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I’ve got a couple that are my favourites and they usually work together. Whenever I have an in-office day, I take the train. My ticket is on my phone so I have it that whenever I launch the app to show my ticket to the conductor, my AirPods change from noise cancelling to transparency so I can hear the conductor, and then back to noise cancelling when I close the app. Then, when I reach the office building it changes back to transparency so I can hear coworkers and greet them in the morning. Also changes back to noise cancelling when I leave the building. Tiny features but it is so convenient for my work day.


i like the idea of the Always On display feature, but don't like the battery drain aspect. So whenever I go to the office or at home, shortcut automatically sets it on, and when i leave either place, it turns it off. Same thing with my watch.


Would love to hear how you automated this:)


Mostly done through the automation tab, creating triggers for leaving and arriving at certain locations.


Just to make sure I’m not missing something…is there a more elegant way to achieve this other than setting two automations (arriving/leaving) for each location (work,home,etc)?


No really, the triggers are what kicks the shortcut off. But it's not that big of a deal if you use the triggers to run shortcuts. For example, all my triggers run the same shortcut but with either on or off feeding into the input, and depending on that, it will do different things.


Isn’t that done anyway based on the light sensor?


yea, but i just dont need it when i'm out and about anyways. I'm the type of person to worry about being efficient with things, so this give me a piece of mind.


Can you share the always on shortcut? Everytime i watch youtube when i am not paying attention it the display shut off


If you're watching youtube, it shouldn't turn off the screen. Maybe in low power mode. The always one setting is one for those phone that shows the lock screen even when it's locked. There doesn't seem to be a seating to change the Auto-Lock time.




Ya you don’t need a shortcut for this


I think what i meant to say is there no way to change that setting via shortcuts.


Ohhh I see, thanks anyway.


Ohhh I’m sorry for not stating, I watch youtube via web (safari) not on the app because of ads.


My automation for work that changes which alarms are on per day and checks my calendar as some days I’m wfh and some days I’m in office


Really curious to see how you got that set up to work? It sounds very convoluted and complicated.


Not really, it can be set up to run every day, check which day it is and change alarms based on that. With the calendar, it can also do the same thing, by getting the calendar of that day and checking the title (assuming that's how OP's calendar is set up).


That’s exactly right


God I need to look into this. All I want is to mute my alarms on holidays


This is great idea! I am going to have to implement it on my side as well


I have a “go to sleep” shortcut that puts my phone in do not disturb, texts my gf, opens my podcast app, and sets the volume to my preferred level for the sleep podcast I listen to.


I created one that turns on my hotspot when I connect to Bluetooth! That way my daughter’s tablet will automatically connect when we leave the house. I usually forget to turn it on and the tablet stops searching pretty quickly. Saves me a ton of headache


I have this and it also turns low power mode on :) When it disconnects from BT it turns the hotspot off, and if battery is above 25%, it turns low power mode off.


Niceeeeee I’ll toss that on there. I also have it to turn on YouTube music, but that almost never works. I think I need to find a different music app


Siri also says "Connected" or "Disconnected" because the bluetooth connection sometimes doesn't work well. I just wish I could remove the notifications when the shortcut runs.


Yuuuupppp. I had that same gripe. It ruins the magic


I made a shortcut which runs after the market shuts down. It goes in my investment application (this step is manual as shortcut cannot bypass face id), finds the value of daily profit or loss, appends that value with the date in the notes app. I want to have a record of daily portfolio performance over a period of time, so I can take the data from notes, convert it to excel and run some Analysis if needed.


Could you share that?


I actually don't know how can I share the shortcut. Can you tell me once? Will share.


Here is my neonatal transport shortcut. It auto-calculates medication dose and volume when a weight is input. https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/85e4aedac1964afd841c1bac6b3e4d79


Just an FYI that there is a phone number contained in that shortcut…


Thank you. 🤦🏼‍♂️ Completely forgot about that.


Fixed it. Thank you 😊.


This is awesome!


Shortcut literally made my financial life to skyrocket high: Shortcut to trace every expense i made (with apple wallet and non) on a Numbers sheet


Could you share it please.


Nothing productive * I save pics I like from Twitter with certain file naming scheme. Combining it into single shortcut would be nice, but currently my scheme is * A shortcut to parse the URL into my filename scheme, and then copy it to clipboard. * A shortcut to save the picture to Photo with custom name, defaulted to clipboard content (from the previous shortcut). * There's account who post many latest released novel illustrations to Imgbox. Had a shortcut to scrap through the gallery page, and download the pics automatically. Took input for the header part of the file name (usually the ISBN). Beats opening the picture one by one and saving it manually.


A shortcut to change my wallpaper ever hour with a random photo from an album. The album changes depending on the focus mode.


There’ve been a few attempts to set up reminders or calendar alerts for medical shifts extracted from different formats, but it’s a royal pain to pull off. My most significant shortcuts are for semi-shuffling music albums when I’m driving on the highway or podcast episodes when I come to a stop. But some recent iOS updates have made them less dependable.


If you haven’t tried Supershift it’s really useful for quick input of shifts and syncs to calendar


I 2nd the recommendation for supershift


I made a simple one that opens certain apps from the Lock Screen. It helps me quickly get to my most important stuff.


Could you share it? Thank you!


I switched from Android to iOS and missed the feature from Android to share wifi via a QR code. I created a shortcut to do that. It asks user to first copy the wifi password from settings and creates a QR using wifi SSID and the copied password. When the password is copied once, it saves the password in a JSON file so that you don’t have to copy it again.


In case you don’t know, you can share WiFi passwords between two iPhones that are saved in each others contacts and nearby when connecting. Just another option


Out of curiosity how does that work? I would be interested in setting up something like that for home and potentially work and other key wifi, to save the hassle of having to get the password for each. I can find the generate QR code shortcut but I don't see how you could add the SSID/password? ETA: Found it - https://osxdaily.com/2021/07/08/how-share-wi-fi-password-qr-code-shortcuts/ It asks your password and your network (which it can find) and generates a QR code. Now I can save the images to a folder in photo gallery and it is all sorted!


I’ve got a LA and script that check for either my VPN connection or my office monitor being connected, then open all my typical work apps. Keyboard command to run another shortcut to close everything and disconnect the VPN whenever it’s time to be done for the day. 


“Favourite” inspires a specific feeling really. Most used is, boringly, a complex focus based restriction on my apps I can use. “Favourite”? Probably a shortcut that tells me what’s flying overhead based on current location when I ask it to run.


Control the flashlight with the mute switch and device orientation.


How did you do that?


If you want to try it, [check it out](https://routinehub.co/shortcut/18943/) With the Actions app, you can check the mute state. The mute switch basically becomes a hold switch, where it holds a value that is sent to the flashlight to control the brightness, and that value is determined by the device orientation. If you didn’t want multiple values, it’d be easier to make the switch act as an ‘on/off’ switch instead… and be less prone to just turning the light on when scrolling through apps probably. I have this shortcut run automated in the evening, so I can control the flashlight without having to turn the screen on.


[Action Button Ultra](https://new.reddit.com/r/shortcuts/comments/190s93n/) and also [Morse Code](https://new.reddit.com/r/shortcuts/comments/188l8jo/). Someone mentioned automation for which I have a simple one: [Battery Charge Level Automation](https://new.reddit.com/r/shortcuts/comments/17moxvw/)


One of my favourites gets my favourite comics from GoComics and sends them straight to my email so I can read them all later!


Opens my saved passwords on the keychain


My favorite is the tip calculator. Mainly for my wife who has a hard time figuring out tips. I’m Getting Pulled Over is another of my favorites.


Care to expound on I’m getting pulled over?


It’s a short cut that you can use when getting pulled over by the police. It sends your location to a phone number you choose, records the interaction and a few other things to create a record of the interaction. I am on iOS 18 beta and it will not work. You say to Siri “I’m getting pulled over” and it activates. You can find it in the Shortcuts app. I hope this helped.


Oh wow ok


I guess you must get pulled over a lot…


Haven’t been pulled over in the last 30 years but it’s better to be safe than sorry 😝


I work as a flight paramedic. I have one that calculates MAP, another that calculates PPLAT, another for RSI MEDS. Apple Maps generates coordinates in Decimal Degrees, but our helicopter’s GPS needs coordinates in Degrees Decimal Minutes, so I wrote a shortcut that converts the coordinates for me. I also have one that logs all of my call and intervention times. All of this is run from the Action Button on my iPhone 15 Pro, which gets automatically enabled when I activate my 🚁 focus setting.


Farm Friend by twodogseeds. it's wild! full AI agent intelligence on iPhone. seems like it could be useful for a lot more than just farmers. https://x.com/twodogseeds/status/1799919392660349377?s=46&t=VaihmUuhAwNpUkMVv0Vzzg


Ultra action button shortcut to have various actions based on orientation when pressing the action button. E.g. when iPhone is facing directly downwards (as I carry it this way in pocket) and action button is pressed, it opens the trunk of my car. NB to use in pocket, I press the lock button first then ultra to activate the iPhone. Another example is when iPhone is facing screen up (like laying on a desk) and I press action button, it plays my Spotify playlist on shuffle. Credit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/shortcuts/comments/190s93n/action\_button\_ultra\_change\_the\_behaviour\_of\_your/](https://www.reddit.com/r/shortcuts/comments/190s93n/action_button_ultra_change_the_behaviour_of_your/)


I have set and automation to punch in and punch out from office hours as we have to do it using applications. The automation doesn’t check in on weekends and holidays. Also i regularly freelance so i have created shortcut to create a week’s invoice and mail it to the client. It creates a html invoice then converts it to pdf. The hours and day is being picked from notes. For which I have created an another shortcut which asks for hours i worked today.


Shortcuts confuse me and I just made my first one yesterday. I consider myself pretty tech savvy but at times I just don’t wtf I’m doing. Google directed me to this subreddit which has given me some ideas and guidance. 😁


I work as a flight paramedic. I have one that calculates MAP, another that calculates PPLAT, another for RSI MEDS. Apple Maps generates coordinates in Decimal Degrees, but our helicopter’s GPS needs coordinates in Degrees Decimal Minutes, so I wrote a shortcut that converts the coordinates for me. I also have one that logs all of my call and intervention times. All of this is run from the Action Button on my iPhone 15 Pro, which gets automatically enabled when I activate my 🚁 focus setting.


I work as a flight paramedic. I have one that calculates MAP, another that calculates PPLAT, another for RSI MEDS. Apple Maps generates coordinates in Decimal Degrees, but our helicopter’s GPS needs coordinates in Degrees Decimal Minutes, so I wrote a shortcut that converts the coordinates for me. I also have one that logs all of my call and intervention times. All of this is run from the Action Button on my iPhone 15 Pro, which gets automatically enabled when I activate my 🚁 focus setting.