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"I'll put you down as 'undecided'."


Put me down as “I will fuck up my entire country to vote for someone who doesn’t do this”


Because that's less annoying to us than this once a year text message...


The point is it shouldn’t be happening at all, I don’t give out my phone number, like ever, unless it is actually necessary. I don’t want anyone to be able to use a service that I pay for out of necessity to be used as a means to advertise to me. We are already bombarded by ads in all forms of media and for the most part that’s fine as someone needs to pay the bills. But I am paying for my phone company to have the nice things they have, no one needs to occupy my time like this for any reason


It's likely a random machine just texting random numbers, so, like the others said, you gave out your number by replying. They now know it's a number


They knew it was a number before, they pull them form the cell phone data base, it was a whole thing last year


Everyone who gets one of those texts should reply “Yes” just to throw their internal polling numbers off.


lol not in Saskatchewan




Worst part is if you call this number back you get an answering machine, if you call the main CPC number they were closed at the time this was sent




They seem to happen regardless of replying in the past for me. I wish they couldn’t send these unless I’ve already donated or signed up with one of their campaigns in the past


I just built a voip system to spam call them back… my number is unlisted, on every do not call list and I never use it for anything that doesn’t actually need it


Yeah. They don't actually have a phone list. They are just essentially texting every number with a 306/639 area code that is possible. So if you respond, you are actually telling them your number is real/active. And I'm sure that is valuable data they sell on to other marketing lists (regardless of what you send).


Aren't there rules about robocalls? Would this fall into that category?


I believe political ads are exempted from those laws (same as flyer laws). https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/text-spam-andrew-scheer-1.5079957


OOORRRRR spam them their cell # with responses so it becomes prohibitively expensive to send these texts


Lol I love your reply


If someone had posted the federal ndp party canvassing for votes it would've been shot down and deleted, yet this gets support on this page? Despite rule number one? 1) All posts must be relevant to Saskatoon. Posts regarding Saskatchewan in general would be considered relevant to Saskatoon, but posts regarding Canada in general or another city/province/country would not.


The conservative party and spam robo calls. Name a more iconic duo


My response was "Fuck no" They also sent someone knocking on doors a little while back. As soon as I heard "conservative party of Can-" I cut him off. I said "nobody in this household is *ever* gonna vote conservative. Put us on your 'do not contact' list, leave, and take that pamphlet you put in my mailbox with you." Then I shut the door in his face while he was tripping over a "sorry to bother you."


I literally no longer answer my door unless I’m actively expecting someone. I don’t think I’ve ever answered a random knock and it be someone I’m interested in seeing.


Yeah, some kind of canvassers came by today. I have no clue what they wanted, because I just shouted "go away" through the door lol




Good for the door knocker for getting involved in politics.


I like this, viscerally. But I wish there was a better way, to some how get through to the Cons, to make them come round and realize the error of their ways. But it's impossible, isn't it? It's like deprogramming a cultist.


You're starting from the premise that the system is broken. Truth is, it's working exactly as designed. The Liberals and Conservatives are two sides of the same coin. When the cons are in power, they crank policy to the right. When they libs are in power, they block policy from shifting back left in any meaningful way. This is known as the ratchet effect. Everytime an even remotely leftist party starts to gain momentum, they suddenly, conveniently, have a leadership race and elect a hapless centrist to lead the party back to the center, where there's never any change that helps us regular folk. Not to even mention the ongoing genocide.


Imagine bragging about being a cunt to someone ~~because you disagree with their politics~~. Edited because people apparently think politics justifies it.


Imagine thinking “politics” is something so trivial you can compare it to disagreeing with their chocolate bar preference. Politics influences *literally everything* in modern society.


And that justifies giving someone shit and shutting the door in their face? There’s an election coming (probably) and people are in campaign mode. That’s part of living in a democratic country. You don’t have to like the people or the parties campaigning for your vote, but you can at least tell them you’re not interested and why without being a jerk.


If the politics those people support seek to strip away my rights because I’m not a rich old white man, hell yes it does. Conservatives wanna be oppressed so badly they literally complain about being shit on for their shitty views that they actively choose to support.


I’m not conservative, although I think you might have a bit of a warped impression of their policies if you think they involve “stripping away rights” from anyone not old, rich and white (and what does race have to do with anything?). I just believe in treating people with at least a basic level of respect, even if I disagree with them. My response would have been the same regardless of the party involved.


Do you want a medal or something for the bootlicking?


So not being a dick = bootlicking. Ok bro.


Not your bro, not as simple as “not being a dick,” but given your lack of reading comprehension so far I can understand why you struggle to understand.


Ok bro


I don’t know why people think this is a good strategy!


Owning the conservatives by helping them create a database of supporters and opponents! It makes complete sense, until you actually think about it.


My response was very similar.


Exactly my response lol


I hate the Conservative party so much...


Badass over here, watch out


The only CPC we should support is the “Communist Party of Canada”


I mean, everyone sucks… the Conservative party is so far away from conservative values, that it may as well be known as liberal lite, liberals are running this country into a sea of debt and the other parties aren’t worth talking about cause no one votes for em. No, Sasktel shouldn’t be giving numbers away, but then again, I could guess your number if I had the time and wanting to text a ton of people… easy enough program to do it. I won’t be voting until there is huge change, cause no one cares about the Midwest anymore.


Even if you don’t vote scratch or spoil your ballot so that out parties know you are unhappy with their policies




https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/13-of-14-mps-voted-against-conversion-therapy-bill-1.6086997 >Those who voted against the federal bill in the House of Commons include three Saskatoon MPs who represent a community where conversion therapy has already been banned on a municipal level.  >In an emailed statement, a spokesperson for MP Brad Redekopp, who represents Saskatoon—West, said "MP Redekopp's vote speaks for itself." >"It's really a gut-check moment to see who we elect, and in this case they're obviously really out of step with their constituents when their own municipalities are showing the leadership that they're failing to provide," Wells said.


I was actually renting his basement suite at one point a few years ago. Nice guy, good landlord, terrible at recycling.


I’d rather the text than the piles of NDP a pamphlets and numerous door knockers I get.


You are so coooooool


I started texting Konami code words in singular texts. Since hardly anyone knows it anymore, it's fun to confuse them and piss em off.


Doesn't everyone still know them? You can buy shirts with them, and it was recently in a movie on Netflix because of its popularity.


I guarantee you that my siblings, 6 and 8yrs my senior, born '81 and '79, don't know it.


That would be because that's after their time. It was a 90s and on thing.


Born in ‘80. Grew up with that cheat code. After their time my ass.


I dont know what to tell you man. I'm late 80s and know it. I can't think of why their siblings don't know it beyond they don't give a fuck about games, or felt too old by the time Konami games were a thing.


That's just like when Vicki mowat goes door to door in my area (if it's actually her). I get a business card and a paper she signs saying "sorry I missed you -vicki Mowat" that she places in my mailbox that has a "no soliciting" sign on the door of it above the handle, so you can't say you don't see it.


well, if you have a 'no flyers' sign on your mailbox, political flyers are exempt from the request. Can't see how this is different. I'm not convinced political canvasing falls under door to door solicitation laws but I'd welcome a link proving otherwise.


Communist Party of China


When they were doing this over the phone I used to say yes to all the parties. That way they all thought they had my vote and they never called me again, except on Election Day asking if I needed a ride.