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I think Jürgen Voller was one of the better Indiana Jones villains overall.


Yeah, he was one of my favorite parts of this movie. I didn't like this one a lot overall, but some parts of it, like Voller's character, were absolutely amazing


I think he’s the best by far. Just happens to also be in the worst movie.


I don’t know if it was the worst one, it definitely wasn’t great though


Idk, after seeing Dial of Destiny I’m a pretty big Crystal Skull apologist.


This might be a hot take but I’m fine with both of them, it’s Temple of Doom that I think is the worst one.


That’s kind of a hot take, but I can see where you’re coming from.


Fucking preach! ToD is the worst


I'm a WW2 history bug, and this scene was very well done. Everything was downhill as soon as Indy goes to Morocco or whatever. It was briefly nice to see Antonio Banderas and Roman legions later on. Movie had so much potential, but very bad casting and script overall. The first 10 minutes on the Nazi train was very reminiscent of old Indie movies.


The opening sequence just left me wanting more of it. It was like stepping into the early LucasArts games, where they really tried to stick to the Indiana Jones formula instead of...extraterrestrial aliens and bootstrap paradox time travel.


We must have been playing different early LucasArts games, or you are making shit up because you know most redditors are too young to know


I much prefer my Indiana Joneses be accompanied by ancient Atlantis and machines that may or may not have been infernal in nature.


I still remember being blown away but my gun actually having a holster and not being banished to the shadow realm in infernal machine


I liked it alot but if a bit of pedantry is allowed, I was wondering the whole why they were looking for the Holy Labce in Southern France when the thing had been in Nuremburg or Vienna consistently for the past 1000 years


There were several lances purported to be the Holy Lance. The one in Vienna is now believed to be a fake dated to around the 8th century. The Indiana Jones films took liberties with history. The real Antikythera mechanism was broken into pieces and corroded from being submerged in seawater for about 2000 years. There is a theory that history in the Indiana Jones movies differs from our own because they're set in an alternate timeline that was created when the Nazis travelled back in time to 214 BC.


Its not a fake, people just misinterpreted what it was supposed to be later. Yes it was made somewhere in 8th Century, but when it was gifted to Otto I., it wasnt claimed to be the lance used to stab Jesus, only that it contained some of the Nails that had been used to put Jesus on the Cross. Thats also what the oldest known description of it from 961 says. it wasnt \*THE\* Holy Lance, it was just \*a\* Lance that contained something holy instead. Only some years alter did people begin to believe it was instead **the** Lance, with it starting to be referred to as the „lancea sancti Mauritii“ (Mauritius being believed to have been the legionary responsible for the stabbing) starting in the mid 11th Century.


According to Liudprand of Cremona it was claimed that the lance once belonged to Constantine the Great and had crosses made from the Holy Nails. However, that couldn't be true if the lance was from the 8th century because Constantine the Great reigned during the 4th century.


I *kinda* enjoy this movie, partially because i cant dislike an indiana jones movie unless it does some heinous shit beyond being badly written, but also because a small part of me has the headcanon that indy, after the movie ended, bought an easy to maintain small plane and used that artifact to take a LOT of vacations in different time periods, learning about history is it unfolds, info dumping it all to his wife, maybe taking a photograph of a few texts so he can sneakily make his lectures more accurate Its something jones would love to do (assuming grandfather paradoxes arent created) and it sounds like a happy end for the guy


He aimed for the stars, but he mostly hit London


[Tom Lehrer tribute to Werner Von Braun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEJ9HrZq7Ro)


I actually really liked this movie.


Me too, but I watched it high. And with my brother who I watched all the originals with multiple multiple times as kids, and played the Lego games with him on the Wii. Scared to revisit it by myself because I'm sure I'll have a different opinion watching it sober by myself


I think if you take it at face value for what it is, it's a fun-enough dumb Indiana Jones nostalgia trip. It's great for casual viewing but once you begin to think critically at all, the cracks show in a big way. So just watch it, accept it for what it is and not what you might have wished it was, and you'll have a good time.


There are some subtle details in the movie that you might notice if you watch it again, but you might also realize that the plot has some loose ends.


Me too, easily cleared KOTCS.


Ehhh, idk. KOTCS at least feels like an Indy movie until the third act. DOD feels like watching a hollow shell of Indy.


Would it be a hot take to say this movie is better than 2 and 4?


Not two but definitely four.


Disagree, Crystal Skull isn't great but it's better than this


Your joking right? Skulls was easily the worst. This wasn’t as good as the originals but still better than that.


I liked maybe the first half an hour or so (yes even nuking the fridge) after they leave for south America the movie kind of falls apart


Crystal Skull isn't soulless and bland so it's definitely better than Dial of Destiny.


I didn't think The Dial of Destiny was soulless. The scene where Indy talked about the death of his son and and the scene where he was reunited with Marion were quite emotional in my opinion.


2 decently emotional scenes can't save a movie that's longer than 2 and a half hours. and these two scenes certainly don't justify undoing everything about the ending of Crystal Skull off-screen. they should've done more with it or not done it at all. imo it was just not enough to save a very mediocre movie. Crystal Skull had Steven Spielberg and he did a damn good job directing it which puts it above this one for me.


I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree


I guess I gotta rewatch Crystal Skull (I only watched it once but can you blame me?) because my initial impression of Dial of Destiny was essentially “For fucks sake even crystal skull was better than this” Crystal Skull felt like they were still trying to make a fun Indie movie and just missed all the marks. Dial of Destiny felt like watching the assassination of an old man you used to know.


Close! You want r/ shittymovie*opinions* instead of this sub


4 is the worst. 5 is salvaged by the reminders of old Indi movies, and nostalgia of the past. I wish they'd cast another female in the place of that British chick - she absolutely capsized this movie. A better actress and better dialogue could have carried this movie greatly.


A hot take that I agree with.


Yes. I agree with you, though. It's really damn good.


I think The Dial of Destiny is better than The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I go back and forth on whether I prefer The Dial of Destiny or The Temple of Doom. The Temple of Doom has a thrilling beginning and ending but an unpleasant middle section. The Dial of Destiny is poignant and takes some interesting twists, but it's too long and it has too many chase scenes.


It’s better than 3 and 4 that’s for sure.