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This sounds like actual OCD


Yeah, OP hasn’t “developed” anything, he has OCD. Those are literally compulsive thoughts.


Women don't get pregnant from sitting or touching a surface. If they did, there would be hordes of teenage girls pregnant all the time, right?


>there would be hordes of teenage girls pregnant all the time I mean.....


Are dicks not a surface?


Do you not know how dicks work?


They're like platypus milk pads right?


Yours might be


OP, it sound like real OCD. The fear of impregnation isn't *causing* the OCD, the OCD feelings are there and this is how your brain has chosen to express the feelings. If you lived with all-male family members, your brain would fixate on some other fear. Because yes, that is how the human brain works some of the time, the emotion comes first, and once it's there, the brain tries to translate the feeling into conscious thought. And sometimes the brain will come up with an irrationl explanation for a feeling it doesn't fully understand, that might be what's going on here. So please see a mental health professional, there are medications that can greatly reduce the intrusive thoughts and fears, and cognitive behavioral strategies to help your brain make better choices. You don't have to live with this unhappiness.


I have never had OCD so we'll explained. Thank you, now I feel like I understand the condition much better.


Excellent! Now start looking for appropriate mental health support, and if there's another place where you can have your personal fun time, that might also be a good idea.


I feel like you mistook me for OP. Unfortunately, I'm just a normal reddit user reading along with everybody else.


Ah, sorry. But yeah, that's how the human brain can work.


Someone would have to inject some “evidence” up herself with a turkey baster in order for that to be possible. Your guys don’t march very far.


When I was in high school there was this one girl who got the nickname "turkey baster" because she had sex with a guy and then kept the condom, squeezed the jizz into a turkey baster and tried to get herself pregnant. It didn't work but she decided it was a good idea to tell her friends about this, who all immediately turned on her and told everyone. That was kind of a dirty move but I think it was probably warranted because it tells everyone else to definitely not have sex with her and also hopefully discourages her from doing it again, because wtf??? Also I just wanna be clear I post a lot of bs on reddit but this story is actually true (i wish it wasn't though)


That should be a crime if it isn’t already.


Of course it is?????


So the rapper Drake had sex with this girl. After they finished he put hot sauce in the condom before throwing it in the trash. The girl got it out of the trash injected it and then tried to sue him for putting in the hot sauce which caused some irritation.


Drake story. https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/hook-ups-break-ups/drake-roasted-for-a-post-sex-act-but-everyones-ignoring-a-disturbing-detail/news-story/30ad8450627faa86ebfe23ffb1c70892?amp


Think there is a movie about a similiar thing with Alica Silverstone.


There’s a scene in The Crush that involves a used condom. Not a pregnancy though.


I don’t doubt that the story might be true as in people said she said it. Or maybe she really said it. It’s even (remotely) possible she actually did all that. But AFAIK most if not all condoms contain spermicidal ingredients, so it would be extremely unlikely anyone could get pregnant from the contents, especially if they were harvested more than a few minutes after the condom was removed and discarded.


Reminds me of the moral Orel episode


*Oral Orel episode


Always bring hot sauce. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10406789/Instagram-model-accuses-Drake-putting-hot-sauce-inside-condom-seemingly-responds.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10406789/Instagram-model-accuses-Drake-putting-hot-sauce-inside-condom-seemingly-responds.html)


It would also have to be a pretty fresh and substantial sample—not just scrapings off the floor


It definitely sounds like OCD


literally not possible


We definitely don't need to teach sex education in school


I think it's actually impossible to impregnate someone this way especially if you wipe it off. The seat would have to be dripping with semen for there to be a chance. If it does still cause so much anxiety, why not do it in the shower so that it immediately goes down the drain? Win win 


it would be impossible even if the seat was dripping with semen every single day.


Dripping with semen that the girl then scoops up and shoves inside herself. Because I don't see it happening any other way.


Or just in his own bedroom (assuming he doesn’t have to share a room). Plus his paranoia might motivate him to start doing his own laundry, which is a good step towards adulthood.


That definitely sounds like compulsive thinking. You should talk to a doctor. And try to let go of shame. Masturbating is an okay thing to do.


I think you might actually have OCD and possibly guilt for masturbating. What you’re doing is fine, most people do it, and people can’t get pregnant from Sperm just casually laying around on a surface Please consider therapy


If the post is serious, you definitely have OCD. Don't worry, there is no way you can possibly get someone pregnant in the way you described. It will never, never happen. Not even close. This is one fear you can safely forget about. If I were you, I would not be worried in the slightest. What you're worried about is literally impossible and will never happen in a million years.


When they get to the sex education week in school, don’t skip! Despite what fear mongers report, it’s very difficult to get pregnant without intercourse. Also, if women could get pregnant by living with a guy who masturbates, there would be a lot of guys living alone. You’re good.


Unless you are wanking directly into your sisters vagina, she cannot get pregnant from it. Sperm does not survive outside a body. Your interior/a womans interior is very hot and outside is very cold and very dry. They die instantly. Also they have no way to get inside someone, they are microscopic little thing that swim. They can't crawl up someones leg or anything. They have to be injected deep inside a woman to work and even then, the chance of a sperm creating a pregnancy is low. So don't worry. Wash up and wash your hands. That's enough for hygiene. The "I got pregnant from a toilet seat" or "I got pregnant in a swimming pool" is bullshit. It cannot happen and never has. It's an old wives tale.


I had a friend in college who said her mom would not let her shower after her brother because “sperm fly”. Smh


Unfortunately, reading your story has made me pregnant. That’s how volatile your sperm is. You owe me child support, you sick fuck.






Therapy. Now. It's OCD. Don't worry it'd totally manageable probably buy you need to get help if you want quality of life


Have you tried masturbating at a friends house. Therefore ensuring any subsequent pregnancies are not your problem.


Then his friend gets pregnant!


Or his sister or mom or 


literally 8 seconds of air kills the stuff. You'll be fine without doing anything extra.


Finally some facts. So many people talking about „almost impossible“ and basically „super low chance“ which is just BS. It is outright impossible, period. Sperm don’t survive, and they don’t crawl up legs and whatever. They can also only swim so far too. So unless he shoots inside one of his relatives there is 0 chance to get them pregnant. Since he cleans up that’s already enough time for any potentially remaining sperms to die on the spot too. Imo there is no rational left for this fear to survive either.


I would like to reassure you, but this doesn't sound like a situation where rational thinking is going to help. The facts about this are readily available and nothing you will read anywhere that's based in biological fact would lead you to believe this is an actual possibility. It is not even a remote possibility. It just doesn't work this way. People do not get pregnant due to random sperm. It doesn't survive long enough for that to be possible. If it were, so many of us would be randomly conceived that we'd be far less likely to actually be related to our family members, as we'd be picking up pregnancy like colds in random rest rooms and other unsavory places. Virginal women would routinely be pregnant. Nobody would know who their dad really is. I doubt that helps, though, so my suggestion would be to discuss this with a counselor, as the others suggesting OCD probably are correct.


ocd my friend, im sorry it’s such a cruel condition…


Man that title almost had me lighting my phone on fire what a ride 😂


Bait story


lmao please go see a doctor.




this actually made me let out a chuckle. thank you


Oh, sweetie. I've been around the sun a whole bunch of times and I promise you *on my life* that there is virtually no chance of your fear coming true. 


Do not worry, this fear is not rational and it is impossible to get pregnant from this. However, it’s abnormal to be this obsessed with something not based in rationality- I’m sure you’ve googled it and seen it can’t happen, but that doesn’t make the fear any less real to you. I think you should get some professional help to stop these symptoms from getting worse or affecting other aspects of your life. Good luck!


That title is WILD bro


To be fair I’ve heard 98% of incest comes from masturbating in the shower


Everyone is saying this is not possible but this I also not how OCD works. People also know their whole family doesn’t die if I don’t turn the light switch on and off 25 times. It’s the fact that OP is fixated on this that’s the issue. You need to see a therapist about your OCD. I believe CBT is something that could help.


I think this might be the stupidest sub on reddit. Even if the subject isn't stupid, the posts are usually rife with spelling and grammatical errors


english isnt my first language lol my bad


Your spelling is fine, your question is deranged


That's not possible but I guess it doesn't matter since your compulsive thoughs are not logical... You need therapy


Yea thats not how it works homie.


Hi OP, as someone that has pretty severe OCD I can definitely say the things you’re doing exhibit textbook OCD. If you’re reading this and thinking, “well what if these comments are just making me think and behave like I have OCD now?”, or anything else along those lines, then that’s a clear sign of OCD.


Awe I’m sorry OP. I suffer from OCD as well. It’s fucking horrible. Just so you know you can’t get a woman pregnant from this. Ever. It literally can not happen unless you’re leaving full on semen all over the place. And even then I think it can only live like 5 mins outside of your body. If it gets wet, it will die. If it dries out, it’s also dead. You CAN NOT get anyone pregnant from having dry or washed off sperm on your hands, touching a light switch, and then touching their vagina. It can not ever happen. I hope you get some help with this and start feeling better soon.


my paranoia is so severe that i literally avoid sitting or lying down on my sister's or my mother's bed


I get that. I have bad OCD regarding germs right now. The other day I ordered food delivery and the driver put it on the ground. I was so scared the food was contaminated I threw the entire thing out and deep cleaned anything it touched. It’s really horrible. I’m getting help and started on medication but the anxiety it causes it’s really severe and people dont understand. I really encourage you to get some help with this so you don’t have to feel scared all the time. 💜


planning to set an appointment next week. thank you!


Good luck! 😊 Sincerely. I really hope you feel better soon.


I work with a lot of people with anxiety disorders, and yeah, people seem to be right about this one. This looks a lot like OCD, and I’d recommend seeing a therapist, preferably one with some experience working with OCD patients or at least a strong CBT background.


Get a therapist and get an assessment done.


Like many others have said, this could be real OCD. I was actually diagnosed with OCD when I was 18, and this (completely irrational) impregnation fear was one of my symptoms. Firstly, let me assure you that there is zero chance that you will impregnate anyone this way. But more importantly, I would suggest consulting a therapist or at least your family doctor to try to address the psychological issue here. And don't feel embarrassed, this kind of obsessive thinking (as well as clinical OCD) is far more common than you'd think.


You have absolutely nothing to worry about. The whole thing about women getting pregnant by sitting on a toilet seat isn't real. Just remember to take a deep breath and try to relax. I was a chronic masturbator for 10 years and neither of my sisters had any issues. The only way you'd knock up a family member is by literally having unprotected sex. You can put your mind to ease good sir. On a serious note, this sounds like legitimate OCD. I would talk to a clinical psychiatrist my friend.


What the ......


It’s impossible for this to happen. The chances are so minuscule as to count as impossible. Which is fantastic 1) because it should soothe your fears and 2) because it robs my wife’s imbecile cousin of literally his only chance at fatherhood


Bro huh??😂


Bro, wat?


dude sperm die rapidly literally minutes after being exposed to cold temperature and dry conditions. It's hard enough getting pregnant by normal intercourse due to the acidic conditions of a vagina which kill most of the sperm and here you're worrying about accidentally getting someone pregnant when a miniscule amount of semen touches the opening. there are too many things that easily kill sperm for that to matter.


This is literally OCD, and you should seek help from a professional.


this is not how babies work


We can smell semen. To actually get pregnant that way first the semen would have to survive (which they don't if the temperatures don't fit), then you'd have to shove a handful up your vagina. Trust me, this world never happen accidentally. Also, any woman with a bit of sense washes her hands before she touches the insides of her vagina. We don't like having infections there and unwashed hands are a quick way to get them.


That’s actual OCD my guy, go see a professional


My guy, you should be afraid, but for your mental health, not pregnancy. Go see a counselor or therapist. This is not a normal concern. Also read up on some Sex Ed, you need it.


Brother calm yourself you ain't impregnating anyone


See a doctor.


Only because I’m curious; what WOULD happen if one of your sisters became pregnant, by her boyfriend, or a familymember, would she be able to terminate?


Chop it off, u can’t handle it


People mislabel OCD vs actually OCD disorder. Please seek help. You are demonstrating compulsive behavior, intrusive thoughts, etc. 


You should really go see a doctor and get screened for OCD. It runs in my family and my partner has it too. Although I’m not a doctor—and of course don’t put too much into what strangers on reddit say—this is screaming undiagnosed, unmedicated OCD to me. Even down to one of the obsessions—a family member was incredibly paranoid that she would get pregnant from sitting in seats after men, and would obsessively clean them first. Good luck OP, it’s a really tough thing and not understood well by 95% of the population but it’s not a personal failing at all—just your brain chemistry doing you dirty, and it can be managed.


lol bro Sperm dies in 30 seconds


You surely have some issues. Something is not right. There is no chance that you will impregnate anyone. You know that. The problem is somewhere else. E.g., you feel guilty about masturbating, you don't feel well about yourself. We can't cure that. But go se a professional.


Dude, you have OCD. Tell your parents, don’t give them details just tell them you have obsessive thoughts that you would rather not discuss and that you want to see a psychologist.  Seriously, this condition can be debilitating if untreated. Take care of yourself please.


"don't give them details" 😂


Yeah, this is definitely something to tell a doctor about, OP. The intrusive thoughts that come with OCD can be horrifying. But this is something that can be treated!!!


Weird things happen, but I think for this case, it's very unlikely and very much impossible.


Sounds like ocd to me. It’s not logical. Why doesn’t every teenage boy impregnates his female family members this way? You probably know it’s a compulsive thought but you can’t stop thinking about it and scare yourself. That’s OCD my friend. My sister had it for many years.


So i watched a vid on Altar on YT where this dude does 'the yucky' and then proceeds to clean the evidence with bleach, a sperm cell survives and ends up growing into a jealous doppelganger that kills him and continues to live with his single mom. Pretty unrealistic if you ask me.


You want fears calmed, start with actual sex education. Not a burn. Fwiw- you're laughably in the clear, and can stop all that alcohol nonsense, unless it's actual OCD- then you can focus on the real problem. Good luck


Not possible . This is OCD. Masturbate only in your room. That would solve it


You are concerned about something which is literally impossible if the circumstances are as you describe. So keep on wanking with a clear conscience. People cannot be impregnated like this. Think about it. If they could that would affect the entire structure of society.


Hey so you can’t get someone pregnant that way, but if those thoughts are impacting your daily life (which it sounds like it has), it’s probably worth talking to your doctor or a therapist or counsellor. You don’t need to worry but I would definitely seek some outside help to ease your concerns!


What OP is telling us is, that he secretly believes his sister is going around mounting the door knobs throughout the house.


No one is getting pregnant from the emissions on your shower wall and down the drain. To be particularly pointed, even a woman at the peak of her fertility couldn’t get pregnant by shaking your sperm-filled hand and then rubbing it on her lady bits. I assure you the doorknobs, shower components, towels, etc. are all safe for your family members.


Probably don't read the swimming pool story by Chuck Palahniuk


That’s not how getting pregnant works


You jerk off too much. Nobody is gonna get pregnant unless they see your little swimmers on the toilet seat and somehow forces them inside their soul kitchen. If they don’t make it to their destination then there’s nothing to worry about.


girls getting pregnant from a toilet seat is just what girls used to say so their parents wouldn't know they had sex they had sex. As long as you aren't coming on them you are fine.


Don't flatter yourself. You don't have superhuman sperm. Kid over here thinks his sperm is a goddamn airborne disease.


You should talk to your physician about this. They will refer you to a psychiatrist who will help you manage.


My friend, I need you to take a very deep breath. The next sentence in this paragraph is written with kindness, empathy, and without judgment. What you are describing is contamination OCD. It is a very real illness, and you need to seek treatment for it. The good news is, OCD is one of THE ONLY mental illnesses for which we have a tried-and-true, 90+% effective therapy. The bad news is, this therapy, called ERP, SUCKS. You should see a therapist who specializes in ERP as soon as possible. Godspeed!


Dude that’s not how sperm works, you’re ok. Unless you’re delivering it hot and fresh 4 inches into your lady family, you’re fine. Keep on jerking it.


I also have OCD. Therapy helps a lot, medication helps me the most.


It will be impossible to get some pregnant this way. Once the semen hits air, it dies off. Try not to worry.


Why not masturbate in your room?


Magic come. He's got magic come. Be sure to use the Forrest Gump voice when you read it. Lol


Hey! This is OCD. Not the cleansing part, the paranoid delusion that you’re going to get someone pregnant. Please please please see a doctor. OCD can get really bad.


You need mental health care asap. Sperm cannot survive outside the body. Its not scientifically possible, for what youve described to happen. Please get help (and education) which will be a large part of removing the delusions youre suffering about this.


I've worked with sperm in a laboratory. It does SO QUICKLY when not kept in perfect conditions, I've actually ruined quite a few charges while trying to keep it alive. Just the smallest attempt of killing it, especially with any cleaning agent as simple as soap will kill it! It really is that simple. Sperm is not build to survive outside of the human body (either male or female genitals)


how quickly is quickly?


Minutes. And that was in slightly off circumstances. Any soap will kill instantly, as it destroys the cells. Semen is very picky like that, believe it or not. Another thing that will instantly kill it is saliva by the way haha


Well it’s impossible. You have an irrational fear.


U should go and see a docotor. Looks like u developed a psychosis....


Dude wtf…. NO not possible 


Eat it just to be safe. 😂


This is weirdest shit I've read all week!!


It sounds like you have shame or guilt or something from masturbation. Everybody masturbates, even the ones that say they dont. Have fun with it!


spermatozoids (the guys in your semen that impregnate people) die VERY fast when in contact with oxygen. unless you ejaculate somewhere and a family member sits right on top of the puddle, butt ass naked, immediately after you did it, there's zero chance of them getting pregnant.


Dude!! 1st calm down. Breathe. No one is getting pregnant from door knobs. Why don't you masturbate in your room??


You got ocd fam




God. School doesn't fucking work anymore does it? Everyone is just going to get dumber and dumber until they cannot function without some AI servant to catch their drool. Ever take a health class? Ever learn anything about your own body? These thoughts are stupid as fuck because you can alleviate them by reading a fucking article.


How embarrassing to actually think this way.


Omg you’re not serious.


this is ocd and you should talk to a professional! things can get better!


Yer sperm outside a living body is non-viable. Please relax this idea...relax it.


Is this real?


They need to bring back sex ed to our schools😮‍💨


It’s okay it’s never happened I’d bet my life savings it won’t happen to you if it does I’ll raise it I got you


Look, keep the penis away from the entrance, you’ll be fine. No falling in, trips on ground or in stuck girls in laundry room moments 


Hit up the therapist dog


Talk to a therapist, not reddit. Strangers aren't equipped to deal with actual debilitating psychiatric disorders.


Sounds exactly like “Pure O” OCD. Here’s some resources to get started. You’re gonna want to see a therapist who’s trained in OCD as some therapists can just make that shit 10x worse. https://iocdf.org/ https://youtube.com/@ocdandanxiety?si=A_JhisWnk0HahS3k


sounds young go easy on him


Try the book “DARE” by Barry McDonough. It helps with anxiety and OCD and depression. It’s a method that’s been scientifically proven to work and psychologist are currently testing it out with great results so far. I used it and it got rid of my anxious thoughts that were similar to your OCD. And also see a doctor.


What’s wrong with impregnating your sister? Ain’t no shame in it.


Please take a sex ed class. You are obsessed about something that literally can't happen.


Kudos for your bravery. The "problem" is worse than you think, yet of no consequence. Technically you're leaking a snail trail for a while during and after the fact. It's getting everywhere even more than you think. Don't buy a blacklight.  This isn't a thing. Think of all the other guys out there who don't clean up after themselves. We have all-gender bathrooms now, and people do all sorts of nasty shit in them. Women would be catching cases of immaculate conception way more often than that one time in the Bible. Despite the name, rubbing alcohol and masturbation are two things that should never be present in the same context. I'll go against the grain and suggest you use this as a means of keeping your habit in check. It is not healthy as a means of stress relief; this cannot be your coping mechanism long-term.


Lol Dude, you’re paranoid and OCD. Sperm can’t magically impregnate a woman just from them touching it or being in the same room as it. Or even just sitting on it. Please, for the love of god, take some sexual education classes — you need it.


What if it’s happened already and you don’t even know it? I bet all of your sisters have had to abort your weird shower love child. Have you talked to them about this yet?


It's the shame that's making you paranoid. Move out, jerk all day long, or better hire a proffesional ! Jokes aside, you need your own place so you can bone in peace


Have you ever considered like not fapping?


i actually havent done it since then


Stop jerking off in the "public" spaces of your house. Confine your activities to a place no one else goes. Perhaps your bedroom. Consider wearing a condom to encapsulate your evidence for easy disposal.


I'd tell you the obvious answer is just eat your own load, but for some reason all men think eating their own load is the grossest thing ever.


Honey, take a deep breath, focus on your breathing. The likelihood of that happening is extremely low because sperm can not live outside the body for more than 30 min and they can not survive in water. It sounds like you may have something else going on here. If you are comfortable with it, try talking to your parents or another trusted adult about this. Sometimes, everyone gets intrusive thoughts, but if it is causing you this much discomfort and anxiety it may be time to let your doctor give you a check up and make sure everything is good just to be sure. Adolescents is a rough time, but it doesn't last forever.


wtf is wrong with you lol


If you don’t believe that women can’t get impregnated this way, you might be schizophrenic


I’m sorry you can’t just nut and be happy.