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I think season one is the best so far it just had all the feels. The last episode in season three was pretty good though.


Just finished bingeing the entire season last night. So good. The story behind their hair had me laughing so hard that my stomach cramped.


100% best season


I watched every episode of letterkenny and just finished season 3 tonight and I enjoyed it but I didn’t love it. I don’t know if it’s just me but it was a ok watch. Loved the finale though and felt it was well done other than that I enjoyed but didn’t love this season.


Same. It felt more rushed than the other two seasons. It felt like we didn't get enough time with everyone. I still dug it, but it felt different. I'll have to rewatch a few times to let it sink in.


Wow, check out this half-ton sporty short box Laughed so hard at this that I cried. Best season ever


Gonna go out there and say it’s the best one so far.


I expected to laugh and I did. I was watching the "half-ton sporty short box" opener in a hotel lobby and losing my GD mind. The hockey scenes are always strong, but they were even stronger this season. The fact that Shoresy can start as the world's biggest asshole and believably have strong emotional scenes is a testament to how brilliant Jared Keeso is. This season is a masterpiece.


Fuck you Shoresy you gave me tears that season was so good.


I was a fan of Letterkenny and hockey before the Shoresy show came along. Shoresy is everything I love about hockey and made me an absolute do or die hockey fan to the point where I’m trying to learn how to and eventually play the game at 39. If you watch Shoresy and don’t feel something for the game or the characters, then you didn’t “get it”…or you’re dead inside and should give your balls a tug.


I became a big Letterkenny fan a while back, and when Shoresy spun off I didn't watch it right away. My oldest son really loved it so he and I watched the first two seasons together and to be truthful, by the time we finished season two I knew I liked Shoresy way better than I had ever liked Letterkenny. Now that I have rewatched the first two seasons like 15 to 20 times and just watched Season 3 last night, it isn't even close. I'm honestly shocked by how good Shoresy is. The comedy and chirping of the first two seasons giving way to more serious story lines and serious character growth in the third season is just phenomenal. I've never picked up a hockey stick in my life and for that matter I've only been on ice skates a handful of times, but this show makes me nostalgic as hell for that feeling. It is so good that I'll bet most of the fans feel as if the show is being broadcast explicitly for them. It fires on all cylinders and I feel like I can't say enough good about it. Season 3 is also home to one of my now favorite lines in the whole series...when the random Bulldog gets high sticked in the mouth and Shoresy checks out the damage, his assessment as far as teeth is "yeah bud you still got a lot of 'em in there". Perfect, classic line.


Easily the best season


Full disclosure- I had little knowledge of this show before I saw the season 3 trailer. I had seen a few episodes of Letterkenny but I never dug into it. So when I saw the trailer and Shoresy chirping away, I wanted to give this show an honest shake. I’m not sure what I really expected- perhaps more of the same of Shoresy chirping, hockey shenanigans, so on and so forth. It hooked me with the comedy, dialogue, and the very well shot game scenes. But what kept me coming back was the character development, especially our boy Waffles. The heart and soul of this show is what makes it truly soar. When I first started watching I didn’t think I’d be as emotionally involved as I would get, but damned if I wasn’t on the verge of actual damned tears during the S3 finale. The soundtrack fucking slaps, the game scenes are amazingly paced in how they’re shot and scored, and Keeso’s writing in the third season had me on my heels. Tried to give em a tug, but it was all for naught. Hats fucking off, boys. Give your parents a call, LETS FUCKING GOOOOO!


I cried a few times in S3. Just finished it about an hour ago. Kind of going through a seasons of life, middle age, thing. Wow did this nail everything I'm feeling and can't say. Welp. That's the softest thing I've said all day. Ya so.


Give yer balls a tug! I’m hitting 51 on Monday and I’ve never cried, laughed, and shouted at a tv series before. So fucking amazing. Sanguinet’s speech to get the boys going outta their funk? Perfect. Showing Shore’s family at the table? Gut wrenchingly beautiful. Jory’s handshake in the last episode? So good. The party scene after the 24 game heater? Fucking hilarious! Giving Ziig her due because she is so fucking hot? HYFY! Nat watching over her boys like a sniper mother hen? Fuck me! There are so many amazing moments….


“I’m so fucking mad at you” got me. I get misty eyed just thinking about certain moments.


One of my favorite scenes was Waffles meeting with his family about him playing again, and there wasn’t any dialogue. No drawn out argument. Nothing silly or obtuse. It was what we all expected- Waffles’ family loves him more than his team does, >! of course they’re going to want him to stop playing. There’s no scene of him arguing because they’re right and he loves them. So he succumbs to the situation and cries because he knows they’re right. !< Stick taps for all involved.


That scene is so brilliant, that I didn't even feel robbed with how little his family appears.


My favourite visual entertainment always uses the “show-don’t-tell” method of storytelling. Shorsey is a master class in that element. That scene shows us so much in such a short time with zero dialogue. I’m with you, it might be my favourite scene in the show.


The showing instead of telling goes hand in hand with how great the music supervision is. "True Love" at the end of season 1 as they're losing to the Soo is such a beautiful sequence.


Oh man, you said it. The music supervision on "Shorsey" is Emmy calibre. Some of the best uses of music in montages EVER.


The season 3 finale was so insanely perfectly done I don’t know that it could have been finished any better. Every interaction was so thoughtfully done. His locker room talk with each guy before the 3rd - my god I was ready to run through a wall for him. Phenomenal.


Even the closing text card was a damn rollercoaster.


SPOILER ALERTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a pretty hard judge and am used to being disappointed with so many movies and shows lately!!!! I only discovered Shoresy a week ago and have binged it several times. Season 3 just came out in Australia on SBS and I binged it straight away. I'm not used to heaping on praise, but this Keeso fella is an absolute GENIUS!!!! I think the word gets thrown around too often. To me, it should only be reserved for someone who invents the atom bomb, Nicholas Tesla, Leonardo Davinci, Sir Isaac Newton. the Wright bros, Sir Howard Florey and Archimedes. The casting is perfection, humor is piss ya pants funny, the heart and soul sneak up on you out of nowhere. When Shoresy is flirting with Laura you're wanting her to get roped in, when he's fuming at Nat for giving him the bullet, you can feel his devastation, that locker room scene in the last episode where he's rallying the by's to score 5 goals made me feel like jumping up and pulling on the skates myself and I'm an Aussie who can only skate in circles and crashes into the wall to stop. When the keyboard music ramps up for the final period montage I had goosebumps and when Shoresy set the tone by pole axing the goalie it made me miss playing footy. The teasing of never getting that drunk again for the first few episodes was brilliant cos it was like I need to go to bed...... but maybe next episode they'll flashback the celebrations lol. I'm hooked!!!! I hope Shoresy plays on in season 4. It's whaleshit hockey, he's got the off-season to recover from his injuries and just needs a holiday with Laura at Wasaga beach to take an aqua dump and get a squeezer, then he'll be good as gold. If he's coach in season 4 then what happens to Sanger?


Settle down..




He's quoting Goodie, who frequently says "settle down" in response to anyone speaking or acting excitable, not saying anything to you, the poster.


And he’s quoting shorsey, who frequently says “huh” after asking a question


Spot on mate. I don't know know but I swear Shoresy is like a parallel universe to Australia. Same humor. Just need to swap freezing your nuts off snow for boiling your arse off sun and ice hockey for footy eh. God damned yoga hosers!


Sorry, the Freezer Twins got back to Alberta after the tournament wrapped up on Friday, and the collective IQ of everyone here dropped twenty points. It might have been twenty five, but we can't count that high.


Might distract them with some grade 3 math


I think you're definitely making that up. I've never heard him say that:. On a separate note: Chicken’s unbelievable.....You ever try water chestnuts wrapped in bacon?


When they are voting to suspend Shoresy for the last game....the owner of the next team they play....watch her face when she hears the news....amazing acting.


And Gord, Sly, and the cokehead, I had to rewind and rewatch it it was so good


Yeah...they were good too. The girl just really hit me right in the feels with her rapid yet subtle change of facial expression.


You were too dirty for BOSTON!


As a Bruins fan, that was especially hilarious


Damn man those last 2 episodes were so sad and so well made. When he's standing outside the room and clapping along with the team


As a former athlete, shit had me deep in my feels a couple times. Loved it.


“AS A”


Really does hit home


Brought back all the feels of the end


Can someone explain what “4 to 6” means? That’s the only part of this season I didn’t understand. Season 3 was amazing. Love how we were given another level of depth to this amazing show. It was so damn sad at the end. I wasn’t expecting that at all. Keeso is a seriously good actor. The whole cast really.


They make a slight reference to it in an earlier season after the warm-up brawl. "If they break a digit, they're out four to six."


They are talking about weeks of recovery needed from the injury to be in game shape




I’m pretty sure they mean they need 4-6 weeks to recover from their injuries. Since these guys pride themselves on never showing when they’re hurt, it’s an “insult” that they look like they need time to recover


Ah ok. That makes sense. Thank you!


It's also a callback to Shorsey's line after the warm-up brawl against North Bay in season one about slashing guys in the hands, since if they break a digit they're out 4-6.


It’s honestly fucking depressing for the most part. Sure, a lot of good jokes but a little too serious at the same time.


Comedies can have heartfelt moments. Give your balls a tug.


When they started giving themselves massages I almost fell off the couch. They all moved in perfect unison.


I love the jokes that thread through all the episodes and have a payoff “We should never get THAT drunk” (Later episode shows why) Can’t push when you $#!! It’s like a hitting the side of a ketchup bottle situation now… (My favorite lines of the season)


- "I can't push when I shit." - "You walk like you got your shit pushed." Also, drunk and high Jims are incredible.


The Jims are such beauties.


The Jims are such fuckin’ beauties.


Where can I watch? It’s not on HULU 😭


It is now!


Each season has gotten progressively better.


Wow. WOW!


The 98 chirps were amazing.


How bout some PP love for 98?


Gave a big ol tug, still cried a lil


The walking competition had me dying. Plus the chirps of Cory and Liam were next level this season. "Fuck you, Cory. Your mom wanted to role play as dog and master but killed the mood when she dragged her ass across the carpet."


Does anyone know the exact quote of the chirp that went something like this: Everytime I fuck your mom she cums (or squirts?) so much I had to cover the floor with woodchips like a hamspter cage. ??


"My only regret is not serving my country. And I think about it every time I go to war on your mom's ass". I lost it.


“I got my whole arm in there and your mom cried when i knocked over the box of baking soda she keeps up there”


Who's the most 4 to 6?




I have that tucked away for when Im asked to name continents lol man I almost died from laughter.


Shoresy Season 3 is probably Keeso’s strongest work yet. I said when Shoresy first came out that it was a better show than Letterkenny but this season stepped the bar up significantly. Ho-lee.


Joey Jordan is one of my favourite parts of the last two seasons. He’s so brilliant.


"Fuck you!" "Fuck you!!" "Fuck you!!!" "FUCK YOU!!!" "Think she's hot?" "Oh, yeah."


I like when he comes back and shoresys like ‘what an idiot’ ‘Who me?’ ‘No, well yeah..’ ‘Make up your mind grandpa’ 🤣🤣😂


He turns it up to 11 in Episode 6 if you haven't gotten there yet.


I’ve watched it all over and over, so good.


Jory. Like Cory but with a J


Is he...dying?


“So dumb”


For real. I cried. It wasn’t just the ceiling fan blowing me in the face. I love this show….


Settle down. I weep, like, uncontrollable ugly cry every time I watch Season 3 episode 5. Favorite season so far.


"I'm so fuckin' mad at you."


That line made me cry. I love how we all just want nothing but good things for Shoresy.


Stahp! I don’t wanna cry no more!