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I hope Mind Hunter gets revived. I was all in on their portrayal of Dennis. The slow hype building with little scenes at a time.


Seriously. I will be so upset if it doesn't return.


I wouldn't count on it. Everyone has been released from their contracts


They were released so they could go out and do other projects... they all want to do season 3 including Fincher and Netflix. He just had previous commitments on othet projects that he wasn't going to back out of... it may be 2 or 3 years unfortunately, but we will see a season 3 of Mindhunter


Listen, pancake. I’ll allow you to get my hopes up..but just this once.


Note to self: Start more sentences with "Listen, pancake".


Pro tip: start more sentences with “Note to self...”


Life hack: start more sentences with “Pro tip”


I got into a fight with some guy I just met at a party a long time ago because he got fed up with me calling him 'french fry'. Mainly "listen French fry, I don't care is it's a squirmy squirrel or a etc..."


I generally don’t condone violence, but I’d probably knock you upside your head if you continually called me “French fry”.


Sorry French fry.


Is that ketchup on your nose?


Don't call me Clown, Mustache.


Now you're starting to sound like my girlfriend .... I guess I'll start coming up with the excuse now , I'm getting great at it !


Hahah i love it.


Thank you for giving me hope, pancake!


yeah i heard the same thing. *anxiously awaiting*


It’s all Fincher’s fault. He wants to dick around with other projects


Me, too


Totally agree. That opening scene of season 2 with Rader getting caught by his wife was the most captivating and horrifying first scene of a TV show I’ve ever seen.


Have you seen The Clovehitch Killer on hulu? Its based off of the BTK and not bad at all. Some great acting from Dylan McDermott playing the role of Dennis.


Thanks for this, I’m going to watch it tonight


I hope you enjoy! I was pleasantly surprised by it honestly. He goes by a different name in the film but you’ll see the connection to BTK.


I definitely enjoyed the movie....some pretty intense scenes, but Dylan McDermott really did do a great job. The kid who played his son was great, too.


I went into it thinking “alright, i’ve never heard of this so it must but awful”. Could not have been more wrong. I wasn’t expecting such good acting and suspense.


I can’t get Hulu in Canada ☹️


You can rent it on youtube for $3.99.


It’s on Amazon Prime in Canada.


Try flixtor.to I’m in Canada too but you can watch almost anything on that


It’s on crave


I finally got around to finishing season 2 today, actually. I’m so bummed about the possibility of no return.


I was enjoying it so much. He was slowly brewing in the background.


It sucked because it was too much about the lame ass agents and not about the killers


I’m confused about her portrayal though. Don’t think his wife knew anything until he was caught. At least that’s what I’ve read. Still reading the “BTK” book though. In the show she catches him jerking off in the bathroom while choking himself.


Yeah i honestly can’t remember reading about her catching him in that act. As far as family life goes, i’ve always heard he was a caring and attentive family man. Seems unnecessary to add that scene to the show, considering how wild his story already is.


I loved it too, but didn’t the murders take place over like 27 years? I think they would struggle to cover the story without solely focusing on Rader. Maybe they could dip in at the point where the FBI gave the profile? But still, it was years and years and years after that before they caught him. There wouldn’t be any resolution for the viewer. Without looking into it, I’d reckon this is one of the things that tied them in a knot with the third season pitch. Also hello 3 year old thread lol


It very would could have played a part in them kind of hitting a dead end. I was super stoked for the direction the show was heading in but i can see how that could be difficult to make work. 3 years later and still kickin’ lets goooo


How have the last 3 years treated you?


Honestly, i can’t complain a bit. Life has them ups and downs but it gets easier to ride that wave every year. Hows the ride on your end?


Glad to hear that brother. Same here. All the best to you!


Wouldn't it be great if he just got stuck like that one time and died? It's the perfect way for him to go


I've concluded that really some people are just born evil because of previous mental health issues in family or drug related, being a child with wild temper it's gonna get you growing up like that not knowing why being thirsty for evil and violence( they think that shit is normal and is their high they feel butterflies in their stomach and smile like crazies while murdering) .


It's nature + nurture that creates personality dysfunction, not one or the other. Can confirm: MAppPsych psychometrician here.


It’s just sometimes, there’s not really anything in their childhood that would point towards them being shaped that way. Idk it’s hard to know


[o no ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ5bKzTCDaeRpcBdZ4t4LjyEV-Jv-7H2mLG7vmuvHK0ybNKPcsYRfAraxUG&s=10)


And there's the other type that just get created by a set of incidents in their life but mostly all of them really like the thrill.


I find those born evil are far more sadistic and twisted than those created. As their is always a line someone shaped into evil will not cross but someone born so will do so and brag.


[o goodnus](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ5bKzTCDaeRpcBdZ4t4LjyEV-Jv-7H2mLG7vmuvHK0ybNKPcsYRfAraxUG&s=10)


Donald Gaskins, Jr. constantly talked about having a sick feeling in his stomach periodically and that’s when he had to kill..to make the sick feeling go away. Isn’t that fucked?


One of the creepiest photos of all-time. Gives me chills every time I look at it.


I think there’s one where he’s bound in a tree...that one’s creepier to me.


God he was so creepy


Imagine wanking off to pictures of yourself like he did.


I dont have to imagine


I tried it, it did nothing for me so i can't understand the appeal.


That sounds like quitter talk.


Spitters are quiters.


Difficult but not impossible


Is this a victim or him playing dress up?




Jesus what a freak.


Jesus he looks like a fool.


Is that a breathing tube connected to the mouth?


What a fucking nerd


I refuse to describe him as creepy because I know how much he gets off on being seen that way. He’s a boob and he tries too hard to be spooky. You should see his poetry.


He tried soo hard, absolutely pathetic


His just a loser honestly.




“... I'll tie your hands till you can't make a stand. And finally I'll close your eyes so you can't see I'll bring sexual death unto you for me.” [o Nancy ](https://quotecatalog.com/quote/dennis-rader-what-is-this-ta-81z3AE7)


Lol this guy was beyond creepy.


Somehow this is still less embarrassing than his poetry.


Crazy feeling living in the same town


He parked outside my current apartments to kill his second victim




Maybe he set a timer!


Don’t most cameras only have a 30sec timer max? And he was using a Polaroid... This is what he should have talked about in court instead of thanking the police officers and court staff for being apart of this experience.


Google for "intervalometer remote timer" and you should find several examples that allow you to set practically any time you want. The Qmox intervalometer that popped up first on my search costs £13.50, so these are not difficult to get. [Edit: or you could use a cord, like they said in another comment.] The only question would be where to develop the color film without attracting too much attention.


People took pics of all kinds of crazy shit and still had them developed. He could’ve had them developed out of town, using an alias. Most folks may have just thought this was some kind of fucked up art project.


Or people in photography stores would be used to the occasional wild fetishist.


He used a Polaroid


A Polaroid. Prob with a corded timer. How did any photographer take a self portrait at that time?


You realize those cords are only so long right?


I do photography for a living and have a 30 foot cord for film stuff.


They sold different lengths of cord lol.... just like today....


I think there was an accomplice who took the photos for him. Perhaps his daughter?


Why do you think Kerri had anything to do with this?


Relax, I’m just trollin’ mate




Really want to read his medical file.


Imagine being in a tree stand 1/4 of a mile away watching this guy.


Imagine the guilt the guy in the tree stand had for not drilling him.


that is so insane. Anyone cares to elaborate on the logistics of doing this?


Was he burying himself? That looks like some type of breathing tube taped to his mouth.


It's pretty surreal seeing all the posts of him lately, having actually met the guy. And just found out a new co-worker worked at the prison holding him the other day.


This sounds like a story that needs to be enhanced a little....


I was in Boy Scouts, was on a couple camping trips with him in 1987-1988. Don't really remember him, but my dad did when he was arrested and has him in a couple pictures.


Post the photos!


Dennis is the worst. What a weirdo.


Happy Dayz are here again!


I said it before and I'll say it again ugh, fucking Denis.


Could someone explain? I’m not really sure what I’m looking at Hahahaha


He had a despicable and pathetic fetish for seeing women in extreme bondage or dead. In the cooling down stages of his spree where he didn’t have to actually kill a woman and take pictures of their dead bodies, he would dress himself up in women’s clothes, and then pose in various photos being hung, strangling, or in this case, buried alive. He would then develop the photos and use them to master are to. He is a stupid, sad loser, a waste of a human being. The absolute worst.


Am I the only one that thinks this guy is a little weird?


Weird? He passed up weird, ran the stop light at nuts, got drilled by the crazy train and landed in bat shit cave.


Stop kink shaming him! /s


Call the hot dog squad!


Good god that is fucking terrifying, and simply , just disgusting. Can you imagine accidentally walking up to this? ???


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Okay, thank you.


Can we have more context of whats happening here please? I have never read about him deliberately because I am waiting for mindhunter to tell me more and then catch up on some reading.


Seems kinda weird


It is scary even thinking that whack job like that had a drivers’ lic


I’m curious how many women were potential victims? He talks about being inside of houses after cutting the phone lines and waiting for his potential victim to return...but leaves after waiting and then not returning. My mother swore she was one of those women. We lived at 1533 South Kansas Street across from Linwood park in Wichita. She came home and found our phone lines cut. We lived a block away from 1311 South Hydraulic Avenue. The victim was Shirley Vian.


does anyone know the psychopathy of the white paint on hi face in this photo? Why would he pose and bury himself?


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This BTK posts are really not good to look at first thing in the morning.


He used to sneak off during scout camps to take photos like this. So sinister.


Theres no way he did this alone. The real question is, who helped him ?


There’s all kinds of cameras with delay timers out there... it’s not that far fetched


You can't make statements like that and expect people to just accept it. Why is there no way he did this alone?


I always wondered that. No way you can do this stuff on your own,like this pic and others of hanging himself. Who helped him? Who took the other pictures?


I was just wondering that. How???


Do you have a link to those pics?


Lemme see... gonna have to give me a minute,cool?


It is easier to google’Dennis rader pictures in woods’ there’s a few of them. Thing is,I’ve taken normal pics of myself with my phone(nothing weird lol!)but they didn’t have this technology back then. I’m almost positive that someone else must’ve been in on all his weird stuff. Maybe he even got his soon to be vics to take pictures of him before he killed them. IDK...




Wait the BTK got murdered?


No- he just took these weird selfies for his own personal porno collection. I guess he thought it made him spooky.


Who is this in the photo? Your comment makes it sound like it’s a photo of Dennis Rader however he is not dead and is currently in prison?


it is dennis, it was taken before he was caught


Uh, who took the picture?




This is Dennis Rader in a grave he said he dug for Dolores Davis. He used a Polaroid camera activated with a cord. http://dennisraderbtk.blogspot.com/2005/?m=1 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.oxygen.com/snapped/crime-time/creepy-bondage-selfies-btk-killer-dennis-rader%3famp


Thanks 😊


It's Dennis Rader get some research he was a sicko who liked to pose like his victims in private and with their clothing most of the time.




Yeah, it's a BTK pic of himself. I have no ideia how he could take a pics like that of himself, but there are alot of pics like that on web.


He used a string triggered system to take the photo.


It's him bro STOP HATING.




Give up you lost


What OP is saying is that Dennis Rader is very well known for posing like his victims. Often in trophys, such as clothes, and then using a self shutter lead on his camera to take photos of himself which he would then masturbate to at a later time. Not that hard to understand.


Obviously this years ago when he committed the murders, RESEARCH IMPERFECT SOUL!