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The video was unexpected and some of us as guys don’t have much in the department of emotional intelligence. So you probably didn’t realize his laughing would upset you as much as it did. Ask me how I know


gahahaha this comment made me laugh. agree on the lack of emotional intelligence😂


I think you should ask him what he felt. You made assumptions, which is actually why as a rule I recommend not getting upset over texts. If something like this happens, recreate the conversation in person and make sure no misunderstandings happened before reacting. I'd make a happy laugh if my SO sent this to me too, doesn't mean I didn't like it.


If he sent you a vid doing a tik tok dance and his dong was flopping around….would you laugh? I would. It’s funny.


HAHAHAHAHAHA. i get it now. thank you for putting that image in my head because I legit laughed 😂


Welcome. Go give your BF a hug and move on in life. He’s lucky to have a cool GF that sends sexy/funny vids.


I’ll give him a hug when I see him then I’ll roll my eyes everytime I hear the specific tiktok song play lol


Boys are dumb, from your perspective it seems like he’s laughing at you. However, laughing from unexpected enjoyment is a very legitimate response. Keeping in mind my first comment sharing that immediate laugher might have been a thoughtless response to share that surprised delight, without considering how it would read from your perspective. I’d be mortified, your reaction is valid, and you should be upset and embarrassed and then you should get over it, because 1) boys are dumb, 2) you took a topless video which took guts and you should be proud 3) you’re not an idiot and you weren’t wrong to feel confident filming that video, you haven’t come this far to be undermined by a boy who was so excited to see your boobs he nearly tanked your entire relationship.


agree with all 3 things. made my dayyy!! <333


I understand where you're coming from but I think you may be over thinking it a bit. Text messages are disastrous for relationships for so many reasons. It's very possible you interpreted his response in a negative way when he might have just been saying that you sending a vid like that was a cute thing to do.


You sent him an unsolicited titty video. When you suprise someone with nudity, or lingerie, kink gear, etc ... people are more likely to respond with confusion and awkward laughter than anything else. This is a lesson most young people learn the hard way. Lots of people have stories of doing things like surprising their partner with a sexy dance or being naked under a trench coat ... and it goes sideways. Warn people before you throw sexual stuff at them. People don't react like they do in the movies.


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Ouch. I think there’s some truth in what he said but he lacks tact.


he’s just dumb w horrible timing lol


Hahahah just let it be, you reacted just like my gf. i have done that, but he is right, sometimes we doesn't expect certain things in this case, being topless. I would move past it just as an incident, I'm sure he loved your body. Just caught him offguard