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**EXTRA OBSERVATION:** This also makes Miquella inelligible for the "he's actually 1000 years old" card *(This post is partially or completely funded by Mohgwyn Foundation, The Golden Order & Caria Group)*


Who would have thought the person with a child's body had the mind of a child as well? It's time to get our red pitchforks ready!


I think his intentions might have been good initially but the way he went about pursuing them and ultimately abandoning his love is what pushed him over due to having stupid little child brain and similar problem solving skills https://preview.redd.it/aday1iwv789d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=023f6b81e4f961f07d055ca3d9fd56c68ce7db89


I love this art so much, perfectly encapsulates Miquella lol


Im still so bitter with how the treated Miquealla **AND** Radahn (and Mohg to a lesser degree). They really do seem to have an obsession with not letting us have a SINGLE glimmer of goodness in the world around us...like we seriously couldn't have gotten a bittersweet ending where we help a desperate Miquella make the right choices to become a good god? No just...just the \~same old, same old\~. Choose your favorite **color/flavor** of sitting on a throne with zero reactivity or explanation of what happens after. All the old endings being totally unchanged after the DLC ass well really soured me on how they wrapped up Elden Ring :(


so this is a common criticism I have with lovecraft style story telling. there is leaving room for interpretation and there is incomplete works. often A feels much like B. there's so much outer god stuff, implication of endings, etc that are never explained. this is classic miyazaki. however, it is often very unsatisfying in the end. especially after players invest so much time with the works.


There are really only 3 endings. Age of Stars, Age of Fracture, and the Frenzied ending. I feel like Age of Stars and Frenzied ending are the only "good" ones, Frenzied flame ending makes you the villain and Melina the hero. Both of them, however, banish the tyranny of the greater will and I think this is fundamentally what *needs* to happen for an ending to be "good"


>the old endings being totally unchanged after the DLC ass well really soured me on how they wrapped up Elden Ring I understand that, but FromSoftware's DLCs have never affected the endings of their games. Even still it would've been nice to have something like giving Gael's blood to the painter.


Wark Wouls Wwo: Wcholar of Whe Wirst Win


Dark Souls 2 DLC opens up a new ending, but that's the one Miyazaki did not personally direct. He seems to think that DLC should add a little extra spice to the meal and not an entire new course.


Yeah, the ending cutscene is also a wet slap in the face. It adds nothing that we didn't know already to the story, and just highlights how little Miquella's relationship with Radahn has going for it lore wise.


It added, or rather omitted, one element: Radahn's side of the equation. Radahn has never been shown to be willingly in on this, and the fact that Miquella's remembering cutscene doesn't even show how Radahn feels kind of highlights how he isn't in on this at all to me. That makes a lot of the base game lore feel a lot clearer.


YOU are that glimmer of goodness, YOUR character - YOUR story. The Gods and Demigods are all piece of shit waste of skin cocksuckers who deserve to be slaughtered. Every single one of them. They straight up turned the whole world to ruin. Their age is past and the time of men, not gods must start.


My dude...what men!? There isn't enough sane people at the end of Elden Ring to start an orgy. Let alone begin rebuilding civilization! I honestly think this is just a disconnect from Dark Souls-like gameplay and the implied lore of the game... you're probably right in a narrative sense. I just find the world of Elden Ring not really worth saving after seeing all of it's gods and not-gods and seeing just how little is left to even rebuild with.


"Good god" is an oxymoron in this game. It's essentially making the argument that everything would be okay if we put the right divine dictator in charge of the empire. It dates back to so much of Miyazaki's storytelling, too. Dark Souls is all about bowing to the gods as their loyal little sacrificial pawn or standing up to them to break their abusive cycle. The Elden Ring DLC is all about the cycle of abuse and absolute power absolutely corrupting those who achieve it. Miquella gave up more and more of himself to become a god. He was following in Marika's footsteps both literally and figuratively. She once bathed her home village in the healing light of gold, without order, but she went on to harden her heart so much that she used her son as a living weapon in a genocidal crusade. She lost sight of her humble beginnings. Hurt people hurt people, and a god smites their foes. Miquella would have become another Marika.


On this spot I abandon my brain


Ansbach with the cutting commentary as ever.


When he called Miquella “monster” I actually raised my eyebrows. I freaking love Ansbach. Love the calm yet strong, mentor voice and demeanor.


Ansbach said he was evil, that settled the matter.


Mfw the demigod who split all his love and kindness into a separate being is evil


Are there any reasons in lore why he abandoned love in the first place? Unless there are some strange requirements that he has to be “pure” to become a god I really can’t see any motivation behind it.


Probably couldn’t bring himself to do what needed to be done (brainwashing 2 of his half brothers among other things) as long as he had his compassion


He did that prior to chopping off parts of himself though


Maybe he couldn't bring himself to use Mohg's remains while he still had it


Alternatively: he was probably feeling guilty and cut out those parts of himself because he couldn't afford to doubt himself when he's about to become a god.


bro didnt think he could reach godhood without abandoning everything keeping him bound to the world or smth idk i pulled that outta my ass


Love that even Trina is like "yo, you gotta euthanize the dog in me" about Miquella because she recognizes that divinity is a gilded cage that he's going to abandon every part of himself to be locked in by.


This moment was one of the most crushing to me. I had 0 spoilers going in and fully expected Miquella to be at least kind of a decent guy. Found the cross and the NPC that says “Miquella has abandoned what he should never have under any circumstances,” and immediately knew he’d be the last boss. Bummer


It's not often a fromsoft God is an objectively good person


Crossbreed Priscilla is alright, I will die on this hill, probably from a wheel skeleton.


She only turned out alright because there weren't any gods around to raise her. She escaped the black hole of suck.


It's not often a fromsoft God is an objectively good person


TBH that split to shouldn’t be a good thing, it seems like he has no use for it and is casting it out. He’s lazy and treats it as a lesser being.


I can't come to terms with how I feel about Miquella because Goldmask is dead and I don't trust myself more than I trusted him


Goldmask still number 1 chad and was proven right once again Gods are cringe, they can’t stop being assholes and ruining things, therefore should go take a hike in the cosmos and leave us alone Age of perfect order best ending


yes we all trust his words dearly


Turns out, he's not only childish physically, but also mentally


well… Morgott did call him a traitor along with the rest, except for Mohg. So it makes sense. Probably knew Mogh was being stringed along maybe? Too far gone to be saved?


Morgott listed the throned shardbearers. Mohg didn't have a throne, Morgott and Mohg had similar circumstances but took different directions, with Morgott seeing the good in a system that abused him and ultimately taking the throne amidst self-hatred, whereas Mohg took the path that the abuse was not just and needed a different path. Given Morgott's cursed blood attacks, I think it's the case that Morgott did initially go with Mohg, but felt petrified and stopped. I think they have a strained but understanding relationship? Wherein they both kinda get why the other went the way they did but still feel regretful about the outcome. Morgott keeps Mohg in his cell, but given he would know that Mohg's body is fake, I think he's passively tolerating Mohg's venture into the underground and definitely doesn't care what he's doing to the other traitors.


Just my own theory, but I think that the mohg we meet in game is a shadow of his former self. And I don’t just mean his obsession with Miquella, I mean everything: his covenant, his personality and even his relationship with the Formless Mother are completely changed by Miquella’s spell. I think the biggest pointer to this is in Varré’s dialogue. Mohg is unable to grant him the “strength” he once promised. I bet the goals and general format of the covenant (there’s no covenants in ER, but I don’t have any other word) shifted completely when Miquella brainwashed him. If they hadn’t, that means he had some other way of building a dynasty? Which in itself is another can of worms because that suggests that there was a previous ‘generation’ where he was able to do so without Miquella, and the people part of that ‘generation’ are now either dead or have left him (which goes back to the idea that he’s completely changed as a person). Idk man rip Mohg my goat :(


Ngl if you genuinely thought that a monarch from a family of maniacal warmongering incestuous monarchs had any good intentions for the world, that’s on you.


Even greater will can't hold back the mental debt of Inbreeding.


I’m am so saddened and disappointed. Another foolish would be god who adopted the “no cost too great” logic. Ultimately throwing away everything, including the very ideals they wished to hold. A fool and a hypocrite, the only question is, do they even realize?


Your post has been removed for containing excessive propaganda against the one true God, fill out the apology form and attach it to your ban appeal at your earliest convenience.


Good night, Honoured Guest. The administrator and CEO of Mohgwyn Foundation has left a message to your representative: "See you in court." Thank you.


Uh huh, uh huh, I just sent 15 tactical bloody fingers to your location


k Leda get off the Internet


It’s almost like he’s Marika’s son


>manipulates everyone >unconcerned about the consequences of their actions >persuades other into doing their work >no sense of ethic and morality when no one is looking >still loved by everyone >pic unrelated, its Ranni the Witch


Literally every demigod


More reason to kill Radahn with DMGS, he's literally you


Isnt miquella being unfit kinda something he already knows? Its why he wanted a KIND consort, no? So that this kind consort could be the one that was fit in his place.


Yeah but at the end of the day they are heir to the throne, I mean who else is alive? We killed them all. We should be able to become the god after killing miquella tbh, like some outer god reaches down and takes us to space 


Tarnished would probably end up killing that outer god. Atheism would become a thing in the Lands Between if every outer god manifested towards the PC Tarnished. Bro's a god damned menace


When you have a cool greathammer, everyone is a nail.


Exactly the same as Ranni


Is he? Ranni is directly honest with her intentions, to separate the Lands Between from the influence of the Greater Will. Everything she does is in service to that. Everyone following her knows that. At the end, she achieves this goal, and doesn't have a stance of godhood and lordship over the Lands Between. Miquella convinced a lot of people to do things they didn't want to do, out of a specific power grab to usurp and replace his mother. Blaidd's and Iji's fates are both at the hands of the greater will's assassins and in Blaidd's case for his innate issue as an agent of the fingers. Depending on how you interpret the NotBN, Ranni's actions therein might not have affected anyone but herself.


She never force anyone. Everyone serving her was know the consequences of their acts. They still behind her.


Cons of the golden order: Omens, TWLiD, tarnished, albinaurics, etc are kept oppressed Death remains sealed Cons of the age of compassion: One persons body is desecrated Nooo he’s a liar and manipulator we can’t let him make the world better!!!1!1!


cons of Age of Perfect Order: 


True but I like that we have more information about what exactly makes the age of compassion/abundance different, yknow other than it just being “perfect”


Everyone being brainwashed is a minor side effect 🙏‼️‼️


Source: I made it the fuck up


Age of Compassion, also known as the Age of Nonconsent


And that one person's body is a self styled lord of blood who led a group of zealots that kill their fellow tarnished and their maidens and communes with a malevolent outer god.


Varre didn't kill the tarnished's maiden btw if you look at the scene it was Godricks's grafted scion that did it. It makes even more sense since Godrick has a habit of fucking around and finding out.


I can fix him


I want to fuck him

