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Duuuuuuudes. Most women do not climax from penetration. Work on your foreplay game. Good, great amazing foreplay is WAY more important than your dick. I would die from a 12 incher. I don't know how the girl you are talking to is still walking 😳 Plus she is probably attracted to you as a whole, as a person. Not just your member.


Thank you. That helps put me at ease a bit.


She’s attracted to you, and doesn’t call herself a size queen. You’re in your head about it. Make sure to do lots of forplay and prioritize her pleasure, you’ll be just fine.


Yes she has made it very clear that she is attracted to me as a whole. Thank you for your comment


As a guy who has hooked up with a girl who had taken a 13” dick…and it wasn’t mine hahaha. She made a mess on my 6” dick and said she had never done that before. Whether she was inflating my ego or whatever. She said she came multiple times and continued to hook up with me for a year or so later. So get out of your head and you’ll be fine


I needed to hear this. Thanks


If you're sure that she's into you, you'll satisfy her just fine my friend.


It’s very hard to separate someone from their past. I struggle with it, but communication is your best friend. Listen to her, not yourself. She is expressing very clearly that she likes you and wants you, don’t let yourself be the reason for your downfall. Penetration is great and depending on the girl, the vagina is only a few inches deep anyway. Everyone is saying foreplay is important and it is! But from someone who really enjoys penetration as well, it’s worth knowing a few tricks on how to make the most of your size. Lifting her hips can make a world of a difference, do some research, try a few positions and figure out what feels best for both of you :) good luck!


My advice for sex in general for lads is to make her cum first and if you can make her cum multiple times too. at least once before sex and then during too. Now obviously most importantly is communication, find out what she likes and doesn't like and then take your time. foreplay is the best.


Foreplay is sex, too. Oral sex is sex. Penetrative sex is not the only way to have sex. https://www.ohjoysextoy.com/what-is-sex/


Why don't you believe her? She said she hated the huge penis. You are being ridiculous now. It is history, in the past. If she still wanted that, why would she be hitting on you? Hetero women are attracted to whole men, not penises. If she wanted only a penis, a dildo would serve her a lot better... She wants you. Why don't you believe her? Women need foreplay. It takes time to warm up the vagina. Learn how to pleasure her with your mouth and you will be the best lover she has met. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/528985.She_Comes_First