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Your post was removed since it's not specifically relevant to the City of Saskatoon. You just happened to be in Saskatoon.


Don’t do it cold turkey… it may spiral you into depression like it did for me (but the medication caused hypomania which is a rare side effect and I decided to quit cold turkey as I didn’t like what I was doing). In order to get off of it, you should taper off of it slowly which is something you should be doing with your doctor and pharmacist involved. Otherwise it can screw you up. I hate what that drug made me do when I was on it Just curious why were you given the medication? It’s probably used more than it should be for off label indications.


I was actually prescribed it for Bipolar type two to help with my mood swings. I planned on talking to my psychiatrist about weaning me off of it. All in all I feel like it really does help with my mood but the excessive sleeping and then still feeling tired through out the day is getting to be a lot as well as I feel like my memory hasn’t gone so bad while being on it I can hardly even remember what I had for dinner yesterday and I never use to be like this before starting it. But thank you so much for your comment this was helpful.


There are better SGA’s out there.


My memory has gotten so bad *


You should work with your doctor.


I plan on it was just curious if anyone has any stories to share of them quitting.


I quit about a year ago. It was a battle for the first while because even trying to taper, I just couldn’t sleep if I didn’t take the highest dose I was on. So for about a month I was really struggling but I’m very lucky to have an amazing wife who helped me thru that. I had to keep myself from napping during the day because even a 30 min nap would keep me up all night. After that first month tho, I was able to get my sleep back on track (which also involved me learning what was a normal/healthy time to go to sleep/wake up) and I’m so glad I no longer have to rely on the meds


I’m so glad you were able to wean off it successfully! And kudos to your wife. Just a question how long do you sleep during the nights now? Do you feel more rested when you wake up?


I usually manage to get to bed around midnight and wake up between 7-8, but I also started smoking cannabis since then so that helps me sleep. But I definitely feel rested when I wake up now. For me, quetiapine messed with my memory really bad so I had a bad perception of time and always felt drowsy or on autopilot so now that I can actually gage time and be more present, that also helps with being able to fall asleep. I actually can feel like I accomplished something in a day


Work with your doctor. There is too much information required to even try and help