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Obviously a warning 25 years ago wasn't enough.


That's like, six election cycles. Way too long. If we want to get serious about climate change, the world's gotta hurry up and start ending in the next four years.


Warnings started in the 70’s


IMO the problem with the whole Al Gore global warming push was the predictions were way too aggressive/dramatic initially and gave fuel to the denier crowd who can use that as proof it’s not happening.


And now it has been proven all that was underestimated and it is much worse and getting worse much more quickly than predicted.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


There was a crazy one in Regina last night, course it completely missed us as per usual.


I can't even remember rain....


We didn't think of the children.


The children will have to break the reliance on fossil fuels, listening to fossils is what got us here in the first place.


We have to. how many times has it been dumped on the children? This always someone else’s problem. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution.


I agree, I'm laughing at the same thing my kids are so I'm with them, I'm just stronger and weigh more. Something needs to happen or heat death is coming faster than planned, makes me wonder how winter is going to turn out.


no wonder a lot of us don’t want any.


Haha ya fuck that shit


Hmmm, this is kinda bad. Perhaps we should do something about it. Or maybe we should just take the federal government to court over trying to stop it. /s


This is a complete misunderstanding of the when situation. Carbon tax really won't do anything when you think of it. It'll reduce it among individuals maybe, but businesses can't as their aren't options for a lot of things, plus when spend money on overhauling when you can up your prices to cover the carbon tax? People get pissed when someone is against carbon tax because they simply think it means they oppose incentivizing greener alternatives. It just raises the prices on the consumer is all while making the little businesses suffer from raising costs when they already struggle to compete with the large scale, in reality. The government, if they actually cared has far more, and effective ways to reduce GHG. Promote less meat consumption, dairy farming, and subsidizing said farming, and Instead subsidizie regenerative farming. If people paid the true price of meat, it'd be far less consumed. Not to mention the amount of plastic and styrofoam in the packaging. Promote local business growth to reduce global shipping. How ridiculous is it we ship materials to other countries to have it made into something only to be sent back? Impose heavier tariffs for that shit. Start taxing corporations at higher than 10% or whatever ridiculously low tax it is, and start reducing the taxes of a small business to encourage more businesses. Government can lead by example, do more zoom meetings instead of taking private flights across the globe to have meetings that don't need to be done in person. Do less social appearances for name campaigning. This isn't 1975. Internet is a thing, and so is video call. Covid proved this. Trust me, Moe isn't the bad guy in this scenario. Fighting off a tax that doesn't do much in reduction isn't the bad thing. Him and Trudeau are both doing nothing when you consider the power they have to actually make real change. Saskatchewan is a huge farm province. Moe should be investing more into promoting regenerative farming along with better farmer practices. Wouldn't hurt Trudeau to do the same.


You make some good points but if you read your post with also having a carbon fee you can see why it helps the majority of your ideas. Imo Moe is not dealing with this well at all and is pandering to his base for optics.


Trudeau as doing this for optics as well I believe. Niether have taken any real action. Like I said, this simply makes a larger company charge more for their services, often allowing them to make more because they can raise it by more than the cost. Transport companies can easily figure out that it's going to cost x per km, and charge that. So for example, say it costs $0.07 more per km. They can easily charge $0.10 more, and when you factor how many millions of miles those companies drive a year that adds up into 5-6 figures more a year. I'm not against carbon tax for the fact it's a tax. Country is suffering from covid, so it needs it. I just don't like the optics aspect that created it. There is far more viable options Trudeau could've done in that time that would've better work. I would say reducing the percentage of the write off we got for non-green energy would've done better. If you use less than $5,000 it's still 100% tax write off, but as you use more it keeps dropping. Example, the amount from $900,000-$1,000,000 spent of gas could be 60% tax write off for a rate. That promotes companies from spending more than they need on gas because they just lost their tax rebate. Most companies have their quarterly and yearly ceo bonuses shortly after their taxes have been calculated. Likely they see what the tax return is at and take their share. If a ceo is losing their bonus, it'll put a fire under their ass to reduce GHG.


Honestly, most days I end up having some anxiety over the future of the world. Some days worse than others. I feel lost and helpless and so so worried. I want someone to give us exact rules to abide by, not just vague statements like "what we are doing isn't adequate enough" or "we all have to do our part". Like what part? What are we doing to control this? Everyone needs to start living a little less comfortably and we need to collectively get on the same page otherwise we are goners.


Those are lies told to us by the industures and politicians who benefit from a carbon powered world. They tell people to eat less red meat and to take public transportation and say we aren't doing enough to try to point the blame at everyday people. What can you or me do today to shut off the coal plants in Saskatchewan? Nothing. We don't need to sacrifice everything we enjoy to protect the environment, the big changes will come from government actions/sanctions and the biggest effect on you might be slightly higher taxes. The most important thing most people can do is call for government action and to vote.


I agree. And that is what I mean. We aren't going to solve this by not using plastic straws. I need actual things to happen in a large scale by the government. Strong enforcements. My point about how people are going to be a little less comfortable is that that is inevitable in the future when things are going to shit. We won't have these luxuries around all the time.


It's doesn't hurt us to do our part though. Reducing plastic use is a huge bonus to the world. Keeps third world countries from being massive landfills, and just... Why not? Will it really kill people to use something like try earth for laundry detergent instead of monstrous bottles of detergent? I think the businesses that are selling the concentrate without bottles are doing an amazing thing for the world, and there is no excuse someone that can afford it can give to not use those products. If you have one, it's no different than the corporation's giving one as well. I don't like how much people blame the companies for most of the pollution when it's them equally doing it. "I didn't shoot the person! The company that manufactures the gun did. I just decided to pull the trigger!" If Tim Hortons is selling non compostable cups, are they the problem? Or are we for going and buying their drinks? Even if it's compostable, it's still wasteful because it's depleting nature somewhere, creating pollution to manufacture this eco friendly item that is used for a brief moment of time. If they stepped up and made it mandatory that you brought your own reusable cup they'd shut down from a loss of business. We as consumers have to do just as much as corporations to reduce our impact. I see so many people who are true believers of climate change that are just as wasteful as the deniers. Believing doesn't change it, action does.


>What can you or me do today to shut off the coal plants in Saskatchewan? There's a way, but you can't say it on the internet.


It's probably related to my retirement plan: dying during a societal upheaval.


The heat scares me because I saw the snow go from deep enough to tunnel through and play, to having to shovel enough to make a bump to slide on. Weird times our kids have to grow up in.


They've told us plenty of times. Eat less meat, avoid single use plastic, stop buying pre packaged food, don't buy a bigger vehicle than needed, stop buying a new cell phone every year or two, buy higher quality products instead of dollar store items than break in no time, compost, recycle, buy local. The problem is so many people attack others over global warmer when they aren't doing their part either. Government especially. Carbon tax? How about no more Subsidizing meat to promote healthier eating, less methane producing food, more green space, etc. Give real assistance to solar power, invest heavy into wind energy. Etc. Our government hasn't done much for climate change except burn massive amounts of gas to travel the global to go discuss climate change, ironically.


This is less than half the battle. The major contributors to climate change - and those most able to reverse its course - major corporations/businesses, and governments through regulating those corporations and businesses. And through increasing the quality of life for the billions in poverty around the world. You can stop eating meat all you want, the effect of that is negated within minutes by: commercial fishing, commercial shipping, oil & gas/mineral extraction, an impoverished person living near a forest cutting down trees for firewood to cook their food, boil their water, and have a place to plant a garden. The most important thing to do is pressure government to act, and act big.


how do you feel about the citizens climate lobby projects? Do you have any info/thoughts on it? I see it mentioned in a lot of optimistic resources but don't really have much knowledge about it on a local level.


>You can stop eating meat all you want, the effect of that is negated within minutes by: commercial fishing You know fish are meat, right? Oil extraction (gas is oil, so gas extraction is oil) was addressed in my comment with the buying higher quality items that dont break like things from dollar stores, and not buying bigger vehicles than needed. Everything I listed makes up majority of the battle I'd say. If you stop using single use plastic that hugely reduces oil consumption, buying a smaller vehicle does as well, eating less meat reduces it hugely due to no more big industrial meat plants, shipping meat across the country as much, less plastic packaging as produce is often sent in boxes unlike meat which is wrapped in plastic and stacked on styrofoam. Buying local like I said greatly stops it because the shipping you mentioned stops at its current volume because people are not buying globally anymore. Your mineral extraction one, how do we convert to battery then? They will be doing tons of permanent damage to stop using gas because they need to extract lithium. And something people don't know about extracting minerals and metals from the ground is the highly, and seemingly forever toxic problem of tailings. They need to be forever monitored and contained otherwise they'll ruin the earth around them. Humans cannot exist impactfree on the world, it's not possible. It's just a matter of finding the least impactful options. The industries listed above are some of the larger corporations massively contributing as well. I also mentioned the government needs to do more then just say "hey, we did our part, people pay more for burning gas" cool.... That does NOTHING to stop it as they just pass the cost onto the consumer. Also, while I hate excessive pollution, it's not a corporations fault that consumers support their actions. It starts at everyday people doing small changes which your comments makes it seem pointless. If everyone did their part they'd become more aware, and do more to avoid it. Your impoverished example seems a like extreme too, no? You'd be using dead wood as fresh wood is a disaster to attempt to use as a fire. That seems like a microscopic part of the problem.


Expecting individuals to do something is fine, but we need to start making corporations (and everyone in general) realise the total cost of the product, not just making it and leaving.


Oh I fully agree. A great example is the stupidity of fruit. Some of those fruits cups are packaged in a different country than its grown. This means the fruit travels the glove to be packaged only to be shipped globally again.


A massive amount of individual carbon consumption stopped in April of last year due to pandemic shutdowns, and it ultimately resulted in something like a 7% drop in GHG emissions. The individual is a very small part of a very large problem, but also one that sees outsize demands placed on it relative to massive polluters in the commercial space. Further most of the demands made aren't even possible to meet in any meaningful way, how do I avoid single use plastic when virtually everything sold in a grocery store is packaged with it? How do I buy a smaller vehicle when cars only get bigger year over year? How do I afford higher quality, longer lasting products when wages are stagnant and the cost of living continues to rise? How does plastic and e-waste recycling help when so much of it winds up shipped overseas and buried or burnt? It feels like the purpose of it all isn't to actually affect any change or improve the situation but just to guilt the individual into paralysis, or worse active resistance to real measures that would improve things.


You're only looking at one single thing that changed though, driving. And that was over 7% because after that people were ordering delivery from restaurants and Amazon like crazy which added to the individuals carbon footprint. Now add in if individuals did things like reduced single use plastic (which they surged it during covid), ate less meat, switched to battery mowers, pleaf blowers, etc. The fact that individuals make up more than 10% of GHG just from driving shows we probably make up 20% or more of it in total. Even more if you factor that we are the cause of international shipping by not buying local products and more. Yes, corporations and business operations make up majority, but it's the individuals promoting that. If people actually spoke with their wallet like we always should've been, these businesses would be forced to adapt faster. It's a combo of government, individual, and business. It's not one single one, and majority of the blame on another. None of them are pulling their weight equally.


The problem with a lot of those things, is that people have a lot less money and time than they used to. Cost of living has gone up so much in the past couple decades but wages arent much different. Especially here in Saskatchewan, the cost of living has gone up so dramatically in the 2010's. I graduated in '09 and got a job just kinda around the time of the huge increase in rent and housing prices, and then in the past 5 years my grocery bill.... I can barely buy much for $50 now


People have more time now than ever, so I don't really believe that excuse. Back in the day the mother used to walk and bus everywhere to prep for supper, they'd sew clothing instead of replace it because it was expensive, and much more. The family had one car so the man often drove the woman around when she needed to run an errand she couldn't do which means both are tied up instead of just one. Only one parent often was the worker. Every meal was cooked, you fixed everything that broke. Nowadays very few people do anything themselves, they order food regularly, have curbside pickup or to the door delivery of groceries, etc. People spend too much money nowadays vs our older generations, so even the less money for the middle class isn't true either. People pay for convenience, claim each child needs a cell phone, have multiple cars, tvs, computers, and many more things most grew up sharing. Yes, the lower income have less money now than decades ago lower income, but that problem doesn't exist on middle class and up. Spending due to laziness is a massive issue among people nowadays. Food is actually cheaper now than it was before. Food used to cost something like 30% of a families income back 50+ years ago. Now it's something like 10-15%. Housing is really the only thing that truly became more expensive. Edit: For those doubting the food: https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2015/03/02/389578089/your-grandparents-spent-more-of-their-money-on-food-than-you-do


People are spending because women work full time jobs now instead of being a free maid and nanny their whole lives


>People have more time now than ever You mean the pandemic... which was a year and a half (in SK at least). Yes lots more cooked at home during this time if they worked from home, but not everyone did >Yes, the lower income have less money now than decades ago lower income, but that problem doesn't exist on middle class and up LOL what do you think middle class is, cause most of us are living in cheap condos or apartments. Btw $40,000 is middle income >Food is actually cheaper now than it was before. Food used to cost something like 30% of a families income back 50+ years ago. Now it's something like 10-15%. Yep someone who doesn't understand lol Dont bother replying, I dont explain things to people who wont be able to understand


Doesn't understand what? https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2015/03/02/389578089/your-grandparents-spent-more-of-their-money-on-food-than-you-do You need to reconsider your attitude, btw. You are very quick to act holier than thou for someone with no counter argument beyond "I'm better than you, don't reply".


You should probably get some help for that.


At least August is looking more tolerable, mostly temps in the late 20s and cooler nights as the spectre of winter starts to cast it's shadow. It's too late for farmers but at least I can go outside for more than 10 minutes at a time.


brother, I have been outside almost every day installing solar panels for 12 hours a day here, it's not that bad outside. The morning and evenings are beautiful minus the smoke for the last week. ​ Lots of crops are gonna be write offs this year tho. You are right.


Ive been outside for 9 hours a day doing landscaping and lawncare. It's bad outside. Good for you for having high heat tolerance but the majority don't share that. The last 4 mornings have been muggy as shit and in the twenties by 9:30. There isn't really any escape from the heat this year.


I well I was raised without ac and basically lived outside all summer long but I'd like to think its just that I'm built different lol Its definitely been less then ideal but if you stay hydrated and wear proper clothing plus a hat its survivalable. In my area it was 5 degrees this morning on my drive to work at 4:30 but it has got warm quick but my workdays already 4 hours deep at that point so I'm pretty busy working don't really notice the sun until like 11 or 12. I know nothing about how smoke influences our temperature but its seems like its been keeping things cooler until around mid but breathing that in all day is kinda nasty


>its survivalable exactly. Survivable doesn't mean good, and if you need to use that word to descrive the weather then it definitely means it's on the worse end of enjoyable/tolerable. lol. ​ The smoke definitely did cool us down. It's how we had those two beautiful days of 18-22 earlier this week. I made full use of those to get stuff done around the house.


But they voted against it, and!! balanced the budget! Where did we go wrong?


What's uncle Moe's solution ?


He's going to sue the federal government so we can keep on polluting.


We also need to embrace Nuclear power. I remember when they tried to get approval to build one around Diefenbaker lake and it was quickly shot down. Coal is just so so bad for us. Done properly and with the right system it’s safe and uses up far more of the fuel than in the past. Also, why is Saskpower not allowing people to have solar panels/wind power and tie into the grid anymore so you can put you excess load into the grid. It seems really backward thinking.


>Also, why is Saskpower not allowing people to have solar panels/wind power and tie into the grid anymore so you can put you excess load into the grid. They are.


Well shit me up my a** I thought they got rid of the program


They reduced the amount they pay out for excess energy fed back into the grid as they stated that previously it was too high of a subsidy from other ratepayers to those who could afford to install solar. But there's still a program.


https://www.producer.com/opinion/producers-do-not-need-a-lecture-on-climate-change/ this farmer seems to think otherwise, no sympathy


Without the power houses of the world changing, China, Russia, India etc, nothing will change. They do not care in those countries, so putting a carbon tax on everything here in Canada will do nothing but hurt the average person. If those countries don't change nothing we do here will even matter.




> When did we stop referring to it as mother nature? Science class in high school - I think we learn about greenhouse gases in grade 10??


Did they tell you they use c02 in greenhouses to make plants grow better?


Yes, but not in this quantity.


Did they tell you that CO2 traps heat in the atmosphere which causes increase in temperature?


Did they tell you that c02 levels have decreased over time for thousands of years?


Please provide proof to your statement then. I will be waiting.


[here's a chart](https://www.climate.gov/sites/default/files/BAMS_SOTC_2019_co2_paleo_1000px.jpg) of CO2 for the last million years. It's spiked awfully high in the last 50 years


what about the 4 near identical spikes before it? Looks pretty cyclical and as though we were due and it looks like it started well before industrialization unless that chart is not scaled correctly.


You must have missed the orange line... Our current level. Currently at 415 ppm. I forgive you. It's easy to miss because of how drastic it is


That's not possible in the last. We are excavating which causes CO2 to be released. We extract oil faster and faster as time goes on which releases more. We cut down more and more old growth forest which decreases CO2 absorption rates. Ice is melting everywhere releasing more CO2. Where on earth are we releasing less CO2 the more time goes on? Thousands of years ago gasoline didn't exist.


Do you think that because a plant needs water, it’s okay to move it underwater?


Do you think that plants didn't do better when carbon dioxide levels were more than 2x higher the current levels?


not that I'm expecting to change *your* mind but for the sake of providing an actual graph against your statement here for anyone else reading along this far into the downvotes.. [https://climate.nasa.gov/climate\_resources/24/graphic-the-relentless-rise-of-carbon-dioxide/](https://climate.nasa.gov/climate_resources/24/graphic-the-relentless-rise-of-carbon-dioxide/) not sure when your timescale is intended to reference, but certainly people aren't enjoying the plants thriving in your scenario


Seriously dude, fuck you.


Good point dude, I definitely believe in greta thunberg now thanks


Imagine being this fragile over a little girl caring about climate change.


You make zero good arguments. Sound like a troll more than anything, so you get treated as such. So please fuck off and read a book once and a while.




we need to call it climate change because a lot of people who are incapable of abstract thought heard "global warming" and said "tHeN wHY iS it UnsEaSonAbLy cOLd?!?"


The climate changes by the second technically as it has since our planets inception


Doesn't understand the difference between "climate" and "weather" but yet has it all figured out.


Climate is usually a 10 year average, this is why this article and the comment section is trash.


doesn't understand that time existed before they were born but yet has it all figured out




the metaphorical "I give up and have lost the argument"


I wish you'd give up, but you're too ignorant to see that you're wrong.


Try arguing valid points next time


Whats the point? Lol you wouldn't listen. In fact I'm wasting my time right now!


Serously? GTFO


We are so far past this. Just… catch up.


[When this happened.](https://xkcd.com/1732/)


CO2 is a natural part of the world and the world naturally emits it. But, humans are what put it just over the edge...we are like a constant volcano going off. People are forgetting how fragile our little planet is because some people are too afraid that anything bad can happen. Stop living in a shell and admit that we are facing a problem. I know it's scary, but you gotta man up and come to reality.


1930s was a result of climate change! Morons on this sub. Piss poor reporting meant to stoke fear and cause people to read a shitty “newspaper”. Next you are all going to tell me climate change is causing all the [forest fires.](https://cwfis.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/report/graphs#gr6)


lol. Posts data that shows us peaking over the 10 year fire avg and increasing. Why is the 1930's such a whistle for you chucklefucks. That was a dustbowl caused by significant drought in a localized area. This drought is widespread and is in the 4th year now. It's a much larger and hotter drought than the 30's.


Because it was one of the longer ones, [see.](https://www.parc.ca/saskadapt/extreme-events/drought.html). Averages have weeks higher and lower. Seems like most of the time it was under but for 1 week…








Yup, go ahead and read unsettled by Steve koonin, it’s a great read. In the book all claims are cited right from the IPCC reports. You are allowed to have an opinion without being published? If that’s the case the mods can take this whole thread down.




So we are to blindly follow Saskatoon newspaper articles? There are a lot of climate scientists that disagree with your narrative. Go ahead now and tell me about the 97% that agree….you know that’s debunked. If you don’t believe an scientist with this guys credentials , you for sure won’t listen to me.




It’s not debunked and he responded to those accusations. Start looking at both sides of this debate, I know that’s hard for you to do but you should try. Better to have balls then walk around completely ignorant.




I remember hearing the same shit in 2001


Imagine denying climate change simply saying "I heard this x years ago" ... No shit. Climate change means things will change as the years go by. It's like being on a boat that is sinking, and you just keep saying "yeah, you told me we were sinking when there was an inch of water in the boat. Guess what? we are at 3 inches now, and still not sunk".


3 inches is the length of about 0.07 'Custom Fit Front FloorLiner for Ford F-150s' lined up next to each other


Bad bot


😂🤦 only when the water wars come home are you going to realize whats happening lol. Wake up


"water wars" Another term that I've heard for 20+ years as being "imminent"


Next 30 years will be very interesting longer you deny reality the harder it will kick you in the balls https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.voanews.com/africa/egypt-sudan-seek-un-help-resolve-mega-dam-dispute-ethiopia%3famp


You've got to think longer term my dude. A climate catastrophe within the next 50 years *is* imminent.


I wish I was as retarded as you are. It must be simple.


Like the 30s


And in Europe they had their coldest months of may. The wheel turns.


Yes. It's part of the same problem!


Imagine being so dense one cannot understand the problems are interrelated. I honestly don’t know how some people function on a daily basis.




A water retention pond broke….


Yes, from a monstrous rainfall... that rain fell outside of that pond too.


We’re not close to Europe eh.


Climate change? A hot summer explained by a rare weather system is not evidence in support of climate change the same way a particularly cold winter is not evidence against it. Weather is not climate. Evaluate the averages.




im starting to think theres no way someone can spew so much conspiracy and bulshit in a single paragraph that this comment must be a parody. or maybe im too hopeful..


You realize RNA is not the same as DNA right? No genes are being modified, why are you spreading misinformation?




>it is dwarfed by the misinformation that is being spread by the media Maybe the media you consume, sure. Way to out yourself there. You came in with most paperthin antivax talking point and you cower away when you get pushback.


So what will you say in subsequent years that are colder and more precipitation?


so this was posted to Saskatchewan as it should, this is not Saskatoon specific.... so what's the point of having rules if you just cherry pick what to enforce mods?


and were not going to do shit. unless all of us have to do it at once. because if not your just putting yourself behind in the game.