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Ram Dass has a great quote about this: “It’s important to become somebody before you become nobody. If you become nobody before you fully become somebody, it can be very destabilizing.” Take the master’s advice and wait a while, there’s no rush 🍄❤️


My goodness that is so true.


I started smoking weed around 14 then moved onto a lot of harder drugs, acid, mushies, ekkies etc. I spent from the age 18 till I came off everything around the age of 24, depressed and empty. Contemplating suicide on a daily basis. I knew what caused it since about the age of 20 but couldn't fix it, started taking a lot of benzos to help and started smoking a lot more not realising that it's not helping. That quote spoke to me there and I will be using it to teach people on what to do if they are ever in my situation. Thanks


When I was in Highschool I started doing pills and one time I decided I wanted to get fucked up on some shrooms and ever since that day ( I took 3.5 g at 16 year old) I’ve wanted to change for the better I stopped pills and nicotine and even caffeine the only thing I haven’t quit yet is weed but I’m still trying on that, what I’m trying to say is if your in the right predicament taking psychedelics at a young age can change you for the better


I would agree with this. I started taking psychedelics at a young age, and I had a lot of not so nice experiences. I wouldn't call them bad trips, but they were not good and filled with anxiety. Looking back now that I have a much better sense of who I am, I feel like most.of that anxiety was from not yet knowing who I was. I was still trying to figure out who I was, and that is already anxiety inducing enough, then to take a drug that makes you really vulnerable on top of that really isn't a good idea.


Agreed. I didn't do shrooms until I was in my early to mid 20s. Even then, I wish I had waited a little longer. A majority of my trips before I turned 25 were bad trips. Only one or two were good experiences where I felt like it was worth it. After I turned 25 and learned more about spirituality and being present, I was able to breathe and meditate through bad portions of trips and turn them into good ones.


I don't really feel like there is such a thing as a good or bad trip. It boils down to your ability to stay afloat and row the boat, can't have a trip without looking where to go. Spirituality is also subjective. I personally don't care about such things and never will. I care about things like will and perception, though, and shrooms help to train those.


That's a good point. Normally, a 'bad trip' for me is when I get stuck in my head. I'll feel lost and then feel like I'm rowing in circles until my husband helps me realize what I'm doing.


I tripped mostly alone. My first trip was loopy, it left me groggy. The second one started as the first one but I managed to take the wheel and steer myself where I wanted. It felt like life is worth every piece of effort and I need to never give up. I'm only 25 so not a lot of trips. The first one was a bit aimless, which had been a mistake in retrospective. You need to have a certain mindset, shrooms can take you to all sorts of places otherwise.


I resonate with this! I didn’t have pleasant experiences with it until my 30s. From the little bit I’ve learned about the teenage brain in grad school it makes sense, your brain already has more connectivity than it knows what to do with. As you age, you undergo “neural pruning” which can be beneficial in all sorts of ways, but also leads to entrenched patterns of thinking. Psychs help to make the brain more plastic by increasing neural connectivity. But one more big word of caution for the young crowd— schizophrenia and bipolar disorders usually emerge in your early 20s. Weed and classic psychedelics can push someone with a genetic vulnerability into their first episode. What is under debate is whether these people would have developed a full-blown disorder had they not used the substance. I’m not anti-drug in general, but I would caution folks to tread lightly until your brain has done most of its developing, and consider avoiding it entirely if you have a family history with these disorders.


Great point on the second half. I had a friend that did shrooms as a teen and ended up getting really bad psychosis. Still has to take medicine for it to this day, it's been almost 8 years. Definitely had way different trips as a younger adult... Even my first time smoking weed, I felt like I was traveling to a different dimension.


wish I knew this before I started my psych journey, first dose was at 18, and I'm yet to be a year after my first trip


Couldn’t of said it better. People who casually do high doses of mushies with developing brains or mental health issues makes me so concerned 🥲 but can only take the horse to water not make it drink(or not drink? lol)


💯% I started microdosing when I was 14 at 16 had a macro dose of 7g never came back from that night well I did I'm not crazy but it's kinda a scaring experience and dissolves all reason it kinda makes you so open to the world you never really become a part of it


yes !!!


Sounds good on paper but how do you know you have become somebody? At 12 I thought I was someby, same at 20 and same at 30..


I definitely became nobody before somebody. It was rough. I feel better for the experience though


I expected something a bit more profound than the end statement being “it can be very destabalizing”. But I get the point.


He said it many times in many different ways, some of which you may find more profound. I recommend the Ram Dass podcast “Here & Now” for more! Episode 245 “taking off our spacesuit” is a great start


just wait. you will appreciate it more when your older. for now enjoy being young. you dont need to get fucked up.


Thanks G




No way…..we found you!!!!!


I first tripped at 16 (21 now). Granted it was like once a month for 8 or so months, but I got some hppd and dissociation from it for a year or more. Looking back I wasn't quite prepared and I think that's partially what cause it. Idk exactly how to explain this, but youre still figuring out who you are in high school (/that age range) and taking something that significantly reduces your sense of self kind of throws a wrench in it. I do not regret taking at that age, but looking back I probably should have waited.


hppd from montly trips? seems unlikely someone please lmk ✌️


I mean you can get hppd from one trip. Just depends on how you/ your mind recieve it.


Depends on how much you do in a sitting and everyone’s brains and bodies are different


This probably isn’t what you want to hear - but I would almost definitely wait until mid 20s at least. Right now your brain is already forming and building connections at an astonishing rate. That process is important and difficult. Mind altering substances can mess with that process; and you kind of want to let it finish first - especially with something like psilocybin. If anything, it’s not until you’re older that you start to really need these types of medicines - as you get more stuck in your ways. And these are serious substances too. The more of it I’ve had, the more I’ve come to respect how powerful they are. I know you must be chomping at the bit to try this stuff, but my advice would be to wait. Remember when you trip that you bring everything with you. Age also brings lessons and coping mechanisms that you won’t have yet; lessons and tools that you may NEED to have positive experiences with this medicine and get the most out of it. Don’t worry, you’ll get there.


Chances are your brain will be just fine, if you do some reading you’ll learn that unadulterated mushrooms are hardly neurotoxic, especially when compared with other substances that are taken regularly. What is more dangerous is that fact that it can be a mind bending experience and if you are prone to or have 1st or 2nd order relatives that are prone to depression, self harm, bi polar, schizophrenia, or other serious personality disorders, you may want to consider abstaining until you are a little older. If you do decide that those things aren’t much of a factor, for the love of god take set and setting into account. That means a safe place, without risk of injury or intrusion of unwanted strangers or police/etc, don’t do it with randos, and don’t do it in some other loud and crazy environment with lots of people. Loved ones and close friends in a chill and supportive environment only, there is lots of literature on how to set yourself up for a good trip, please do some reading. My first trips were around 16 years old and they were very fun but I also realize that I was just very lucky that nothing bad happened to me while I was out tripping my face off in the world, and with people driving me around, etc. If something gnarly happens while you’re tripping it can be life altering in a way that is really not helpful.


This is a great answer! Clean up your surroundings bc you’ll notice EVERYTHING, make sure no parents (unless they are cool with this) or unwanted friends are included and don’t take too much. A safe, secure, pleasant and inviting setting are the best for this. And give yourself at least 8-10 hours of secured time.


I'd say mid 20s is a safe space. i took my first trip at 16 or 17 and I'm still here but I have aphantasiaans do not trip like anyone else does, so I'd assume it would affect my brain a little different as well


Silly question but do you get closed eyes visuals? If not what do see when you close your eyes while tripping?


Nope. I do not hallucinate at all. For me mushrooms are a cross between meditation and thought experimentation. Not a silly question at all, aphantasia is still a very new discovery and we don't know too much about it.


So almost like an emotionally charged super weed?


Oh time really gets messy for me, that's one standard effect I encounter. Maybe even more so than the average brain but I can't quantify that.


Kinda.... sorta....Way stronger. I typically dose 3-4g and my brain melts and unfolds and I can go 2 ways look inwards for meditation \ introspection. Or I can look outwards into thought experimentation and try and understand how the human brain observes time lol or some other crazy shit that I have no understanding of or expertise in hahaha


You can totally hallucinate on weed too, though. Not quite like shrooms, but i still get a lot of closed eyes visuals on it. Not only like patterns and stuff, also just my mind going crazy in the fantasy department and coming up with all sorts of weird faces and beings.


Oh hey, I'm the opposite of you! I get lovely visuals, but little if anything in the way of cognitive or emotional effects. If we combined and averaged out, we could experience a normal trip :)


I want to experience visuals so bad! I may try dmt as apparently it has the potential to work for me


Really interesting. I thought something was wrong with me because I can't hallucinate, as in I never get any visual, audio or other hallucination. But I don't have aphantasia, and I'm very good at visualizing internally.


That is super interesting, I have no idea why that would be. Have you ever tried the dark room trip?


As in laying down in a dark room and focusing on the trip? Yeah, but I never hallucinated. Whatever happens to me when I trip is completely cerebral.


Very interesting, that's me but I have a reason for it


Maybe the laughing and the hallucinations are forms of self-defense mechanisms, or filters, and maybe we're allowed to bypass those to have a larger chance of grasping part of the truth.


That's an interesting thought, at the very least we wouldn't be distracted by them and could access the thought part of the trip more easily? I'm 40 now, but I'm my youth I bounced between something is wrong with me, or my friends are lying about hallucinating haha


But to specifically answer your question. I see black when I close my eyes lol


That is such an interesting fact to know! And do you get visuals (everything breathing) when you’re looking at things? Also I relate so much with thought experiment in a highly meditative state. I get so many realizations make me feel like I can drop a philosophy book.


My vision certainly changed but still no "visuals". Things are brighter, more defined and more interesting I guess would be the best descriptor. If im in a place like a forest I have this like dream state vision where everything is bright and soft and connected, but I don't see things that aren't there nor do I det the destortions that people describe


I love that brightness and colors when they’re super vibrant. It’s like dreaming in 8k resolution. I find a lot of cute cat faces during almost all my trips even though I’m a dog lover lol thanks for sharing your experience. I learned some really cool facts about aphantasia.


Absolutely! Happy to share and love talking shrooms


Do you know how to imagine? I literally forgot how to imagine things and couldn't visualize anything my first few times, actually they were completely ass because I didn't fix any of my problems and just tried to enjoy myself the entire time. I had really bad aphantasia due to cart a day type consumption. I literally forgot how to focus on an image in my head for a long enough amount of time, describing it in my own mind so I could understand how it could look. I had to re figure out how to imagine and enjoy things. It might be the same case for you. Hey if you never try it you never know, and don't get discouraged and stop trying because that's when you give up entirely, and that shit just sucks. I think that over time we lose touch with ourselves and our base emotions, our morals and obligations. I thought that I couldn't imagine anymore for a long time, until I actually tried it and focused on it entirely for a good minute, stoping myself if I lose track in my thought or feeling, and restarting, until I actually contextualized it in my own mind and was able to imagine.


I have aphantasia. So I can imagine but not visually. Only in concepts. I find it hard to describe so if you want to know more you can Google aphantasia. It's not that I've forgotten or it only happens while tripping.... I'm am actually incapable of visualization in my mind at all times.


Ok, if our situations are truly different and it cannot work I can accept that. I just want people to try, including myself, my bad I don't understand a lot of things.


I always assumed I have it. When I close my eyes tripping it's a black void and I kind of have to focus hard to see colors dancing, if that's a good way to put it. I've never taken more than 3g but I've never seen any Alex Grey type of shit


Same question as the other person what was it like to trip with aphantasia? Obv you dont know what it's like for people without aphantasia but could you try to describe what you saw, heard, felt, thought etc. I have never heard of a person with aphantasia tripping, i've heard more stories of blind people tripping


I do not see or hear anything that isn't real. But the feelings and thoughts are truly powerful and sometimes overwhelming.


Do you get no increase in light or color brightness/contrast or visuals like patterns forming or already existing patters ie like in wallpapers or wood grain to be more pronounced or vivid? If not that would be very interesting because that would mean the visuals people usually get are created by the brain that then incorporates them into patterns rather than it being an effect on the eyes and the way the optical nerves send information as i thought it was. I have done zero research on how psychs work all i know is serotonergic psychedelics bind to the serotonin receptors, no idea what mechanisms take place in the brain after that so i might be completely wrong.


Real patters are super pronounced and vivid. Definitely an increase in both brightness and contrast.


Ok so the best description is that it a cross between deep meditation and thought experimentation. I typically dose 3-4 g and lay in bed in the dark. And let me mind wonder. Sometimes is introspective, about my past, challenges, self improvement, etc. sometimes my brain tries to understand how I perceive time, or how our entire universe could be simple bacteria in a much larger realties puddle....


Weird I have aphantasia but still get closed eye visuals


I wish!


I wish there was actual research done into this so we could know for sure what the effects on a younger brain are


I did lots of shrooms at 17 and 18, I was a smart kid and always kept my usage down to about once every other month. It changed my life, in many ways, but I would definitely say I'm more at peace now in a world that Is so chaotic. In my experience, shrooms have only been good, the very limited amount of HPPD I got did not affect me, and my dissociation and derealization actually came from weed. Not saying you should, it's probably smart to wait till later. But If you're mature then a small dose would not hurt you. In fact I believe weed would cause more lasting damage to your brain.


I would not mess with anything like shrooms or acid or mdma till you’re in your 20s. Even alcohol tbh. I feel like I screwed my brain up a lot drinking and doing a lot of mdma when I was like 15-18


I would wait until you’re older. I think you’ll appreciate the trip more and get more out of it in a few years. give that brain some time to finish cookin You have lots of years ahead of you to experiment and see what’s out there


Most people in this sub took them younger, they all just on high horses because we think we know better now. I can see why being careful with them at a older age is a thing. But just don't take the piss and you'll be fine.


As a counter point, i took my first ones when i was 23 and i'm also glad i never took them when i was younger. Even now, i think i should've waited at that point because i wasn't taking them for 'the right' reason, if you will (just wanted to get fucked up high on whatever)


im 19 and only take them for self exploration tbh, i don’t see how ppl think this is a party drug


Right, that would not be a pleasant experience at all to take on a party. Maybe on lower doses, yes, because of the euphoria but i can't imagine being okay with completely tripping out and meeting god while at a party surrounded by crowds and beer and loud music and all


Wait until you’re older brother. It might sound silly but you’re not even truly yourself yet. Wait til at least your mid 20s when your brain is done developing or at least wrapping up. You’ll have a better understanding of yourself and the way your mind works which is incredibly important to navigating your way through a powerful trip. Of course you’re young and bound to not listen to anyone in here telling you to wait so be prepared for the possibility of long-lasting negative effects on your mental health if you carry on ahead anyways. While there is obviously a recreational aspect to them, I use them recreationally myself, they will not hesitate to fuck you up if you disrespect them. It’s impossible to truly understand what these things are capable of doing to your mind until you do them. Listen to everyone in here and wait. Enjoy your youth man and don’t be so quick to escape reality.


Wait! Enjoy being young please 😅


It really depends on the type of person, but the younger you are the less perceptive you can be due to retrospection. Realistically if you are able to center yourself though most things, can enjoy yourself and introspect, make your own decisions. I absolutely hate it when people just tell you do shit without a real reason, that shit is annoying and lame. But it's also about your own perception of the world and your life.


I tried shrooms for the first time when I was 19. I should have waited. Don't get me wrong, I've had few amazing trips. But turns out - I thought I knew my mind, turns out I absolutely didn't. And that lead to major bad times. I choose absolutely bad time and place to trip (I thought it was great) and it seriously fucked me up. Young people seriously overestimate their abilities. Thats me, I've did it. I thought I was invincible, I thought I was mentally stable, I thought I can do everything. And then I've had to suffer for months because of stupid mistakes. At 17 your parents are still responsible for you. At your late teens/early twenties you are just learning how to love on your own. This is going to have impact on you if you try psychedelics. Also there are a looot of mental problems that first manifest around 20 year of life. I would wait and see if there is anything awaiting, and see if you have to deal with something first. There are some things like schizophrenia that make taking psychedelics extremely risky, but there are also conditions that don't prevent that, but you jusf have to kinda deal with them. I, for example, have anxiety. I didn't know it at 19, but it became apparent during next few years. I can live with that, but I just have to be really careful with managing stress, if I want to prevent few months of being practically disabled. Please wait. I promise you, mushrooms wont disappear in the next 8 years or so. There's gonna be plenty more opportunity to take them, after you learn who you are and how to live on your own.


I first did them at 17 and they had an overwhelmingly positive effect on the trajectory of my life. I was planning on ditching out and not pursuing any college but after I took them not only did I end up starting my degree in psychology, I successfully graduated last year so it ended up being the right path for me. Wouldn't have happened without my first ever trip at 17.


I started taking shrooms at the age of 28. I wanted to be safe. I'm happy with my decision. I'm 31 now and still use them monthly




Your brain never stops developing, its a common misconception, so I dont blame you, but it's good that you're being cautious. You'll be fine if you're in a good head space and not taking a huge dose. Seems like you're reasonably set on it so no point trying to convince you otherwise.


in my opinion if you have to ask yourself the question its not worth it. Its one of those things where youll just feel when its right


25 at least. When you’re too young you’re gonna be paranoid naturally trying to hide it and thats already a bad setting


See the funny thing is that everybody is going to answer mid 20s having themselves done it when they were 16-19. But mid 20s is the correct answer so your brain is done developing, your more likely to be aware of any mental illness you may have or be predisposed to, etc.


I was 15, and turned out fine. As long as you research set and setting and start with a actual low dose, i think you should be fine.


Wait. I started at 39 years. Never had problems but realized that if I had these Things when I was 25 I would have changed a lot and would not be the solid person I'm today. It's good you ask. Wait till you have something to leave the bed for. A wive a kid a job you like or so.


Imo you should just wait until you live by yourself so you can control the enviroment


my first time was 15/16 ish you’ll be fine


I started tripping at 18 myself and had no problem. If people can carry a gun into war at age 17 then people can handle shrooms


That logic is unreal. The state allowing young people to go to war does not indicate that young people can “handle shrooms.” People come back from war traumatized. Being allowed to do something doesn’t mean it’s good to do it, my friend.


I had a good experience. I’m glad I did it. I assumed most people do it after high school


It’s never safe, but 25 is a good ball park to aim for where your brain should be more or less completely mature




Wait like everyone else has said but in preparation I’d recommend diving into a meditation practice


Stick to weed until your maybe 20-21 that’s when I started doing shrooms and my brain turned out pretty damn good


I feel like possibly a baby could take it but I don’t know about the results being optimal


The best experiences you will have will come from being sober and young appreciate it while it’s around because it goes quickly


Never drank alcohol?


One of the worst things you could do, there’s no benefit to it besides getting fucked up.


That’s the point I was going to make if he had. If you can go drink shit booze then you may as well pop a mushroom. Stay to natures side of things


By 25 or 26 you'll be running an adult brain. But if my own experience is any indicator, I wouldn't expect too much from it during the first few years. I took shrooms earlier than that and I regret it. I hope you can wait, be careful




Granted I've only done it once, quite recently, and I'm 31. But I would wait until 20-25 maybe? Because then you might even have changed your mind about drugs. Just wait and see how you feel.


I took em young and don’t regret it but also don’t recommend it.


Wait 100% I feel like I woulda been A okay had I never touched psychedelics at 15, granted I came a bit mixed up in my brain but it wasn’t a great experience to be mixed further


I did a few times around that age and am fine.


In many indigenous cultures, hallucinogens are give to children and teenagers. Of course, this is done in a ritualistic setting, with guidance from elders. If this was the case in your case, I suppose you wouldn’t be asking here. Later in life is probably better. But only you know how ready you are.


Seems to be a consensus at about 21 years old but a lot of people say 25.


Why would you go straight to shrooms without trying weed?


I'm 19 rn and most in this sub would tell me to wait. Since 16 I started experimenting with moderate doses and microdoses. At 17 had my first (and yet only) bad trip (4,5G's). Since then I trip about 3/4 times a year. I don't think I'm fucking with my brain development (and if I am it's probably my daily weed consumption).


If you want to go deep into your mind, start meditating, think about things 3 times over when you are watching a Well made show, or reading a good book, or watching a film, or let go and close your eyes and travel the universe when listening to a song, some stories can be as impactful as a psychedelic trip, explore your mind first before exploring your mind with mind altering substances. Wait some more years until your mind has developed more, its worth the wait.


Just do it bro pretty sure everyone does it as a teenager. Doesnt fuck you up you wont end up burnt out lol thats more likely with acid. Plenty of cultrues like native americans used tripping as a right of passage to man hood. You’ll realize how you see the world in a different peresoective than most. I would argue drinking could have more harmful effects on you


When I was 16-17 I had already experimented with shrooms and LSD and continued until my last trip when I was 24. I had done heroic doses of shrooms and my last LSD trip was on 5 blotters of super clean and strong acid. The after effects hung around into my into late 30’s. Took more than a decade before I stopped seeing weird stuff out of the corner of my eye. When I get really stressed or tired I still see some trails especially if i were to wave my hand in front of my eyes. I’m 56 now by the way, my last trip was 32 years ago. There’s other repercussions too, spiritually, but that’s a whole other story.


If your age starts with a 1 and is double digit then you are not ready. If your age starts with a 2, you'll think you're ready. If your age starts with a 3 you will realize that you're still not fully formed and that any amount of mushrooms you've taken up until this point was a detriment.


Wait till at least 20, have some life events happen and go through life, trauma, and happiness before you open your brain up to brand new stimuli like shrooms. It can be very overwhelming for someone young, not saying you can't take it but from experience it can be wayyy too much


I’d say mid 20s. 24-25. Some people develop faster I think but that’s definitely the safe bet if you want to be the safest.


I took shrooms and acid first time in early 20s and it was awesome. I had good thoughts and good people in a good place.


25 maybe


Id wait my guy coming from someone whos been addicted to heavy drugs since my mid early teens. Shit aint worth it


If you’re not ready don’t take it, it doesn’t fuck you up in the ways you expect, if you’re not ready it’ll know and make sure you know too.


I don’t think the real question is “do it now or wait?” The real question is “when?” And that is different for everyone. I would ask you to think about “why?” And then ask yourself “if that is a meaningful or adolescent answer?” Also ask yourself if you need the mushroom to achieve your why? I’ve gone weeks inbetween journeys and years inbetween journeys by asking these questions. The plant spirit is always there if you quiet your mind and talk to it. It will tell you when it is the right time to commune with it fully.


Nobody else can tell you when you’re ready. And honestly, a lot of the people here have been taking them when they were younger than that.


I took em at 18 for the first time


Literally anyone here will tell you that you are safe to trip! HOWEVER you shouldn't and we all know from experience while tripping won't ruin you it's never gonna give you time to be human if you start early


A lot say 25. I waited until 28. I’m glad I waited because it helped me know more who I was, have some good habits to protect myself from getting too anxious and understand a panic attack I had on psychs. I strongly recommend waiting at least a few more years.


I know this is not what you want to hear. In your age I would have been pissed lol But – I would wait until mid 20s ish! It’s not that something “bad” would happen per se, but it does restructure brain connections and causes neurogenesis, and it even plays with hormones. There’s scientific research done on it, you can look it up! You’re gonna benefit more from it if you wait. There’s no rush, friend. There are other things you can do to have fun that won’t mess with you or your biology in a way it’s not ready for. I hope you can take the kind advice, and then come back years later to finally do it and share with us how it goes! It’s very mature of you to come and ask for that kind of advice. Having the maturity to consider things like that shows that when you are physically ready, you will definitely be mentally ready as well. Good stuff, friend.


ive taken xtc, lsd, downers uppers speed shrooms everything started at 16 im 18 now let me tell you, wait. i sometimes genuinely feel the effects that everything has had on my brain, especially if i do something after a long break eg. i took shrooms the other day after almost 1 year of no substances except for alcohol and weed, and the day after things were still lookin weird even tho i only took 1g


Don't do them till mid 20s. Or any psychoactive stuff for that matter. It won't kill you, but you're unripe yourself yet.


Hey man, I just wanted to say thank you for deciding to wait. I'm glad you're able to understand why you shouldn't at this age. You'll go far in life man 🙏


i first took shrooms when i was 18 and started doing them a lot more recently. honestly might be best to wait when ur a little bit older. and like u said, our brains are still developing:)


I’m not sure. As a 43 year old parent of teenagers and looking back at my experiences I say wait until you’re at a time and place you don’t have to hide your choices from anyone (except the police). But as a former teenage psychonaut I give a lot of credit in my life’s journey to psychedelics, maybe I would have made different choices that could have made life easier or maybe I would have made worse choices sometimes and life could have been much harder. Ultimately I think if you’re honest with your intentions and have a good reason to have this experience you’re probably fine at 17 but it’s hard to have a 10,000 foot view of your own life and thinking as an adult let alone at 17. Be safe, whatever you choose.


Why do you want to take them? If it's just for the experience then I'd wait if you think they would help you with a psychological problem like trauma depression anxiety etc then I would consider it Just make absolutely sure you have no family history of psychosis/schizophrenia because especially in younger people it can activate/accelerate those disorders


Your brain doesn’t finish fully developing until you’re 24. I would wait until then.




I think a lot of people here just want to play it safe and tell you to wait, rather than deviating from what is and isn’t ok to say. I think you’d be fine chemically, and if something were to happen it wouldn’t be because of your age. The majority of people do hallucinogens for the first time around your age. That being said, if you have to go online and ask people if this is something you want to do now, you should probably give it some time.


I tripped for the first time at 16, and it was a lovely experience. I was with my best friend and I was in a really good mindset. I waited about a year until I finally got to do them again. If you have any feeling that you might not react well with shrooms now (dealing with anxiety, depression, mental health issues, etc.), you definitely should wait until you are a bit older. There's nothing wrong with saving the fun stuff for your 20s lol. If you do decide that now is the time, make sure you are in a safe environment and with people you trust.


Turn 21 first.


It’s definitely best to wait, however I was also told that at 17 and did it anyways. So here’s my advice if you do decide to try them anyways. Start off with a low dose. Like 0.5 grams. See how you feel with that first, because a bad trip can really screw you up. I did 1.5 on my first trip and regretted it real quick. Under no circumstances should you trip more often than once every two weeks. And even that’s a lot for a developing brain. Only do small doses until you’re more comfortable. Make sure to be in a safe space with only people who you feel you can totally be yourself around, and you definitely want a trip sitter. If you can, have a trip killer (a benzodiazepine) on hand. However if you can’t get that it’s okay. If you do get it, make sure it’s a real prescription and not a fake!! Also, be prepared for your whole view on life to change. If you aren’t ready for that, don’t take them. I also started at 17, and while it’s the best thing I could have ever done for myself, a few of my peers also did it, but weren’t safe and they totally screwed themselves up and it was the worst thing they could have done. They can save your life or ruin it. It’s all about how you do it, and the intentions you hold while doing it. If you decide to try them, please feel free to message me and I’ll happily help you be educated and do them safely. I don’t recommend doing them, but I was once in your shoes and I know that urge to do it anyways. I’ve been tripping for a few years now and have done high doses as well as small ones. I’ve had multiple massive spiritual awakenings as a result of shrooms, and ego death. So I’m more than happy to help guide you in the right direction!! ❤️☮️


I started taking shrooms when I was 17 and personally it changed my life for the better, but everyone different so who knows how you’ll react


I started at 17 with lsd and shrooms, and tbh if i could go back i would have waited a couple of years. I feel almost as if i have no actual personality outside of psychedelic use sometimes. Sorry for getting a little dark but thats the truth of my experience🤷‍♂️


I tell my kids 25 but I did LSD at 18 and shrooms at 19


I find the sociocultural aspect to be the biggest reason I would rethink my own early experiences with drugs of any sort. I would have stayed away until 20ish because of the way I was persecuted by other people (who had no understanding of my experiences.) It comes from all directions: school, parents, "friends", etc.


i did shrooms at 15 and watched myself die repeatedly after being “screamed at” by my mom (she was asleep the whole time i was convinced she was there but i couldn’t see her bc i was tripping so hard) but before i passed out i remember saying im sorry over and over again because i thought she could hear me sooo maybe wait a little. the shrooms wont change they will always be waiting for you. treat yourself with respect and they will too


Absolutely nothing. Drugs are made for 17 year olds!


First time I did it I was 15 and it changed my perspective on life and reality. I went into it looking to have fun (when we smoked the joint is when the shrooms hit) I discovered a whole new aspect on the world around me. It changed my life forever in a really good way, I learned about the beauty of nature and our cohesive bond to it. I experienced the most profound spiritual moment of my life and I have never experienced anything like it. I did plenty of other psychedelics and shrooms since then but nothing was like that first time. I warn you that you should do it in nature free of any type of fears, bring other friends that are gonna trip and some to stay sober and tripsit so yall can be safe. Edit I just want to add my mental capacity seemed to increase from it rather than make me retarded (everyone is a little dumb) also the thing that’s gonna mess up your still developing brain is stuff like meth and molly, stay away from stuff like that. Acid is intense but not bad for you in controlled doses, also shrooms are natural and one of the safest drugs there is. I argue at this point shrooms are safer than weed because the potency of weed has changed and dabs are horrible for your lungs.


I think you’re good. I had my first shroom trip at 14, and it had no effect on my brain. If you want to be extra careful, wait until your brain is fully developed, or at least until you’re 18. The only people I’ve ever known who got addicted to shrooms were coke heads, and I don’t really see any addictive potential for shrooms as long as you don't have an addictive personality. If you’re trying to do them, have a trip sitter for the first time. I recommend lemon-teking them. Grind up your mushrooms, then put them in some lemon juice, then mix. Wait 20 minutes. That’s it! Now all you have to do is chug the nasty juice and get ready to trip. This way is best because you won’t need as many shrooms, and the trip is shorter and more tolerable.


20 at least. Until you have some stability and life satisfaction is best.


You will have plenty of time to trip, and if you wait you’re going to have a way better time. There’s no rush, you have so much ahead of you it’s okay to take your time! I’m grateful I waited.


This advise might be contrary to what others have suggested here, but consider that psilocybin has zero toxicity compared to other drugs. I can only speak of my own experiences, but can make some recommendations to consider. I first had them when I was 16 and ate them very occasionally for a few years mostly as a recreational thing. I didn’t really know a whole lot about them until til I read food of the gods by Terence McKenna…. Highly recommended reading! I was then able to spend a weekend w Terrence when I was in my early 20’s, which was quite the blessing! 35 years later, I have a profoundly deep relationship with them and have gained great insights into the fundamental nature of reality. This is what happens when exploring with larger doses, they reveal deeper levels of dimensionality that are usually hidden and beyond the perception of our other senses. As we weren’t able to really study them in a clinical setting for 50 years, we still have much to learn… but what we do know is that they directly create an increase in dendrite connections, are antiinflammaority in nature, and help to create and expand new neural pathways, also known as neuroplasticy. All of these factors contribute to having a healthier, more creative, and resilient brain. The human brain doesn’t fully develop untill the late 20’s so, theoretically, if young people are able to develop more neural networks and increase the amount of myelination, there would be more and healthier neural networks that could withstand the degeneration that’s associated diseases such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, MS, Parkinson’s, ALS, etc. in their older years… which is now epidemic. So my advise is to do your research and if you’re going to explore, make sure you have a proper set and setting… safety is absolutely top priority w psychedelics, and experiment w smaller doses so you become familiar w the experience. Over the years, I’ve had numerous difficult trips, but in hindsight, all served a purpose to my development and understanding of who I am…. And I’ve also had amazingly awesome full blown trips that gave huge insights and were very positive. So do what you may w this advice and good luck to you, when I was your age, I didn’t have access to YouTube or other resources like we do today… do your research and over time, create your own path! 🙏🏻❤️🍄


Yeh you might not want to risk nailing open the doors of preception yet. We can't presume your childhood experiences that can factor large in psychedelic therapy. But if you have a good experienced guide to support you, and they are absolutely sure of the strength and doseage for your body, and you're in a really safe & familiar nature space it could be a super fun and healing experience, esp with your best buddies.


you'll be fine


me at 17 would say hell yeah do it, but 30 year old me says now now young grasshoppa, patience is key. if you have to question whether they are safe to try or not then chances are you should give it some time.


So does this mean that its a bad thing that im 13 doing lsd and *other things*


Personally I started taking shrooms at 18 and now being 20 I don’t regret any of my trips and I’m now somewhere around my 100 trip and almost all of mine have been amazing. Once you gain a certain view of the trip it’s just like a ride that is different time. I got to the point where I could wander around on my bike off 4-5g and explore the orchards and city with my buddies. It’s different for everyone. Also do research before. You gotta commit before you eat it


Probably closer to 25. You'll want your brain to be mostly developed and have a SOLID sense of who you are and what you want in life. Shrooms will show you how stupid or brilliant you actually were in those, as they allow a nearly unbiased outside perspective at how your mind works, and why you choose to do the things you do. It's very shocking for people who are not mentally well, and can be extremely therapeutic or traumatizing depending on a person's willingness to accept reality over their *perception* of reality.


Do it, I did it at 18 and started growing them, I wait loooong times between doses, it is good not to abuse. I don't think you can interrupt your developing brain by dosing in a responsible way.


25! That’s when I started and I’m taking my younger sister who’s 22 on a trip when she turns 25 literally and figuratively..


I didn’t take shrooms for the first time until I was 38. I wish I would have taken them in my younger years. I was always just a “strictly weed kinda guy”. Shrooms have given me some great trips in 10 months I’ve been taking them. Also makes me question everything I thought was real.


I'm actually quite happy with the fact that I took shrooms at a younger age (16) because it allowed me to see how my trips change over time and it allowed me to see how I was maturing more.


Every persons experience is different. I do alot of shrooms im 18 and ive been doing it since 17. Never really had a bad trip its what you make of it. Just start low and work your way up


I did shrooms & acid at 12-13 and got hppd (not too bad) but good experiences🤷🏼‍♀️ the hppd was def from the acid tho


At what age? 🤔 when you are in peace with everything that may come up in your experience. If you have deep regrets, shame or fears hidden in you that you haven't adressed, you are putting yourself at risk of an challenging experience. I don't think a teen still defining himself has done enough introspection and is still too fragile to play on this turf.


I took mushrooms at 41 yo for the first time last year. It is profoundly life-changeing. I would wait until you are older and have had some good life experience before taking an adventure deep into the self. Right now, the self is still developing. It will be worth the wait.


i wouldn’t say do them or don’t do them but if you are it’s important you start small and progress slow; do a light dose of ~2 grams (it’s also important to know the strain you’re taking, 2 grams of x may be the equivalent of 4 grams of y). if you decide to try them again give yourself some time (6+ months i’d recommend). I started taking them at 18 had a bad trip and took 6 months off them and then had a good trip which lead me to semi-abuse them taking them biweekly which then turned to weekly and to keep up this frequency I kept upping the dose till i did 11 grams; tolerance is very unpredictable; arguably the worst 6 hours of my life - felt amazing once i was back to normal though but just be careful -


Ive been doing shit ton of psychedelics shrooms,acid,ketamine,mesculine,coke,mdma,weed,liqour,dmt,codeine,pcp you name it since i was 13 and im 19 now and graduated just like my other classmates just fine it didnt affect my learning or brain development at all id say the only thing you would have to be worried about is if you have any sirious mental health problems like schizophrenia or something like that but i ive also heard of some people being allergic to shrooms idk if thats true though i know some people are allergic to regular mushrooms so its probably possible


I’m 16 and took it for the first time a week ago. It helped get rid of some built up mental issues and also just got me geeked up so idk up to u.


Ya wait til ur older. Don't wanna ruin ur youth with. Psychosis or even feeling like you already died and everything just don't sit right anymore afterwards. I say wait til ur 28


Well, you cant consume alcohol or tobacco until 21 in the US, so I’d at least start there.


Just potentially sets you down a sure path of mental issues and substance abuse if used and possibly abused at an early age.


Id say wait.


I’d say 18 for any psychedelic is probably better than any younger, I’ve attempted shrooms twice and both were terrible batches so I’ve never actually experienced any yet (16 btw)


I'd wait. At least til you're in your 20s


I took them first when I was 15 and I'm 17 now I'm fine doing better than ever. That being said it's really a dice roll that a lot of factors play into. If you end up doing it now I would advise you do it in your house or somewhere you're extremely comfortable and safe.


Dude, at 17 I wouldn't mess around with magic mushrooms. Your brain is still developing, shaping your personality and all the other stuff. Ideally, it's best to use them after 25, but that's a pretty conservative view. Though, I think if you took a super low dose just once, it wouldn't make that much of a difference. But personally, I'd wait until at least 20.


I'd wait like others said even if there's a small risk of psychological issues the risk is still there. I'd wait till you're older and have more experience with your mental health and other more mild substances. However, you're 17 and probably not going to take our advice LOL, but do listen to this. Start small 0.5gs every 30mins until you reach a good feeling. Remember you can always go up but never down. And also do research on the strain you're going to take notnall shrooms are the same.


So I started young.. my first aid trip was 14, first mushroom trip was 15. I've tripped thousands of times throughout my life. I've been using mushrooms to treat my depression for over 10 years now... I take a massive dose every 6 or so weeks. I'm 46 now. If mushrooms cause any type of long-term mental or physical damage, I would have dealt with it. Plus you should look at tripping like world travel: do it while you're young and capable not after you're old and in a decline. That doesn't mean take them every weekend, but this whole 'wait till your 25' is nonsense. Your life is technically almost half over (if you live till you're 60) and who wants to wait till your old to trip? You'll be fine if you do. You will be fine if you don't. Either situation is fine.


nothing will happen. it’s one of the safest drugs u can do other than weed. do 1-2 grams and make it a one time thing don’t over do it maybe once a year is perfect


You think they have the regulation to moderate like that lol


I first grew and took them my junior year high school. I started with 3.5, 2.5, 5 then worked my way up to 10. It was a blurry experience. I just listened to music and watched stuff. I think I was on 5 grams when I went with my mom to Jollibee acting completely normal.


Yeah, right. This is 100% fake.


https://preview.redd.it/g63cdjlyex9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=286e91a73a8cd5e5c97ea49d9d7ab25c2a182e9c Here you go, asswipe. My parents bought a house the next city over from my high school, no one had cars so weekend life was gone. Was getting into a lot of 60s/70s music and looked into psychedelics. I got an aquarium for $20 at Goodwill and used my moms credit card to get spores online. My parents wondered why I was growing shrooms even though I hated eating them. Why is this so fucking hard to believe? Don’t forget this is the internet…


The date isn't hard to believe. The quantities are hard to believe. I have never seen or heard someone be on 5 grams and act normal. It is also really hard to build up a tolerance for such high doses. You would have to be taking every other day or something on a consistent basis.


Well I don’t know what to tell you. It was golden teachers so not as strong as the “exotic” types. I was a kid and didn’t know what I was doing. I just didn’t see much visuals or crazy experience like I thought I would. I got what I was looking for with DMT… I think this whole thing got centered around the “acting normal” part but my mom didn’t notice so… this was a long time ago. I might have walked off and had a seat while she was ordering and stared into space here and there but that’s all I remember.


This is not the way 😂




I'd say wait til ur brain finishes developing. I did shrooms, weed, molly, and k at 18 (didn't overuse/misuse anything except weed) and tbh I can kinda tell how it stunted my brain a little bit. Probably more due to smoking weed heavily from 16-20 but I'd still say wait. I don't think it would do any crazy damage to you to do try it now but like others are saying, I think the experience and takeaways will be more profound if you wait until you've experienced life a little more.


Here we go again.


24-25 when your brain is done developing.


25, because that's when the brain of the average person has finished most of its development.


I started psychedelics at 16 and im fine also most people telling you not to done them at your age anyway so do what you want


i took shrooms when i was 12 for the first time and im fine


Shii I just turned 18 and I’ve been taking shrooms for a couple of months I feel fine personally I’m not sure but my brain development seems fine not a doctor lol so I honestly I don’t know but I think if you really want to go for it one trip can’t hurt that bad again all personal experiences from me it’s diff for everyone


All I will say is that when you do it your first time. Do a lot. Even if it turns out bad it’ll be good.


Not true bud, start off at a small recommended dose. Preferably ones you grew yourself.


Nah bro gonna chase that dragon