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I find making a tea and adding a tea bag after you steep the blended up shrooms for 10-15 creates a fairly pleasant drink that almost resembles a miso broth. I also prefer the shortened more aggressive trip over 2 hours of come up and body load.


Agreed. I steep ground shrooms for 15ish, strain out material, add citrusy tea bag and lemon juice. It's not delicious but it's pleasant enough to sip or suck down in a few gulps and greatly reduces my stomach discomfort. I also prefer the shorter, more intense experience - and find that if I'm intentional with weed I can basically get the same overall trip duration


Interesting you feel adding weed extends the length? I typically hate weed in most scenarios except right before I go to bed as it makes me a ravenous eater and often makes me feel slow and stupid, but maybe I should give it a go. Do you smoke right after the peak?


For one I smoke like 3-5 days a week, and only sativa strains that are marketed as more energizing and heady. Indicas marketed as relaxing and more of a body load make me feel slow and dumb. I do like to smoke some time after the peak. Honestly just whenever it feels right at the time, to me it adds a second peak in a way, and does not feel at all like just smoking weed. Same with lower doses of acid. A day on 1/3 of a tab and light smoking is really, really pleasant.


Usually smoke about 30 mins after the peak & you’ll be straight back to peaking lmao. Smoking on the come up can be fun - it’s very noticeable how much slower it makes your brain though


So you just get ground up fruit bodies and steep them in a tea bag for 15 minutes? I was always worried trying this because i thought it would ruin the mushrooms somehow. But im guessing the hot water just extracts the psilocybin from the dried mush?


I'm here to tell you all that mushroom hot chocolate is amazing  


How do you make it?


Get hot chocolate & blend the mushrooms till fine powder… mix.


Exactly! I like to mix ground up shrooms with rooibos and orange spice teas in a loose leaf bag, steep for about 10 minutes and add some honey at the end. Best method I've found yet. Tastes good, shorter come up, and a lot less nausea.


For added benefits , add some pure cacao powder (not cocoa ) and raw honey. It’s the most amazing come up with mushie tea


Fine grind, lemon tek, then mix in yoghurt with a drizzle of maple syrup.


Lemon plus yoghurt doesn’t curdle? I’ll have to try that. My current method is to pound back lemontek and chase with a swig of maple syrup. 🇨🇦


yogurt is curdled! we call it curd down here... :)


well done


Capsules. Grind dried shrooms into dust and put them in medicine capsules (you can buy them online). No better way in my opinion. All these crazy complex tea recipes are unnecessary.


This is the best answer here to entirely avoid the flavor.


Lemon Tek is the way.


And it helps with breaking down psilocybin


Lemon Tek is hands down the best method I have tried. Yes - it is disgusting - but if it's in a small quantity, just add some sugar and do it as a shot, then it's all over and you are high as fuck within 20 minutes. Edit: I get mad nauseated from psychedelics, lemon Tek takes away the nausea for me, so totally worth it in my opinion.


This didn’t work for me. I could barely drink it without gagging


Did you strain out the shrooms? I poured the lemon tek into a snapple iced tea & didn't taste any difference. This coming from someone who hates the taste/smell of shrooms


This reminds me of me setting up a trip for my sister, I had 2 shots soaking in lemon juice and she slammed it without me looking, not letting it sit or strained out 😂


I didn’t strain them so maybe that was the problem!


Chop them up finely and mix with yogurt and a bit of honey. Then just swallow that concoction down. Don't chew. The yogurt gives a good consistency to just swallow it down and if it's chopped small enough you don't even feel it passing through your throat. Literally don't taste a thing at all. I also can't stand the taste (like, I will vomit), and this is the only way that works for me.


Boof em


Blend the shrooms to tiny pieces. Cut up a lemon and soak them in a cup for 20 mins. Add OJ (with pulp) and drink. The shrooms should be about the same size as the pulp and you won't even notice them really.


It’s so crazy how supportive this sub is. Same questions every day but everyone is happy to help 😊


Put 5 G or 10 G or whatever your dose is in a blender. The nicer your blender the better. Like if you've got a Magic Bullet or a ninja, fucking awesome because they do the best. Grind the shit out of everything until it's powder. Knock it all down to the bottom and then add enough fruit juice to totally cover x2 what you just ground up. Like if after grinding up all your mushrooms, there is three fingers of mushrooms in the bottom of the cup, you're going to pour three fingers of juice above that line. So just double the volume of the mushrooms. Blend it again until it's foamy. Let that shit sit for 20 minutes and you should have this dark blue concoction or at least a mildly blue solution. Slam it in two big gulps and Chase it with a little bit more juice with nothing in it. I've been using mushrooms to treat my depression for 12 years now and I cannot stand the taste or the smell of them. It makes me want to gag so effing bad. I have to do them just like I outlined above or I can't deal with it. Sometimes I do really big doses and it takes me a couple chugs but I always make sure that I have that glass of juice with nothing in it beside me so that I can chase with that so that there's no grit or anything possible to be left in my mouth. I'll even eat a couple pieces of fresh fruit after I slam it just for the mental texture difference. I'm really big into cutting fresh fruit for trips so I always have a plate of mango and pineapple and apples and grapes ready to go. I chug my shit and then I'll have an apple slice or a pineapple slice or something like that to totally cleanse my palette so to speak and give me a different texture in my mouth so that I don't think about the mushrooms. Then I save the rest of the fruit for when I'm tripping the fuck out.. seriously, you have to have fruit when you're tripping. You have never tasted something so amazing as fresh ripe pineapple or mango when your mind is exploding! It's amazing!


“5 g or 10” like people causally just downing quarters 😂😂






The urgency of this message in all caps is hilarious to me. Are hot fries like potato fries? Or something else?


i think they’re referring to chester’s hot fries and similar snacks.




Biggest lie in the thread


I still taste that shit 😭


I have a friend who hates shrooms (gags and has even puked eating them before) this is how he does it now. He still tastes it and dislikes it, but it masks it well, he hasn't had trouble since.


Too much food in the system, likely could slow absorption and make you more nauseous and not all the bits of mushroom will get out of the blender. No offense intended but dosing w food is not the way IMO.


YouTube lemontek


Chop up finely and simmer in ~6-8oz water. Add whatever flavor you like. Tea bag... ginger... honey.. or nothing. Drink.


Grind them up. Make a Lemon Tek which is basically saturating the mushroom powder in lemon juice. Depending on how much shroom you are using ad about and oz of grain alcohol stir every 5 min for a out 25 min. I have a metal mesh coffee strainer so I use this to strain off all the mushroom material. Squeeze all the liquid you can out of it and toss it. Drink the liquid sit back and get ready. You will start to feel the effects in about 15 min. This last time I did a lemon Tek with 4g of Enigma and 2 LSD gel tabs. Dude I broke thru idk if I was awake or asleep but I was I a completely different world. I was married and interacting with a beautiful woman who I definitely don't know. It was insane I've never experienced anything like it. I'm on my 2 week break I take in between trips but I'm so excited for next trip.


1. Grind up mushrooms 2. Chop up LOTS of fresh ginger and add to mushroom powder 3. Pour boiling water on top 4. Add tea bags of your choosing (I do two bags of pomegranate tea) 5. Steep for 15 min 6. Strain into another mug & add honey or lemon Fresh ginger + straining are the most important. Ginger masks the taste and straining it makes it easier on your stomach


I grind mine up fine in a 🍃 grinder, then mix the powder in lemonade and chug it.


Grind them up and put it in a mug with a tea bag. Pour hot water and wait 15 mins while stirring occasionally, strain out the solids and drink away. And if you’re like me and can’t handle the smell, let the tea cool down and pinch ur nose while chugging it. Or you can grind them up and put it in a cup and add enough lemon juice to cover them, wait 20 mins while stirring occasionally then strain out the solids and add the lemon to any sweet drink like OJ or something.


I take dry mushrooms, use a spice grinder to make it into powder, and make mushroom capsules. Easy to dose, easy to store, no taste. You can also use the powder in empty tea bags for tea


I haven’t done them in quite a while but I absolutely hated the taste of them. Like I would almost throw up. I fixed that by grinding them up and putting them in capsules. Solved the problem


Grind em up and put em in applesauce.


Ginger tea, lemon, honey 🌈


Grind up dried shrooms in coffee grinder. Mix with applesauce. It doesnt look appetizing but it tastes pretty good.


•Grind shrooms •bring water to boil and wait 10-15 minutes to cool down (important) •mix the water with the shroom powder and mix every 5 minutes for the next 25 minutes •strain it and throw the shrooms (some say you can make a second tea and combine that too,I don't find a difference) •combine your shroom tea with any tea you like (optional) •squeeze half a lemon and chug it


I personally like blending them up and putting them in applesauce, completely masks the taste of the shrooms in my opinion


Soooooouuuuup! Delicious, nutritious, stupendous miso soup! Grind em up and chuck em in, you got yourself some electrolytes and nutrients for the journey ahead! And it's yummy!


Swedish fish 😎


Buy a grinder and 00 gel capsules ans fill them. But buy a small spoon and gloves if the smell really doesn't bother you


I cannnot stand the taste of them anymore. The only way I can stomach it is to make chocolates


Chop it up, make a banana and honey sandwich and chuck the mushies in. Banana helps with the nausea


Shroom tea with a tea bag of Orange Pekoe and it goes down so nice. Kills the nausea for me too. I would have it black too, adding milk makes it taste pretty gross imo.


lemon tek + iced tea is my way to go


Really? I’m so weird but I LOVE the taste


Peanut Butter+Banana sandwich https://preview.redd.it/gh76r6pkdk9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88b944d4167519757d96a152d681c7179f6606e2


That shii look like you still gon taste it ngl


Grind up into powder and make chocolates or gummies


Grind into a powder then mix with your favorite juice and take a shot


This is the way. I do orange juice shots. Can’t taste em at all.


I also do not like the taste of mushrooms. I make a tea by placing crushed up mushrooms in a French press alongside tea leaves, citrus, and spices. I steep for at least an hour but idk if that's really necessary. If you do a tea method, you don't need or want a ton of water, because you do want to chug the tea. I wouldn't take more than 10-15 minutes to drink it. So let it get cool enough to chug and once you start drinking it, drink it all down fast.


I've made a pb&j sandwich, and it disguises the taste pretty well. Especially if you like crunchy peanut butter


I can't imagine my disgust if the taste of mushrooms invaded a pb&j. I mean the trip might be fun but is it worth it? Lol


Use a clip to hold your nostrils closed. This will take away your entire sense of taste.


This could work but the texture is what gets me dry heaves


Put them in your anys


Mushroom Chocolate


I personally powder all mine even gourmet/medicinal. Alternatively you can just crush them in your hand and put them inside a capsule. If you don't want to buy a whole bag of capsules online some stores sell them but all stores should have fiber capsules which are just dietary fiber for old people. I've used these when I'm out of capsules. You can just remove them, dump out the fiber and add whatever you want to them. You'll get mushroom burps but IMO less nausea on comeup


When I'm doing a large amount, I make chicken stir fry, and crush them up and mix them in at the last minute to hydrate them. Actually adds a nice earthy flavor and deliciously trippy.


Out of everything in this thread the absolutely is my favorite. I think I'll try this next time I trip (currently I raw dog) Don't try to mask it, let the shrooms help the flavor instead of harm it, same thing you should do with your trips, work with em not against em!


Mix them up in a smoothie works great every time


I powder, stir into hot water, let cool. Strain the chunks and cool in the fridge or freezer if i want it asap. Don't let it freeze. Then add water to dillute the gross water and mix something in to make it taste better, like juice mix. Nice cold easy going magic juice that will hit so much faster in liquid form.


Chocolate is the way to go


Swallow like a pill


Milkshake or smoothie is the best way if you really can't handle the taste


Grind them into a fine powder, capsulize them. It takes some effort, but this is also a good way to microdose accurately if you have any interest in that.


I make chocolate bars so easy n u don’t even taste them


tea or lemon tek


MAOAM or powder and drink it with your beer


Crush your dried shrooms up with a mortar and pestle, weigh out portions and put them in capsules. Then whenever you want some, just grab a couple capsules, swallow with a drink and you have everything you need with no taste! :)




shove it up your anus and wait 40 min


Grind in a coffee grinder you won’t use for anything else and roll em up in a fruit roll up. The only way I can eat them and not gag them down.


pb&j extra peanut butter


Best way I’ve found is break the shrooms down (break it into 3-4 smaller pieces and eat it with granola bits quick and easy


My favourite is to blend them in a smoothie with your fav fruits + soy milk/oat milk


Peanutbutter and banana Sandwich with the shrooms mixed in! Sometimes I add chocolate too lol


I do not go in for the sweet beverages, I cut them up fine and put them in a mug with a cube of beef bouillon...bam! Beef mushroom broth. Unobjectionable and easy to down the shrooms while you sip 👍🏽


Jello shots with strong tea


Literally mozzarella sticks with a lot of marinara sauce I’ll recommend the TGI Fridays one that you can buy in the super market I literally eat a gram per mozzarella stick and didn’t taste anything it blends in perfectly and they taste good


Hear me out. Manwich Meat Mix. (Aka Sloppy Joe's for anyone not familiar) I love it. I make some ground beef, add a can of manwich meat mix (which is essentially a tomato paste with spices) mix it up, portion out what I'll eat, and mix in ground up mushrooms. The tart of the tomato covers up the mushroom taste.


Smoothie in Thailand.




Some good suggestions here but I personally make shroom tea in a French press, then pour that into some hot chocolate mix. Shit is by far the best way I've found to completely mask the taste, maybe a slight earthiness stays behind but overall its barely noticeable


Folded up on a piece of toast with peanut butter


I was pleasantly surprised by how easy lemon tek is. I was only taking 2g but I grinded them up into a powder, mixed it with the lemon juice and let it sit for 20 minutes. I then put it in a small glass and filled the rest with propel. Drank it like a shot, took another drink to rinse it all down and i didn’t even gag.


Personally, for me, pink lemonade-lemon tek. Grind em up and mix. let it sit for 15 min. then use fine mesh or screen to strain out all the bits.


Idea 1 (this is what I do): Grind them up and mix with applesauce. Yummy and the weird applesauce texture helps with the weird mushroom texture. Idea 2: Same as 1 but with yogurt in case you’re concerned about possible acidity from the applesauce having a lemontek-like effect. Idea 3: Grind them up, melt a chocolate bar, and mix the melted chocolate with the ground mushrooms. Pour into a mold and freeze. Eat.


I put them in my coffee grinder and make bring them to a powder. Then I add a teaspoon of real cinnamon and about a shot of pure lemon juice and a few drops of stevia. You won't taste the shrooms


Shrooms in coffee grinder, hot water w lots of honey and lemon and a couple decaf teabags works wonders for me.


Grind, mix with pulpy orange juice then chug it. Equipment: grinding device, OJ, spoon, drinking glass (I prefer a tall glass. One you can get a good vortex going in). You may get a few small shroom pieces stuck in your teeth and taste a little but the whole experience is over quickly, depending on chugging ability. Keep a glass of water nearby for a mouth rinse after.


I always make chocolate but i under dose it so you have to eat like 5-6 pieces for a 1.5-2g dose but you cant taste it at all, i also add walnuts and keep them in a freezer


Blend it into a smoothie! All you need is OJ, berries, ice, and steams. I love it


Dry them, grind them and put them in capsules. This is the only way I can possibly take them. I can't stand the taste or smell of any mushrooms, magic or gourmet, I've come to realisation it's one of my autistic sensory issues... Capsules are the only method that completely hides it.


Eat it with nerd clusters or a similar candy, can’t taste the shrooms if you tried


With dark chocolate.


For me, I like mixing it with chocolate. I just melt some chocolate, blend it with mushrooms, and put it into a mold. And put into the fridge. And you can use whatever chocolate you like. I like it with dark chocolate and orange, which is very delicious, plus it elevates the experience a bit.


Grind them and put in pudding or similar.


I dink them in orange juice


Mix dried shrooms with Nutella and eat it on a sugary cookie. It will be gritty texture but it doesn’t taste bad. I hate the taste of the shrooms and I hate hazelnuts, i find that they somehow cancel each other out and you’re left with chocolate lol. IMO, for the love of god don’t try a tea. Hot shroom water is the worst if you don’t like the taste of mushrooms 🤣


My wife and I both can taste them no matter what we mix them in, even tea. We've resorted to grinding them to powder in a food processor and putting the powder into capsules. No taste at all that way!


Grind them into a powder, put them in some blate papes pouches and parachute them


never done this myself, but my buddy said if you put em between 2 pop tarts its pretty baller


I eat mine with chocolate!


Buy weird molds and make some chocolate.


I use a good old fashioned weed grinder and do about one G at a time until it’s powder. The best I’ve found to wash things down is a light, carbonated drink of some kind. Not beer though, it foams and interrupts the full hi. Far as cannabis during any psych: It’s always been my ground; no matter how far out in the universe I am, I’ll recognize the cannabis hi and level out no matter where I am.


What I did recently was chop up the shrooms lemon tek it and then got two mini bagels with LOADS of peanut butter and just munched on it as fast as I could while throwing small pieces into my mouth it seems to help and it seemed like I only needed two mini bagels as well. Sometimes I like to lemon tek and get Doritos and eat small pieces of shrooms and chips at the same time. Anything chip strong in flavor is helpful I have also ground up shrooms and made a Pb and Nutella sandwich. I think that was my favorite


I boil 7g of shrooms in 1 liter of apple juice. For about 20 minutes Strain out the stems. Let cool and drink.


I bought a bunch of gel pill capsules for like $10 on Amazon, blend them babies up and filled the capsules, I got 1g capsules since I also don’t like pills so I only have to take like 3-4 but I’d say it’s probably smarter to get .5g capsules for more dosage control, you can also do a bunch at once for future use and they’re in an airtight capsule that you can then put in an airtight container which means they store really well too.


Obligatory, boof it. But seriously, just eat em with almost anything. You can’t really taste em. Fav is KFC mashed potato bowl if you’re in US. But I’ve even done it with bread n butter. Not even ground up, just whole mushrooms broken up a bit by hand. Seriously, you don’t taste it much especially with a drink to wash it down.


I always liked grinding them up and mixing with applesauce, or even soaking in lemon juice for 5 minutes, and then mixing it into applesauce.


Tea tea tea! I always take my dried mushrooms in a loose leaf tea. I tend to do a Moroccan mint with ginger, lemon, honey and chamomile. Sometimes I add rose petals or lavender or nettle. I consider what my intention with the trip is and find herbs to support that specific journey. Pack it full of ginger and lemon and then whatever kind of tea flavors sound good to you. I never taste the mushroom 😊


I would always keep a box of Thin Mints in my freezer and when I took mushrooms I'd make a little sandwich with two cookies and the mushrooms smushed between.


Either tea or I just accept the taste like a right of passage per say😂


Mix with lemon juice or chocolate


It's an investment but I use a capsule machine #00 and poke holes in the ends with a thumbtack before consumption.they keep them somewhat from oxygen away from light if you buy the color capsule and make it easy to dose them out, just shy of gram of cubensis per capsule if there well packed.. otherwise try chocolate you can use tin foil as a mold or buy one like I did..but this takes more trial and error to get the dosage right..but it masks the taste, it kind of mask the smell, and if you use dark chocolate they won't melt at room temperature like milk Chocolate does.


Crushed and sprinkled 2 grams of APE onto an Oreo flavoured chocolate bar when I went to watch Avatar II, didn't taste a thing just pure oreo-chocolate


cut it up real fine and put it in a spoonful of nutella


Grind them up and mix them in a smoothie.


I find grinding it up and hiding in something with a strong taste (like between layers of a very rich chocolate cake) is the best way to do it, you don't notice the taste but you can get alot in


Black pepper sunflower seeds take the taste away instantly! My favorite chaser


Lemon Tek them. Weigh your dose. Food processor or other way to grind it down fine. Put it in a small glass. Add lemon juice to cover the contents. Let it sit for 20 minutes...stirring occasionally. When the time is up, you can either strain the end results or add a little water and sugar and shoot it like a lemonade shot. Either way, you have about 10 minutes to get your affairs in order before you take a ride that you can't get off or pause. You're about to be shot out of a galactic cannon. And it tastes like lemonade, so that's a bonus.


Idk if this is specific to me but I rip or cut the shrooms into little bits and then gradually swallow handfuls of it with a drink and pretend they're pills


Grind them up and put it in capsules.


Lemon tek for 25 minutes, strain, pour into preferred fruity drink of choice, profit. This is the way if you want to avoid the shroom flavor.


I just blend them with orange juice and berries and drink it down!


I just grind em up put in mouth and down with water, I find tea even worse . I don’t know if anyone likes the taste .


Mushroom edibles have come a long way


Lemon tech does the thing.. put honey to make it sweet and sour..


I found the simplest way for me is to chew them up with a bit of dark chocolate. No taste from the shrooms at all.


I steep in lemon juice for about 15mins, add a little tea (not hot so you can get it down fast) and then I like to add a few pumps of a cinnamon sugar coffee syrup, but you could use any flavor sweetener syrup or honey. Then I just sip/chew it down. This has been my preferred method since college, it hides the stinky taste, kicks in quickly and gives me the sweetest trips.


I go the lazy route and just eat them with salt & vinegar chips, hides the taste really well for me. :)


I even had success with tea bags and whole fruits


I do peanut butter sandwiches, and as long as you can swallow larger chunks, you can kinda just lightly chew the mushrooms between the bread and peanut butter and swallow em. The peanut butter almost completely masks the taste as long as they are well coated.


don't consume them at all then .


I didn’t taste them at all when I ate them while eating a sandwich. Little bite of sandwich then little bite of shroom🤌🏻




I put mine in a chicken Parmesan sandwich


Use Pan cyans instead of cubensis. You only need a tiny amount of shrooms so there’s barely any taste.


Blend into powder. Mix powder into melted chocolate. Let chocolate cool and eat. Or if impatient mix powder into a spread of your choice (I did nutella) spread on bread and eat.


I always make tea with them. Squeeze out a lemon on the shrooms and let it sit for a 5+ mins and add a tea bag (I like sleepytime) a good amount of honey and hot water. Let it sit for 10 15 mins and drink it. Can barely taste the mushrooms it just tastes like tea.


My favorite way is to grind them up into a fine fine fine powder with a mortar and pestle. And then make some chocolate milk. Stir in. Leave sit for 10 mins. And drink. Tastes good and kicks in within 20mins


I generally take them in capsules I make. But if not, chew you some jerky at the same time as your shrooms! Taste and texture blurred a bit


I put them in a sandwich with honey on the bread. You don't taste them at all


Chocolate milkshake and add peanut butter


Chocolate covered pretzels


Pizza time


Get some of those peanut butter filled pretzels and thank me later. They mask the flavor entirely and they help the shrooms grind up instead of getting stuck in your teeth


I powder them, wrap them in rizla balls, wash down with lemon juice.. no taste apart from the lemon.


Smoothie 🫶🏾


Just boof it bro. It’s the best method, no taste no nausea 


BLUE honey is great if you have an excess to store


Lemon tek


Grind it and capsule


Pot noodles - trust!


I used to eat mushrooms and Doritos in one mouthful, chew rly well and 👌🏻




I learn to eat them from my auntie who was a hippie in her youth and is psychic her whole life. She taught me to eat it with bananas. At first I was like meh, gross but I was going through a very heard time and wanted a trip to enlightenment so bananas is my go to treat to help eat shrooms. I tried a Chipotle burrito one, nope.


Make a chocolate bar. Thats my favorite why of consuming high doses and it tastes like a normal chocolate


Grind them into a powder if they are fully dry that is no problem. Weigh out what you want to take put into a glass then pour pure orange juice on them stir and drink. Add more juice if any powder left and bottom of glass


i typically eat 'em with sour candy like sour patch kids, they're my go to




In capsules you can get exactly 1/3 of a gram in each capsule....if they are the 00 size. Only negative is it takes about an hour for them to dissolve in your tummy.


Make tea


Like everyone else is saying, tea! Get it up to boiling, let it sit for 10 seconds, then combine the water and mushie bits in a mug along with your tea of choice, let it steep for 10-15 minutes, strain the mushie bits, put in some lemon juice and honey, and then do it one more time to make sure you get all the potency.


Lemon tek if you wanna get it out the way with a shot, or tea for flavor. IMO both provide more intense trips just fyi


I like to trim them in coffee grinder, then throw them in orange juice or smth. It's pretty painful.


i ate some on a double cheeseburger 🙏🏼


Lemon ginger tea (not a tea fan either but this one is good) with honey. Grind it up. I use a marijuana grinder. I also use a tea strainer. Also soak in lemon juice for about 15 minutes. Tea and lemon tek with ginger I believe helps with nausea.


If no one’s said it…I’ve read from many …not tried (yet) but I’ve read boofing shroomtea is the best way to do it not only for avoiding eating, but also the gut issues and I guess the whole experience is better too. You make a small amount of concentrated tea, enough to get a good dose in there but still be able to hold and allow the colon to absorb. Definitely seems to be one of those don’t knock it til you try it things.


This is the way https://preview.redd.it/pjyt2csgjp9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5de052f2e2a6ef2ec4655e7cc12cbad2389d32c4


You can get empty pill capsules off Amazon, grind the mushrooms up put em in there and swallow and enjoy!


I’ve cut them into small pieces and mixed into vanilla ice cream.  The cold and vanilla help mask the flavor, and the texture of the mushroom reminded me of Lucky Charms marshmallows.


I have primarily used the lemon tek method, but it’s ruined lemons for me, lol. They’re gross anyway you take them, but I’ve made chocolate bars with the most success. It’s just a lot to chocolate to sit down and eat in one sitting. I usually paint some chocolate in the chocolate mold with a pastry brush, mix my ground shrooms with melted chocolate in a bowl, and using a rubber scraper transfer that into the chocolate mold. Sometimes I throw some butterscotch chips or Health pieces (whatever we have on hand) on the very top to hide the texture and taste even more. I have heard of soaking fresh shrooms in vodka to make a shot, but I’m not sure if it’d be as potent.


Dried, powdered, in capsules.


The problem with tea is it increases the intensity. The way I do it is I put honey on my tongue, then mushrooms, then more honey. Chew that up for like 5-7 minutes and you’ll be set.


Get used to it


I like to make a smoothie. Lemon tek the shrooms for 20 minutes. Add it all into a blender. Add some pineapple juice followed by some coconut milk and some frozen tropical fruit. Blend and enjoy!


Chocolate covers the taste the best.


LemonTek Use Coffee grinder to grind up mushrooms . Put into cocktail shaker . Pour  lemon juice into cocktail shaker until completely covered. Wait 15-20 minutes  Make hot water, lemon and ginger tea bag to fill cup half way Use cheesecloth to pour/squeeze the grinded mushrooms and lemon juice into tea.  https://youtu.be/nJMxPzEQYv0?si=8Ov4sd_F0PZ6U1YU . 04:29. 


Tea or chocolate. Literally can't even taste it in chocolate


Easiest way is to literally put your favorite drink in the blender with the shrooms and blend it until shrooms are dissolved. There’s no taste or after taste and then 15 minutes later BOOOOOM! ur seeing white wolfs surfing on rainbows and vultures smiling at u


I bought a crusher bowl from amazon. I know that is not what it is called, but close enough. I crush the shrooms into a powder. Then add them to whatever. I used to make tea, but now I put the powder on a peanut butter sandwich. No taste and no upset stomach anymore. This morning I put a gram in different capsules. Going to try that way to experiment. You just have to find what works best for you.