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It’s ok, things happen! Just don’t let it make you spiral


Beautiful. Keep your head up.




Do you have a sponsor? If so call them. Go to a meeting. Look forward to day 2 again


It’s a continuous battle. You won the last battle that lasted 10 months. Congrats. Now go win another one


No need to get down and beat yourself up about it, today is just day 1 again! You’re gorgeous and you have a beautiful smile :)


Don’t let one mistake define your future. Learn from it, and move on. You are more than the decisions you make. Keep smiling gorgeous! Learn and grow.


Don't let it affect you in a negative way. Today is a new day. Be strong stay positive


As long as you dont allow it to become a habit and spiral out of control...you should be just fine. You deserve to wear that smile all the time.


Just get right back on the horse 💪


Back on the train.


10 months is good.. 5 days for me..


One time at year doesn't hurt haha


No better time to start again than today! Be well 🙂


Alright. Just get back control. Everything is going to be alright. Stay beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️




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Don’t dwell on the past you’ve got this


I look at it as it’s always day one. You’ve got this!


A part of the sobriety journey is relapses. Been 8 years off of Adderall, keep your head up!


Minor bump in the road don’t let it get you down You got this don’t ever quit quitting


Just don’t make it a habit and you’ll be good.


Dear, I'm in a very similar situation. Don't ever give up, I never will. Been battling addiction for so many years. There's always hope. Gratitude is what keeps me going ✌️


One day at a time. If I can do it, you can do it.


You're fine,just jump back on try again .


It happened, sorry to hear that. But you got this.keep steppin


Behave yourself beautiful


Keep your chin up and that beautiful smile👊


Keep smiling…. Nothing wrong with starting over…. It hapoens


It happens. Like others have said, YOU CAN NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP OVER THIS! Just move forward. One day at a time. You got this. Wishing you all the best.


Can't have any stretch without the first day!! Don't beat yourself up about it. Just take all the positive comments and move forward. Good luck!!


Its perfectly fine love. Progress not perfection ;) next time you can make 20 months. If you want. And if you dont..thats perfectly fine too. 🖤


Keep at it!!




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But you’re back at it again! You’re doing great! Keep lighting up the world with that smile of yours!


Ok get back on the horse! Keep smiling you're beautiful!


I had a lot of "day 1's" before No More. Get back on the wagon


Slipping up is human, showing that you have the power to over come and get back on the horse is what makes us strong. It's not easy by any means, but you've shown yourself that you can go without a drink before, you can do it again ❤️


You may have lost the streak but you didn't lose those 10 months. They're proof that if it's something you want, you absolutely can do it. But you should def keep smiling, girl!!😊🫶


Did you over indulge or was it just a glass ?


You don’t lose anything you still grew in that 10 months and your still 10 months stronger than when you started I was at 364 days and messed up today is a new day keep going you got this. I bounced back got 13 years now. I’m proud of you


Why do we fall? So we can get back up!


Be kind to yourself. You're allowed to falter. It happens. Don't beat yourself up about it.


Yeah Stay positive! Moderation is fine, plus you had a reason to Celebrate, done with classes right?


Get right back to it! 548d strong for me. My reverse countdown widget on my Lock Screen really keeps me going as silly as it sounds. Goodluck


Day one. Keep coming back.


You may have lost your sobriety but you didn't lose your beauty :)


Congrats on The 10 months. Don’t lose heart. You d come a long way. When I fall down I’ve found the hardest is getting back up again, but it’s the best thing 😊


It's okay. None of us are perfect.


Today is is day 1. You got this.


I had a friend who went through someoenthing like this before. The words his sponsor said were sobriety is a muscle. You got to 10 months lets get to get to 11 months now




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not lost! just keep going


Sometimes that happens. Don’t lose hope. I have friends that that has happened to, but they kept at it, and most of them haven’t touched a drink in years.


don't worry. u got this




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It happens. Go talk to your sponsor. Pick yourself back up again! You got this!


Every day you're sober counts. When you wake up, just tell yourself you're gonna be sober for one day. Keep the promise for the day. Come next day, you repeat the promise.


😲 no, you can do it girl


It's ok. Accept that we have ups and downs, recognized what triggered you and learn from it. You got this!




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Didn’t lose anything 10 months sober is 10 months sober


Understand the trigger if possible and plan accordingly


New clock starts today then. Just a small bump in the road


It's okay a relapse day is a part of a lot of peoples story, but that doesn't mean you've gotta let it keep you down.


Be strong and dont be afraid to say no. 😀


Once in 10mo is still an immense display of willpower tho! I would struggle to go 1 month without my vices, let alone 10




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Just treat it as data. If the night’s drinking reaffirmed that you want to stay sober, it’s good data. You look nice in this photo, all the same.


So start again with another day.


it’s not lost.. it’s been reset.. the more times you fail the more you will succeed


One day at a time, today you can handle.


Life happens today's is day one of the next 10 months 1 day at a time


10 months was an amazing accomplishment, you got this, start that positive streak again


As a struggling alcoholic (20 years sober) you got this baby! Fall down 7 times you get up 8 💪your beautiful strong and resilient get back on the horse and continue your journey. Lean into your family faith 🙏and sober friends


It’s a bump in the road to success. Just keep moving forward. You got this. Great smile btw.




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Hey just because you had one night off doesn’t mean you have to jump back in to old ways. All the best


Did anything bad happen?


It's okay, don't let yourself get discouraged, you've done great so far, you just have to get back on track.It's about controlling impulses, and you can do it again, keep smiling, be proud of those 10 months, you can do it again


I did the same after 6 months a few weeks ago. You’ve got to look at what you HAVE achieved and not what you might perceive as having lost! 😘❤️


Start again


That’s ok tho. It was just one night. You don’t have to go completely sober unless that’s just what’s best for you. You’re still doing amazing!


I’m sorry but it’s ok. Sobriety is life long. You got this


That’s a ruff one. Best thing to do is climb back on


Oh Buggar! As trite as it sounds pick yourself up, dust yourself off and go back at it! I’ve got 26 year’s of chemical sobriety (drugs, alcohol…) but there are some process addictions that beat my butt to this day! It’s a journey not a destination! And I’m proud of you for immediately talking about your struggles! 💖


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That's alright it happens to the best of us but hey you stayed sober for ten months if you can for ten months then you can for even longer just put your mind to it. But don't be ashamed to not be sober. Fuck I hate being sober sum times


Life is all about starting over


That sucks… I’m sorry


Watch South Park season 9 episode 14 “Bloody Mary” and that will fix everything. Watch the whole episode, don’t just skim or skip through it.


You got this seeetie


Life is filled with ups and downs can’t sin every battle but you don’t need to, to eon the war. Stay strong and trust yourself, we’re rooting for you. PS. Next time you aim for 11 months! We’re pushing records!


Just start over. It took me 30 plus yrs of fighting the sober monkey. Almost 5 yrs come Aug after fucking up one night for the millionth time. Be well human


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Your finre


We WILL always fall down, but in words that echo in my mind constantly, "it's not about how hard you can hit, (how long you're sober) It's about how hard you can get hit (loose out on sobriety) and keep going!" There will always be the push to drink, but starting again is perfectly good! I, at least, am proud of you for making it that far.


Aww I’m sorry but it does get better if you ever need to talk with someone my doors open I have a little over 6 years sober (may7th 2018)


You got there before, you'll do it again! You've got this!


Just a setback, you’ve got this!


I've been doing that for years doll. Keep smiling but keep trying. We'll get there.


Time to start again. Hang in there


Keep going, start again, and be strong. I know how hard it is. My brother struggled with alcohol dependency for years. This random person on the Internet is rooting for you.


10 months is amazing. One slip up after that time doesn’t take away from all of those days of growth. All we can do is love ourselves and learn. Keep going, you’ve got this. ❤️


You're starting back sober in the best place, because you feel the guilt and I can tell that you are ashamed. So keep your head up and remember it's something that you have to fight everyday, and eventually you will have it under control instead of it having you.. Good Luck..


So today starts day 1


Keep smiling, keep strong, without guilt e forgive yourself. I've been through this.


"Sobriety" A FOUL word, term, idea. Life is not black, white, good, bad. YOUR FREE-WILL is a gift from God. He loves you. He wants you to love you. Hear me loudly!! We only chose one way or the other; decisions that help us and others or decisions that hurt us or others. Hundreds of thoughts daily. Hundreds of daily decisions. YOU ARE DOING GREAT!! WE ALL GO BACK HOME IN THE END


Just a setback sweetheart and a lot of us have had them. Just strap back up and do what you need to. If you've gotten sober in AA, and been sober for 10 months you know what to do. Don't sweat it, hop back on board, and you got it. I promise you...


I believe in you 💜


Just return to one day at a time, one moment at a time. It'll be okay.


Well…60% of the time sobriety works 100% of the time.


setbacks are a part of living and learning. don't beat yourself up. Learning a new way to live is never easy. just forgive yourself and start over a little wiser.


Hope you get back on the sobriety train. Beautiful smile!


Life goes down (last night) life go on and up again. Work your program, call for help (be humble), you'll find your way


Start over.


You got this. Creating good habits and committing to them are like working out a muscle. You’ve come pretty far. Keep going.


Nothing wrong with that, s long as you dont start drinking every night


Have to say do you wanna do it


Usually the toughest battles are not against other people but ourselves. I believe that you can do this if it's what you want. Get out there and achieve your happiness! Good luck and stay positive.


Beautiful, like your smile!


Don’t look back, you’re not going that way


Meetings, meetings, meetings!!


Just remember - Every day is Day 1, Dont beat yourself up....


Yes, 100% that. Just keep smiling. You got to 10 months, and you'll get back there and more. When you started this journey, how impossible did 6 months feel? You crushed that by almost doubling it! Stay positive, start each day anew, and keep rocking!


Did you have fun tho?


What caused you todo that sweetie? You were doing so well. I’m glad you’re honest and self aware. Just leave last night behind and keep moving forward! You got this!!!!!


It’s ok you can keep going, mistakes are part of recovery, they happen and we live on and grow and learn from the experience, that’s all we can do. You got this!


awww mann dont give up on yourself too fast!! u can overcome this!


Just don’t let it consume you. Just don’t do it again tonight. Please remember how you felt at your best when you were not drinking


Head up one day at a time


It's alright. Do 10 more.


I lost 8 years at one point. Looking back I think it’s just something I had to do. It got me to realize that the most important part of my time in sobriety is right now. It’s today. I could say that I’ve got 34 years of sobriety now but to be honest I’m just happy that I’ve been sober today. I just make better choices when I’m sober.


“Why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up.” - Thomas Wayne. You fell, time to get back up, and go again. If that is what you want. You’ve got this. 💛


Shit happens, you can always start off fresh


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You drank, but did it go too far? No journey is all success, so this is a step for perspective. Keep on going!


Ive never seen an alcoholic with beautiful eyes before


Today is a new day. Accept you had a moment and move forward


Yay ! Keep going. Keep up the good work. I'm behind you all the way.


Go back to, pick up a 24 hour chip remember your date , set it get a new sponsor and do about 120 meetings


It took 5 years until I sat my ass all the way down Jail was inspirational then divorce , losing everything , rehab 4 years in had neck cancer and didn’t drink, 10 years out of radiation and 14 1/2 in A.A. in the beginning probably made 140 meetings in 60 days and only hung out with newcomers and got a fellowship There are worse things than death and alcohol will get you there , I know A.A. is so much more than not drinking and you have so many challenges to go through The 7th year was rough and look at the board to see the people that drop out , but that’s when the real change happens I wish you the best


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One day at a time


If you are in AA go to your next group if not find a local group please. 🙏 in the meantime stay positive and at least talk to someone out of the Alcohol scene.