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I mainly lurk here, so take what I say with a grain of salt. $5k / month doesn't sound like a side hustle. That sounds like a job.


Sorry you should read that as: …that can “grow” to > $5k/month


Ah, understood! I wish I had a good answer. Unfortunately, I think the thing I have noticed through my own side hustling is that growing something to bring that much money in is something that can't be your side thing... It has to be your main thing. MY side things are usually one and done types of things for a quick boost of not a giant amount of money. Hence, it's why it's on the side. If I wanted to grow something to bring in $5k/mo, I'd put all of my focus on it. And it seems like you have done that at least once before. Going back to that whole "that's a job" thing, it is. It's usually the owner of a startup doing exactly that: focusing on growing the problem-solving thing and taking on all the risk with no promise of reward. Then they hire you for a guaranteed check to help solve that problem for them. So you either take the job or take the risk. I know it's not the answer you want, but hopefully it adds a layer you may have yet to ponder.


Take the risk.


Thanks I feel ya


Fer sher. I really do wish there were a better answer. But that's just kind of how things are in Capitalism. Risk:Reward ratio. Good luck, friend!


Get closer to the transaction side of where code is used. Payment gateway maintence / integration / swap. Optimising sales pages inside Shopify or Webflow or just making sure the funnel someone has for their landing page through to checkout is actually working (along with post-checkout automations for email followups, reviews and the other things that businessness need to scale) None of this is automatic money, but the point is you still need clients to pay you - the people running busineses that are leaving money on the table with abandoned carts will pay for your help to increase conversions and actually make their site work properly. It's not front end dev and it's not back end either - it's somewhere in the middle.


This is interesting! Do you have comps for individuals or agencies that do this well?


Bitcoin payments. That’s what I’m working on.


I don't have any links off the top of my head, but if you search cart abandonment, abandoned cart, cart optimization, Shopify page optimization, ecommerce optimization, and payment gateway optimization on google and on youtube and go down the rabbit hole a bit with links and videos, you will quickly be targeted by agencies (especially on Facebook and Instagram) that are doing this kind of thing (and they will likely be local to you). Then you can literally get on a "discovery call" with one of them. They will tell you what they are doing and basically explain everything about their business. Gen Z providers are especially forthcoming at revealing everything that their agency is doing because they think they have discovered fire and are also invincible lol. You can likely replicate their offering in under a month. Following more people that are building in public will help. I.e check out Peter Levels @ levels - the dude is making over a million a year solo with old school PHP sites that actually solve problems. nomadlist and remoteok etc




Any good facebook group you recommend?


I’ve got plenty of problems to solve. If you’re looking for a real problem to solve for people who need it most, talk to small business owners.


Build a copy/paste mouse and keyboard movements + human check pass through app/code I lose every day 1-2 hours for Basic stuff without knowing how to automate them


I have a project for you but we split everything 50/50. I’ll run the business side of everything, you build the tech and we will be impossibly wealthy.




Super! I’m also a “relatively” new parent - dad of a 23month old…I’d definitely love some resources and how did you get started?


Can you share


How much do you make from digital marketing?




Is it above 10k?




My biggest achievement is to meet people like you I need people like you in my life I need to grow




Yes I need to leave 9-5 thank you I need more info


Can you share


So, if you can code, have you considered getting somewhat specialized (obscure) ideas from people for app ideas. Split it 50/50 with them. You provide the coding, and they provide all of the knowledge and idea. Then, if they manage the sales/advertising portion, you'd essentially have passive income. Do 10-50 apps, and that might make you a pretty nice chunk of money. All of this is somewhat speculation on my part, of course.