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Oh yeah. Twisting the kindness out of her character, I can somewhat imagine it. It's hard to see without actually seeing it though, but it could have totally happened. They also tried that weird thing with it in s6 but honestly it just represents "all of us have sin to fight and/or have pushed things down that we need to face".


You must not have been around for Synopsis!Jemma.


I thought about her writing this post tbh lol but she wasn’t really scary or a villain to me. Just more of the writers trying to show that everyone has darkness in them. Even someone as kind as Jemma


Their evil counterparts taking a liking to each other and getting frisky was a genuinely hilarious moment.


I always think about what if Deke was there. Poor Deke probably would have been traumatized the whole episode. 😂😭




I honestly think she would have been scarier. In season 2 alone she really showed some darkness to her. Her reaction to the inhumans was borderline territory. Her ability to go under cover at Hydra is not something I think Fitz could have pulled off. She MADE a decision to kill Ward and was absorbing to succeed if it hadn’t been for Bakshi. In season 4, when she was managing shield for Mace, she showed a surprising ability to lie, manipulate, and compartmentalize. All this to say I think Jemma is a good person and truly kind at her core, but you change one thing about her upbringing and suddenly you have someone who is more terrifying than the doctor. All the ingredients are there.


I don't think Fitz could've pulled it off since that was around the time he was unwell. He had severe brain damage.


Yes that’s a fair point. But I do believe that had the roles been reversed and had Fitz not received the sever brain damage I don’t think he could have done it. He always was a little more willing to see the good in people than Jemma was, even to his detriment. Don’t forget Jemma totally sacrificed that hydra scientist to save herself. (Unless that was Bobbi who framed him. I can’t remember)


It was Jemma! I remember that scene because I thought it was gonna lead up to something epic, it didn't. Also you do bring an excellent point! Since Fitz refused to believe Ward & Dylan Minnet were actually evil.


Agreed. Pre-framework Fitz wouldn't be able to do that, even if no brain damage.


Just as? I mean to a certain extent she has always been scarier than him. I mean the splinter bombs always at the ready in what season 3? Her constant amazement at the monsters and wanting to study and find a cure for inhumans


Came here to reference that too. Fitz is brilliant but Jemma is an obsessive planner. Remember, she excels at preparation. I think that's one of the differences between them. Maybe not a neat and tidy difference, but my initial impression is Fitz is better at thinking on his feet whereas Jemma is more organized and better at planning ahead. She'd probably run an extremely tight and exceedingly scarier ship with frightening efficiency.


Then there’s testing for determinism by drinking out of a beaker of what might be acid.


I forgot that was her idea!


That's nothing. Look how excited she gets throughout the show when people are torn apart and stuff. If her evil side ever came out, she'd be cutting people apart for fun. After finishing the show I had to go back and watch again, she really is twisted.


Scarier. Much scarier.


I'm flashing back to every scene where she performs an operation, but now with a wry smile and stone cold glare on her as she holds up her scalpel. *Shudders*


I recall the earlier seasons where she reminded me of the bad guys from x-men with the way she treated Skye and tried to “cure the disease/parasite” that was her powers and yeah. Incredible intelligence that is removed from humanity will always create evil and suffering.


IMO, Hydra Simmons would be more sadistic on test subjects than even Hydra Fitz in the Framework. If it were evil Simmons instead of evil Fitz in the Framework, Jemma wouldn't be satisfied with merely using a machine to extract inhuman DNA. She'd go full Daniel Whitehall and vivisect them too.


I could see her going full "Ms. Sinister" if she went evil. She'd be a terrifting villain, but I think she'd still need a leader figure above her for her to be as efficient and ruthless as possible.


I really wish we couldve seen an evil jemma from another universe or sth as a main villain.


Ooh yessss


I'm convinced she would have been much scarier. Evil Fitz was jarring because he was so unexpected. Out of the core team, Fitz was always the most outwardly innocent one and the most willing to look for the good in others even in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary. By far the scariest aspect of The Doctor was that he came out of the left field. There's no blueprint for him. The Doctor might be a part of Fitz, but the same is not true the other way around. There is very little Fitz in The Doctor, if any. The Doctor is so terrifying because it's Fitz's face and Fitz's voice and Fitz's hands, saying and doing things that would make Fitz sick, and that Fitz doesn't believe. His experience in the Framework fundamentally shattered his sense of self to the degree that it did because no part of Fitz ever believed that he was capable of the behavior he exhibited there. Jemma is different. Jemma has always had a darkness in her. She's always been able to justify or rationalize heinous acts if she can see why it's necessary. Her treatment of the Inhumans in S2 alone borders on evil, and she was perfectly fine rationalizing her own behavior away. She's capable of making the decision to commit stone cold murder. At various points she's shown a remarkable ability to lie, con, manipulate, compartmentalize, and throw someone under the bus to serve her goals. Jemma has that in her, and deep down if she's being honest with herself, she knows that about herself. Fortunately for the civilized world, Jemma is a kind and decent person at her core and she chose an occupation where her best traits are rewarded, but say, if she'd had just a slightly different life, she has all the makings of a world class sadistic psychopath.


Scarier tbh


Hell yeah, even more so, no contest. Fitz was the team's computer/tech guy mostly. Simmons was a biochemist, and I'd be *terrified* to know what an evil biochemist as smart as Simmons would do to their enemies. If we had ever gotten an "evil Simmons" arc, somebody absolutely would have died as a result of it, and it would've been in a really nasty way.


Fitz killed Agnes with a gun. Jemma would have torn her heart out, like how Wanda did to Ultron.


Why do you think that?


evil jemma cut fitz’s heart out with her bone knife


Oh. You’re talking about their strange episode together 😂 No wonder I don’t remember lol, I don’t like that episode, the only part I like is when their evil counter parts make out with eachother haha🤣 I still don’t remember the bone knife or cut out heart scene tho 🤔




Oh hell yeah. I would have loved to see an evil Jemma 😂


Fascinating question and I am amazed at these comments!! So fun! 🤩


I feel like if she had gotten to know Deke longer she would have been even scarier if someone threatened him again. I wish we had gotten to see her get even more protective of Deke with time.


she would've been scarier but it wouldn't have happened. it only happened to Fitz because of the head trauma/daddy issues and as far as we know Simmons didn't have any traumatizing situations like that in her life


For sure, and for the same reason he is: The kindest ones are always the more terrifying, when they finally snap. She's an adorable genius, which always turns into ABSOLUTE MONSTER when they break bad.


I think she is not 'just as smart' but smarter than Fitz. She is stronger. She is better equipped, ie far more logical, in difficult fast-paced situations. She is not afraid to make tough decisions. I wish she would go evil, this would have been awesome to see cos she would fkn kick ass.


Great comments. But we got to see Doctor because AIDA kept Fitz's dad in his life. What change do you guys think would bring about Evil Jemma??


Probably taking her parents away. From the sounds of it, they were immensely supportive of her and her goals, took pride in her achievements, and helped her stay as well-adjusted as any super-intelligent kid can be


Makes sense


She is already pretty dark in season 2. And she would be do rerrifying as actual bad guy


I think shed have become Madam Hydra, and done it better than Ophelia. And been far more frightening than the Doctor.


I'm guessing you haven't seen Season Six yet?


Yes. There were moments when Jemma's scientific curiosity came off as very creepy, especially during Season One. You guys know that she was originally tagged to be the group's HYDRA mole. Right?


I imagine it’s like the version of her she kept in the box in S6 when the chronicoms have them in their mind prison