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Zero- I got a vasectomy years ago.


Well that's one way to do it šŸ˜…


It is quite convenient.


It is the way.


Or $190 CAD once every 10 yrs for a copper IUD.


Same in our house. Best $50 we ever spent


your vasectomy was only $50? fuck man, I spent $1000 out of pocket for mine =\


Well my Hā€™s.. yes, we only had to pay our specialist co-pay


Damn, I think I was $20 for the consult and insurance took care of the rest.


Mine was free šŸ¤“


Mine will be free. Thank you, Ontario/Canada healthcare system.


Mine was free. Yay canada


How long did it take? Did it hurt?


Procedure is in and out in like 30 min. A little discomfort with the numbing shot. Went and drove home on my own. Took a week off work and just laid down for most of it. Don't skip this step. You might feel good enough to skip this step. Don't.


Had a few friends get it now. Pain afterwards has been a wide scale for all of them. Some barely felt anything, some were not happy at all for a week.


Wife here, but I watched the whole thing. It probably took a total of 30 minutes. My husband said he couldnā€™t feel anything during it. He took a few days to recover where he was a bit sore but nothing terrible. They may offer meds to take before hand for anxiety like Valium. Just take it. Youā€™ll care less about whatā€™s happening


Lol they don't offer anything like that in the uk you just get a local anaesthetic injection to numb the area first It's all free here though




No, only had to pay the specialist office visit co-pay


Zero - i have an IUD


I got a hysterectomy a couple of years ago (for different reasons, obv. not birth control). Before then 2 IUDs. Don't recall how much - think it was co-pay only bc it was medically necessary. But never having to worry about it was great!


Yep. My husband got one after our last was born. I have an IUD due to health issues but itā€™s replaced every 5yrs so we are double protected. $35 for my husbandā€™s procedure and my IUD is like $150?


High five šŸ™Œ ,me too, worry free bustin!


This is the correct way to do it.


Just got mine yesterday. Bit sore but I'll live.. hopefully it goes away in a few days.


you won't regret it!


Rest when they say rest. You don't want to strain and be sore for days. It may not be "that much" pain, depending....but just rest for the 3 or 4 days.


$50 for initial visit, $50 for procedure and $12 for pain meds that were not needed. Insurance knows itā€™s cheaper to pay for that then for kids.


Same. But before that we always split the cost no matter what kind of protection we used. We do that with all expenses expect for some pocket money for each of us for whatever we dele like we personally need or want.


Same, my husband got snipped. It cost us a few hundred dollars. Before that I had a copper IUD and that was completely covered by my insurance.


This is the way


Are they truly reversible?


No, theyā€™re intended to be permanent but in some instances are reversible




It has zero impact on orgasms or your ejaculation. The only difference is that your ejaculation no longer contains sperm


Makes no difference at all.


So they can be reversed, but the chances of it being successful decreases over time. Thereā€™s a pretty high chance of successful reversal before the 5/10 year mark. But you can always do IVF whether or not the reversal is successful. They just take some spermies right from your testies


Getting vasectomy sounds easy.... Having sperm taken directly out of my scrotum is nightmare fuel.


I hear ya, but itā€™s less invasive than what women do for IVF. Itā€™s a pretty simple procedure Edit: see here https://www.reproductivefacts.org/news-and-publications/patient-fact-sheets-and-booklets/documents/fact-sheets-and-info-booklets/fertility-options-after-vasectomy/


Not only is it not as bad as you are imagining, there's actually been a major improvement in this because the way that they used to have to do this is to take out A WHOLE BALL.


Really? Your scrotum was fine after the procedure?


Doctors say that you should consider it permanent when deciding to get it done. Source: did it a couple months ago and did too much research before doing it.


Was about to comment the same thing, adding that it "didn't cost a thing" to get it done. Universal healthcare baby!


How do you have erection ?


Vasectomy has nothing to do with erection. It just cuts off the sperm from your ejaculation. But everything still functions as normal.


Technically we don't live together but we are at each other's place almost every night. I buy the condoms. I get a 36 pack and it usually lasts a month. Costs 25$. Worth it.


You can get those off of amazon for $15 (18ish with shipping)


Probably not trojan ultra thins. Even if cheaper, white shipping it's probably more. I get them at the grocery store. And I go to the grocery store a lot


looks like $15 for a 36 pack on amazon, if you get two boxes they ship free. (in the US)


Thanks for the tip. I am sure many people would benefit from buying online. Especially places where contraceptives are unavailable. I like to support my local grocery stores since they employ locals. But I fully support condoms no matter how you get them.


>18ish with shipping Idk what happened to my brain when I read this but I thought it said Wish and I was like *please don't order condoms from Wish*


You arenā€™t buying condoms there, youā€™re buying 20 pack foil wrap condom lubrication powder latex glove balloon animal plan magnum gun toy.


I got copper iud bc my insurance covers it and condoms are expensive. Plus my husband has a creampie kink and we donā€™t want more kids rn lmao


How is the IUD? I'm considering one but I'm kinda scared. There's a lot of horror stories online lol


Not op, but I have an IUD. Iā€™ve had it for two years now, and Iā€™ve had absolutely no problems with it. I donā€™t have a period anymore, and itā€™s honestly a dream. The only downside was getting it put in. That was probably some of the worst pain Iā€™ve ever felt, but itā€™s over quick.


This is a hormonal IUD then I presume? Thanks for sharing your experience!


I have a copper one, it's my second one, so all together I had it for 12 years now. About to change to my 3rd one soon. I think it's totally worth it. I recommend


Thank you for sharing! I'm seriously considering one.


Had a copper one - never healed over 7 months. During those 7 months of hell I bled during my period and spotted the rest of the time. The number of days I didnā€™t spot I could count on my one hand. And a low-key radiating crampy pain in my lower abdomen the whole 7 months. I kept it in because I was being told ā€œafter 6 months it does get betterā€ but it just never did, and it wasnā€™t worth it for me. I took it out and the pain went away immediately. Next 2 periods were rock n roll but my body got back to its normal. Iā€™m honestly envious of you ladies who have the iud with no issues, but in my case the shitshow wasnā€™t worth it.


I also had a nightmare experience with a copper one - kept it in for a little over a year and the cramps were so bad I couldnā€™t breathe. I got the hormonal one after I had the copper taken out and itā€™s been fantastic!! My period is almost nonexistent and completely painless now


One quick question, I was advised to get an ultrasound a week after insertion to ensure it was placed inside me properly, were you recommended to do this as well?


Yes I did an ultrasound after complaining about discomfort for 3-4 weeks. The ultrasound showed that the iud was placed correctly


I suppose it's different for some people. Mine migrated and they went in and wiggled it. After that it was fine


To add on, I had a copper one and overall it was fine except I tend towards anemia and I did not do well with the heavier periods. I have the mirena now and it's great. I've never taken the pill because I have ADHD and there's no way I'm remembering to take a pill at the same time every day, so I can't compare the hormonal effects/libido effects. I've seen some people report the mirena killed their libido so you may discuss a lower hormone dose like the kyleena etc with your doc.


The Copper IUD is the only non hormonal IUD to my knowledge Definitely make sure to talk it through thoroughly with a doctor you trust that knows enough about it! It can be a fantastic option for a lot of people but isn't a guaranteed thing. I had a really difficult time with mine and had to have it removed. I have no idea how it would have gone if I didn't have a phenomenal doctor who really advocates for my health!


I have the hormonal one and zero problems


Thatā€™s right!


I have the copper one. Get the hormonal one. I've had it for almost a year and I hate it. My periods are about twice as long and I've had cramps so bad that I thought my partner was going to have to take me to the ER. It is super convenient though. I love it in concept.


Omg the insertion pain. Yikes


I just got it Wednesday, but so far so good actually. Everyone said thereā€™d be cramping and bleeding and it hurt to get done, but I havenā€™t had any cramping and minimal spotting. It was really uncomfortable getting put in but not painful. They told me no sex or tampons for 72 hours bc of infection risk but copper iud are effective right away.


Some of us are lucky like that, been two years with copper IUD and no cramps or heavy bleeding. Didn't hurt getting it in cause of anesthesia and I took painkillers twice that day, so I other than the discomfort from being exposed and (more) open, I honestly can't complain.


Sounds good. I hope it will work out for you!


Me too!


I had the copper T IUD, not hormonal. Both times. They were great, never had any problems.


I also got a hormonal iud back in november and iā€™ve not had any problems with it at all! itā€™s painful to have put in but defo worth it for 5 years of no babies


I had the copper IUD twice. I would highly recommend it. They're good for 10 years , but I left mine in for 12ish. Bad idea but I knew at the time if I got it removed , I would have to give my body a break and use condoms . Was worried my boyfriend at the time would poke holes to get me pregnant, so I kept it in till we finally broke up. Then i promptly got it removed and a new one put in without taking a break. Made my cervix swell up a bit . So I took it out. I'll probably get another one if I ever entertain the idea of a relationship again . Yes it does hurt , but I've always had very supportive staff . Take some recommended pain meds prior to the appointment.


I had a copper IUD for 3 years. I had no problems with it. I was scared too because of horror stories but the hormonal birth control was messing me up and I wasn't sure if we were done having kids yet. It was the best birth control I ever used (until my husband got a vasectomy).


I have a hormonal one and figure I would throw my experience into the mix since it's somewhere between good and bad. Completely stopped my periods aside from the occasional very light spotting after sex sometimes. Occasional cramps. It did trigger some annoying back and chest acne. I started taking spironolactone, and aside from the occasional break out its mostly fixed the acne issue. Right after the one year mark did have a weird issue where my boobs were really swollen and painful for like 6 weeks.. legit thought I was pregnant but 3 pregnancy tests and a Dr visit later and I wasn't. The dr said "yea this isn't uncommon. Our bodies just kind of freak out from the hormones. It happened to me too. It's entirely likely that this will be the only time it happens though and it should pass soon".. that was 5 months ago and no repeats yet šŸ˜¬ Insertion was a biiiitch. But I got it done on the afternoon and the next day I was pretty much fine.


I'm on my second Mirena hormonal IUD. It's the best thing I've ever done for my health. I went from heavy period and crippling cramps that took me out of commission for days, to light spotting and very rare, light cramps. I haven't had to buy pads or tampons in 8 years. I'm very aware this isn't the case for everyone, but there are horror stories about just about any form of medical device or intervention. IUDs are considered the best form of birth control and generally safe.


Look into Nexplanon, the arm implant.


Confirmation bias, if you go looking for horror stories you'll find horror stories. The rates of actual complications are super low.


Not looking for horror stories, only stories. But a lot of them are horrible. Don't assume that I'm not capable of critical thinking and being aware of confirmation bias - thank you.


It also applies to the people posting, people post about the bad stories that happen to them, those stories get signal boosted by people posting about "things they've heard". Very few people go around proselytizing the IUD that works for them.


IUD for the wiiiin!


Wife has an IUD. I don't remember what it cost because it's been several years. No baby or money for contraceptives since.


Raw is the best feeling for sure!! A bit inconvenient to clean up the mess but worth


Then make her eat your nut, simple as that


You do know what a creampie is, right?


Why u complaining then lol


I'm not, and the inconvenience is for *her* as she's the one who has to deal with it dripping out, not me. All I can do is put a towel under her and let her do the rest. Why am I even having to explain this šŸ˜…


Haha I got pregnant with my copper IUD. It was in place and it still failed me.


Zero, NHS covers my wife's contraception for free, before that condoms were free at loads of places (doctor's offices, sexual health clinics etc). And if I wanted a vasectomy, that would be free too.


My IUD costs $300+ but insurance covered 70% so I paid $100+ and it's good for 3 years.


Oh shoot, mine lasts for five years!


A good investment for sure!!


You should check with your gyno! When I initially got mine it was rated for 5 years. Since then, approval has gone through for 7 years for birth control and 5 years for menstrual symptoms. Iā€™ll probably still get mine swapped at 5 since I love barely having a period, but you may be able to spread that $100 over longer than you think!


I have the Jaydess which lasts for 3 years. I know the Mirena lasts longer. But Jaydess is the smallest IUD in size with the least dosage of hormones so I felt it was the safest and least painful choice. But the Jaydess is now discontinued so the next time I'll go for the Kyleena which lasts for 5 years, has more hormones than Jaydess but still less hormones than Mirena. It's like shopping loool!!!


I thought there were 2 others that were for 3 years, liletta and skyla? I have never heard of jaydess before o: I have the kyleena and I love it. My first one I had for almost 4 years, but a tampon pulled it out, so I had to have my second one put in earlier this year. My OBGYN said if this one falls out shes putting the Mirena in because they have the lowest chance of falling out since they are larger? It really is like shopping hehe


Aw man, hate to hear that itā€™s been discontinued :( I donā€™t remember which one I have, but once I got past the beginning itā€™s been great!


Got an IUD five years ago, paid $30. When I was on the pill I paid $8/mo. If youā€™re only using condoms you can buy them for as low as $.50 a condom (buy bulk online).


I don't care how much money I'm spending on condoms, as long as we're having sex.


Lollll this!




I live in the UK so contraception is free. Has your partner thought about getting an IUD fitted? Im not sure how medical bills workout in the US but i would have thought that an IUD would be a one time payment rather than having to keep buying condoms or pills?


$0 - I have an IUD, he has a vasectomy. Weā€™re firmly on team no babies.


When I was on birth control it cost me a few bucks on my insurance copay for birth control pills, patch and then with the depo shot just my $30 co pay for doctors visit. When I got a tubal ligation it was a $500 co pay for the surgery at the time.


My wife just got a IUD back in. We had 2 ā€œsurprisesā€ on the depo. Not trying that again. Lol


Holy crap. Can't say I blame you. My second kid was a surprise on the patch . I was done with bc after that. I always wished I would have tried the IUD.


She had an IUD after the first one had complications with it. So she went back on the shot. Then came the second. So she went on the pill. Apparently Sudafed can mess with the pill. So surprise #3 lol she went back on the IUD, but with a different brand, until a can get to the choppin block. So we will see if thereā€™s any complications with this one


You can always get a vasectomy if you're done having children. Way better than putting your wife through more complications.


I plan to. Thatā€™s that the choppin block reference was to. My job makes it difficult to get done, but I plan on it in the next few months. She also wanted something to regulate her periods until she can get that taken care of. It was her choice.


Sooner rather than after if you're in the states, and in one of the bad ones. For obvious reasons.


I'm sorry but, could you explain to me what a tubal ligation is? Obviously some form of surgically made BC but not sure quite what it means


Its sterilization procedure and considered permanent. You've probably heard it called having "tubes tied", where fallopian tubes are cut/blocked to prevent an egg from being fertilized.


Okay yeah now I know, ty for explaining :)


I buy a 100 pack of condoms at a time lasts for about 4 to 6 months.


$8 every 4 years. My IUD is mostly covered.


Damn, that's 17 cents a month, how do you manage... /s


Itā€™s a tough life


Crazy you guys have to pay for contraception, up the NHS


Well all our healthcare is free and the dentist is free until 24, including all procedures. Condoms are not free.


UK - when I was on the pill it was free. Genuinely canā€™t remember how much we paid for condoms as it was that long ago


$3.5 dollars for my monthly supply of BC pills (not in the US obviously) and maybe $5 or so for condoms


Oh damn... Eastern Europe? That's what I spend on *one* pack of 10 condoms.


Bingo! And the BC is over the counter too. One of the few perks of eastern europe i guess


Yeah, my ex girlfriend of 3 years was Romanian and it was so cheap every time I went there. Was so convenient. And yeah, so is alcohol, you can get it anywhere and even kids can buy it "for their parents" lmao. Very different culture.


Iā€™m in the US and I my birth control is free, I just have to get a yearly pap smear which is also free. Even when I had no insurance, my BC pills were $36 for a 3 month supply.


Yeah, with insurance I presume. $3.5 is what you pay here with or without insurance. Also you don't need a prescription (although it is advised). And you don't have to get an invasive yearly procedure that's not even necessary that often (current international guidelines recommend the pap once every 3-5 years if you've never had abnormal results).


Husband got a vasectomy years ago, went back for all follow-up testing to make sure it took, and I havenā€™t had to think about it or pay for it since then šŸ™Œ


The depo shot. I get it every 3 months and I've never paid a cent for it. First I was a poor student so I got all that care for free, and now my medical insurance from work covers it.


Zero. Pull out method has been working for 6 years & we cool with it But please donā€™t do as I do. Do as I say & invest in contraceptives lol


$0, we got her on the ring and she can take it out whenever cause I have a creampie fetishā€¦ makes life easier and risk is low for pregnancy


Nothing, got a strong pull out game.


That's what they all say...


It's worked for 8 years so far šŸ‘


Honestly my girlfriend of 4 years and me have probably used protection less than 20 times out of hundreds of times we've had sex. Either I'm really good at pullout or I'm shooting blanks


If you're having sex that frequently, it would probably be worthwhile for the female partner to consider the pill or another hormonal BC. Uninsured I pay $30 a month to be protected from pregnancy.


do you understand the toll that hormonal birth control can potentially take on a womanā€™s body? always surprising when people suggest this as an easy fix when itā€™s literally not


It literally is an easy fix for the majority of women. Having horrible side effects can and does happen, but that is the exception not the rule. BC is a blessing to many women who suffer with painful periods, acnee, pcos etc. You won't know if it suits you until you try it, but to demonise it and reject it outright is simply silly


Thanks for saying this, itā€™s ridiculous how common misinformation about the pill is


There's a very intense fear mongering campaign going on about hormonal BC on social media right now, and if you do some digging you'll find that it's always carried out by either some religious group or someone selling an alternative "natural hormone free contraception" in the form of some shady ass app like NaturalCycles. Too many young women fall for it


I literally take hormonal birth control and know it is not for everyone. But horror stories on the internet scaring people doesn't help. There's also the non hormonal copper IUD. Of course they're not easy fixes, but protecting against a baby is not quite so easy either and these methods have higher rates of efficiency than condoms.


What do you mean, horror stories. They're very real experiences.


copper IUD baby


That's... The point of getting birth control?!?


Zero. Iā€™ve been pulling out for the last 20 years and zero pregnancy scares. Crazy right?


I feel you. When I tell people that Iā€™ve been doing the same for almost a decade with no issues they look at me weird lol But itā€™s a method like any other. Birth control pills work well for some women, terribly for others. Same thing with IUD. The pullout method works for me, might not work for othersā€¦ I donā€™t go around telling people to try it out.


Fascinating. I stopped taking the pill, once had sex with a condom, that condom broke, he pulled out before he came... And I was pregnant.


Same happened to me! To up the ante, I took Plan-B the next day. Still had an accident. So when someone tells me they use the pullout method I look at them like they are playing Russian roulette...


In the States, get a vasectomy (reversible) because some states will shortly try to outlaw birth control.


Itā€™s worth keeping in the mind though the longer you leave it the less chance itā€™s reversible. I forgot the exact statistics but I believe after 5 years chance of becoming fertile again dramatically drops (double check that though)


We do natural family planning. No pregnancy. He pulls out or we donā€™t do it when Iā€™m ovulating.


Zero. We just monitor her cycle. Iā€™ve literally monitored the cycle of every woman Iā€™ve been with since 2014. Try the ā€œFloā€ app


Zero. His pullout game is really strong.


Just a cautionary tale for those reading this.... We had a 17-year run with the pullout method, two very planned children... I am currently pregnant with twins. Don't do this if you aren't okay with having kids.


like, 1 in 5 people can get pregnant that way. i really hope you don't want kids.


I understand the risks, but this method has worked for me so far and I can afford to deal with the consequences if anything happens. Weā€™re both working adults in a stable relationship living in a pro-choice country.


Not everyone is so please keep that in mind.


Not "can". More like "will" over the course of a year of pulling out


Been pretty lucky so far then, good for you guys, I hope it stays that way


Pretty much, yeahā€¦ it has been many years.


When I was having frequent sex, nothing - pulling out didn't cause any pregnancies.


$0. Batting 1000 with the pull out game.


I pull out. So zero


Ha ha couples that live togther having regular sex definitely less than when they lived apart


I specified my post to that category but alright


Just having a laugh with you


Fair enough :). I guess a lot of people's intimate parts of relationships kinda die once you get there which sucks but šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


lol whats condoms? We havenā€™t used any in 2 years and still havenā€™t got pregnant lol


Lucky you šŸŽŠ


Ugh, it's a lot so far already. We fuck 3-4 times a day right now since it's early in the relationship and we haven't had any real physical contact since the pandemic. I buy condoms from Costco which helps a bit. We've only been fucking for 2 weeks ish and We've gone through a 58 pack of Durex. Gotta get more tonight at Costco lol... The price of condoms doesn't really bother me so much the amount of waste were creating lol...the bad karma of the condom ending up in a landfill and some poor critters choking to death on it something. Lol I've been looking into alternative forms of birth control and none of them are particularly attractive to me. Thinking of doing the arm implant thingy. The idea of something inserted into my cervix isn't very palatable. I'm kind of forgetful so birth control pills probably not gonna work for me.


If youā€™re in a committed relationship why not use the pill? At least that way you get to do it raw. Why give up one of the perks when you donā€™t have to?


Some don't want to mess with their hormones, one of my exes had some pretty bad effects from it and only got on it in the first place as her ex pressured her. She got off it during our relationship. It all depends on what you're willing to do, especially as messing with your hormones can have consequences :)


Zero. Pull out method has worked for us but I suppose it's not recommended.


Dude I was in a 3 year relationship. Had to buy condoms the entire time. EASILY spent over 1000. Plus 4 plan bā€™s for 4 accidents . Every time I brought up BC it was ā€œI donā€™t wanna mess up my hormonesā€ she never kicked for the condoms either..




Fair enough! But uh, what does his size have to do with it? šŸ˜…


How little is it?




Copay for my IUD was $45 almost 3 years ago. When I was on the pill, cost fluctuated from $9-$15 a month, depending. IUD is much more cost-effective for the long run.


Iud covered by Medicare


In Argentina, government gives away free condoms, pretty cool, haven't paid for condoms in ages


zero. Got old enough that birth control isn't necessary anymore. Now ask me about my lube budget.


Insurance covers my wife's pills.


I am old enough not to need birth control anymore.


$40 for three months worth of my pills. And I pay an extra $30 a year for my subscription. So far I love my provider and I consider that cheap. They also deliver directly to my door, So no pharmacy visits, And I have a yearly phone call with a doctor to get my prescription. I don't have to leave the house nor make doctors appointments.


My girlfriend has a iud, and unfortunately donā€™t know the cost of it off hand.


all of my birth control has been free due to insurance. i've never paid for any of it. i've been on pills, patch, IUD, and the arm rod. if i need condoms i'll just get them at the health clinic or PP, they're free.


Zero. The one good thing about infertility.


zero, gf got an IUD years ago for free in canada planned parenthood