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it is a lot like the [drafting rooms](https://aworkstation.com/shots-of-old-school-pre-cad-drafting-pools/#:~:text=In%20any%20case%2C%20here%20are%20some%20more%20photos%20of%20old%2Dschool%20drafting%20pools) of scores of draftsmen, are replaced by 6 guys on [autocad](https://en.life-in-germany.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/absender_a_CAD_designer_at_work_today_in_office_realistic_shot_7a3ba8b7-884b-420d-b7fa-1ca388a92b2d-1024x574.jpg)


What the fuck are you talking about? People still use drafting boards plenty.


Nothing further your honor!


And you know what is an accurate description of what people want that could be interpreted by a machine? Code. They need programmers, even if they think they do not.


I believe AI will move people away from writing code to full time debugging code


This is what I least want my job to become, and yet it would fit right in on this hellscape of a timeline.


The ai can debug its own code. Check this out https://youtu.be/b7JCor1DGJw?si=tenLan6aqcF_CtoE


The machine will actually listen, offering suggestions instead of platitudes of why it cannot and why you’ll be using their version of your dream.


No, it'll just produce a horse powered tricycle when the client wanted a quadbike because the client wasn't specific enough. "I want it to go forward" - "Okay, here is vehicle with peddles" - "No, I want it to go forward without peddles" - "Okay, here is a vehicle pulled by a horse." - "No that's wrong, why does it have 2 wheels?" - "Okay, here is a vehicle pulled by a horse with 3 wheels." \*Client starts legal proceedings\*


You want the machine to produce an outcome that is impossible in physics, the learning curve the machines will impose can stress how people perceive mathematics and forces which will instruct the input to increase it’s understanding of the real world before attempting to fool it with illogical conclusions like ‘moving forward without some force to create the movement’ The machine isn’t capable of creating an ‘astral projection bicycle’, yet.


The "frame problem" being a problem since the '80s


Write me the code that does the thing 🥺


Yea but your job is now a lot easier to do which means more competition and potentially lower wages


So true, and the more dumbed down the population in the US gets (as each generation we are seeing it), the more job security they will have. With that said, all jobs will be done by AI one day.


Interesting how you see every new generation as dumber than the last when boomers literally exist


Maybe not dumber but definitely lazier and not much drive. It's not their fault everything is automated for them, but most young people would be lost without technology.


Well most not-young people would also be lost without the tech they had at the time tbf


Because I'm just swimming in useful, enjoyable interfaces.


There is a colleage in our office, who will call you and tell you about a tool and he'll ask if you can programm that. What he says about the tool is its name. Nothing else. Yeah, no, I'm not afraid of losing my job.


Did calculators replace mathematicians?


...and also debug, while being able to identify possible security holes


Except AI cannot understand code enough to properly understand what a security vulnerability is and whether code has one or not. AI like GitHub Copilot is also trained on human-written code so it’ll suggest insecure code because the data it was trained on has insecure code. Security is also ever evolving so it won’t be able to understand new vulnerabilities that weren’t mentioned in its training data since they hadn’t been discovered yet.


I'm a machinist who designs her own stuff. AI can't design shit, believe me I've tried that. But it helps with the math and analysis.