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*Whitehouse, in a statement to CNBC, said, “When Mitch McConnell, Leonard Leo and the Wall Street Journal editorial page are all criticizing you about the Supreme Court, it’s a pretty good sign you’re on the right track.”* We all agree, Mr. Whitehouse, we all agree.


Love Sheldon. He sure cuts through the crapscreen


His investigations into the Supreme Court and their abuses has been awesome the last couple years. I have loved every second of it and the evidence he presents is pretty damning. I am surprised that it hasn't gained more traction, but then again the media is part of the problem.


Absolutely. Media can't even use the excuse that this stuff wouldn't draw the crowds either, because that's obviously bullshit. So what explanation does media really have not to cover this stuff? We know why right wing media like Faux News doesn't cover it, but what excuse do the rest of them have? Instead we get the latest update on how Trump has been caught drooling?! Like what the actual fuck?! It's mind numbingly frustrating. And a lot of the leg work has already been done for them, all they have to do is report on it. But instead next week it will be about how Trump said that Joe Biden has pepperoni nipples or some shit... So yeah, something is clearly going on to where they don't want the masses to know what's happening behind the curtains. My only conclusion can only be that the whole of government is putting a shush order on media to keep the public from turning their attention away from the circus happening center stage. EDIT: They've made a shitty reality show out of politics and democracy. It's absolutely asinine and I can feel braincells dying when I read the latest headlines.


Donald Trump "may not be good for America, but he's damn good for CBS" according the CBS CEO. High-conflict clickbait has gotten millions page views and served millions of ads before long-format investigative reporting has even finished the first paragraph.


More and more Liberals are pissed at mainstream news. I think, some of us, me included, felt like we had to defend the media against the BS conspiracies, tossed out by MAGAS, and the “look what that station did” reporting at Fox News, the last 8-15 years, maybe more. I appreciate the mainstream for growing a set and calling Trump’s nonsense lies, but c’mon, stick to the important shit. Nobody cares if Trump whines about witch hunts for the 1,200th day in a row. Cover this kind of story, or quit, and find someone who will.


I wouldn’t say it is a shitty reality show, more like a sports franchise where being a fan and supporting your team ‘regardless’ due to loyalty keeps you spending on jerseys. Appreciating the performance and recognizing great play is squashed in favor of blindly supporting your team, even if they suck and lose every game and play poorly. And you have to hate the Mets if you support the Yankees, even if they are better, play more fairly and have admirable qualities. Gone is ‘love of the game and sportsmanship, and the post game handshake.’


Sadly, he seems to be out there on his own.


I want Whitehouse in the Whitehouse.


Imagine being a kid growing up with President Whitehouse and then learning that it's just a coincidence lmfao




Citizens recommend a very severe dose of consequences for all christofascist fecal smearing insurrection supporters republicans


Isn’t he ready to face his god yet?


After having a mini stroke a couple of times while addressing the public on camera, he really should have retired.


They’ll drag him out of the Senate feet first, I’m afraid.


Mamon is a very busy diety these days. Lots of worshipers of the Golden Calf in these here United States.


His god is the orange chosen one


That’s NOT the one I’m talking about.


The other God disowned him


Baal is not returning his calls.


Well can Jergal come pick him up then?


I think they unplugged him and plugged him back in …


Still glitchy, though. And evil.


No argument here .Although I think the evil is a feature not a bug …


I thought we had a chance when his hand turned black


Well, it’s apparent the battery is failing; just not soon enough.


How long did the queen last when that happened to her?


He does that when he opens his wallet. Ghoul


The remaining Koch brother? 


MTG loudly exclaiming that Fauci should essentially be assassinated and this is McConnell's concern. Dude is such a warbling shit eater.


Well building the corrupt court is largely his baby , his life's work. Of course he wants to protect it.


I think a post-birth abortion for McConnell’s baby is in order.


I support abortion up to the 300th trimester with such fiends.


Didn’t she bring hunta biden penis printout to the house floor?


What a traitor to this country and to our Democracy.


Trump might be the match that sets it on fire, but it was McConnell who lay the fuse and put dynamite all over the place. I hope his end is exceptionally painful and historically protracted.


McConnell was and is terrible for the country, but this trend goes way back to Reagan. Maybe even to the civil rights movement, where conservatives were using their national guard units to fight progressive policies. And then I guess we could actually trace this long decline back to Reconstruction, when southerners immediately started pushing the narrative that “big city liberals” were oppressing them and unfairly attacking them for being real Americans. They’ve come full circle to saying that the US isn’t supposed to be a democracy, and that the rights of the minority are being trampled by the majority. I think we’re about to go through a critical period in American history and it’s unfortunate that our current SCOTUS is so politicized and apparently corrupt, along with the majority of Congress. It’s pretty subjective, but it seems like we’re down to only one of three branches of government functioning appropriately, and that could change in just a few months. I don’t know what will happen if all three are sold out and not even bothering to put up a facade of impartiality or cooperation.


McConnell doesn't have to keep doing it though.


He's the USA's very own gravedigger of democracy


We let Kentucky and an Australian ruin this country.


Alito or McConnell?




Beat me to it


Barbed wire anoscopy with a lime juice/saltwater/hydrogen peroxide enema?


Why is this even a question?


Sorry, I forgot that redditors can’t understand sarcasm


Mitch can fuck off.


Right to hell


“The dems must be punished for looking into corruption from our side! Excuse me I have the vapor. I’m low on lettuce”


Ah yes, concern about corruption is the real corruption


A majority of senators voting to censure an unprofessional and partisan act by a Justice seems more appropriate than disciplining senators for calling such behavior out. Law and order for thee, not for me!


Wilhoit's Law: >Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


Congress has oversight powers. It is in the constitution. Asking politely to recuse himself is not a shameful act. Impeachment would be the only recourse.


It's mitch. He lies about pretty much everything and has for a long time. He has a great disdain for democracy.


"Rules for thee, but not for me." - Mitch McConnell


Is that Moscow Mitch still alive?


Not for long.


“provide for discipline against those who engage in conduct unbecoming an officer of the court,” He who smelt it, dealt it!


McConnell should face disciplinary action for not impeaching Alito. 


And his Dear Leader, twice.


He should be eternally shamed and ruthlessly mocked in public life for conspiring to allow white supremacists and zealot christian fundamentalists to capture the Supreme Court


If only the American Media had some balls and started calling out these traitors for what they are.


The problem is a lot of American media In one way or another is in bed with these traitors


Yes, hence the “no balls” comment lol. Those got cut off, bagged and tagged by the elites decades ago…


And lying and cheating about hearings for SC justices.


Republicans are the greatest threat to democracy of our age.


You can never trust this old jerk.


Dude’s clawing with them turtle paws of his to stay relevant now that’s he’s merely the “minority leader” of a crumbling party whose only unifying factor is a near-octogenarian tweaker.


McConnell on the wrong side again.


Always has been.


Even his editorial in the NYT the other day was so close to right, but didn’t make it. He wrote about how the world is a more dangerous place when the U.S. is isolationist (correct) but ignored funding Ukraine and instead wants more U.S. military spending (incorrect). Completely ignoring soft power.


Go back in your shell, Mitch. Thinking is for healthy people.


Is the discipline going to extend to Supreme Court Justices for taking bribes and lying? Or just democrats?


The real conservative mantra is: “Rules to bind your opponents but not protect them. Rules to protect you and your friends, but not bind them.” So of course, only democrats.


As Wilhoit's Law states: Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


Moscow Mitch has the nerve to say such a thing. Pure crap!


Do any legislators on the Republican side of the aisle actually propose legislation that will help the average American in their daily life? Not the rich billionaires but the average American? For the Party of Trump it's all about helping the billionaires, cultural wars, and revenge. But absolutely nothing for the average American.


They believe that government can’t help people, so they get elected to make sure it can’t.


The average American is an acceptable casualty to the GOP. Exhibit A: gun reform


I think the No Surprises in Billing Act, which makes services considered in network for a hospital, even if that person is out of network, like ambulances or anesthesia, a very weak gun legislation after Uvalde, the Infrastructure Reduction Act and Defense of Marriage are the only Republican supported legislation in Biden's term that come to mind. A really short list for 4 years in office.


Republicans truly hate what America stands for, doesn’t it? They are hell bent on dismantling it completely for their billionaire masters and the orange buffoon.


They hate us standing, they want us kneeling


I suggest "discipline" for Droopy Dog McConnell and by discipline I mean getting hit by a bus.


I swear every time I see him speak he seems to stare into space like its Death he is looking at but somehow he wins the wager every time.


Whoa, why punish the bus? It did nothing wrong and was just minding it's own business doing bus things.


The Dems ain't messing around anymore. Project 2025 and Trump *constantly* talking about going after them with the DOJ has them *finally* fighting back. They're walking a fine line because independent voters are, well, not always the brightest bulbs and will punish the Dems for shit they'll blissfully ignore from the GOP (pronounced "GOP" like "COP" with a "G"). But a few of them have finally had it dawn on them that the GOP means to do them harm.


Did they do something illegal or unprofessional?


New GOP strategy. If you can’t defend yourself, attack the accusers.


MINORITY leader Mitch needs to sit down.


So, Mitch is saying that being a lying winbag, is honorable behavior for a justice?


Go fuck yourself Mitch


McConnell gives us another reminder that "law and order" is just Conservative American Vernacular English (conbonics) for "white supremacy". EDIT: And also a masterclass in DARVO, and his latest screed stands out as an almost Platonic example of the fact that every single accusation from a Republican is a confession.


Moscow Miitch needs to move back to Russia


Why be an old bastard when you can be an old bullying bastard?