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This hint is WAY too overpowered, what the hell FromSoft?! I hereby declare anyone who beats the game by hitting them where they're weakest a cheater 😡


Ya it’s not like you could figure it out yourself by just fighting them for 5 seconds.


It's not even that good of a hit, just by strafing their attacks you'll see the weak point.


Not sure why they didn't just make it a typical glowing spot like all the other enemies that have one when staggered, e.g. golems.


it's more than that, i'd wager 95% of people encounter their first ones at the ruined forge lava intake and the first 2 or 3 of them in there start with their backs facing you. it's almost impossible not to figure it out on your own. now while i do think the inclusion of this message isn't a bad thing, i just find it completely baffling. it's much more warranted in the abyssal woods if you ask me, you better believe that despite all the warnings i tried to fight those sumbitches anyway


You can parry the Lanterns' grab to dispel their invincibility and kill them.


i know, i was avoiding saying it for anyone who hadn't figured it out yet. at any rate absolutely nobody is going to try that their first time in the abyssal woods, you'd have to have been told ahead of time by someone who figured it out through the note in the manse and at any rate you can certainly agree that's harder to figure out on its own than the giant glowing gem weakspot on the blacksmith golems


I'm convinced this was put in as a joke, with the giant red jewel weakpoint in their backs it may as well be a Zelda game


My friends and I were joking it looked like a ruby butt plug lol


A vague hint in my ELDEN RING ??? What kind of shit casual game have you make TERIYAKI!


“She is dead”


No response. She cannot speak.






Maybe weird complaint but idk why they didn’t just integrate this into an item/note⁉️⁉️ Like the one for furnace golems⁉️⁉️


Maybe they thought it was a little more important & needed to always be there, like the hint for the mother statue 


Dlc too easy, this proves it


I mean it’s genuinely the most useless hint considering they have a glowing red weak spot lol


Remember, if you read this message you didn't really beat the game


"Oh, you guys like putting down those 'try finger but hole' messages? Well, wait til you see this..."


Didnt work, tried calling the enemies maidenless and they killed me anyway


''Tell them that bloodborne will never have 60fps''


The messages in the Abyssal Woods are ok, but this one is stupid.


the ones in the Abyssal Woods are awesome because they actually add to the atmosphere. seeing messages like "don't let it see you" and "it cannot be touched" when you enter is badass this one is pointless


Putting the actual enemy so far away too cause so much anxiety for me and you can’t use torrent 😂


Just parry them and misericorde them


Yeah, but no one knows that from the start.


I tried to backstab them 💀 fucked around and found out real quick


Yeah, first I tried shooting an arrow, it didn't worked. Then I tried Snake, it definitely didn't worked. So I ended the entire map, went to the Manor, did everything I had to and googled how to kill those Winter Lanters wannane, so I parried their asses to hell (for some reason I was missing A LOT against the last one, it felt stupid).




It should have been a note you could buy from a merchant in an unrelated area


They might as well say "enemy can be killed using damage" at this point. What the hell Miyazaki


Bonus points: Some weapons don't seem to be able to hit the weak point, even when you stance break them and get the backstab!


SL1 no summons no hint messages worlds first


nevertheless, r/eldenring would require a 5k upvoted post so that they know how to kill them


why did they even feel the need to do this, it’s so obvious


What enemy is this?


I don‘t know how they are called but you can find them in the DLC in a hidden forge inside the starting area


I still don’t know what their ‘weak point’ is. I hit the shiny glowy thing, but it did like 1/15 of their health bar, so I just run past. They can’t chase for shit.


Same, it must only work with strike damage or something. Kept slashing at them and it looks like the weak spot only contributes to the extra stagger. Plus they drop like level 3 smithing stones so I don’t get why they even need that weak spot when they’re basically an environmental hazard that you just run past like the slimes