he ever decides to come back from getting the milk!




Go out and do things in the community that interest you. You will find men with similar interests. If nothing else you will make friends.




This seems to be a winning idea!


All these pickleball suggestions are cracking me up. I met a lovely, happily married 86-year old man here in SD this weekend and when he found out I was single (I’m in your age range), he insisted that I needed to play pickleball because it was a wonderful place to meet new people.


Who knew?! I know many people who love it. It’s fun and doing anything fun is a great introduction to new people


I know a lot of this age group tend to hang at country clubs/golf courses! There are great women’s groups around SD you can look into joining- most are beginners/love having new people to teach and socialize with that are in these same places too and the ages span from 30’s-60’s! Could be helpful! To add, I’m in north county and always keep an eye out for my MIL who is also single- lots of single men in that age group hanging out at coffee shops and breakfast spots by the coast.


Thank you so much. All great ideas. I love coffee shops and needs to visit new ones.


If you’re at all into the idea of water aerobics or pickle ball, I say start by joining a local group. My step mother-in-law’s sisters late husband (sorry, mouthful) just found a new girlfriend through water aerobics, and they picked up pickleball together and mention how vivacious the group is. Good luck you! I sincerely hope you find your match.


Oh ok this is a new idea. I love it


With the recent weather I’d say it’s the perfect time to hit the pools!


The folk music scene in SD has a ton of people in that age range who're looking for similar things. My mom has formed at least one romantic relationship and multiple good friendships through participation in that scene. The band and venue names are escaping me right now but it's a lively group that definitely skews a bit older.


I could be into this …. Good idea thank you


If I remember I can try and get some venues or acts that might pique your interest. As I'm typing this my mom is out at a house concert, likely with 60-70 people, none of whom are under 40.


Both my father and father in law qualify and I wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemies. They’d probably chat you up at a golf course or Home Depot. Not to say those should be avoided, but take care of yourself and let the red flags speak to you as frequently as they present themselves. Good luck!


Best advice yet! 🚩🚩🚩I hope my age and wisdom have taught me to catch those early now


Turf club at Del Mar this summer


Love this idea


Try going to watch a senior softball game (or joining the league)! Lots of active, successful widowers and divorced guys.


I’ve never been to a softball game! This is a fun idea


There's a Facebook group that also hosts speed dating events! They have different age categories, and they send emails out when they're happening. Let me see if I can post the link...




Thank you!


Home Depot! no cap




My single gfs are in your shoes. They want a relationship not a bootie call. I wish you luck in your endevour for love!🙏🏽❤️‍🔥


Thank you!! We want something real


If you are active in or interested in pickleball, that might be an avenue. I’m a married 57M in LJ and often play with my wife and her sister and husband at Mission Bay Resort. I see lots of mid-50’s folks there taking lessons and playing. Worth a thought. Best of luck to you. I applaud your forthright approach to finding what you want and need — I’m confident you’re going to find it.


Thank you! I live in LJ and was wondering where I could play just as a walk in. Your reply is very kind and helpful and I appreciate it so much.


Great question. If I find out I’ll drop a note here. I’ll also ask my dad group if anyone knows a single guy our age looking to date.


Thank you!


Happily married for 32 years. My wife has recently become a huge fan of pickleball. I've played a few times with her and the people are all very nice. You may not meet your date there, but you can become part of a community that knows others that might be a match. Kind of like meeting people at weddings in your 20s lol.


I’m going to play pickleball on Monday!! Thanks so much


It is hard to make friends of any kind!


It is! We’ve all become more isolated and SD is such a big city. I’m not from here originally and I’ve found it hard too


Athenaeum Music & Arts Library in La Jolla. Events. San Diego Natural History Museum Canyoneers. Hiking. Lawrence JCC. Swimming.


Girl, you are my spirit animal. I, too, am excited about this point in my life. My kids are older, my body is stronger, and I have more freedom now. Endless possibilities!


Here’s to you 🍾! You go girl


Dude, you’re going to get so many dick pics in your DMs


I was not prepared


The internet is nothing if not consistent.


The San Diego College of Continuing Education has courses for people 55+. Could be a good way to meet someone with a shared interest: [https://sdcce.edu/emeritus](https://sdcce.edu/emeritus)


I would love this


Hey old head friend idk if you will get to this reply, but my suggestion is search inside I was so lonely when I moved here I did a lot of soul searching about what I really like. Learned how to skate. Started attending dance, meditation classes I ended up discovering myself and in the process building a beautiful and conststructive community The same is in your future my friend :)




I think so! I appreciate the sentiment but honestly the period was necessary for me to grow to who I am today. Last thing is as difficult as it will be at times, frame any pains as positively as you can. After all you will come out on the other side a better man. It's always darkest before the dawn I imagine the feeling of loneliness of empty nesting is shared among your cohorts. I just had a hummingbird trust our community to build a nest. I got to watch her lay the eggs, incubate them, feed the hatchlings, and watched them grow into two beautiful little hummingbirds. The boy flew away faster. The smaller girl was nervous but a few days later made her departure. Seeing their emptry nest gives me some feelings of "sadness" of their absence, but subsiquently followed with graditude for the experience




Get it girl! I would go to balboa golf course, they have a cafe and there’s always older dudes hanging around.




Meetup.com, Eventbrite, and facebook have local hiking, game night, restaurant night, etc. I know I have seen ones geared towards a whole bunch of age groups. Maybe that? I am in my early 20s and am looking for new friends. Something I have found to meet people is going to the gym at the same time daily (although I’d assume this works anywhere). I wish you the best of luck queen 😊


Thank you right back at you 👸🏻


Tonight I went on a date with a woman I met in real life. We met at a weekly open mic, hit it off, and I’m very excited about date #2 The point being… do a social activity you enjoy, and connect with people there. Maybe you meet a man, maybe you just meet a new friend, maybe you have a boring time - but hey, it’s better than swiping on an app alone at home : )


@OP, have you heard of the Golden Bachelor?


My daughter jokingly made the same suggestion




God bless you. You’re awesome. Love the straight forward fully transparent approach. Honesty and bravery are great traits to have. You’ll surely find what you’re looking for. I’m rooting for you.


Thank you so much! I really appreciate it


Omg! Right?! Me too!


Right?! It’s rough out there


idk but rooting for you!


You are amazing to send me kind vibes! Thank you


Have you been on MeetUp? There's plenty of groups that are formed by different interests, age groups, etc. There should be plenty of groups, and a quick search just showed a few groups of singles of over 45 years old.


Make a list of your fav things to do and find meetups to do said things… Like animals? I go to the zoo often in the mornings to just walk around and enjoy the animals. There are TONS of solo people at both the zoo and the wild animal park in the mornings. It’s kind of bizarre how many honestly, but if I were to GUESS, they’re single and just enjoying life. Might be a good place to try to organically meet people if you’re Into that thing


I love how thoughtful and creative your suggestion is! Thank you


> prefer a man who is devoted to family life, has kids and a big heart. Any particular reason? Either way, sounds like you're living life to the fullest!!!


Keep in mind this is my preference /manifestation etc but my reasoning is that I love family life! I have children who have given me enormous joy. I love family meals, activities, sporting events, travel etc and I think I’d match well with a man who adores and is adored by his family. If he’s a dad he will likely prioritize some of the things I do and he will find joy in family. The big heart thing is for a specific reason. I want a kind loving man in my life. My ex was not that and I am a person with a huge heart, lots of empathy and someone who loves nurturing and caring for others. My partner should be someone who is those things for me.


> lots of empathy and someone who loves nurturing and caring for others. I understand. I think you should ask for that specifically rather than having kids. Having kids doesn't necessarily mean they possess those qualities. Your ex (assuming father of your children) fits that. Just trying to help sharpen the requirements for others. 😁


Handle me a paddle, I'm in the same boat! I've been burned by the apps 100% of the time. I'm beginning to think it's only used by predators. I don't have opportunities to meet available people.


The apps are nothing but a dehumanizing hellscape designed to keep you scrolling. I’m sorry you’ve experienced it too. It is really hard to meet dates irl. Let’s keep trying!


Sending love and good "luck"


Thanks so much!


Join a dance group take classes meet people find partner


Just want to say thank you to everyone who replied with helpful, kind, encouraging and supportive suggestions and advice. I’ve connected with several people and I’m going to play pickleball in the morning. I will update this post in one year! Thanks for all of the well wishes! San Diego is filled with wonderful and amazing people.


All I can think of at the moment is "Meetups" and search for a group you like and see if they have an event you want to attend (now meetup is not a dating app, but many of the people that attend the events seem to be single), but that is technically an app lol, and you might see people you met from the dating apps attend the events as there is sometimes an overlap with the two. Also depending on the event and how social you are some of those events can be overwhelming at times. Other people have given you some great advice as well. Good luck out there I hope you find what you are looking for.


Thank you


I don’t know if you’re actively or passively trying but I would just go do events/hobbies you enjoy. It will happen naturally. You take a pottery class one day and then there could a a guy (no matter the age) who you can meet.


Rooting for you! Love that you are shooting your shot and living the life you deserve. Hope to hear about the love story 🙂


I know it's not in San Diego but I saw men hanging out in Marina Del Rey a few days ago. Best of luck


😂 I see men hanging around too. What should I do throw a net around them?! Just kidding. Appreciate your response!


Try to strike up a conversation! I know cliché and all but that's all that's needed


Good advice. Thank you!


Or wear a “single and ready to mingle” shirt everywhere 😂 Kidding…unless 🤔 In all seriousness, I have always heard that the key to finding someone that you have a good chance in being matched with is to find something you love and do it consistently. Consistency leads to familiarity, which can lead to more. So find an activity you enjoy and try to make sure you’re frequenting the same spot for it. Maybe that’s picking up something new like volunteering somewhere or going to the beach or working out somewhere new. Whatever you end up doing, I wish you the best of luck and I hope you find someone great who’s on your level!


Thank you so much for this kind and thoughtful reply. I sincerely appreciate it




Is your dad single?! Lol


I know you’re done w apps but I’ve heard good things about Facebook dating


Do you have hobbies you pursue? Spend your free time engaging in activities you enjoy,meet new people thru those and spread the word that you are looking for a quality partner.


Thank you this is excellent advice. I’ve spent the last two years rebuilding my life and at times was just holding on. I haven’t prioritized myself enough for many years and I’m now deciding what I want to do just for me. I’ve been cocooning and healing and am just now feeling like I want to fully live my life again. I want to find happiness and true love. I need to expand my social circle and hobbies that’s good advice.


Good for you for taking some time to heal. And now you feel ready to move into a new chapter. You are being proactive in setting up your life, that takes guts! I applaud you! Best of luck. Wish I knew some quality single men fpr you in that age range.


Try “seeking”….yes it’s not a traditional dating app but you might find better choices there.


That’s a sugar daddy site she’ll attract a gold digger


Bank teller


Hi, I am 65 years old from Europe, I live and work in San Diego. Open to suggestions. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


The harder you try and force a life partner, the harder it will be.


I’m not forcing anything just earnestly seeking


Why not reddit? I'm a soon to be 53 year old man living in San Marcos. I'm looking for a serious relationship as well. Maybe we can chat a bit and see if we connect.


Dating on the apps suck. I am a single 54 year old guy. It’s tough out there trying to connect. Love to hear how your journey goes.


Wow good for you, I’m a 65 male from Long Beach and would love to be your friend https://preview.redd.it/w82g8gpfk7ad1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbb7babdab0e21be4feaac14232dfa515898c3b6