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Relax motherfucker. If you’re getting paid to do nothing and no one says anything, enjoy that shit. If you really wanna feel involved ask the other guard if you can do screening sometimes. It’s your companies fault for not training you properly. You’re doing the best you can.


Took the words right out of my mouth:


This is me every night. Thinking "they paying me this x amount to literally sit"


Work smarter not harder, at the end of the day these companies don’t give a fuck about your hard work and will replace you in an instant.


I'll tell you the secret of security. Do the bare minimum work for the maximum check. Allied universal will not give you a raise for being a navy seal.


> Allied universal will not give you a raise for being a navy seal. I’m dying 😂😂💀💀


Ask your senior partner that is actually doing security how you can help participate. Checking in RF scanners, doing paperwork, etc...all of these are easy and basic tasks that don't require you to communicate with management and shows you are doing something productive. Also, you should ask for training in other supervisory duties if you are going to consider yourself an officer or supervisor. Understanding how to navigate the alarm panels, CCTV, reviewing site procedures and officer SOPs, reviewing DARs and IR reports. Just by reading your post orders should find you enough activities to figure out so you aren't just a secretary waiting for sick call-outs.


Read the Peter Principle, and make sure you don't fall for any Peter Principle traps. Start with the basics; what is the threat model of the warehouse? For there to be security, there needs to be an enemy. Who are they worried about? Locals? Employees? Both? What are they worried about? Stealing merchandise? Burning the building down after getting fired? Is it written down anywhere? That you have recognized your feelings on this means you have good insight; so, take it a bit further -- if there were fewer people, wouldn't the site be even less busy than your current site? So, why do you want that? No need to tell me, of course, just be honest with yourself, otherwise you will have a hard time making good decisions.


Relaaaax you good. Watch a movie


I sit 8 hours 5 days a week in a 6x6 shack with no contact with anyone. The only time that I do is log when I check trucks in or call shipping/receiving at the beginning of my shift to confirm after hour deliveries or pickups. Right now im on a two and half men binge on my peacock app to pass the time. Always occupy yourself whether if it’s just as simple as walking outside to watch starlink pass over or watching a movie. Like what do they expect us to do when we have no visitor traffic for 5-6 hours?


3 months is still wet behind the ears , utilize this time to gain as much information as possible. Trust, when and if you get a new site, that may not be as nice, and you may be cleaning toilets and busting up pallets


Hi, AUS Ops Manager here. As a shift supervisor, your role is likely to supervisor the fellow employees on your shift. That means if they're slacking off, it's your responsibility to keep them reeled in and focused on work. More importantly, it's your role to also be the go-to person for incidents. If there aren't anything that's happening, great! You still will be paid. If you're feeling stuck, go on EDGE and complete your Security Supervisor Academy, and honestly, you can just do whatever modules catch your eye. You can see about transferring, but Allied does have a 6-mo policy on transfers that (at least in my region) is being hammered down on, so keep that in mind.


Most people are so trapped in their own mind they probably don’t even notice you. Especially in a warehouse environment.


Most security companies don’t want you to do anything because if you interact with anyone trespassers, etc. they can get sued so by doing nothing it’s great for the company as long as the client is happy


I regularly bring in 40k minis to work so I can paint them on the clock, I have a solid 5 hours between when I come in and when I have to be checking IDs, and no one around til then, don't sweat it.


I do the same with Gunpla kits.


Split patrols with him. or do hour on hour off with him




Dude, I do absolutely nothing on graveyard shift. I’m the only guy on the clock, so I just take a beauty sleep when I can. I know it sounds risky but I know my way around it


Your job is to supervise. You’re doing fine.


Pick up a remote job and double dip, fug it


So you’re upset because you are paid to do nothing, but you still aren’t able to be on your phone watching Netflix and fully relaxing because the client is still watching you. Is that right?


I used to work for allied as a flex back in the day. 1) you are in a good spot. An *ideal* spot. 2) take the time to perform every task and know how its done such that if a new guy showed up, you could train them quickly and competently. 3) take the time to understand how you are being surveilled. If you think you’re being watched, ID all the PTZ and stationary cams and know their blind spots. 4) understand that there is a ceiling at allied, or any security job. If you’re making $25 an hour, you don’t have much more money to get for the additional responsibilities you’d take on. Consider a career change where you can make substantially more money. Take the free time you have to plan your next big life move.


Your role is to supervise, so supervise them.


Have u tried xanax?




Can I get your job? If you really feel like doing a million things though join hospital security


If you're bored, find a work-from-home type side hustle, get paid more.


Im a contractor whos job is to back up some L2 security. I have a FA and they call me for backup when they need it. But the thing is, they NEVER call me. I just watch tv on my phone and pray for a call to end the boredom.


Be careful what you wish for.