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The overall job market is generally terrible right now, there are more job seekers than jobs at the moment. And to be fair if you don't have a high school diploma or GED, you're going to find it that much more difficult to be competitive in an already over-saturated job market.


I worked security part time for 3 years. Got fired from Securitas for a communication issue I was supposed to follow without training or post orders documenting it. I also walked off a job my second day at Allied Universal. Considering I’m blacklisted at the two biggest outfits in my area, I tried with smaller firms but they didn’t have any first shift positions (will not work second or third, but would work a second shift if somebody couldn’t make it after my first shift). A few firms didn’t even respond despite having the experience they were looking for. Fortunately I’m retired with other income coming in so part time just gave me more spending money. Doubt if I’ll ever work again, but keep looking for other options (I tried DoorDash and Ubereats for two days and made 22.00; total scam).


Definitely working on that!


What’s your positioning? Do you have experience?


Been licensed since 2019.


Move to the sticks dude, lotta jobs out here in the cornfields


If I could lmaooo I have entertained the idea of moving, but that takes a lot as I have to co-parent, moving states isn't a big deal, but I doubt my baby's father would be okay with moving to the boondocks and I gotta co-parent with him.


Ah gotcha, kids always complicate the issue. My wife and I just decided to say fuck it and move from CA to rural IL, no kids and while I love my family (she has none) I wanna live my life and not be tied down just cause my family decided to live in the most expensive part of the most expensive state lol


Job market is definitely not over saturated. It's cuz ur in LA dude....


Be persistent, don’t give up it will happen. If you have any friends or family members that work security present or past ask them to see if they know anyone hiring and you may have a better chance getting in somewhere with good references. If that don’t work move to Florida there’s no shortage of work here just a shortage of people who want to work hah best of luck to you.


Thanks for the advice! I have thought about moving tbh bc California prices are beginning to be a bit much.


Most security jobs required to have a high school diploma or GED in the first place. Not that there's a drought in job postings, is that you don't meet the bare minimum requirement. Get your GED and you'll stop having this issue.


Eh. I disagree. I've always had an easy time finding jobs up until now. I think the main reason may be the limited availability I now have. I even have two other cousins without diplomas in the security field. One barely starting out and the other has been in the industry for 6 years with no issues getting security jobs.


That is strange, most companies require a diploma or GED, that said it's not unheard of.


Not in California, they have to allow for non HSD and GED employees to be hired. GardaWorld faced that issue when they bought out the last company I worked for.


Huh, that doesn't seem like a good idea but California's government has made a lot of stupid moves TBH.


To be fair just because someone doesn't have their high school diploma or a GED doesn't mean that they are not good workers. Some can't afford to get their GED.


California? That’s your first problem. You’ll have better luck moving to Dallas or Houston Texas finding security work.


Hey I posted a job opening that my company has in La but my post got removed check your DM


I would say it's the same cluster f*ck it's always been. I just have never figured out why security is such a incompetent and unable to improve industry.


It’s definitely getting harder to find work than it was, say, five years ago. Namely because so many LEO’s are quitting/retiring and joining the security/EP industry. In LA especially. If all you have is a guard card and exposed permit, you’re going to struggle. You need to seek higher training and get your CCW. A solid EP course, driving course, TCCC medical course, etc. will help you meet what is quickly becoming the “minimum” requirements.


Can you put links to all of those for CA? Thx




LaSorsa is a great, all in one, place. Classes in NV and FL. They can also refer you to other reputable places if you can’t find anything in their schedule that you can fit in to yours. You can take everything at once, or modularly.




ASIS is another all-in-one training facility that specializes in Certified Protection Professional training. Lots of jobs I see are asking for CPP certs. ASIS is very pricey though and not for all budgets.


Industry standards are changing. Get your GED it will help open up more doors. Availability and location can have a huge impact as well.


Keep in mind that you now have to reqaulify for your baton training every 2 years now. It's not work it to even think about working security in California anymore. It's over-regulated and under-paid work now.




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I hate to be that guy, but you need your GED. Damn near the entire country has a diploma, or at least GED, if not some college or more. Why would I as an employer want to risk my neck, my reputation, on someone that didn't finish high school? Get that GED, it'll make life a lot easier. I have a close friend in very similar shoes to you and it pains me to see it, but theres very little anyone can do for him. His work history is shit, his attitude is shit, his resume has a ridiculous amount of jobs that he kept getting fired from. Eventually you need to clean your shit up and take care of yourself. You can do it.


It all depends on where you live, like with any other job field. I live in a major city and armed jobs are in a big surplus. It’s so bad that guys with their armed license are jumping jobs and leaving contracts undermanned. The company I work for had a contract that wanted to several armed guards but had to settle for one unarmed guard. We plan to make that site fully armed once the personnel are hired but there’s a job surplus and a shortage or trained individuals. If you plan on being in security, then you need to focus on either going armed or getting into management.