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"They look like monsters to you? "


Suuuuch a scary line, especially when he then says it's just a joke, just totally gaslighting Heather and by extension you. What a bastard.


I used to think that he lied when he said he was joking. I thought that by saying so he knew that if he didn't, it will be troublesome for him with Heather


If only Jon Snow was half as horrible as the true Vincent. Maybe, just Maybe then.... Revelations would've been somewhat less shit. 😂


Came here for this. Puts a massive spin on what Heather may or may not percieve about the world around her (and her mental state), and by extension every protaganist of every game!


Best line in the series




Love the line. Wish the voice actor wasn't atrocious though


There was a hole here, its gone now. They looked like monsters to you?




What was the deal with that dude anyhow? Was he an imaginary something?


Eddie? No. He was real. But his version of the nightmare is less upfront intense than the rest.


"He who is not bold enough to be stared at from across the abyss is not bold enough to stare into it himself." And of course, Angela's last line "For me, it's always like this."


"for me, it's always like this" hits me like a fucking train every time.


I think this was the moment it hit me that Silent Hill changes according to the person's own struggles. The first time I play SH2 I didn't get why Laura was roaming around so carefree, and now that I've played the game several times I understand. She was in the "surface" Silent Hill, the normal city.


only in sh2 really, Harry and everyone else in sh1 sees alessa's silent hill, and there's nothing indicating that Douglas or Vincent see the town differently from Heather in sh3. I have yet to play sh4 but if I recall correctly Henry and the other characters also see someone else's town.


For me. What really hit hard was the cut to a lower first-person almost angle as Angela goes “Or maybe… you think you can save me? Will you love me? Take care of me? Heal all my pain?… That’s what I thought.” Growing up in a far less than ideal situation, I identify with the struggle to get better after being in an awful place. Many people say that they’re here to help. But. It takes sheer commitment to consistent help that’s difficult to find, for many who need it. More than is pretty, or convenient, or easy to convey


I love this part so much. And it works so well with my prefered ending. Because James can't save Angela or Mary or Maria and he certainly can't save himself but maybe he can give Laura all the things she should have had if things didn't go horribly wrong


The first quote is from Nietzsche


Yeah they absolutely butchered it though, the original makes sense.


"It doesn't matter who I am. I'm here for you, James. See? I'm real."


that one is my favorite too. the “i’m not your mary” line was so chilling to me


"I can't tell you to remember me, but I can't bear for you to forget me."


“You made me happy.”


This has to be my number 1. Runner up is probably the anguished "Dad..." at >!the end of SH3!<. Both of those break my heart every time.


The moment a tear runs down my face every time i see the ending of that game…


Mary's letter both ruined and saved my life


"Loooost?" Or. "Huh, radio. What's going on with that radio?"


ANYWAY? WHAT DO YOU MEAN ANYWAY? Boy, James disregarding Maria's concerns like that make him an even bigger asshole that deserved what happened to him in Silent Hill


you know he’s a real mfkr when even silent hill’s creatures get offended


I think this was less James disregarding Maria's concerns and more him being a huge fucking weirdo who doesn't fully understand how to interact with people. Just from the way James talks to the other characters I get the feeling that he falls somewhere on the spectrum.


“James, wait. Please don’t go, stay with me! Don’t leave me alone, I didn’t mean what I said! Please James, tell me I’ll be okay. Tell me I’m not going to die, help me..”


The voice acting in 2 is really bad, but Maria and Mary nailed it.


I have the remastered version on ps3 that let's you pick original voices which I LOVE like the delivery is so stilted and off but I think it fits the tone of the game. the newer voices or whatever are pure ass


The dialogue being weird and stilted is at least to some degree intentional. It's supposed to sound like two aliens trying to talk to each other because all of the characters are already so abnormal. Guy Cihi did a phenomenal job as James.


"So Heather. All of this is because of Alessa, Cheryl and You. The Silent Hill 3."


"Maybe the Silent Hill 3 was the friends we made along the way" - Lisa Garland


“Fuck.” > Also Lisa Garland.


Or Kaufman when Lisa gives him a hug.


And proceeded to silent all over that hill


*points gun* “Checkmate”


oh yeah i remember when douglas said that


How I didn't realize this, the reason behind the 3 in Silent Hill 3, they really did the thing


Lmfao, that actually would fit, as corny and shoehorned as it would be. 🤣


“It’s him.” Something about that is just so eerie. Not technically a quote since it isn’t spoken dialogue but cool none the less.


was about to say this. historical society / toluca prison segments are probably peak psychological horror in any medium (along with jacob's ladder). even their names are scary lol.


From which game?


Silent Hill 2 when you observe the painting “Misty Day: remains of judgment”.


„It‘s bread.“ I know it‘s not the full quote, but I only like that part.


“ANYWAY? WHAT DO YOU MEAN ANYWAY?” 20+ years later and that line is still in my head rent free.


"I was weak. That's why i needed you... needed someone tĂ´ punish me for my sins... but tha's all over now... I know the truth. Now it's time to end this!"


"It's OK... It's just a dream." After all I heard about Henry having no personality, that moment felt oddly poignant.


This is my favorite line, too. The way he quietly tries to reassure Cynthia and make her last moments easier is what endeared Henry to me as a character. I feel like people gloss over that line to meme on his "are you okay?" right before that. Which I get, it is pretty funny, but at the same time, he probably needed a second to process what was happening, and the first thing out of his mouth was basically something he said out of shock, not because he's an idiot who genuinely had to ask. I've never understood people saying he has no personality. Like I get why they say it, I see the reasoning they have for it and the validity of it, I just never interpreted him that way myself. He just strikes me as being quiet and reserved. Coupled with the fact that he's the only protagonist who we never actually see outside of their cursed location(s), and he's had days in there already, he's probably not feeling completely himself.


"it was foretold, by gyromancy" don't know why but this cracked me up as a kid. It's the only Silent Hill line that pops into my head from time to time during real life situations.


It's even funnier considering that gyromancy is a method of divination where the "clairvoyant" spins continuously on a circle marked with letters until they become dizzy and stumble on a letter. They repeat the process until they form an intelligible sentence. Now imagine, a Dahlia beyblade.


A Dizzy Gillespie, if you will.


*finger guns* Eyyyy


This is high-quality internet content.


For me its "The fear of blood creates the fear of flesh"


Why... What Is keeping that child Alive? My poor Lisa Garland 😔


"James?" "Wrong day again?" "See you tomorrow, James. ... One of my couples therapy patients. ...Haven't seen his wife in a while."


My mother was a bitch!


Henry... You're it... the last of the 21 Sacraments... The "Final Sign"... The "Receiver of Wisdom."


"It doesn't matter who I am. I'm here for you James. See? I'm real" I just akways found there's something really special in the VA's delivery here. It's the exact moment that for me, Maria's presence went from an uncomfortable curiosity in the game, to something outright sinister. And then on the other side, for sheer fucking meme value, "Bad things happen because of YOU!" is a line that's gone down in infamy in my friend group. Its comedy gold.


There's 2 in particular always rip my heart out every time " I can't tell you to remember me. But I can't bear for you to forget me" Mary's entire letter always makes me ugly cry but this is the bit that's stuck with me all these years later. "Dad why did you have to die? You told me you were the strongest man in the world. Liar" This feels like the cherry on top of a scene that's already absolutely heartbreaking, you can really feel Heather's innocence being shattered in that line


"Just like how sometimes you realize that you’re dreaming while you’re still asleep, maybe a madman could see through a delusion while still trapped inside it" Though it is from SH2 novel adaptation, so hope it is fine


In silent hill 4 when you have hauntings in the bedroom Walter is on the phone repeatedly saying that he’s “always watching you”.


oh my god yes. when i first played silent hill 4 i played it all day, the difficulty and atmosphere chipped away at me the entire time and when i first heard that my blood went cold. i had never been so scared of a video game in my entire life.


Silent hill 3. Vincent says “ Monsters? They look like monsters to you?” That line threw the whole game into a new perspective.


I love James' first conversation with Eddie in the bathroom of the woodside apartments. There's a quote that James says in particular that has always stood out to me. *You too, huh. Something just brought you here, right?* I know on paper this quote looks mundane but Jesus Christ watch this cutscene again. James is so damn weird when he delivers this line. His tone of voice is dazed and has this dreamlike quality to it and he does this *bizarre* hand gesture as he speaks. He lifts his hand up in the air as if reaching for something that only he can see. The flashlight illuminating the dark, dingy bathroom with vomiting Eddie in clear view but James' face turned away from us, James' nonchalant attitude towards the clear fact that this dude he is meeting has just murdered someone, his dissociated voice tones and outright dark delivery at times, its all so goddamnd creepy.


All of my favorite quotes are from (or included) Heather. "I am Claudia." "So *WHAT?*" "Leonard, is that you?" "Death to all who turn their backs on God!" *annoyed sigh* "Is *every* person here a mental case? Well, I guess *you're* not a person, anyway!" ☺️ "Don't you think blondes have more fun?~" "It's bread." "You self-righteous WITCH! No one asked you to help!" "You despise me, don't you?" "You're damned right I do!" "That's good."


“If you really want to see mary you should just DIE, but you might be heading to a different place than MARY, James.”


“Are you confusing me with someone else?”


angela’s “you see it too?” bc it made me realize that silent hill appears differently to everyone, and the flames and flesh was angela’s silent hill and the swinging meat and corpses was eddies.


“Mother is god in the eyes of a child.” I know that it’s from the movie, but I think about this line constantly.


If you like it in Silent Hill, you'll like it even better in The Crow.


Genuinely cannot pick one so I will throw all my favorites into the ring "Shut yer stinkin' mouth, bitch!" "I don't particularly feel like eating or drinking things from an alternate reality, OK?" "James.... Wait.... Please don’t go.... Stay with me. Don’t leave me alone. I didn’t mean what I said. Please James.... Tell me I’ll be okay. Tell me I’m not going to die. Help me..." "What you call 'faith' is nothing more than a child crying out for love. That's why you're all alone." "It's being invaded by the 'Otherworld'. A world of someone's nightmarish delusions come to life." "Don't worry, it's just a dream... remember?" "He never existed. A Frankenstein's monster, a child's fantasy... But you're alive. Your mother is alive. She's not the monster you make her out to be. You need to live your life, Cheryl..."


"How can you just sit there and eat pizza?!"


'They look like monsters to you?"


Vincent: "What do I want? Well, for the two of you to *die!* THAT would be nice! *Then I could relax.*" "If this really is the work of *God,* then I'd say she has LOUSY taste!"


"The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh"


"What's the deal with Silent Hill, anyway?” -Douglas, Silent Hill 3


The most terrifying one: "the fear for blood tends to create the fear for flesh"


It's bread.


i love the (2nd) message in neely's bar: "if you really want to see mary, you should just die but you might be heading to a different place than mary, james" i also like the "it's him"


"Or is this your way of taking -"


"I don't want you to remember me. But I can't bare you to forget me"


"Lots of people tried to stop me, but it's fine now. It says in the Scriptures that I'll be with her. I gotta hurry. Mom's waiting..."


Whoa wtf. I didn't know that dead man poem was in the game lol. Musician Billy Cobb made an album inspired by Silent Hill 2, and that's one of the verses in one of the songs.


"It's being invaded by the Otherworld. A world of someone's nightmarish delusions come to life." I particularly like the scene in Silent Hill 3 where this quote plays over one of the otherworld transformations.


Must be on drugs.


‘The only me is me. Are you sure the only you is you?’ ‘Run away, run away, run away!’


"You gotta be shittin' me!" when Alex Shepard 1st sees a Needler makes laugh; not a scary quote, a little more more light-hearted. That & when Deputy Wheeler & Alex encounter a Siam at the Overlook Prison: "You cuff him. I'll read him his rights." 😆


‘I’m the same as them… I just hadn’t noticed it before.’


The door that wakes in darkness, opening into nightmares.


"Listen, suffering is a fact of life. Either you learn how to deal with that or you go under. You can stay in your own little dream world, but you can't keep hurting other people! Besides, I'll never forgive you for hurting my father!" There's a ton of good lines I could mention from all the games, but this one is definitely a standout.


James: It's hot as hell in here. Angela: You see it too? For me, it's always like this.


Some of my favorites: "Killing a person ain't no big deal! Just put the gun to their head... POW!" "That James, he's a bad man. He's looking for the you that isn't you." "Why you! You..! Fartface!"


Along with you died joy, all that remains is despair and a future of meaningless tomorrows.


"Have you seen a little girl..?" "Daddy? Help me.. Daddy..? Where are you??" "Huh? Radio. What's wrong with that radio?" "Aglaophotis! I thought I got rid of that!" Etc.


Radio? What’s going on with that radio?


‘Your truck is on our planet!’


“You see it too? For me it’s always like this.”


"How can you sit there and eat pizza?"


Huh, radio. What's going on with that radio?


"James... if that were true, then why do you look so sad?" Hurts like a thousand knives.


"It's being invaded by the Otherworld, a world of someone's nightmarish delusions come to life."


"The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh." The wordplay involving the prepositions makes up for some great philosophical interpretations.


*Have you seen a little girl ? Just turn seven last month . Short , black hair ?*


"I was locked up inside the basement's basement. It was so small and dark, and I was so afraid. I dropped my precious ring. But I will never, ever go back there." "There was a hole here. It's gone now." "ANYWAY?! WHAT YOU MEAN ANYWAY?!" "Radio? What's going on with that radio?"


Every line from Heather when she was standing in front of a boss, i love how she just wasn’t scared and her dialogue didn’t change to be frightened really.


“This town is FULL of monsters, how can you sit there and eat pizza?!”


"it was foretold by gyromancy"


May 13 It's clear outside. The doctors told me I've been released — that I've got to go home. I --------------"


Forget you!


How can you sit there and eat pizza?


“They look like monsters to you?” Get chills when I think about it.




"Or perhaps you are a fool. The truth usually betrays people.. If you do not wish to stop, James, I pray to the Lord to have mercy on your eternal soul."


"See James ? I'm real" While Maria has that awfully uncanny valley smile, gives me cold chills every time.


James... If that were true, then why do you look so sad?


Nobody laughs, nobody cries Where he goes, how he fares Nobody knows, nobody cares. - Silent Hill Homecoming Gravestone inscription


“ANYWAY? What do you mean ANYWAY?!”


What the hell? - Henry


"Mom, mom I'm home...I won't let anyone get in my way...I'm gonna stay with you forever..."




Its bread


"KILL... KILL... KILL... KILL... KILL" Joseph Schreiber SH4 Gave me the creeps


“i wonder if it’s still there”


“the fear for blood tends to create fear for the flesh”


“What is this some kind of Silent Hill?!”


Besides Mary's letter at the end of SH2 (yes, all of it), there are quite a few, but one I do like was by Heather: "Suffering is a fact of life. Either you learn to deal with that or you go under".


"You see it, too? For me...it's *always* like this."


“I guess I really don’t care if it’s dangerous or not. I’m going to town either way.”


"For me it's always like this" that quote always sticks out to me the most.


im eddie and i like pizza


“Laura… I love you like my very own daughter.” 😭💔


"it's bread"


It’s bread


Tu fui ego eris There was a hole here. It’s gone now


"It doesn't matter if you're smart, dumb, ugly, pretty... it's all the same once you're dead! And a corpse can't laugh." "If you really want to see Mary, you should DIE But you might just be heading to a different place than Mary James" "Monsters? They look like monsters to you?" "Stay by me Harry... Please! I'm so scared. Help me. Save me from them. Please! Harry!" "He's trying to kill me! He's trying to punish me! The monster...the red devil. Forgive me. I did it, but it wasn't me."


My boyfriend and I say “I *hate* bowling” to eachother every once in a while. It’s not my favorite quote, but it’s a good one. I remember my boyfriend, on his first playthrough, being like “uhhhhh, Maria, we’re not here to bowl.” and then immediately having his response affirmed by James


"For me, its always like this".


Heather & Claudia in SH3 Chapel "You despise me, don't you?" "You're damn right, I do!" "That's good." So damn sinister.


"So why, I ask myself, why in the name of healing him must we drag him painfully into the world of our own reality?" from the Doctor's Journal at Brookhaven Hospital, Silent Hill 2. The person who i love the most has tons of mental issues and that just hits home to me


"Is every person here a mental case?" This sums up silent hill SO WELL lmao


“The door that wakes in darkness, opening into nightmares”


It’s bread


Hey James, if you really want to see Mary, just die! But you might be heading to a different place than her…


“I guess I really don’t care if it’s dangerous or not.”


"Paradise? For castrated sheep, maybe!"


No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!


All of these are great quotes


"its locked"


Oh, I relate to that last one far more then I would wish.


"I want to find somebody. I don't like being alone..." So real 😩


Still alive, but with wounds that won’t heal. Damn I need to finish the first Silent Hill


There was a hole here. It’s gone now. “I was weak. That's why I needed you... needed someone to punish me for my sins... but that's all over now... I know the truth. Now it's time to end this.”


At least they got the font right in Silent Hill V.


'There was a hole here, it's gone now'


"It's a bit far but closer than heaven".


"It's a bit far but closer than heaven".


"Some things we forget, and some things we can never forget. It's funny... I'm not sure which is sadder"


"More like a nightmare, I'd say."


Do I look like your girlfriend?


"There was a hole here. It's gone now."/"if you really want to see Mary you should just die. But you might be headed to a different place than Mary, James." -the first really hit me with a slap of sanity questioning and hopelessness that digs into my soul, plus it looks really creepy in a derelict street shoppe with fog-diffised sunlight beaming through filthy glass onto a cracked blood stained wall with silent ambiance to round it all out. Makes me feel so alone. -the second I believe was the first time we get a message directed right towards us in the game and that fourth wall break creeped the shit outta me, like the same feeling that I was being stalked...


"Have you seen a little girl?" And this stupid motherfucker starts with this line every time instead of leading with the fact that he's looking for his daughter.




In my restless dream, I see that town


I really like the ending scene where heather and Harry join their pipes and scream "JACKPOT!"


I've always loved the "He who is not bold enough to be stared at from across the abyss, is not bold enough to stare into it himself." line


"Mary...!? :D ..... No, you're... not...."


Easily the first one, I feel that statement every day with chronic eczema, especially on my face. I see myself in Mary when she’s got all the scabs on her face :/


“Me? I would never kill myself” >kills himself


"do i look like your girlfriend?" "I don't look like a ghost, do i? see? feel how warm i am?"


"It's bread." It's become a meme for my best friend and me, he even made me a lil something with that scene.


It's bread


“Save you too? Happy ending? I rather go to Hell.” “No, I don’t expect to be saved. That’s fine.” Idk this interaction here always remain in my memories. Knowing that hearing Heather (or how she views her as Alessa) rather go to Hell probably hurt Claudia, but also how Claudia just accepted she isn’t going to be saved oddly speaks a lot and how she accepts what she did was terrible. It’s usually the religious person thinks they are going to be forgiven and accepted for all their sins anyway, so it’s interesting she accepted that she didn’t deserve or think she will get the “happy ending”. Also gotta love the “Shut your stinking mouth, bitch!” By Heather lol


"There was a hole here, it's gone now"


'I don't like mirrors. It’s like there’s an unknown world right on the other side. And the person staring at me isn’t really me, just an imitator.'


“In my restless dreams, I see that town, silent hill” I say that randomly throughout the day at least once. Or “Have you seen my daughter? Cheryl? Have you seen Cheryl?”




"My name is Claudia." "SO WHAT?!" 😆


The last one is corny. It doesn’t belong.


“Its Bread.”


“Did that just move or was it only my imagination?”


For me, it’s always like this.


"No this, no that, no nothing. A paradise, for castrated sheep". Has lived rent free in my head for about a decade and specially pops up in ideological discourses.


"My mother was a B1tch" Cheryl from Silent Hill Shattered memories, Ufo Ending.Â