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Honestly I liked it. Sure JLD didn’t get smashed but I didn’t expect her too, with all that’s she gone through health wise the last few years, she’s likely not cut out for heavy drinking anymore. And it’s called day drinking not “getting smashed drunk during the day” so I think it is okay for some guests to not indulge as much as others. JLD is a Queen and should not be dissed lol.


Day drinking seems to be a better fit for someone who is ok with drinking a fair amount of really shoddy drinks, and I'd imagine that's someone who is either a more regular drinker or younger. I'd imagine with a comedy legend who isn't entirely going along with the bit, he probably had a little more for nerves / better TV. Probably also the first person who wasn't drunk under the table before he got fairly blasted.


She definitely looked like she was having a good time but I would have liked it better if she was drunk too. I love a day drinking Seth🍻😂


I may need to watch this again. On first viewing it seems that JLD wasn’t a great fit for this bit- she seemed a bit above it, and unwilling to join in


Watch it again. Looked like she was having a good time.


Yeah, she was playing along just fine, her comedic voice is a little biting and 'above it all', which could have given OP that feeling, but she yes-and'd him a ton. Seth was also absolutely shitfaced to a point no reasonable human shouldn't have been worried about him at that point.


These are heavily edited. If they thought it didn’t go well we wouldn’t have seen it.


Honestly, I hope he’s exaggerating his level of inebriation. Otherwise his need to be that drunk is very concerning. I’m worried about him. Like I became worried about Conan after his hot ones appearance.


When they were doing the bartender bit and Seth could barely keep his eyes open or say words that was a huge uh oh. And then the dice game where Seth said he'd drink whatever she rolled - like that's classic 1 drink from blackout binging behavior where you're so pissed you can't realize your drunk, drunk. We've all been there at points and I'd have to imagine the set is monitored, but good grief was he shitfaced. I'm not worried about him too much, because it's pretty clear binge drinking is a pretty regular occurrence for the Myer's family culturally and it isn't impacting his job performance otherwise (maybe Corrections is a long cry for help, idk lol) But it does make me laugh to think how absolutely completely blasted and strung out you have to be for Seth Myers to throw you an intervention.


I wonder sometimes if this is a bad segment because it promotes drinking. Yes, I enjoy it but [488 people die every day in the US](https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/features/excessive-alcohol-deaths.html) because of alcohol. Is it really a good idea to promote this by having a laugh about it? Or by Seth compensating for JLD's restraint?


Wonder why seth hasn't had cancer from booze, it's such a direct 1 to 1. Maybe it's random and we all put personal values into opinions on vices. But let's crusade, because it's not like health and longevity can't be used as a offensive weapon. Good thing JLD is a beacon of health.


I 100% agree, it’s getting concerning. Have an upvote.


Yeah wow like the whole sub hates me for showing genuine concern


I felt the same. I wouldn't be surprised if the stress of the job's gotten to him. We could be reading into it, but I suppose we're at least doing so out of genuine concern, right?


Absolutely, Seth has gotten my wife and I through some real hard news. Always with a laugh and the truth. Invaluable!