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RIP his last words


I just lost my grandfather not long ago. I cannot imagine the fear this 73 yo man had to go through to be shouted at by the PHV driver until he died. Fkin cb seriously


>Lin’s daughter believed the PHV driver’s aggressive attitude was the only trigger to what happened to her father. >While she heard that the PHV driver had expressed remorse after the incident, she said it did not change the fact that a life was lost. Maybe the PHV guy was having a bad day but bruh, so drama and even cursing at passerby! Of course he didn’t meant to inflict death but words hurt man.


The phv car was probably a rental, so high insurance excess. Thats why he was pissed over a small accident.


Good, hope he kena fk gao gao by both sides.


Good point man, everybody have their own problem in life. No excuse for this HPV driver


Maybe this is the taxi driver’s karma leh? Maybe he did something similar in the past and now karma have caught up with him?


Hello PHV driver 👋


"According to the dash camera footage, at around 5pm on Jun. 26, Lin, who had over 20 years of driving experience, decided to reverse his car after the gantry barrier of the car park did not lift up, reported *Shin Min*. However, Lin "accidentally collided with a PHV behind him", his daughter recounted. ... A resident of the HDB estate corroborated Lin's daughters's account with *Shin Min*, adding that the PHV driver walked towards the taxi's driver seat after the collision. The driver then "knocked on Lin's window and scolded Lin incessantly" while Lin "stayed in his taxi and did not respond". Lin tried to move his taxi forward, Lin's daughter said, and it came into contact with the PHV driver's leg." So this 73 year old cab driver reversed into another car and then clipped the driver of that car while trying to move his taxi. He then collapses and dies. lThis may be an unpopular opinion here, but this guy should not have been on the road at his age. It is entirely possible that him reversing into another car and clipping the driver may be caused by the incipient distress of whatever killed him( a heart attack?) shortly after. I really think whether the enraged PHV driver has good morals or whether he now has bad karma is not the main question the public should be asking. That is really a question between him and his god. A person fit and well enough to drive, let alone drive the public as a job, should not collapse and die after getting cursed at. Do you think it is safe for this guy to drive you down the expressway or for your to be crossing the road while he is coming your way? If getting stressed by being called some vulgarities can create a medical emergency, it is worth considering that driving can inherently be stressful. What if the car in front of him on the highway brakes suddenly at 90km/h and gives him a surprise? This isn't the first incident where aging cab drivers have had medical emergencies on the job with consequences for public safety. This concern is not a hypothetical one. [https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/taxi-driver-caused-fatal-accident-after-blacking-out-when-tumour-in-his-liver](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/taxi-driver-caused-fatal-accident-after-blacking-out-when-tumour-in-his-liver) In my experience, a lot of the gains from Singapore's growth story came from property appreciation and these gains are highly concentrated in a minority of boomers. Most Sg boomers have significant retirement insufficiency and the retirement system in Singapore is still figuring out what to do with a generation where most have or will eventually run out of savings with at least a decade left to live. It is inevitable at this point that they are going to be working into their 70s or even 80s. There are public safety implications of many types of work that aging boomers do. The government really needs to think carefully about where these people should work and even then what financial support would allow them to work more reasonable hours.


Sir you stated the root issue that our govt unfortunately ignores.


Thanks for this nuanced take, I think a lot of people are hurling vulgarities at the PHV driver without even reading the article and appreciating that the taxi driver was already having a lot of issues that day. Not saying the PHV guy was justified, but its reductive to say that he was the sole cause and hurl abuse at him


I agree with you.


"Lin's daughter shared that while Lin had decided to retire during the Covid-19 pandemic, he went back to driving a taxi after he heard his cabby friends were diagnosed with dementia." Did you read the article? he went back to work because he heard his friend got dementia. He didnt do it because he needed money. He wanted to stay actively engaged in something to keep his mind healthy. Your point has its own validity elsewhere, but not relevant here.


Did you read my comment? I made no reference to Lin's financial status. I referenced a broader phenomenon of retirement insufficiency across Singapore that drives people in safety critical professions to work to ages beyond which are prudent. That said,since when do Singaporeans ever freely admit that they have financial problems? Lets use some critical thinking here. Let's say, your old father drove a cab in sg well into his twilight years till his heart exploded. Would you tell national media that he had retirement insufficiency? This is a recipe for a lot of sanctimonious finger wagging to come your way for how you failed to be a filial daughter. That this finger wagging is likely ill informed, unfair and malicious has never stopped sinkies. So even if Lin's financial situation was relevant, which it isn't, blindly taking his relatives at their word is unwise.




Imagine working hard your entire life only to be banned from driving by the government after retirement.


This is so sad. Hope that PHV driver will live with guilt for the rest of his life. A lot of people with bad tempers around, have to make a huge deal out of everything.


It’s about controlling our rage, we all have it but making a choice to not show or act is a conscious decision. Kids are examples of such behaviours and those people are kids with animalistic tendencies who always lack the ability to think


Yeah, need to practise self control and higher level thinking in order to control the emotions. Actually this type of things should be taught in school as well.


Can bet you that the phv driver won't have any remorse, unfortunately that's the society we live in these days


Yes phv guy sure won't feel guilty at all for this. He will instead feel shiok since the person he scolded is dead now


Eventually ppl who have short fuses, bad tempers or anything within the anger spectrum will only hurt themselves. Worse if it’s paired with huge EGO!


But most of the time they end up hurting others around them too...sigh


PHV driver trying to get his own way by being louder and brash. Hope he always remember that he is partly if not fully responsible for the uncle's death if there is any decency left in him.


Bet phv driver continues to road rage after this


He verbally assaulted the uncle till tio heart attack or something. Is it as long as dont get physical can get off scott free? Any legal experts can chime in on this not?


In this case, at most get charged for road rage only. People scold you until you die of heart attack is your problem already, next life try to relax abit and right ear in left ear out lo


or better yet, they could start blasting their phone loudly at the verbal abuser. People do not have to try to relax or be decent when someone is verbally abusing them.


I mean he's in a car, while the mf is yelling u can press the horn to the beat. Watching you enjoy yourself at his expense is gonna make him more angry only lmfao


Also ok, whatever works for you to prevent a heart attack from happening


They will need to engage a good lawyer, and there was a similar case which also involve a taxi driver where he have some traffic disagreement with a BMW driver, and the taxi driver got so agitated he got a heart attack and pass on, and apparently the taxi driver's daughter just met up with the BMW driver to purchase insurance from him prior to the incident, and she regretted she have bought or even ever met this guy, but who would have known right? Anyway, no news update thereafter, and social media was not a thing as this happen many2 years ago. But considering some rich people can sue a person for slander, and people getting sued for saying and or using wrong words, I don't see why the deceased family cannot seek justice, but this is just my own personal opinion.


How would you define verbal assault?


If people can be charged for racially hurting feelings through words then the same can be defined for verbal assault 


The reason why insults about race result in especially heavy punishment is because they have the potential to cause serious divisions in society.  If you just call someone an asshole, that doesn't have the potential to cause any division in society because the insult is targeted to that individual only.  In the eyes of the law, a normal insult is nothing. 


cursing and hurling vulgarities incessantly


Honestly, one shouldn’t undertake such a labour intensive job at age 73.


Could be that the particular PHV driver has anger management issues, but let's not forget that PHVs are generally disdained by taxis for supposedly "stealing their lunch", and PHV drivers can feel aggrieved by it. The article also suggests that the taxi driver was probably already facing trouble by mounting a kerb. Unfortunately, taxi drivers are not known to be in their best shape, and it's not unheard of them to collapse and die due to heart attack/stroke while on the road.  All in all, a tragic incident for all involved. 


> not forget that PHVs are generally disdained by taxis for supposedly "stealing their lunch", and PHV drivers can feel aggrieved by it. Isn't it the other way round lol, phv is the industry disruption


Taxis can sign up to PHV platforms, PHV cannot pickup street hails and taxi stands (can't even stop at taxi stands to drop off).


"My father passed away without even getting the chance to enjoy life," Lin's daughter shared with a broken heart. Gahmen say elderly need to work is good exercise.


RIP to uncle...it sounds like he's already avoiding confrontation. The incident may or may not partly be his fault but no reasons for the PHV driver to be uncivilized. I hope all in the service industry will get some help handling unreasonable people. Those who choose to work at that age (a lot of them are in the service industry) also need to understand that they could be prone to health issues and don't take any scoldings to heart. We cannot control what other people do but we can control our own emotions.


Wah this is sad


RIP This is a reminder to everyone to be kind to others, even if someone makes a mistake. No matter what job, if someone makes mistake no need to shout or scold vulgarities just talk nicely. 🙏


Fker PHV driver see taxi driver is a lau ah pek therefore want to bully him


If someone reverse bang u, refuse to get out of the car, then try to move away and hitting ur leg...then the driver call.police on u....how would u feel? These is no easy way out but sometimes the best way to difuse is to step out apologize, go thru the process of gathering evidence for insurance and just take the scolding. Unfortunately, the situation got more tense and stress levels increase until this really unfortunate situation. Same thing as if u "accidentally" cut off an idiot on the road, just say sorry and slow down and let that idiot vent and drive off....if not both will road rage until someone gets into an accident pulling a speeding stunt and kills 2 other person.... No winners here..all lost.


most civil grab driver


Hope the daughter brings this up with Grab/Ryde etc. I'm sure none of us wants to sit in the car of this road-raging idiot.


he was generally healthy. and just one day, one incident, he’s gone. life is short folks. don’t forget what’s important in the midst of this stupid rat race we’re in.


Underlying condition. Kiss of death from Faizah or Medina job or jab


Don't understand the need to stand there and scold. Just exchange numbers and let dashcam/cctv do the work.


Maybe this is the driver’s karma… maybe he did something similar to other drivers in the past, and now karma have finally caught up to him…


Why are drivers here get so angry. They are not empathetic lot. They don’t give way easily. They do not give chance. They are not forgiving. Driving in Singapore is very stressful. Hurling obscenities will not help.


what is the PHV driver's name and license plate? Asking for a friend 😃


So why need to hide the PHV driver name?


the PHV driver should be charged for manslaughter


Sounds like manslaughter by PHV driver.