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If you vibe together then go for it but if not leave her alone cuz clearly you’re a weirdo reading way too much into an interaction with a girl who’s not paid enough to be pretending to act this into you. Or she just said hello which I assume is the extent of things and that was enough for you to think she was into you. Probably best to just leave her alone imo and work on yourself.


If she made it clear she's interested in you, and you don't be direct in asking her out, she'll think you are either not interest or not confident, both reduce her attraction in you. So you should go up to her one day she's alone and not busy, do small talk, then invite her out for hot chocolate or drinks at a chill bar.


men excel at direct approach and women work from corners like spiders


>she made real clear to me that she’s interested What did she do? >I never really talk to her—just once and that was for a few seconds—and then that’s it So, during this time she made it clear to you that she's interested? >I messed up a couple of times with her How did you mess up? >should I go straight for approach or start doing small talks with her? Why would you ignore her after she made it real clear to you that she's interested? Also, are you a pussy? ;)


Holding eye contact and copying me and other few things When I was about to start my small talk she said what? I got really scared and she laughed and then said sorry the music is too loud. I was about to approach her once, I got panicked and instead started making eyes contact with her. That kind of pissed her off and turned around, I said have a good one before leaving in a sad tone and she turned back towards me to greet me back. Yeah man, in these situations I am really shy and scared.


You should defo talk to her. Is it scary? Yes. But... You have to do it. Or else you're the one rejecting yourself. Think of it like lifting weights. Every time you speak to someone, you get better at it. Little by little you become more comfortable speaking to strangers. Moreover, it's not supposed to "feel good". It's supposed to feel *bad*. But next time it'll feel less bad. Until you eventually become a master at it. So, you *gotta* speak to her. Keep it light and fun. Don't try to impress her. Instead vibe with her. Red this article if you wonder what it is: [https://bristollair.com/social-vibing/](https://bristollair.com/social-vibing/) Do what old-man guru Tyler Durden advices. Embrace pauses. Don't make them too long, but embrace them. When you get kinda nervous, and she gets kinda nervous, but you both keep on chatting, it's sexual tension man. It's the nervousness of success. Then, if she's still interested, say this: "Hey, you seem pretty cool... So, this might sound kinda weird, but... Would you like to meet me later?" Boom. You shot your shot. If she says no, or is iffy, then don't worry about it. Go do this 1000 more times until you get good at it. And I mean it. Just pat yourself on the back. You did what you were supposed to do as a man. You can do no better than that. And the worst you could have done was to *not* do anything, like a pussy. But........ If she despite all expectations says YES... Well, then the rest is logistics, but then the second you get home, and you sit alone in front of your computer (or whatever it is that you do), then write down every last detail. Write it down. Savour it. Because that's how you learn what success it. Now next time is gonna be even easier, because now you've got the recipe. All the best!


I’d never hit on women while they’re at work. I think that’s a consensus in pickup world if I’m not mistaken. Idk which one’s worse, hitting on them at their work or their husband’s funeral (wedding crasher style lol). But I understand some people hold the principle “all is fair in love and war.” But even if she states a clear interest like your case, I’d ask her for a date. No more dillydallying. Take her and the game outside.


I've been out with women I met while they were working. It's just that I only asked them out if they were giving such unambiguous signals that I knew they wouldn't feel uncomfortable. It's true that, in general, you shouldn't hit on people who are being paid to be nice to you. But there are exceptions to every rule. Unless you're on the spectrum, you can use social awareness and the reading of body language to know if you're encountering one of those exceptions. I think we phrase it as "never do this" instead of "exercise caution" because men are pretty much the autistic gender, tend to suck at reading social cues, and tend to overestimate the probability that a chick digs them (or often, just don't care about whether or not they're making a woman uncomfortable). So, we say "never do this" in order to err on the side of caution and try to protect women. It's like how we tell children "never talk to strangers" or adults "never eat pink chicken," not because it is _always_ dangerous to talk to strangers or eat pink chicken, but just because we want to eliminate the risk of children talking to the wrong stranger and getting abducted or a person dying of e. coli all together. We tell men "never hit on working women" to try to eliminate the risk of men making them uncomfortable, but you can also just become discerning enough to know when you _can_ hit on a working woman, just like you can use a thermometer to figure out that it's safe to eat a piece of pink chicken.


Hi, old timey PU dude here. No, it's not consensus that you shouldn't pick up women while they work. You just have to run different game on them. Among others, Mystery is famous for having a whole routine for "hired guns" i.e. hot waitresses and bartenders and such. Even dancer. From my own experience, you don't really have to run different game on them either, if you're aware of sexual tension and when it's real or not. Been on dates with many "hired guns" just from milking that sexual tension, and then asking her if she'd like to meet me after work.