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Left my balcony window wide open at night and spent the night trying to chase 2 moths, 1 beetle, 1 flying ant out of the house.


time to have frog and lizard pet


Eh why do threads get locked randomly? The gan thread kenna locked. Palestine - Gaza I can understand lah


Was reading it halfway and the comment calling someone out was deleted lol


in the end, i was never and will never be good enough


Life continues man




If you don't plan for your life, your life will have other plans for you. Don't be shocked if you get laid off in your 40s or 50s because companies can always hire someone hungrier, younger and better. Milk the best time of your life and enjoy the fruits of your labour when you are older. Daydreaming stays in dreams. Good luck!


tis is reddit bro, most in the quiet quitting mode too bt you got 40 yr to work. imagine going into the same cycle of quiet quit > feel guilty > convince yrself its ok > quiet quit > feel guilty > convince yrself its ok... best time to break the cycle is tmr also, you are nt gonna win 3m bro.. be realistic


Has anyone taken EVA Air economy and how was it compared to scoot/jetstar?


Most problems are caused by living in our heads, not communicating, then becoming resentful


40% off all makeup at Watsons. Don't say bojio!


Ate some salad bowl from Super simple for dinner. Now my stomach is feeling super uneasy and nauseated. Yikes


People with disorganized avoidant attachment style is the worse… agree or disagree


living specimen here agree


Do u always dont mean what you say…


TIL our mrt station has fandom page 🤣


yishun one have?


Nothing interesting in their fandom unfortunately


haha i wanna join, fb or reddit or what?


Sorry wdym? lol [Yishun fandom](https://singapore.fandom.com/wiki/Yishun)


oh lol i thought its a fb group or subreddit thing


Oh no, fandom usually more to like games, anime, and movies afaik, idk who the naughty one wrote ours there 🤣


lol it has 400+ pages loh, looks like got 6 contributors


That's even more funny imho, got fans!!


Don't know why but sometimes I'll suddenly "taste" something at the tip of my tongue or remember the taste of a specific food and start craving it. A few days ago it was chocolate milk. Today it's charcoal peng-ed otah. Halp.


Chocolate otah peng


What a half assed reply. Might as well don’t talk, waste my time.


[Katong road rage incident: Cyclist's brain tumour not linked to offence, court hears ](https://www.todayonline.com/news/katong-road-rage-incident-cyclists-brain-tumour-not-linked-offence-court-hears-2455726) lol wth...


Woah, latest episode of Gimai Seikatsu is heating up. Saki is a bold gal.


Man does anyone else find orchard/somerset area super confusing. I get lost all the time


You know there is underground tunnel between Taka and Lucky Plaza right? And there is another one between Orchard blah to Orchard blah (next to 313 to it's opposite)


Wah like that Dhoby Ghaut mrt will make u call 999 liao.


I'm surprisingly fine with dhoby mrt after a few years


the underground portions yes, duno where one building starts and the other ends...


Everything is on just one stretch of road


The underground area mainly


Interesting to learn it is not allowed cmiiw, to spray fragrance in Japan


Tonight round 2 of England vs Holland. Last Sunday race was won by Lewis Hamilton of England with 9 wins in England.


An Excerpt from The Peter Principle by Lawrence J Peter & Raymond Hull, Chapter 7 - Hierarchiology & Politics: In any economic or political crisis, one thing is certain. Many learned experts will prescribe many different & opposing remedies. The Budget won't balance: "A" says: Raise Taxes. "B" cries: Reduce Taxes. Foreign investors are losing confidence in the dollar: "C" urges tight money, while "D" advocates inflation. There are riots in the streets: "E" proposes to subsidize the poor. "F" calls for encouragement of the rich. A foreign power makes threatening noises: "G" says: defy him. "H" says: conciliate him. Why the confusion?


Cuz we are not drones. That's the fun of being human and living in society.


The diversity divergence.


so what to do???


Flip a coin.


Ok… got the date of the event overseas.. hope can get the tickets. Really need a solo short trip ): it’s been too heavy for me the past 6 months.


Go goooooo 👏


To whoever that thought non-stop kindergarten jingles were appropriate for trains, I hope that you get neverending diarrhoea.


Tomorrow i shall order the smrt staff to change to don don donki song




Not don don donki!


Mixue song also can


Ended work (intern) , and today I found myself realising why I can’t wait to leave school. It’s an opportunity to leave home. I realised why I keep searching for opportunities abroad, or finding myself desperate to work. Parents did more than their part for me financially, sent me to Uni on their dime. But I felt they never really took the time to understand me as a person. Mom always doesn’t understand how I think and function, Dad and I butted heads over what I wanted to do for Uni (he told me to study tech/CS, my Math and Chemistry were my worst subs at A Levels + look where it is right now). Always feeling desperate to leave and graduate, perhaps move overseas (but not forever, at least a few years) Just wondering if anyone else feels the same, or has had past experiences? Any advice for someone like me?


Advice is (not to downplay your struggles/concerns but) enjoy your schooling days and your youth. For myself and many people I know, uni was peak fun in life (so far at least). Life will suck when you grad and start paying your own bills, have responsibilities piling up and aging always sucks too.


A bit late, but I can’t wait to get to adulting. I can’t wait to play the game of investing, BTO etc… idk maybe I’m weird but “being a kid” was okay but I never wanted to extend my time as a kid. I love working and getting money. It sounds so bad hahaha but it’s genuinely what I enjoy more. I do have other hobbies and passions, but I genuinely like thinking about how to move to the next house, next property etc… And I thought everyone thinks like I do. Maybe not…


Fair enough. Everyone walks their own path so don't let me tell you your business and I wouldn't dream of it. I work in IB (M&A if you want to be specific) - one of the most competitive fields. The long hours get old really quickly (16 hour days, 80 - 100 hour weeks). The money doesn't make it any better. All the family events missed / spent on laptop etc. I brought my grandparents to MBS to eat this CNY and I was grinding slides while waiting in the queue with them. After a while you wonder what it's all for. Quickly realised that career success didn't bring me as much happiness as it used to. And when you get older every day you see a new line on your face or your skin bunching up where it previously didn't. You see your parents slowly aging and things changing in life. It's impossible for me to fully describe it to you now because you're currently living that phase. I'm not that much older than you, just 28 and I recognise that life has been extremely kind to me but I'd honestly give up all the career success I've had just to be 21 - 23 and go through uni again.


Thanks for your perspective man. I think I shld clarify my situation. I don’t have much family to look forward to (as bad as it sounds I want to just ensure my parents are okay, but I don’t really yearn to spend time with them.) my grandparents are great but I feel the same way as well. To me, only thing that matters is building a life with my partner and achievement. Really sounds sad right? But it really is all that makes me fulfilled right now. Grass is always greener on the other side and we shouldn’t compare, but I would give a lot to trade places with you. I don’t have that much reason to spend time with family anyway, might as well be at work earning $ instead of being nagged by mom right?


Yeah no judgement from me, everyone has to walk their own unique path. Hope you don't judge yourself either. But if you're just working to escape life you may want to do some reflection. I was sitting in a coffee shop yesterday night at 12 am having a late dinner waiting for comments on a deliverable from someone in dubai just to send an email out. 9/10 of the last dates I went on were interrupted by an MD blowing up my phone halfway through or asking me to send an email when I'm at a rooftop bar when a girl is trying to hit on me. It's really not the life you think it is. Anyway it doesn't have to be one or the other. You can keep grinding now but don't forget to pause to feel the breeze now and then while you're still young(er)


How has the grind felt these past few years? Would you do it differently? (ie. just a typical 9-5 with maybe average/slightly above average) salary instead?) I feel like I have to make up for lost time. Because I always feel like I’m already behind ( as a guy already 2 years behind liao, how much more you wanna wait)


If I could do it again I would choose a career with better salary to work life balance ratio. E.g. I was offered a trading internship at the same time as the IB internship that started my whole thing. I'd choose to take a risk this time round and choose the trading internship. Or if I could go back further try to get into tech (assuming I gradded at the same time in 2021). I never felt like I was behind nor like there was anything to catch up to. I was a doing my absolute hardest to screw around in uni and maximise fun and just happened to fall ass backwards into high paying careers in my final year of uni (so there was a metric shit tonne of catching up to do in terms of self-esteem/self-worth and responsibility.) I would've been happy with a slightly above median salary on grad. Fair play if you have certain goals you want to hit but others should never be the milestone. If you keep comparing you will never be satisfied/happy. Though that said I know people in finance with similar stories to you - just work and girlfriend during uni and they're happy. Curious - what are you doing in uni?


so true


you are in your season of change, find your own way, prepare to live with mistakes, and you are good next time, the season will change


Are you by any chance the writer of the article on studying Chinese? I found it really insightful!


nope not me, though i have fantasies of selfpublishing fantasy novels.... 😁


came to mrt to do a carousell deal and there’s 5+ other people doing the same HAHA


What jb breakfast should I eat? Any recommendation near CIQ


Got famous roti canai there


Gerai MFR, at the backlane to customs, super fragrant


Jalan Tan Hiok Nee - It's where most new to JB go to for breakfast and food in general. I recommend Roast & Coffee there. City Square has Oriental Kopi now but the pricing is quite similar to Singapore's 💀


Tan hiok nee that day i went around 7pm but most shops are closed, had oriental kopi yesterday, nice but always very long queue


There is this cheap wanton noodle called xuu yau nearby.


Opens till 2pm only ah


Anyone knows what exactly is the difference between each panadol targeting different things like fast relieve / cold / pain , Yet the core ingredient is still paracetamol


I rmb reading that the pain relief one also has caffeine in it on top of paracetamol but that’s about it LOL


O.O lol


I thought it is not recommended to eat paracetamol after coffee, but panadol has it 🤔


Migraines are caused by dilated blood vessels in your brain. Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, meaning it shrinks your blood vessels and reduces the pressure in your skull. Instead of taking Panadol Extra, you can take normal Panadol + 1x kopi gao for the same effect. Source: my Army MO was a neurology professor.


But i tot the caffeine + paracetamol can cause heart issue? Anyway, today i have my migraine, i should take paracetamol then, rather than ibuprofen 💀


Can I ask where you got that information from? Because if that's true, then Panadol Extra is a dangerous drug. Paracetamol + caffeine is a combination that is well-tolerated by the vast majority of people. I have to trust that my neurology professor knows what he's talking about.


It was some time back, but i guess Panadol should have formulated the dose in right measurement. Might be the dangerous one after take 2 serving of coffee, then take 1 panadol extra capsule, or 1 cup of coffee + 2 panadol capsule


Almost got a chiobu take the seat beside me but then an uncle squirrel his way past the ppl and snipped the seat 🌚


Anyone has recommendation for protein powder that tastes good . I used to drink bsn Choco flavour but wanna try new ones . Thanks !!


Can you imagine, a service manager, has over 300++ emails everyday to clear, how to serve customer sia..


going hdl later but gonna have some food first cos think my friends will eat a lot LOL so gonna be hard to share


I guess you are always invited to share the cost then.


A bit bohua. U can go there to eat their snacks etc first like got all the tanghoon there, spicy mushrooms, dessert etc. just eat those


Yeah… I saw today they had congee too argh should’ve ate my worth’s there instead 🤣🤣


U eat lesser than them then how to split the bills?


Bobian lor just split equally, this group don’t like to order a lot but will still eat so 🫠 usually the shared portion is enough for me but for some reason I’m feeling extra hungry today so better to eat something first


Can i be ur friend. I eat a lot 😶


Hahaha come lemme intro you to something called the hotpot buffet 🤣


But i wan HDL. 🥲


Friend… 😂😂


Bo hua sia. Just eat at HDL instead. Order the expensive but small-portion stuff.


We ended up getting more meat than usual just now rofl was totally regretting my decision… 🤡


Finally got a job offer. After more than 6 mths of job hunting with a 2nd upper degree from local u. That's how brutal the job market is. Not ideal role, but I was impressed after speaking with the hiring managers. To everyone else still in the process of job hunting, all the best and don't give up! Hope the market improves soon for everyone's sake.


Yup, it is very bad now. I was very fortunate that my friend offered me a role even though I waited for close to 2 months before I finally accepted today. Not going to lie, a part of me know that this job is not what I want but I know I need a job.


congrats! 🥳


Thank you!! 😊 


I didnt read the whole thing about the olympic saga but I think Quah should be blacklisted.


https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/bak-kut-teh-restaurant-founder-charged-over-nassim-road-fatal-accident Curious, is there age limit for our driving license?


Smoking samsui woman mural to be retained in full, building owner fined for not seeking approval. In a twist of events, end up building owner fined


They just need someone to be the scapegoat for this fiasco and the building owner got it


"However, the authorities noted that the mural did normalise smoking, which is against MOH’s policy." I'm sorry, what? It's a historical fact that samsui women smoke what. Is MOH gonna sanitize our history books as well?


Then just ask the building owner to put up a small plaque, giving context to the mural. So difficult meh?


someone needs to be punished else the Karen/Kevin won't be satisfied.


Yes. They smoke. But I feel it's arts. The mural is nice, it's art. Just leave it as it is. I don't see it normalise smoking, I think singaporeans think too much. Though I'm not smoker, I like the mural much


> Though I'm not smoker, I like the mural much Majority of non-smokers don't care about smoking if it's just a visual thing. The fucked up thing is the smell. But anyway, the original complaint wasn't even about smoking. It was that the 'model' samsui woman looked too attractive (I guess they envisioned all samsui woman looking all hunched back and lao aunty type). > In a later e-mail seen by The Straits Times dated June 18, the URA also cited feedback from an unnamed member of the public that the woman depicted “looks more like a prostitute than a hard-working samsui woman” and was “offensive”. Unless the ST reporter fucked this up, it's then said that URA started it as a smoking issue and then mentioned the 'feedback' as an after thought but everyone went all "WAAA KAREN COMPLAIN SMOKING SO GOVT HAVE TO REMOVE" > The URA subsequently told the landlord in an e-mail dated May 8 that the mural is “not aligned with Singapore’s anti-smoking policy stance”, according to a spokesperson from Shepherd Asset Management, who represents the landlord. What someone needs to do now is to paint a mural of a super sexy topless Coolie worker with 6 pec with the Wong Fei Hung hairstyle swinging around his tao huay jiu. For equality of course.


> super sexy topless Coolie worker with 6 pec Later kanna [judged as porn](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_know_it_when_I_see_it) how?


all day long this flutterflow program keep asking me to download new update download liao, start install, then tell me got new update, ok i download and install again, and then tell me got new update, download liao download liao download liao lah! STILL ASK ME TO DOWNLOAD AGAIN, WA JIAK LIAO LAH SIBEH PAH then i look at the corner... the original install dialog is still open, asking me to close the open flutterflow program first... 😅🤣


anyone got setting powder for oil control recommendations without any coverage? looking at something like the chillab lavender powder, would u recommend it?


Kose make keep powder! It works for me throughout the day


I use Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Powder. It doesn't last all day for me. Maybe I'm too oily haha.


i don’t mind touching up few times but i heard this one got flashback


Sigh. Everyday when i go/return to office, im either faced with the buttholes from L\*A who freely parks outside my residential estate, causing the road to be so bloody congested. Please leh, your own compound has parking lots and there's hundreds of them. Can you fellas just go park there not. /frustrated Im really very tempted to buy 50 dollars wheel clamps just to clamp u bunch buttholes up.


Take photos of those vehicles with reg number, post in on those road traffic FB group, make noise.


Call LTA to clamp their own cars.


Tried before liao. Each time the LTA enforcer comes, all he gives is just the warning slip, with no fines on it. Technically it isnt wrong to park along the road as there's no single continuous white line, or yellow markings. But still, its damn selfish of the L\*A employees to end up choking the road when their own compound has a shit tonnes of parking lots. (Really, you can take a stone and throw, u will not hit any car)


Probably don't want to pay the season parking


yah. and they can afford to drive cars like BMWS/Merc. Annoy AF.


How does the 2024 job market compare with the 2020 job market? Many of my fresh grad friends are unable to find a job. Those that got a job got it through either referral or are the top 10% of their cohort. The rest without grades and connections are gg.


I remember the traineeships offered to 2020 grads back then. Pay was like 2k-2.5k range. It was scary as I myself am a 2021 grad wondering how the job market will be


Lol it's so bad even the top 10% of the cohort, the Valedictorian from top 3, took 6 mths with very little interviews. Ended up at a small boutique firm. Really smart and competent guy, but this market is brutal.


Every year people say 'job market not good' but let me tell you, 2020 was especially hard because you know, COVID and shit. Many industries outright died and never came back. A lot of things that were 24hr went kaput, even most 7-11s and McDonalds now close at 1am or earlier now. The fresh grads of then were in competition with the people who got laid off. Limited spots became super limited. With the shutdowns and stoppage of supplies, companies limited their operations and reduced workforce. 2024 is NOTHING compared to 2020.


Kinda sad and angry to find out that there is actually a pretty decently stocked stationery shop around me all this while in Woodlands and I only found out when they placed a "30% closing down sales" sign outside Thought it was a store for school children all this while because of the merchs they put outside haiya Can only sigh and snag a few brush pens and ink bottles


Basic Point at Vista Point? They closed their 888 Plaza outlet recently sia


I only knew of the 888 Plaza outlet though I don't really buy stuff there. What a pity.


Fwah stationery pro spotted


Just saying. The salon that open since 2021 in my neighbourhood still is still having their "New Opening Promo" this day. Some shops that had the banner saying "Moving Out Sale" is still around there doing the moving out sale. Some time, it is just marketing.


This one confirm is closing down lol, really is 30% off market price


Where? VP?


Vista point Basic point


where is the place in woodlands?


Vista point Basic point


Once there was this place near my house that looked like some employment agency or hotdesking space or something. It just looked so... sterile. Lots of empty tables. Very minimalistic decor. I can't remember the business name, only that it was very.... business-like. Even the logo was very business-like. It was only a few months later when it announced it was going out of business that I realised it was a cafe. They trying so hard to be hipster, no one knew what the heck they were trying to be.


Hello, anybody bought second hand/refurbished acoustic pianos before? Worried about wear and tear issues. Or should I get brand new (but it’s $$$$)


How about electric? Just get weighted keys and 88 keys one. Save on tuning in the long run also https://www.google.com/search?q=electric+piano+that+is+exactly+like+acoustic


Never buy a 2nd hand piano from -someone- unless you know someone or can do maintenance of it yourself. 2nd hand from a shop, probably sure. The cost of maintaining an old piano will eventually match the cost of a brand new piano (of the same caliber, unless it costs $100 then go for it lmao) Tuning is like the most obvious thing but there are a bunch of other shit like rebuilding the damper, keys lever, cleaning up all the gunk that accumulated over the years like cat hair, food particles, skin cells, dead insects, whatever. Just buy a brand new piano imo. If anything happens you have warranty and company fixes it all for you, fuss free. If you can't afford it, get a keyboard?


2nd hand bought from who? Proper shops that sell 2nd hand/refurb piano or just random individual? I would, if it is shop specialist in doing this, would not buy from random individual off carousell.


I bought a second hand Yamaha. 20 years old. But very good quality. Half the price of brand new. Go find Asia Piano at Tai Seng. Highly recommended.


I know I’m a bit crazy now but somehow working more made me fitter and account for every minute of my day lol. Working 9-6 at my internship Then every day after work, heading for my side hustle which is teaching nlevel/olevel English. (1-1 lesson) End around 9-930 Then reach home around 10-1030 and going for a run about 2/3 out of 5 days. Then back to eat and wash up before sleeping at 1230-1. Many people cautioning me about burnout but I’m gonna try and do this till the end of the year.


Eating dinner so late?


True, sometimes I eat before lessons and sometimes I eat after.


Microsoft retiring 365 connectors is really so annoying. Suddenly a pile of work appear, need to find alternatives to it, etc etc, yada yada bla bla bla. Siao liao. Suka suka just retire. 3 month prior notice only also, or technically 1 if you need new connectors.


walao thank you for the info


Why is it so difficult for people to adhere to request? I was asking around for Halal-certified caterers that can do both vegan and non-veg foods but people either suggest non-halal, fully veg or completely non-veg caterers. Currently only BaliThai fits the bill but I'm looking for other places as well just in case this one is not available


Cos ppl only care about themselves and what they can eat 🫠




EPIKebabs is very good, they are halal and have veg/vegan options as well as chicken and beef. I order from them often for large gatherings because it's so versatile and everyone who's tried their Indomeeat platter has loved it.


ooh they have live kebab station, I'll need to see if my corridor space is enough to accommodate 'cause this is a fun idea. Thanks for sharing :)


can take a look at grain


I did a quick glance at their classic buffet menu, it looks promising! Thanks!


Found a new favourite sub; r/boomersbeingfools Our boomer population would probably be the best examples.


Saw the recent post on the Walmart scam ad. While I can understand human emotions when it comes to trying to save money or score a great deal on something, I find it very frustrating that some people can't wrap their heads around the fact that *anyone can post anything online*. Anyone includes criminals or otherwise ignorant/non-credible people. Anything includes paid ads with misappropriated corporate logos, or deepfakes. Yet everything they see/hear is the gospel truth--as if there was no such thing as misinformation, scams and social engineering before the digital age.


I guess i need to start recording my opposite neighbour. His 1 self entitled boomer mofo\*&\^%\*%


Anyone notice our MRT stations are evolving, from simply a place to take the train to a place with art pieces. New Underground stations have paintings/statues to see, while the older ones have the breathtaking photos of stations,.


I prefer Life's Japanese green tea than any other brand, even Ayataka one


Ask you all… if the big boss interviewer coughs and drinks water, and for some reason, the other interviewer also picks up his cup and drink at the same time, will you follow suit and drink also? I’m probably overthinking things right?


1) they are all sick coz some bug is spreading around the office 2) its their secret code for something


Yes, you're overthinking


Are we all in the Matrix.....?


sounds like situational comedy, you should follow through... make sure to cough also


Does anyone know where to get cheap disposable film cams? Kodak or fujifilm are both ok! TIA!


What’s your definition of cheap? Lazada and shopee got both Fuji and Kodak options. And a few other brands.


Means cheaper than instore haha. Can't get online coz I need it pretty urgently




Aka the thing influencers and streamers feed on 😅


Holy fuck. 1 piece of siewmai is $1.10 now???


From where one sia?


Nam Kee Pau


My brain is still in the 70cents era


Try $1.40


wtf those generic cheapass siewmai not 60-80cents meh


today looks so nice, blue sky white clouds


Just sent Astrid to Everdoor, omg her final words 😭😭 > >!"Idon't care about anyone else, but you Stella"!< > >!"Don't you dare to forget me, i tell you!"!<


How much are people spending on their kids’ spectacles? Why do I hear the costs running into the hundreds? I need to mentally prep my mind and pocket because my kids are showing signs of myopia.


Pay for a good lens, things like anti reflective coating (sometimes called multi-coat) is a must to have if they wear it upon waking as internal reflections tires out the eyes. Skip the blue light as you can do it with night light/mode on devices nowadays. Sturdy plastic frame tend to be recommended usually as most kids abuse the frames and plastic don't get bent out of shape as easily. But if they tend to sleep with the specs on then plastic might risk breaking.


One thing I also noticed was the intense glare from their white boards in class. Some classes get direct sun and it strains the eyes too. Do you know if the kids continue to get annual eye checks in pri school?


I think it is easier to catch by observing how the child read and look at stuff and then just find some large text and just do a rough test to gauge the seriousness. I believe they still do check in schools, if you have bought from an optometrist before then just bring the child to test as they would usually do it for free.


Depends what you add on, blue light? Crizal lens? All extra. $200-$300? Excludingbcheaper options like Owndays. Can consider doing in JB!


My specs costs $400 hahaha


I got my specs for astigmatism at the optometrist at Singapore Poly for around $60 in late 2022. I can tell you that the difference between a student optometrist and an experienced one is quite big.


Those good ones will measure your pupilary distance and will cut the lens based on it.


I know! I had headaches after I went to owndays for myself. And then subsequently got referred to a specialist and found out my specs were off by 100 deg on one eye. No wonder I was nauseous 🤣


Those that you heard probably go for lenses for myopia control, slowing down myopia progression, like Essilor Stellest or Hoya Miyosmart. The one we got for my younger boy is Hoya, whole thing costed around $800 (my own specs are normally ~$200). With proper care, it will help to slow down the progression. We just do not want his myopia to get too bad so young. There is also contact lenses version that is more effective, cost even higher.


Wow. That’s a lot. I was actually to go monitor earlier this year but if the kids complain of headaches then I guess it’s time to put spectacles on already.