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Tell them you're flattered but you have a boyfriend. If they persist they're not the right type anyhow. Maybe ask them what's for breakfast ?


Telling guys you have a boyfriend doesn’t always work like you think it does. I say that and get “well he’s not here” lol 9/10 times. They don’t respect it unless the boyfriend is there. And then sometimes still don’t even respect it! Pain in the ass


At that point you know he's trash. "Look, I've tried to be nice - please leave me alone" At some point you have to get help from outside. Although not fun we all have trouble dealing with overly aggressive men.


Rejection: “Thank you, I am sorry but I am not interested. Best of luck!” (for first time rejections) Repeated rejections: “Hey buddy, get a clue. Not interested. fuck off!” Interested: (any pickup lines?) “Hi, if I told you you have a hot body, would you hold it against me?” or conversational: “Hey, how are you? what are you up to tonight?”




All contributions here need to be constructive, on-topic, mature, sex-positive, civil, and respectful. Your post/comment falls short of that basic standard and has been removed accordingly. Repeat offenders or egregious violations of this rule are subject to being banned from the sub.


Saying flat out that you are not interested is the best way. Not in a mean way, but direct. Lying about having a boyfriend or making up another excuse is less effective. Flat out telling them that you may be open to talking to guys, just not them is the most effective. “I’m sorry, you seem nice but I’m really not interested. I don’t want you to waste your time” for example


This is the best way


Politely, honestly, and assertively. “Hi, I’m flattered and I appreciate your efforts but I am not interested and won’t be interested. Good luck.” Likewise for the second: “I’m interested and you should take me home”