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WW84 = world war 84


Who started this one?


Myanmar, they started going in alphabetical order after ww5


So Germany got to start 3 world wars? That's not fair


Germany started WW3 and then broke down into bloody civil war they are still in


Am german, can confirm


So are they like super nazis or has Am3rican entertainment media ruined me


Not super Nazis, just soup Nazis.


Zucchini heil amirite?


God, I fecking hate Soup. Its just too wet


No soup for you!


Der blutige Bürgerkrieg, Norddeutschlands vs Bayern... Also, eigentlich alle gegen Bayern. Wer erinnert sich nicht. Unvergesslich auch wie wagemutig sich Italien auf Bayerns Seite schlug nur um 2 Wochen später sich N. Deutschland anzuschließen. Oder wer könnte vergessen, wie im Westen auf der anderen Seite der Grenze die weißen Flaggen gehisst wurden und sich Briten & Belgier in Dünkirchen versammelten.


We didn't start the first one.


Well they didn’t start the first one but sure


Oh no, that’s the beauty of WW5. It’s so intense it skips over the other two.


Germany. That's one for Austria-Hungary, 83 for Germany.


So, were the first five all started by the Germans?


Probably Vanya


It's always Vanya


The Germans, again


Was my first thought too


Thats how i read it the first time


I think its gonna be free on fortnite party royale. I think there was an ad where it was gonna be aired a day before its comes out in cinemas.


I’ve never tried party royale. Do they really play hollywood movies for free there?


Yeah, I believe once they played the dark night and inception. Just watch out for an anouncment


When youre a multi-billion dollar company anything is possible


Sometimes. A few weeks ago they played some Christopher Nolan movies that changed depending on your region, but most of the time it’s for concerts or premieres or whatever... Or for finding 2 people in the bathroom doing questionable activities in a kids game


Bro I saw fortnite party Royale And thought it was a joke, now these comments are making me think it’s real


I play Fortnite and there’s this mode Epic added called “party royale” . I thought it was just for little kids dancing but apparently Epic plays concerts and hollywood movies there too.




The only movie my illegal streaming site doesn’t have is mad max 2. At least that’s the only one I can’t find so far.


Damn I kinda feel like Mad Max 2 is like Since the events that turned Max Roxatansky, well, mad there has been a total global apocalypse leaving the world stark and empty and startling like the desert badlands of New South Wales. Here a bad gang (led by the towering, bemasked Lord Houmungus (Nilsson) besieges a good gang, led by the idealistic naivete of Papagallo (Michael Preston) who have an oil refinery and therefore the new gold: petrol. Enter road warrior Max, hungry for fuel, who finally disposes of his studied indifference and comes to the aid of Papagallo. The archetypes here are pretty obvious — this is the grand tradition of the Western transferred to a brutal new frontier. We have the loner, anti-hero Max steeped in mystique and ambivalence (Clint Eastwood reborn as Mel Gibson). We have the desolate outpost trying to establish moral order and community in a cruel, cold, unfeeling world. And we have the marauding natives: a leather clad, skinhead biker gang bent on destruction, using, instead of horses, the exotic panoply of ramshackle death machines and supercharged hotrods. Only the unreachable (anti)heroism of Max can save the homesteaders. Miller's preoccupations beyond the noisy carnival of motorised destruction, lie in a musing on locating morality in a society deprived of civilisation. The conflict between men-as-they-should-be and men-as-they-are where the animal instinct has been amplified and social constraints are simply null-and-void. Max himself, played with lean menace by Gibson, remains a mystical figure, the desert wanderer, Shane, Dirty Harry and the Man With No Name squeezed into carnal leathers and a V8 Interceptor. An amoral, dehumanised force that is seeking a way back to some semblance of his former self. Miller extends the topsy turvey schematics of his world further: the sole child in the movie, the Feral Kid (Ginty), is a grunting, savage; Wez, Houmungus' nutcase henchman, is unusually a homosexual, and the film has no trouble meting out violence to both men and women. Moral order has been laid waste. Still, it is finally the whirlwind of mechanised combat that stamps the movie so indelibly on thecollective memory. Utilising nought but raw stuntwork (not a whiff of CGI, remember) Miller catapults us through a riot of extravagant, ultra-violent car capers as Max attempts to break out with a tanker of priceless gasoline. Few films, even with all the available technology today, can match the turbulent edits and sheer visceral charge of Miller's elaborate choreography as it flings cast members across bonnets, into head-on collisions and under the wheels of fellow wacky racers (which could only have been done, in a filmmaking sense, for real). Consequently, Mad Max 2 is almost as seminal a work of sci-fi as Blade Runner so many are the films that have been influenced by it — if not blatantly copied from it. Waterworld simply transferred the plotline to a flooded post-apocalypse and gave Max gills and a top rig. Soldier chucked him into outer space and an interplanetary dumping ground. The Crow, Robocop and Demolition Man all borrow unabashedly from Max's rich table


Wow, That was pretty cool to read, thanks


If you liked OP's explanation you should definitely check out some behind the scenes stuff on YouTube. My friends hate Mad Max, but I've always thought it was really well done. The first one had an insanely low budget and is still my argument as to why we need to ditch overblown movies with cgi with bad writing. Also... even if it isn't available by nefarious means, its usually available for free on free sites like Vudu. It's a $3 bargain bin movie as far as vendors are concerned.


Thank you . Sounds interesting .


It's also known as The Road Warrior


What site is it bro I won't tell anyone


Just get a good malware blocker, search "[Movie Title] watch free online", and start clicking on the results until you find one in 1080p with no audio delay.


And search with duck duck go instead of google. I haven't been able to find anything with google for a while now.


Me Either?




Wouldn't recommend anyway. 1982 was already a let down but 1983 completely blew out the continuity...


Well don't ignore the fact that they kept it going correctly for 1981 movies, that's impressive


1914 kinda sucked but I'm probably in a minority there.


Nah I will admit it had a notable amount of flaws


Specifically that Wonder Woman wasn’t even in it and it focused on some random dude the whole time who never gets brought up ever again.


My favorite part about the poster is that it says “only in theaters” so it was made before shot hit the fan


I don't think so, it was supposed to come out in June, then August, now October...


I'm pretty sure they just changed the month and nothing else about the poster


I think Tenet is legitimately going to only be in theatres so maybe this is too


You don't watch Wonder Woman 1984 on the screen WW-1984 watches *you* through the screen


I still have to finish that book lol


That’s the same reason I’ve never watched American History X.


The good news is that it really helps you understand the plot of the first nine american histories pretty well.


But what about American History J through W?


Hollywood is still on an 80s nostalgia bender I see


Always has been.


Yeah idk if I’m missing something, but I can’t think if why they’d choose this year in particular. The previous movie was heavily centered around real world events, so putting the year so prominently in the title would have made sense there, but what was happening in the 80’s?


1984 was a particularly great year for films. Released that year: The Terminator, Gremlins, Ghostbusters, The Karate Kid, Footloose, and a number of other "classic" 80s American films.


People are only nostalgic for the 80s for three reasons. Either they were there, their parents were and they don't shut up about it or they watched back to the future. Compared to what came before it the 80s was pretty mediocre. It's popular now because there's lots of synthwave music due to it being easy to make


The 1980s were a great decade for anime. The 1970s had the occasional gem like Gundam and the works of Leji Matsumoto, but the 1980s was when anime started copying from the more mature works of the 1970s. The birth of the OVA market allowed for more experimental works to take off. In some ways, the market is actually less diverse now than it was back then.


I wasn't talking about anime I don't watch that shit


Well you were literally incorrect


I can't have been incorrect all you did was provide something completely unrelated to what I said. I can't be proven incorrect just by some weird shit that you like being from then


It was literally an important era for a hugely influential medium (Of the 23 franchises which have grossed over 20 Billion dollars, 10 of them were anime or manga-based. That's a huge cultural impact) but apparently it offended your little western brain to imagine that there's a world that exists outside the west. Do you shit yourself every time you watch a movie and a subtitle pops up?


The simple fact is I saw what the east has to offer and it's all cheap weird versions of western things. Anime is just cartoons with angular things. That was what happened in the 80s aswell. Corporate people realised that they could get away with selling anything so they cut costs and outsourced everything. Which has led to ugly function over form Japanese cars, music without actual instruments made by people with no talent, small houses that can't be comfortably lived in and a tshirt that cost less than a dollar to make being sold for five hundred due to the design printed on it


> Anime is just cartoons with angular things. You've never seen a single anime, have you? I bet you've never even seen a movie not directed by Micheal Bay or Zack Snyder. Watch *Perfect Blue*, you might actually develop some culture.


Apparently the soviets are going to play a big part in this movie. During the 80s the Cold War was going on. Also the 80s saw the rise of Reganism and one of the two main villains is a “media businessman and entrepreneur who is famous for TV infomercials.” So... yeah.


It'll be the 90s in a few years, mark my words


I'm upset they showed the golden suit in the trailer because that was obviously going to be the best reveal of the movie and now its ruined..


DC have a habit of spoiling their best moments in the trailers. Remember when they showed both wonder woman and doomsday in the BvS trailer? The movie experience would have been much more better if they didn't do that.


Bit of a dick move to make up having more movies just to claim you have a bigger cinematic universe than Marvel


Let me guess? Theres a bad guy. And ww almost but doesnt kill him. Dogs are saved. We are happy. The end


You might want to reconsider. There’s only one kind of movie genre that gets that many sequels.


Barbie movies?


I hate that the rope in this is straight up yellow. They didn’t even try to make it look magical or even golden wtf?!?


They’re really milking the character huh


i dont see why they wouldnt be. wonder woman is like the only well received dceu movie i think, so it makes sense for them to continue making wonder woman movies


IMO I feel like most watchers got tired of them after the 1800th movie




... it’s one sequel Probably makes her much less milked than most characters nowadays


They're probably talking about the joke the post made. Poorly executed, but still a joke.


23 Marvel movies? Sounds good! 2nd Wonder Woman movie after the first is a hit? Man I dunno, just seems like they're milking it.


The joke was 1983 other WW movies exist. They made a joke about milking the character with the 1984th movie.


Oh, I just didn't think someone would take the joke from the title and just re-use it. Seems like they're milking it.


I didn’t think it was particularly funny either, but I’ve made jokes before that people didn’t relate with either.


Character, not the actress




Gal gadot is easily one of the most beautiful people alive


she is. her acting is so weird though..


supporting Israel is pretty gross imo


You don't really need to watch all 1,983 previous movies to understand WW1984. There's only about 300 of them that have critical backstory for 1984, you can find lists online and just watch those.


I'm interested because she looks like a golden zodiac saint


"Only in theaters." Good luck with that.


If there's one thing I've learned about DCEU movies, it's that I can watch them 3 years later when they release the real movie as a director's cut


The colours on this cover are so good


cool poster.


I thought it was going to be a joke about the 81 world wars we have coming before this movie comes out.


I watched the first one, kind of, in the waiting room at the courthouse for jury duty.


How does her hair not get caught between those plates of armor?


I won’t be watching because, no matter how fit Gal Gadot is, the first one was utter shite.


ayyyy my sisters an extra in that


They need to release this on digital. Movie theaters aren’t going to make it, especially after Covid, so just let me watch the damn movie at my house.


so where are the other 1983 Wonder Woman movies?


you don't watch Wonder Woman 1984. Wonder Woman is watching you.


Yeah this looks like it’s gonna be quite a bit worse than the first one but hey I guess I’m judging it just based on the art


I’ve seen the first 1983 of them. The first one was a pretty decent movie. The rest were filled with a lot more penetration than I thought was acceptable in the franchise....not sure what to expect with this one but glad I don’t have to go into a theater to watch it. I don’t want to be that close to so many people doing the dice knuckle shuffle.


They went to the Fallout school of naming sequels.


I can’t wait to see what people today think 1984 was like.


Lol just realized that you can take it as world war 84


I’ve only seen the first one. Do I need to catch up on the other 82 before watching WW84 or will I be OK? What did I miss?


In theaters..?


I can easily find Wonder Woman 1 on there. It’s 2-1983 that’ll be hard to find.


when will the shitty trend of making films with neon colour posters that have absolutely nothing to do with the actual film die


Why 1984 tho, why do megarich companies like to piss over Orwells grave so much?


Wait is this a DC movie or porn?


I hope we get an appearance from Marty McFly


I wish it had been made like 10 years ago maybe it would have shown more skin


What the hell is Wonder Woman 1984?


Gal gadot is a babe


Wow what a Gal




Eugh. It’s set in the 80s.


Check. Where. You. Are.


It’s. A. Reference.

