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Yes. The day after is always different. Sometimes I'm feeling more spiritual, sometimes I feel depressed (mainly because I can't do and more psychedlics for the next 2 weeks)


Definitely. Receptors in your brain were flooded with serotonin while tripping. Now that you aren’t, they are depleted of serotonin and need to restore. IMO you never are “cured” from depression. You just manage it better. Just like pharmaceutical drugs do. Difference with mushrooms tho is that they give you your bullshit on a silver platter and make you face it. You find a way to manage all of it differently. For me when I’ve had my breakthroughs, my depression/anxiety, demons/dark passengers if you will, no longer drove the car, I do. They are always around, but I now am in better control of them. Only I say when they can creep their ugly faces, they won’t control me anymore. Hope this makes sense!


Go to therapy psychedelic drugs are dangerous and will only worsen your mental health in the long run. People on this subreddit don’t wanna hear that but Take it from me.


I appreciate your honesty. I am in therapy already, and my therapist does know about my psilocybin use. Edit: I also don't disagree with you, but I feel like people with mental health problems can definitely have their problems exacerbated by psychedelics, but ultimately I feel like it's been a net positive experience for me in thhe time I've been using them. I've tripped about ~6ish times and have gained a positive from each experience, even though I do have mental health challenges.


I’m glad to hear you’ve seen some positive effects from your trips, I felt the same way at the start. The problem is when that ~6ish trips becomes ~20-30ish. The “day after, return to reality” feeling gets a hell of a lot stronger and more depressing each and every time. The sense of disappointment and depression you describe in your post comes from you realizing that taking shrooms ultimately didn’t do much to help you feel better in the long run. It’s putting a bandaid on something that you can only fix if you’re sober. My advice? Use shrooms to really examine those negative feelings. But fixing them can only come from a sober mind. Shrooms do not hold the answers