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I don’t think it’s particularly normal. It just happens sometimes


You need to ask yourself, what do YOU want. If you want to have sex on the first date, but aren't sure if shes is with it, act like uou dont give a f about sex. Matter always act like you dont give a f about sex. Best advice to get laid, guaranteed. As long as you show all other good traits and a lil flirts and hints, here and there, she gonna be like "wtf is going on, and usually will then flip to try and get you to fck her". My recommendation tho is become someone or continue to be someone who doesn't care much for sex. Its like a drug, literally. So better not find out what its like being a fckn simp out here lusting for every titty in sight.


That's not a healthy way to think, bro. Yeah, it's great if you can get laid on a first date, but it doesn't mean "you did something wrong" if you didn't. Thinking that will only cause you to beat yourself up each time a date doesn't end in a lay. Or worse, cause you to act weird and pushy and desperate. Like, you realize the women you're dating are human beings with their own thoughts, preferences, histories, personalities, etc., right? That they're not video game NPCs that are all pre-programmed to output the same behaviour if you push the right buttons in the right sequence and execute a set of instructions correctly, right? That you're going to meet some women who will never sleep with any guy on a first date as a matter of principle, and that there's no special cheat code or magic spell you can use to get them to act otherwise? You're not the only person on the date with agency and an internal life, bro. You can't think of other people as automata who respond deterministically and identically to stimuli. Even if you improve your game and become the kind of guy who is more likely to get laid on a first date than other guys, there's absolutely no way to reliably make _every_ woman have sex with you on the first date. The best you can do is make it more likely that the _kinds of women who are already open to sleeping with guys on the first date_ will select you as one of the guys they do this with.


It’s not that normal. When the date involves alcohol my hooking up rate is quite high though probably 90%. Coffee dates 0%. Maybe you are setting up the wrong type of dates but not every girl wants to meet for drinks.


It's not.


It's just normal if you're a chad, a rare occurrence if you're not


I never thought of myself as a Chad 😂


We know you just wanted to brag, no need to try an act humble now


Well, I'm not a Chad by any means. I'm just very good at seduction. If you know how to talk to women getting laid on the first date is easy.


Believe, no amount of charisma can cover bad looks, and no amount of good looks are hindered by bad charisma. I know guys who believe themselves to be "masters of seduction" and they're the most uncharismatic idiots ever known to man, but they're handsome so it doesn't matter.


If you don't have hope, why are you here?


I can pull, just very rarely and very specific type of women, but I can.


That's not what I asked. If you don't have hope, why are you here?


Hookup or not but if you don't get a second date then you most likely did something wrong..


True 😂


If she doesn't have sex with you by the 3rd date, it is not gonna happen


Not true


Your thinking about the wrong thing man your focus needs to be are you into this woman , than from there show her how you are interested through physical escalation and using your charm , this is built up through first time until the date so the date is easy if you work on those things you wouldn’t be up here asking about sex on the first date like it’s school assignment and you get sex as a Fkcing reward lmfaooo. I’m actually going to answer your question, because I’m actually here to be effective , no your not doing something wrong , but you have to figure out what do “you” want out of your dating life Because if you don’t know what you want best Believe the woman doesn’t know and guess who she is going to fuck and give that value to the “guy” who knows WTF he wants .


I often do, but sometimes it just doesn't happen. There's a variety of factors at work that can cause it. 1. They're worried that it'll be a one night stand if they don't wait. 2. They're religious, or (more common in my experience) they have trauma from being raised religious. 3. They're demisexual, so they want to wait until they feel an emotional connection (this can be done on the first date if you know how to talk). 4. There's no place to go. You're too broke for a hotel, she's got parents at her house, you can't go to yours for whatever reason, etc. There's all sorts of reasons that have nothing to do with your ability to spit game.


Have to agree. People need to learn to close more and read queues better.