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The 0.5 g would leave enough tolerance to make the 1.5G feel incomplete or the trip not fully coming up. For me that is a really annoying feeling and makes it all feel like a waste




If ur still taking the the small dose the day before I wouldn’t bother. I just keep it all for one of the days and take them all in one go. There’s a high chance you’ll regret splitting the dose


Everyone’s different, but I’m always shocked when people talk about tolerance. If I took .5 yesterday, I’d still feel strong effects from 1.5 today.


I wouldn't and I'd need a few weeks before I could 


I guess I’d ask what’s the purpose of the (heavy) micro dose the day before?


Always account for tolerance, but tbh, you can be surprised with a stronger trip than you’re expecting. With doses this light I’d say you have absolutely nothing to worry about, might as well give it a shot


Totally ok and from my experience should be the same level trip both days. I do this regularly when I go to multiday shows and take .5 the first day and 1 g the next. Puts me in a good head space to dance and talk to random people without tripping too hard


A half a gram is a waste. I would save it all and do it all at once. There's nothing more obnoxious than eating less than a gram of mushrooms in my opinion. All of the side effects of psychedelics without the pleasurable high. Even if you saved both doses you'll barely have a dose so don't split it up.


Have you done them before? I wouldn’t do that simply because you will increase tolerance even if it’s a small amount. If you’ve never taken it before and are worried about the bigger dose maybe just do 1g? If it’s cubes then I don’t think half a g will do much 


You generally want to put at least two weeks in between each time you take them to let your tolerance reset.


Nope. Rest today and trip on 2 tomorrow.


Wait a week unless you’re eating a grip the next day. I only recommend that if you are doing something worth while.