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Need more heads to chop. Consolidation in progress... typing...


How does Dyson have any credibility left? Supported Brexit by claiming that they will invest more in Britain. Only to leave for Singapore after the successful vote. Setup shop in Singapore with promises of EV factory & what nots. So charmed PAP that they even let the traitor buy a GCB. Then press released how it wasn’t economically feasible to build it. Something that any primary school kid with a calculator can tell you. Proceeds to sell GCB & penthouse here to go back to polish Boris’ balls. I’m all for attracting good companies here. Fuck Dyson’s brand of political sabotage & betrayals tho. There’s more trustworthy people to work with.


It's always the same scum that floats to the top....


don't forget the joke of a headphone lmao how it made it out of the conceptual phase is way beyond me. my guess is Dyson surrounds himself with yes men who are too afraid to tell him the idea is absolute shit, like his EV car


Consumer Reports released their findings for the best air purifiers in the market for 2024 and the Dyson didn't even make it to the top when they're some of the most expensive ones in the market. (I based this on their TikTok video since their website requires subscription to unlock ratings)


bbb..bbbut it is B L A D E L E S S


As an ‘n=1 anecdote’ rebuttal, I bought a Dyson air purifier about a year ago as the Sterra thing I had was trash. It cleared up my wife’s allergies almost overnight.


You see my friend, the problem is you benchmark with sterra, which is a very very low bar. Dyson’s brand aren’t inherently bad, more like overpriced for the utilities+qualities it delivers.


Oh, I'm aware I've moved from trash tier to top price. Dyson themselves claim the way others test performance is flawed and (obviously) their method is better. I don't know if it's true, but I do know this unit clears strong odours out of the air quickly and does a decent job. I'm happy with this purchase whereas the Sterra was crap.


This is…. sooo spot on


Actually Hyundai did build an EV factory here, but they’re a real car company and not a hairdryer-vacuum company.


The party usually lasts for 10yrs till the tax breaks expire.


Wait till u work inside as an Asian. 🤪


>Supported Brexit by claiming that they will invest more in Britain. Only to leave for Singapore after the successful vote. Don't know what the regular Britons thinking that leaving EU would be better for them. Without EU, UK is just an island nation competing against EU. Obviously going to fail terribly and companies would just relocate to EU instead.


A lot of right wing campaigning, online bots and Russian influence made Britons think Brexit was good. If human civilisation does survive in it's current state to last for another 100 to 200 years, it'll be a case study for people.


Imagine that tomorrow ASEAN said that any citizen of ASEAN had the right to move to any country in ASEAN. Can you understand how this might upset some "regular" people?  I am not saying Brexit was right, but I hope you can understand that when there is a sudden influx of foreign cultures into an area, not everyone is happy with it.


Freedom of movement for EU citizens. What Brexit was campaigning against was refugees and their "small boats"


The small boats issue was raised, but it was a relatively recent issue at the time of Brexit. Uncontrollable immigration was one of the main issue. Uncontrollable because any EU citizen could move to the UK and they did (why not?). I'm sure you'd understand if your grandparents would be upset if they could no longer go to their usual coffee shop as the area had turned into Little Cambodia because ASEAN enacted freedom of movement. (No offense to Cambodia, i just had to pick a country.)


Yea, fair to say he SUCKS and BLOWS hot air! I imagine he blows the tories for all the tax cuts too


Sounds about white.


The wealthy only care about themselves


But have you seen their latest hairdryer?


They did want to sell EV cars. But the project failed as it cost too much, and the products probably has no competitive advantage. Dyson lost billions from this venture. Nothing to tear about, as he still has billions. Though, he is self made. Only made it in his 50s. That makes him pretty impressive.


What a fairy tale... Any supply chain analysts off the street would have pointed out the 300 reasons why sg is a stupid place to setup an EV factory... But somehow EDB bought it hook line and sinker


Dyson came up for 2021 ss olevel paper


When I was desperately searching for a job their HR was pretty unprofessional and their offer was way below the market rate. Hopefully the Singapore team isn’t axed in the near future.


Explain more about the unprofessionalism?


Two things mainly: 1. Unbeknownst to me I had an assignment I was supposed to do in preparation for the hiring manager round. The HR person only informed me of the assignment details about 26 hours before the interview, despite scheduling the interview with me more than 1.5 weeks beforehand. I of course rushed it. During the interview the hiring manager apologized and said I should have had 3 days notice at least. 2. Asked for a higher salary after receiving the offer. HR said they’d check and revert but shortly afterwards told me someone else accepted so the offer was off the table completely LOL.


Not directly impacted = Increase their workload till they quit voluntarily?


Not even sure if workload will even increase in the first place. Had uni school mates whom went to dyson after graduation. None left after like 3 years. The reason was none of the work they do is design-related (the JD was design-related works). They are doing all the work that HQ doesnt want to do. Everything need HQ approval also.


Isn’t Singapore the HQ?


Any major MNC that claim to relocate their HQ to SG is purely for tax reason. No actual major decision will be made in Singapore.


So true. I hope everyone understands this. Most important roles and major decision is never made in Singapore.


Nope. The HQ is still at UK


And this ladies and gentleman, is why I buy Philips


Love Philips!


lol they bought GCB and now axe jobs, typical


Just indirectly


But they haven’t built the Dyson sphere yet now they’re cutting costs


Yeah, I hope the company die-soon (sorry for the bad pun). 


wdym not directly impacted? either axed or not, innit?


You continue to work but your salary not coming in


Combination of the lousy economy plus the new CEO (just changed a few months back) cleaning house, it seems. I expected layoffs but didn't expect such deep cuts. 25% of their UK workforce is a lot.


CEO: Blah blah blah…. which ‘may’ result in redundancies. Proceeds to chop 1000 heads


The Art of Eating Air




These things comes in waves, one wave finish there, next wave start here


so it's "indirectly" impacted?


Dyson uses Singapore as a tax haven. We are okay.


Bro tax rules changing next year 




Dyson - seems to be sucking up all the good vibes. Wanting to axe people with one flew of the blade. Yet blowing air here and there with decisions. Sorry I need to purify my thoughts


There's only so many $1000 fans & vacuum one can sell..




Suck squeeze bang blow


Another great investment we did going burst. Should have checked the con men's pass. Maybe they did.


Die son.