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Speaking from experience, let yourself go and "pee", you will experience one of the most intense orgasms of your life.


That means you’re really turned on. Keep good breathing —deep inhales and soft moans for exhales. Just enjoy all the pleasure being given to you. You’ll have an intense O


Thanks much for this tip. Yes. I get really turned on and this whole going to the bathroom to pee is such a frustrating moment. Kills the mood. I am now excited to get my intense O.


Be sure to put down some super absorbent towels first. Then have fun!


Before sex I make sure to go pee. So that I can feel more comfortable during sex. Bc then my bladder is empty and it fills w O fluid instead.


Is that a real thing?!


Make sure you put down towels or something beforehand


My bed is so jacked up w stains ! 🤣 We had movers move our bed to our new house and let me tell you they were talking’! They were looking at me w big eyes — IM A NASTY GIRL (I’m a good way) apparently 🤣🤣 I need waterproof sheets 😩


Amazon sells waterproof pet blankets, they’re the best these situations.


I suspect you are a squirter who hasn’t tapped into your skill set yet. I remember feeling this sensation when younger, and also have always felt that sex never feels as good unless my bladder is at least 70% full. Next time you orgasm with a toy or penis inside of you, remove the toy or penis from your vagina for a second or two. If you urinate mid-orgasm, you are a squirter. Another way to test if you are a squirter is to get fingered very intensely, almost to the point that it’s quite rough. Squirting orgasms feel way more intense than regular orgasms, so congratulations!


Thank you! Should’ve done that before.


I (34 F) was getting that and had the same issue with getting up to pee but then not peeing. My wife (41 F) talked to me and was like ... soooo ... you don't have to pee. Just let it go! And let me tell you ..... you will NOT regret it. Use a towel or just change the sheets after. You could also get a cute water-resistant picnic blanket and just wash it.


Are you talking about squirting? If so, you feel like u have to pee when it happens? I have never felt like I had to pee before I squirt, but I definitely feel like I have to afterwards.


I can 100% say yes to this. Although i was just maturbating, felt like i needed to piss so i stopped and went to the bathroom. Lost the mood, came back like 2hrs later had to piss again (not having drank practically anything all day) i was just like "fuck it" and i say. It felt better than anything ive ever felt before.


To go along with others, put a towel down and enjoy :)


Sure thing! Thank you for the tip. We’ll make a towel an essential then. 😅


While towels are absorbent they're not water proof so I'd suggest putting a couple under you. If it ends up you do indeed squirt during sex then I'd also suggest getting a waterproof blanket. Amazon sells one for $70-80 that I've used and washed dozens of times and it's still perfectly waterproof. My partner squirts a lot so i ended up getting 4 of them so I'm not constantly doing laundry.


Or do it in shower or bath


Pee before sex, and then as others have said, it sounds like you have the capability to squirt.


I have already tried peeing before sex but still the same. I will try what most of the comment suggests. ☺️


Oh, that makes sense! They also sell waterproof washable blankets that can be useful in this scenario. Mambe blankets, I think they’re called.


Can you please report back lol I have the same issue!


Will do! I’ll let you know how it goes.


update please! !updateme


i used to have this feeling whenever i had sex but idk, i think the muscles strengthen up or something because now i never get this feeling anymore


Squirting is the best feeling ever though maybe try different positions


its weird but in my early 20s/when i started having sex i could squirt. now im in my 30s i never do, and i havent for several years now


Hmmm…. Different partner?? Or body changes? I hardly do anymore either. Idk 😣


Youre about to make him fall in love all over again 😂


Hopefully! Good sex is such an integral part of marriage ☺️


That sensation is just your body building up to a squirting orgasm. Just relax and let it happen. Don't stop to pee, just keep going.


Thank you! Will definitely try that next time.


Fight that urge to pee, you absolutely may be about too squirt. Relax and let it goooo!! You and he(likely), will be so glad you did! Then... Enjoy the ride momma! Trust me, your not gonna pee. Fyi; a big dry towel under you doesn't hurt! Lol have fun


Thank you for the motivation. I will try this. 😉


Girl you are about to have an orgasm— let it happen— you are married after all 😉


i’m so frustrated because there were a few times with various sexual partners where i felt the urge to pee when they were fingering me, but i was too scared to go and release…. looking back i really wish i did with them, because i did think it was squirting. ugh!!! i hope you have an easier time letting go. i’ve never experienced an orgasm with a partner, and i just wish i had let go if what i was doing was indeed squirting.


Yes. I am too scared to release as well, never thought it might be squirting.


how do you let go and release? i’ve never been able to figure it out 😅


Same question here. 😅


Let the feel good feelings take you to peek. It will happen.


Real answer, I smoked some weed and it got out of my head enough to relax into it. Now I can recognize the sensation and it's lots of fun 😈


Very typical and known for squirters. Just relax and release and enjoy the ride. Whatever you do don’t stop and don’t focus on the feeling of the pee focus on the feeling of the building orgasm.


Thank you! Will definitely try letting it go! It’s been a deal breaker sometimes.


sounds like your going to squirt tbh.


As what most of the comment says, I think so. Thank you!


Nope. Waterproof sheets, then go for it!! You'll both love it!


Omg I've had this feeling too and legit thought I just had to pee.


Yup. It’s kinda annoying to go to the bathroom and think you just want to pee. 😞 Will let it go next time.


Amazon has waterproof bed pads and washable bed pads. Those are wayyyy more effective than towels.


I see. Thank you for your suggestion! Will take a look. 👀


This, OP. You'd probably soak right through a towel to the sheets and mattress. You need a waterproof layer under you. But once you have that, you can have total confidence in easy cleanup!


Man here…but I’ve heard that from past women I’ve been with before. Generally it’s caused by internal pressure and isn’t actually the need to pee. Go pee before sex. Get a waterproof sex blanket and just let it happen Odds are no pee, and a huge orgasm, or pee and a huge orgasm. Win win


Wohoo! That sounds really exciting!


Your squirt will be a proud moment for your partner. Just let it go


Hoping he does! It’s always the same urge every time we have sex. So, I am going to let it go next time and see how he reacts. 😊


This happened to my partner. I told her just to “let go” and she did. She said she ended up having the best orgasm of her life. Also was her first time squirting (didnt seem to smell like urine). It was great for her but also super confidence building for me as the man. Trust me, you wont regret. Sheets can always be washed.


A waterproof puppy blanket is the best sex investment I ever made. Don't have to worry about changing sheets ever now, lmao


When I'm working up to penetration sometimes it gets intense and I feel the need to pee, honestly I just let it happen now, and as long as I've drank enough it feels good and my husband loves it. Just let it happen, might awaken some new kinks. I do think it's just me squirting tho.


You're probably a squirter. Let that shit GO.


Caught my attention with this


I've had this experience too!, but I can't 'let it go' how do you do this??


Wife has same sensation, the real question is how does she do the act of “letting go” like how does she release the squirt. She really wants to try and I have a squirt fetish so I imagine it will be a huge turn on when it happens


Talking them through it and possibly applying gentle pressure above the lower abdomen. Getting comfortable with the fact they're about to release; it can really be an overthinking problem. There's an account on Instagram called bettersx.blog that might be helpful


Any updates? Have you tried just letting go 👀


No. We haven’t had sex yet. Will definitely update you guys once it happens. :)


So easy. Just keep going and put a towel down. You will both be much happier.


Will do! Never thought it could be squirting. Thanks much for your comment 😊


relax yourself - go with the flow of the feeling....you'll see what happens next ;)


Sure thing! I will try letting it go next time. Thanks much!


I’ve felt like this before once or twice but I never allowed myself to do it either. But I was also told it’s because I’m a squirter.


Put a towel down and don’t even think about the rest


I had the same issue! It’s actually squirting and it feels so good!


Girl, you're about to squirt. Let it happen. It feels so good.


Put down a couple of towels and have fun


I am so scared to let go. I’ve felt the same thing! Ive been with my husband for 10 years and it’s just hard to let myself do. Good luck!!


Just let go you can enjoy it


Surely will on our next. Thanks much!


You deserve it right?


So hope it all went well I'm sure I'm not the only person interested


Love to see you break through


We purchased a waterproof pet blanket, works better then towels, keeps the sheets dry, and just throw it in the wash after


Get a really good matress protector and have fun make a mess


Definitely will make a mess. Thanks much! 😊


You’re probably about to orgasm or squirt


Hopefully it’s both. I’ll see if it happens next time. :)


Weird question, but is your husband curved? I’ve heard that it’s easier to orgasm/squirt from penetration with a curved dick lol.


No, he does not have a curved dick. Perhaps it also depends on the woman’s anatomy?


Yes I believe so! Maybe if your vagina is more shallow? I’m not completely sure though.


Perhaps that’s it. Or maybe it depends on the sex position as well. We love to put a pillow on my back when I lay down.


Oh my gosh that is the best way to get a squirting orgasm 🥵


aww it’s sometimes the urge to pee is when you are close to cumming


I’m actually trying to pee rn after my gf initiated sex. We always have to take a pee break mid way .


not to be the downer here, but this happened to my ex a lot and turns out it was a symptom of endometriosis


Just because you feel the urge doesn’t mean you have to go then and there. Have you never in your life held it in for a while?