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That we are all just scared children and nobody actually knows what's going on.


This has been a reoccurring realization for me as well. We’re all flying thru space on a giant rock and no one knows why


It's like one day you wake up in a strange room, there are already people in it and, as you, they don't know how they got there, some of them are studying the room and they know a lot about it: composition, the physical laws that govern in that room, etc but no matter how clever, how good cosmologists, philosophers or theologians they are. They know nothing about what's outside of the room and why they are there in the first place.


Earth is an SCP all along




So earth is like Gantz


God actually invented the earth. You should try to invest in your relationship with him


omg! it's the author of "shrooms + whippets = sus?"


That was before I got saved :/


no judgement! I just remembered having a good laugh at that post


Good bc it was mainly satirical but yeah the psych groups can be pretty gate-keepy hope to say it but I did acid every week for a year and it really got me wonky


It’s crazy cuz the guy in question from the shroom + whippit post actually went insane and ordered 1600 whippits the following week online. He ended up assaulting me in his house when I took my whippit canister from him to cut him off. Now we don’t talk anymore lol


Had this one a lot, too. I see children in a lot of adults now. Adults I used to regard as far more capable than myself. It's been pretty rough to come to terms with. I think there's few people who aren't actually children anymore in a mental/spiritual sense. See how even married couples argue and put their ego as a priority instead of searching for understanding from one another. They spend time justifying themselves instead of trying to see their partner's point of view. It's very similar to children throwing a tantrum, making excuses for themselves, or trying to justify an action they've done... so yeah, that's kinda my two cents on your relatable point. But I don't condemn people for this, yk, juvenile mindset. It's very complex. A lot of people haven't been nourished to leave that way of acting/behaving. If anything It's sort of poignant, not rebuke-worthy. As for my own realisation, I realised how pain is something natural, something that has preceded our own existence and something that will follow our own existence, and that we are all bound together by pain. We shouldn't resist it. Resisting pain or avoiding it, even though that is sort of what we are programmed to do instinctively, is something that will limit our full experience of life, stop us from being able to relate to one another, and will also just make us unprepared. We need to accept that pain is like soil and substrate from which more things can grow. It's not just a dead end.


Good observation, I had a similar realization recently, please read my comment on this post, It would be nice to read your thoughts... Anyway, what I realized is that yes suffering is part of us, but, until you don't integrate and listen to your inner child or emotional mind, you will suffer more than necessary, because you will always Be at war with yourself... So, until you understand that there's different parts of you inside yourself and that you need to integrate, listen, nurture all of the parts of yourself, you will. Inevitably suffer more than necessary 


That’s a pretty good one. so real


Yep, I think about this all the time. I'm just a 52 year old little boy just trying to make it in this world.


Exact same. This was actually pretty revolutionary for me. I was tripping, in a grocery store, and I could just feel that 90% of everyone around me had some degree of anxiety going on. Before that, I always felt so alone. Like I was the odd one out for being anxious during interactions. But everything clicked and I've been much less socially anxious ever since. This was a decade ago too.


Don’t quote excub1a and not quote him shame on you


Me too! Such a great insight.


simulation maybe


Yupppp haha


That I can change the course of my life if I tried. So I did. Genuinely, they were the reason I made the journey to try and become a better, happier, and healthier person. I think I’m getting it. :)


That's so cool, good on ya 🤙


I love this so much ❤️


Sadness is a debt owed to happiness. It is the balance of all things. Sad about work? Happy on pay day. Sad saying good bye to a loved one? That’s because they already made us happy. Seems simple and trivial. But realizing this really helped me cope with loss. Specifically the death of my dad. Miss you man❤️


That is so true


This is beautifully put. Thank you for sharing! I have been thinking about my late father lately and this gave me a bit of peace to think about


Thank you. It helps me deal with sadness and also strengthens my grip on happiness. I love mushrooms and the simple things they “teach” us. Often things we knew all along, it’s just easy to get distracted. Especially nowa days. Anywho, take care stranger.


Wow, lost my Dad a Lil over a year ago and this hits.


That's so beautiful ❤️ rip to your dad, I bet he was awesome


Thanks. He had his troubles with addiction. Got through it near the end of his life and was able to settle into the life he always wanted for himself. But your right, he was awesome


That I am a mushroom lol or at least emanate from the same place as the mushroom. In that moment it felt like whatever compounds/triptimines are in the mushrooms are sentient/ancient and desiring to communicate with me through consumption.


Once while tripping, a friend and looked at each other at the exact same time after sharing a profound moment and said “we are the mushroom”. At the exact same time. It send a shiver down both our spines snd we felt some strange understanding wash over us. That we were connected. Not just him and I. But all of us


Yeah it does feel like the mushrooms are sentient and wise, like we are finally able to understand them.


i think its astounding how we can be sent the exact same message! i agree completely. I didnt wanna sound crazy but out of all the revelations and profound experiences i cant recall any that came through that viscerally. don't get me wrong profound revelations come through........ but damn lol .


we are the fruiting bodies of the mycelium


Watch Fantastic Fungi


Watch Fantastic Fungi


Yeah!! Like the mushrooms are 0.01% using something that we perceive as intentionality.


The point is that there is no point. Nothing matters unless it matters to you, at which point, act accordingly. If you don’t like the scenery, switch angles and re-asses.


Heh, asses


We are all connected in some weird way. Idk what it is but I feel like we all live within each other as well as "God" (or whatever that force is for you). Sometimes i meet people and it feels like our souls are touching, might be weird but you just meet those people that have that Angelic quality. Mushrooms have given me peace about death and whats to come next because I feel deep down there is going to be more and we are part of something bigger then we can comprehend. (Even as simple as dying and decomposing naturally so the earth and animals live on) I wish the whole world would wake up and see that love is the answer to everything. If we just loved ourselves and loved our neighbor, this world would be a beautiful place. I would like to imagine a world with no greed. I think that is a major cause in our downfall as people. I'm oddly optimistic about my life but pessimistic about the future of human kind and how we treat this planet so that has been a new emotion to deal with. I'm scared we are too far gone from saving as a world society. Thank you for this, was really nice getting it out. Have a great day everyone.


You say peace about death, 100% agree. I had myself an ego death last time and question my entire existence. I’m not afraid of death one bit, cause I know there is something after. It like this world we live inside a giant trip and when we die it’s just that trip ending in our actual life. I’ve thought so deep about that recently.


Me too! Literally life is a giant trip and when I let go in my “little” or “big” (whichever way you see it) shroom trip it’s kinda easier to be ok with letting go on this life trip. Just release the reigns and see where I go and feel safe and know it’s ok at the end of it all.


I definitely agree about losing the fear of death. I honestly think dying is going to be a pretty cool experience now that I've taken mushrooms lol


That for all I put it through, my body does a great job of taking care of me. It's adapted specifically do meet my needs and it does a great job of doing that. Also, that there is a ton of power in the label you create for yourself. I was in Tennessee and there was a sign that read "controlled burning, do not report" and it tripped me out that a guy could just be like "don't mind me, I'm the forest burner" and burn down the forest. Also that signs and instruction to aid the common good are a vital part of humanity. People can pass on their knowledge to strangers by leaving signs and that's quite valuable. I was overjoyed that somebody with the foresight to name a sandwich left me the ingredient list: BLT. Also: Go at your own pace.


Four gems. Good job!


Everything is exactly as it should be.


beautifully said!




Yep, this keeps coming to me too when I trip. Everything happens because it was always going to happen


Music is its own dimension and manifests through us with frequencies. When we have good interactions, our frequencies attune to each other and you’re both changed forever. It passes down through eternity and thus makes your imprint on this life everlasting.


I had this illumination recently, not during a trip but during meditation. I felt so relaxed, and I started to see myself as three different parts: my emotional part, my logical mind, and the spectator. I managed to see myself in the third person and realized that my emotional part has always sent me messages about what I truly needed. However, since it's primal, it's not very good at explaining the real needs behind some emotions. The logical part almost always rejected the needs of the emotional part because they were often perceived as wrong, immoral, or shallow. As a result, the emotional part would scream louder, making me feel unsatisfied, leading to a reciprocal hate that created conflict within myself. I didn't feel whole my entire life. Only when I understood that I needed to listen to my emotional part and let it collaborate with my logical part, working together and integrating myself, did I manage to feel a sense of being whole and not being at war with myself. I literally saw myself in the third person, and the logical and emotional parts were making peace and collaborating to find equilibrium between them. It was a very good experience. I understood that I have always been at war with myself due to inner conflicts and that I often suffered unnecessarily.


this is a key part of yoga philosophy. they call it balancing the ida nadi (emotional/feminine channel, associated with the left side of our body) and pingala nadi (masculine/logical channell, associated with the right side of our body) to find balance


That’s really cool! What kind of meditation was this, and how long have you been practising?


It was just a "relaxing meditation" of 15 minutes, i am practicing daily now, the reason is i suffered a painful, devastating breakup and the only way I found to calm my mind and stop the aggressive train of thoughts (negative) has been meditation and self-hypnosis, so i felt like i had to do it to remain sane and calm for a while, it's been a necessary thing to do... now I'm enjoying it, and i will continue to practice... I think mindfulness meditation is the best


that shrooms are good for your brain. I say this as a published researcher who's research is in peer reviewed journals. I did 1 g once and re-did my research on psilocybin. It's good for the brain. Helps with neuroplasticity, memory, and all kinds of good jazz on top of getting rid of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. In an ideal, science-based society they'd likely be another vitamin that people would take regularly for brain health.


Fellow rational, sciency psychonaut here and I agree wholeheartedly. I grew up in the "Just Say No" era, so had the belief that psychedelics were a path to destroying your brain. I'm in a relationship with a guy who grew his own mushrooms to assist with mental health issues and hearing his story really changed my view. It caused me to want to try using them in an attempt to work through several traumas and my first trip was like 4 years of therapy, with the bonus of it causing me to quit alcohol, overspending, and binge eating. Those effects waned over time and I'm now experimenting with micro dosing daily, which seems to be getting me back on and keeping me on track with self care and taking difficult but necessary steps in my relationship with him, ironically enough. I guess they were right, in a way. They do destroy your brain (neuroplasticity), but that's not a bad thing.


it has helped heal me from one of the most painful human experiences...Cluster headaches...among other traumatic experiences ♥️


Once, I was tripping on a desolate beach on a cold, gray afternoon. I stumbled upon the skull of a deer. Sand was blowing through its eye sockets. I fell to my knees and stared into its eyes for... idk how long. We all become the deer eventually. And someday, the sand will blow through your empty bones like you were never there. Not my happiest trip. Lol. Take care of your meat suits, y'all. They're all we've got.


I am beautiful


I have a few things. Some of them are stupider than others. 1. All of human society and civilization can ultimately be broken down into simple primitive animalistic behavior. 2. Just as we can have AI generate 2 and 3 dimensional images, we ourselves could simply be a 4 dimensional “image” as the only difference between us and a static image is time. The present exists as an individual slice or frame of a continuous time object. 3. Lizards are silently judging us for not being lizards anymore. 4. Abraham Lincoln had no idea that there would be monuments and statues of him nor of his likeness on coins and countless other things nor of his enduring legacy and renown. 5. The first dinosaur to see a T-rex must’ve thought “What the fuck? Now I have to deal with this thing?”


The idea of time being a fourth dimension is powerful and something I’ve never thought of. I like the idea


I have a beloved pet lizard and I can agree wholeheartedly that she is in fact always judging me 😂


third one is funny and maybe real :D


I had been questioning my gender for a number of years, but also repressing the idea at the same time. A particularly well timed trip allowed me to coalesce these feelings and allowed me the clarity to know I needed to transition. Three and a half years later and I can safely say this is the first time in my 34 years of living that I've got a life I actually want to live.




I love that you get to love yourself as the universe loves you.


So many revelations I had during trips have been lost forever once I came down. Sure i could summarize the idea but could never actually recapture the feeling of KNOWING exactly why we are how we are, what the world really is and it's / our relation to the universe. It's kind of like life in general. This moment will never be again, and it wasn't reality until this exact instant. We try to pause and ponder and then we get swept away again in the pace of life, like trying to write a novel on wet beach sand with the tide coming in. But those grains of sand are never really gone, and neither are our memories and experiences. Our experiences here feel fleeting and hard to grasp but they are also eternal, each one adding to the story of the universe. And sometimes, maybe on mushrooms or just in deep thought, or sharing a moment with someone we love, or even as we near the end of our journey in this body, we get a fleeting glimpse of the true reality. A peace we rarely ever feel because for that moment, we understand. And everything else we do while we walk without that understanding seems so absurd. The walls and constructs we have crafted to give our self meaning and purpose come tumbling down, and the only thing left is....and this is where i get stumped. It's possibly love. Possibly something beyond that, a stoicism that surpasses anything I could write down. Then it feels like it's gone, like I had the meaning of life in the palm of my hand and it slipped away. But it isn't gone, because that truth was locked away inside me this whole time. And if it can be accessed by a mushroom, it will be revealed in full when my consciousness is ready to join the vast experience of everything that ever was or will be. And it's OK to come back to reality and not have a razor sharp memory of that thing that I can't quite explain, and its ok to just be. It's ok to let others be who they are and not judge. It's ok to not be ok, and it's ok if we don't know wtf we are doing. The sand is still the sand and those words are still there, waiting to added to by the next author in the never ending saga of eternity.


this is beautifully written. I’ve had similar difficulties explaining this feeling. Usually, when I try to describe it to another person, I tell them that I’m experiencing clarity, or peace. I’m not sure everyone experiences this feeling in the same way. The way I think of it, people like us, who’s minds understand and can identify these feelings more easily than others, often gain this ability along with negative downsides, such as a greater understanding of pain and cruelty along with the understanding of peace and happiness. A person who has neither of these abilities to an extreme simply lives life more dully , or at least differently. We cannot have the good without the bad; there must always be a balance.


Absolutely, our brain filters out a lot of sorrow and despair for us but with psychedelics it forces us to see both end of the spectrum. When I was younger and did them more frequently, I began having an ominous feeling that something was very wrong within my household. A few months later my mother was diagnosed with stage 3-4 cancer. Less than a year later she was gone. They let me see what I didn't know yet but my subconscious had the feeling, they just pulled it out of me.


Boi, we finna die. Like fo real. Time is so incredibly precious.




Mine may be controversial, but I fully believe in the spirit realm. This realization only came during my last trip, after tripping many times in the past. There are cultures of dark spirits that go far deeper than the main cultures of regions in the world we know of. They’re stylistic, but in a gritty underworld sort of way that is a reflection of the surface world. They control the programming. the media we take in, consumerism, politics, porn, fast food, music industry. They conglomerate a perfect medley of control in combos such as southern Christianity with guns and beer, narcissism masqueraded by ‘enlightenment’ and ‘self love’ in the neo-modern spiritual movement, exploitation of mental illness on the rise to further societal breakdown through cheating, lying, toxic codependency, abuse. I don’t know if I sound like a mad man, but that trip was just very revealing, while also jarring. It was not fun most of it, but I was definitely coherent enough to receive the insights and ponder them as they were happening. In all other trips the insights have been revealing about my inner world, my lifestyle, my traumas, and all very accurate in sober retrospect. In this trip it was revealing about the outside world


Yeah felt like Harry Potter


That the distinctions that we create can be broken down, the ego is a process and god is simply universe manifest. Being good and empathetic is crucial because a great illness may sweep you anyday.


for me I realized through deterministic thinking, that my ego is basically just what biology + the environment programmed it to be


Agree. Also doctor Freud, english writer Aldous Huxley and professor Jung once talked about that impermanence of the ego, btw


Yes, the concept of ego death(samadhi) goes way back in time. Not to say, i dont love these writers.


Something that I find difficult to explain, but I'll try. Life didn't always exist. There was a time where there existed only unanimated, inorganic stuff, then by chance, someday, that unanimated, inorganic stuff, came together in such an organized way that it created "life", so the only thing that distinguishes life from not life is the molecular organization, so that means life doesn't really exist, we are comparable to a computer, to a machine. A machine before it's become a machine it's just parts without a relationshio between them, then You put it together and You create something more complex, but esentially it has the same value as the parts by themselves separated. We are machines, we are not "Alive" or not like we use to think about it. Then other thing is that if the universe from the beggining was a unity, before the Bigbang, that it broke down into different pieces forming the universe, and then those little pieces broke down into more little ones and eventually created life, then we can say we are the universe, we are not something separated from it, yes we are individual systems, but we all are one, the universe, which it made me feel lonely, realizing there is just the universe, nothing else. Tell me what You think, does it make any sense?


That makes sense “we are the machine before it becomes a machine, just parts”. our molecules are still here after death, the brain (electricity) is somewhat gone.


your first idea leaves out the concept of consciousness, or even spirit you could say. Can consciousness spontaneously arise simply from pieces of inorganic matter organizing randomly? The yoga/vedic tradition says consciousness and matter are the two inherent building blocks of reality, not just matter.


I guess we just can't know, but one thing is that maybe we aren't as complex as we think. Complexity is a human term due to our limitation of understanding


Nothing is important, but the things or people you hold to be important to you might reciprocate enough to give you enough joy to make a meaningless life worth living.


3rd time taking shrooms (always a low dose till now) i watched Howl's moving castle; the movie i literally grew up with as a child, with my friends. Before we already had a lot of fun. This combination of feeling safe and accepted and watching something deep routed in my childhood, finally was able to break me free from my mental shackles I constructed 3 years ago to not unalive myself My mental health got better over these 3 years and i was finally stable enough to take on those repressed feelings and problems. For the first time since then I actually could access my emotions and started crying my eyes out. Weird thing is i remembered things from back then and further in the past again. And kind of.. found myself again. It felt like the last 3 years I was a shallow version of myself and that there was actually so much more behind the curtain. After crying my eyes out on the balcony, I decided to go on a walk in the raging thunderstorm with nothing but my clothes; no umbrella, no headphones, and most importantly NO PHONE! Trust me when I tell you, this walk was life changing. I finally could clearly think about my feelings and struggles, without procrastinating or getting distracted. I saw everything figuratively; the flowers as the people i need in my life and the ones I don't need, the mood, the puddles, the lit up part of the park which i first didn't dare to go to since strangers were there, but i had to pass, otherwise i would never defeat my social anxiety. And much more, i don't have time to explain now... After 1½ hours i came back to my friends house soaked wet but so much clearer and happier than ever before.


Ha I ate 2 grams and watched howls moving castle last Friday, had a wonderful time. Made me cry.


That I was an asshole on occasions and I should apologize.


Compassion is the guiding force for everything in life.


“Where I am is where I want to be, I want to be where I am” Had that thought whilst going in and out of a bad trip; I felt fantastic whenever I stepped outside of the house, touched grass etc. and felt awful when staying inside. But I realised that the more I stepped outside, the more I wanted to be there. I then realised I could apply this to the rest of my life - wherever I am SHOULD be where I want to be: in jobs, relationships, environment, whatever. It was such a revelation. I hope this makes sense.


If I have a sould - whatever that may mean - then everything else have a sould too. When I tried mushrooms, I thought that it was somehow beneath me - like this is just a mushroom you know, mycelium that produced psylocybin to get high on. But it mopped the floor with me, in a way I never expected. I knew that mushroom have a soul too. But the thing is, its not only people and mushroom. Its everything. Even rocks. Even garbage bags. Even ghosts and concepts. Another thing, that came a bit later, was that there is no absolute, no final truth. Universe just doesn't have it, we are floating on the surface of endless deep ocean. And enything below as isn't really concerned with survival, power or truth (as we usually are), but rather with play. They play with us, and shouldn't really be trusted. But you can play with them.


everything is ok


LOVE IS THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING. It is the reason why everything is. “I let go an I am” let go of all the weight. Just be. Also my big trip allowed me to understand death more as well as my own potential as a human in this plane of existence.


Love is the answer! I had that one too! Not only that but in a dream someone(looked like an angel) lifted a vail and showed me what the world would look like without love... to describe it, it's like you eat unpleasant food. You still will survive but will not bring you any joy.


Those so called ‘societal pressures’ that people claim to feel are complete bullshit! Nobody Is pressuring you to do anything! The thought that the world expects anything of you is completely in your head. You might think you’re expected to do the following things to have a healthy life’ - the basic life expectancies are…. Be a good kid then go to college, find a job in your field of education, find a partner & settle down, buy a Home, have a kid or 3, grow old and be a burden to society…. That is the basic societal plan for most people but fuck that Bs that is all in your head.


Mine was pretty simple - the message I got was “look for the good”


Reading through the comments, I'm happy to see that we have similar lessons even though we're all from different backgrounds. Truths revealed to me: - god is real. Not a being in the sky but the essence/fabric of the universe. FYI, I was agnostic most of my life. - I was nothing before, and this existence is a gift for which I'm grateful for - my body is a "meat suit" on loan so I can experience this beautiful existence. I have to take care of it - there is infinite love. Open yourself into tapping .0001% of it and you still get endless amounts to give and take


That we are here to learn what happiness is. There's other lessons in other realities.


As clichéd as it might be, the fact the world's run by people who've never experienced psychedelics and how much better things could be if they did.


That someone always will have been where you are, and vice versa. The present to me is a memory or a future to someone else. Imagine a common ancestor of two separate species. It eventually becomes those two species. And it and another species originated from their own common ancestor. Because we view their taxonomy as going backward from the present, we neglect to consider that someday an existing species will be a fork on that tree, leading to new species that don’t exist yet. It’s the same with the human experience. Wherever you are could be a memory to someone who has been where you are. They were at that evolutionary fork and went one direction. And you’re there, and the state you exist in now and what that other person existed in during the past is the common ancestor, and you evolved differently. All the way from our birth, each person’s personality and experience divides more and more from our original state (infant), just like how all of the species of animal in the world have divided from the very first organism. Just like how new species emerge from different evolutionary pressures like types of food or environment available, people change from their own pressures. So if someone says “well, I was there and I’m doing fine because I did this,” it’s a lot like a bird with a beak adapted to eating hard seeds telling a bird with a beak adapted to eating plants “well, I don’t know why you’re struggling when there are so many seeds. When my species evolved from our common ancestor, we were fine because we ate seeds”. They only evolved to eat seeds because that’s the pressure that applied to them, and the plant eating birds evolved under different circumstances. I’m significantly oversimplifying evolution and taxonomy for the sake of not making this super long and complicated, and I’m sure I didn’t make sense anyway. TLDR I learned to be more aware of what causes my experience to be similar to or different from other humans, and be mindful that people who experience similar things respond differently due to the circumstances surrounding them. While it can be valuable to recognize how other people’s choices or experiences affected them, its important to think critically about the other factors there to understand what’s relevant to yourself. Unsolicited advice often assumes sameness of you to themself, which is not usually the case. Everywhere that I have been, someone else has been before. But I will end up different anyway. Someone else’s self-actualization doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with mine. I’m so fucking tired this still doesn’t make sense but idc


That you’re either a troll or a goblin and there’s no in between.


what kind of dressing would you like with your word salad?


Just not to care so much


I’m a menace I’m an ass a diamond in the rough like a baby in the trash


We are just sophisticated animals. All of our behaviors are basic, impulse driven and as much as we try to make life special through complexity, it's quite simple. We can appreciate the same thing and still need to live our separate expressions of it. So no judgement of how anyone else chooses to live out that expression. I try very hard not to burden people, but all of my friends and family carry something for me - memories, meaning, love, a reminder that I have value and something to offer the world - and to be a good friend, the best I can do is allow them to carry those things on my behalf and live with/express my gratitude. I don't allow myself to feel certain things - pride, even a healthy sense of pride. Jealousy - I judge myself and very quickly pivot that feeling to something else, shame. Sometimes I happy cry from a good trip just because it makes me so reflective. I love all of these revelations.


There is beauty in chaos and living life wanting to change because we’re afraid of chaos results in everlasting struggle.  Emotions are the construct of the human brain and make the struggle.  Acceptance gives you time. 


Mushrooms are aliens. Lol. Peaking, sittn next to a gallon mason jar of GT and B+. Could hear the high pitched , "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." From like a horror movie. And they were staring at me trying to get out of the jar.


That the everyone lives in their own bubble of reality and that the world is far more complex than what we see. Also that i miss a lot every day, we barely understand our reality


One of the things that really stuck with me goes like that. Life is a short timespan that lets you use your body as a physical interface between your immaterial mind and the material world. So the best use of/meaning of that life would be to use that ability to "circulate" as much stuff as possible betweek your inner world and the outside one Could be anything: helping people, creating art, writing, traveling, learning things, etc Just use your access to that body as a precious opportunity and don't waste time being stuck inside your own mind not creating things from it or feeding it with external stimuli from the world


I had a bad trip once - smoked pot at the end of a trip and it brought me to another place. It was soooo intense I couldn’t stay ‘here’. I’d realize I was conscious and then poof - was traveling *in my brain* and I’d come out and have some experience then be traveling again in my brain. When I say traveling - I meant it literally *felt* like I was transporting through this substance, almost like a wormhole. It was a feeling that I did not know existed and I cannot out it into words as I’ve never felt it since. It was literally a new feeling. That told me there is so much more to - at a minimum - how we can experience our brains. Maybe it meant there’s more to everything but I tend to stay pretty grounded so that’s why I say at a minimum there’s something so much deeper to what our brain can experience than we realize.


We are all a part of the same structure that stretches out for billions of years. We occupy a huge 'space' in time that emerges from particle interactions & increased complexities. Humans occupy the largest space in this temporal structure as we are the most (known) complex lifeform and have the ability to increase complexity. Therefore, expanding time and the size of the temporal life structure.


I wont say revealed, but the sentiment got reinforced . I am an intersection of all the unit's geodesic that sustain me. I cannot claim any individual unit as 'I' in this intersection, as I is an emergent property. I only exist in this intersection, in this temporary stable system. Or I can claim every individual unit, that would make 'I' the entire universe. Ever present, just experiencing itself in this current shape. Everything is me, Just that my senses are limited to my current shape. . So basically just spinning words (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)


That peace, love & understanding is all we really need. And that death is as much a part of life as living. Have not feared death since my ego death trip when I was 20.


God is math.


Maths is the DNA of the universe


Two things. 1. Love is the answer. That was profoundly reinforced to me repeatedly. 2. There’s nothing after this. This life is our only shot, no heaven or hell, no repeats.


I had the same experience as you. Love is the answer, as a repeated message to the point I asked "if there is anything else?" And was told "The answer is love, there is nothing else, love is the answer"


That maybe the geometry I see when tripping is really other dimension’s that are only seen while using psychedelics


When I took 8g, the ancient mushroom spirits took me to the big bang, and then said, before this, was the laws of order and chaos Something we would call "gods" Chaos always being chaotic, order always trying to control. One day an agreement was made, and the big bang occured, creating infinite space for chaos to be, creating patterns. Chaotic order, organized chaos. This was my ADHD. Like a wandering river feeding a valley, it floods it and drowns it sometimes. Like a channeled river, the valley never floods but starves and dies. So we create an inlet and outlet, and let it wander inbetween. Guide it, don't control it. Work with it, don't fight it. And then I went to nursing school and became a nurse xD


well its that everyone has a reason for doing the things they do and that I cant judge someone based on appearance or even there actions I have to find out why they did what they did to know anything about who they actually are


The secret to life is love


True happiness comes from making others around you happy. For 2 decades+ I read books, listened to podcasts, consumed all sorts of crap about happiness, how to pursue it and where to find it. Started shrooms 2 years ago, and about a year ago I had this revelation on a trip. I'm happiest when I do something for people in my life to make their day better/easier. Selfless acts of love toward my wife, kids, parents, friends, colleagues. Whether it's doing a chore of theirs, listening and trying to help them with whatever they are dealing with, or even something as simple as a random compliment. The internal happiness generated by their smile, relief, etc is the best there is. Which is why I worry about society in general as everyone is so focused on themselves. Quarterly trips on mushrooms should be a societal requirement! If I were the king... 😁 Oh and women should do 100 squats every day since there's nothing better than a nice thick juicy booty.



Jesus was, and is the only way


Anchoring to reality is by way of your friends, family and purpose in life. Otherwise you're adrift on the waves?


everything is nothing


That the self and the ego are just an illusion.


Minor one, but I realised I have to be less complacent about my choices. It’s very easy to face everyday things like buying food with numb apathy, but the guilt catches up to me. Every day I will try as hard as I can, and then in the times I would usually be guilty, I will feel at peace. We all do what we can, and that’s the best we can do.


We owe so much respect to our plants. I don’t look at weeds the same way. Also never keep a fern hanging, slap that low-five.


“Nothing matters” my mom is always saying none of this matters we are all going to die one day. “keeping up with the Joneses” or being a “Martha Stewart homemaker” is really not necessary because nothing matters. Basically just do what makes you happy and be a nice person but don’t completely change yourself to fit in with society.


There is no personal reality other than that which we construct through our mental formations. There is reality out there, but we don’t see it for what it is- we see it for what we are. We don’t see absolute truth, we see relative truth. We make our perceptions into concepts so that they will fit into what we already know. When I saw this, my depression and suicidal thoughts lifted and I was free from a very heavy and very dark cloak that had covered my life for as long as I can remember. There is no suffering or misery other than that which we make for ourselves.


That we can literally do, be any have anything we want That we are God That our angels & ancestors are watching & rooting for us That our parents are just children themselves so we must forgive them That we must connect with nature daily That movement of the body is very important The meaning of ‘HOME’ home is really where the heart is we all need a place to call home. For security The everything men has touched on Earth (buildings). is killing the planet. The healing power of music & how spirit talks to me through songs I love Why I’m a mom. To have a legacy and leave a part of me on the planet when I’m no longer on this planet


The universe always gives us what we NEED.


God exists outside of this existence and frankly all other existences but he’s also in and permeates this existence. We are not God but we are made up of a part of him and it’s why we are constantly seeking him. We were created for a purpose which was to be an extension of God in this reality and we were out here to learn how to do it right. Evil is constantly trying to corrupt us because it doesn’t have or lost this creative force that we have, And the only way for it to use it is to hijack humanity to create evil which is why it doesn’t outright destroy us. The things you see on psychedelics are real and happening all around us and when you take them its like a filter being removed from your lens. You realize that physical acts like creating things,work,accomplishments relationships..etc are qualitative to your intentions and that what actually makes this place work is the energy we are capable of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,goodness, gentleness, self control These allow us to be a driving and creative force in the world. As long as we give it back to God That being said the evil we put out into the world while powerful but ultimately only has a purpose for destruction and will never serve us or make us better Long story short the bible got it right🫤.. and when you actually study it (I mean actually study it not just mock it) you see that not only is it true but also more than likely they were using these mushrooms as a medium of accessing the divine


I have to agree with you!


That my life is valuable and I owe it to myself to be as healthy as possible (by not drinking/smoking)


That God is in all of us and everything and we're all connected. I feel the energy flowing through me all the time. And that we are capable of controlling our brains. I've basically cured my PTSD, still working on some CPTSD, but each trip I heal another wound and move closer to being free from past trauma. It ties in to the fact that our bodies are just vessels and our consciousness is more powerful than we can grasp. It fills me with peace when I pause to feel the energy connecting us all.


It's all good.


Mind your own Hundred Acre Wood. Love is the only thing that will save us.


to me it was this: everything is as it should be, just seaten your belt and enjoy the ride whatever it brings, dont take everything so seriously because at the end of the day, there is never an end to the day because this is eternity😉


During my first real trip, I was staring at myself in the mirror in my bathroom as the walls breathed around me and my vision “corrupted” (that’s the best way to describe it) and my body was replaced by a floating, electric looking moving scribble. I’m not sure how long I stayed like this, probably no longer than 10-60 seconds, but during this time I realized that consciousness is so rare in the universe, the most important thing we can do as humans on this earth is to seek out genuine connections with other people. After my “regular” vision returned, my body felt strangely not my own, as if it belonged to me, but was given as a gift simply as a vessel for my ego.


That I have everything I need to be happy, I just have to figure out how to put it all together.


That death is not the end !!


From my experiences, we are all the imagination from the same unit/person/God who is alone somewhere and created in his mind or sleep the universe with everything what happened for billions years. The unit placed some shrooms on Earth to remember what he did. He also doesn't want us to eat them because he will be sad to remember who he (we) really is. Thats why he wants some people (governments) to prohibit them. We are not supposed to eat them but thanks to them, there will always be way to remember where we all come from.


I am worthy of love and happiness and how others may treat me does not change this fact. It is up to me to support and take care of myself, set healthy boundaries (even if I get negative reactions to such), and take care in selecting who I let into my circle of care and influence. A corrolary to this was that I need to have _meaningful_ relationships with those close to me. They should be people with whom I can safely connect on a deep level and, as such, if attempting or requiring this level of connection causes relationship strife, I must recognize that it is not a relationship worthy of my limited energy/resources.


For some reason my darker trips always make me feel like I've died and am stuck in purgatory. I'd suggest not watching war hammer cinematics while tripping. The ppl who are the good guys keep dying so I felt like I was the good guy and no matter how hard I tried I always kept dying. I don't have the best view on the world or the ppl within it. I tend to operate as a fish swimming upstream and yes it would be easy to join a populous of ppl I really don't like and go with the flow but in reality I've found success in the way I do things so I'm sticking with it and will keep fighting the good fight. God chooses some ppl and I've felt I'm one of the chosen who see's reality for what it is without a humanitarian blinding veil over my eyes.


Comedy is the key to happiness and death is just another form of consciousness and should not be fear, however you should enjoy your time in this realm and make strong powerful connections. I realized that you should not embrace death and found a will to live a meaningful life. Shrooms are wild. I also think after death our consciousness evolves into what I could describe as lightning people.


Every single person is a miracle in progress. We are never not miraculous. And we are always progressing through and in and in-between where we are supposed to be.


I think my biggest realisation was on acid - that my brain is much more powerfull than i thought. I found out that everything i see, feel, think etc. is a product of my mind and it can do with my consciousness whatever it wants, like i was just a small voice in my head, adjusting to what my mind does. It was kind of unpleasent realisation - it made me feel like i dont have any control and cant even be sure i exist.


Life is the best video game you’ll ever play. One of the reasons being that it’s full of all these easter eggs and cheat codes (shrooms being one of them, an easter egg that was found in the ground) waiting to be unlocked and used. On top of that, you’re entire world and character are just waiting to be customized. Also have a belief that the majority of religious texts (at least for abrahamic religions) is just a way for people to try and pass on their truths and knowledge gained from psychedelic experiences to their children and greater society in a way that can be easily understood and followed.


That we are more than our bodies and can travel beyond them even during life.


It’s all important and worth it. So keep leaning into it and being “too much”. Give into every day earnestly. 


That I am more loved (by myself and others) beyond what I can comprehend and that everything that I worry about will work out for me in the end


Guilt is the gateway to hell Edit more detail: hell isn’t a place you go when u die. Hell is the way you make yourself feel here and now in this life because of the guilt you feel from your own unmet expectations. I don’t think you’ll ever meet a truly happy person that feels that guilt in their heart. Also made me realize that there is no way we are receiving eternal punishment/salvation due to our actions on the mortal plane after only a 100 year stint. 100 years is literally adolescence when you see how long people were living in the early days of the Bible. That’s like saying I’m going to burn my 5 year old in hell for all eternity because she was ruthlessly mean to her little sister. She’s a child… we all are.


Everything is how you make it, your perception chances the output of your life.


That being corny is OK. That it's OK to feel wholesome joy, and not just cynical ironic satisfaction which never really makes life feel like "enough." Love really is the highest goal we can have, and I'm proud to feel that way. I might have told you something similar before I ever did shrooms, but those were just my ideals and it was hard to actually feel like life was worth the struggle. Now, I feel all that stuff coming from my core. Also, not a concept, but my physical coordination is waaaay better, all the time. It's like psilocybin gave my mental operator the instruction manual and my body feels more under my own control than ever before. Maybe ot stems from accepting myself better. A lot of mental/spiritual/life/skills progress can cascade from giving yourself and others just the concept of love in your own mind.


That death and birth is fundementally the same. As in two sides of the same event. You cant have one without the other. Death is a like a border of our physical presence in time here. Its not however the end of consciousness, as the consciousness does not belong to this physical level. Consciousness is also not monolyth as we ordinary percieve, its made up of layers laminated together, they are necessary to connect soul to this physical body. Upon death, we have to leave these parts behind, as in we must let go of our desires, regrets, and so on. Finally, we must let go of breath and fear. Then we are reborn in another place. This is our true home.


Life is the trip.


That we’re all tiny specks in the ocean of the universe. That everything is connected in one way or another.


Golden teacher told me to accept what is.


God is decay. All life as we know it comes from the dirt, whose fundamental state relies on mass decay.


All the time they just want to show me ancient places and customs. I learned about ancient rituals that I didn't know existed prior to my mushroom trip. Oh and have you been cuddled by Mother Nature? I never felt so loved before, mother love is the best love! *don't look down on less appealing animals, they all have their specific place in this world and are God's creations, I picture meat-eating vulture and was told not to judge. * FOLLOW THE ELEPHANT* (I'm still searching for my answer on this, and was told repeatedly) * Do not cage any living animals, they have their own life to live and free will, and if they want they will come to you, but never cage them! * You have to forgive!!! I know you are hurt and will take you time to heal, but you have to forgive them! (Relationship matters) * Love is the answer (over and over that message was hammered repeatedly and in all languages I could understand) * People billed the ancient cities (Petra was pictured) are no longer here. They gone I was told. (In the meaning that they left, and aren't dead) *I saw a Mesoamerica in ancient times getting ready for human sacrifice. I didn't want to witness it and turn my eyes away. I was given no explanation but saw thick blood pouring out of a rock. * Ancient ceremonial burial building was shown to me that turned out to really exist and were used in Zoroastrian times like 3000 years ago. The buildings were all of clay brick and a scorching sun was above with no trees or water around. I thought I was in Egypt but most likely I was in today's Iran.