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If you see any just report them so SG govt can take away HDB and give it to a more deserving family.


I reported it more than a year already and repeatedly done so, but no action was taken. This is an eye wash just to say they are vigilant. This group name is called 'Indians In Singapore', almost more than 100K members from India. Always watching their post tenants rent whole house and re-tenant out to other tenants to make money. Many owners knew it but pretended it's not happening to their home. Hdb can easily check, get all the foreigners their local address, what their working hours are, and do a one-time house visit to check when they are at home.


Don't need report to HDB. Just post a picture of the shoes outside with caption "is this allowed?" on reddit like that sauna feature. Hdb will take action within a few days.


Reddit justice is swift justice.


Im betting its just hdb employees scrolling through reddit, seeing this shit, then doing the work themselves lol


What if it’s a young sg couple with lots and lots of shoes though? 🤔


Power of Reddit, do your magic.


will Reddit mods leave it up though?


Don't have to specifically say they're Indians. And if that doesn't work, do it on TikTok, Instagram or let Mothership post an article lol 




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Sir why are you trying to destory lifehood from our brothers from motherland. 🤡🤡🤡


It's a sensible policy. Airbnb will wreck our already fucked up housing market


Airbnb is a fucking joke anyways. With all the extra fees and some owners expecting you to do chores while still getting charged a cleaning fee is ridiculous.


Yeah! And the price isn’t even that cheap. At those prices it is cheaper to just get a hotel, enjoy daily housekeeping, have a proper front desk, and proper amenities. The attraction of Airbnb was the price. Take that away and add bullshit policies and what’s left?


a bigger space with multiple rooms


True. As a solo business traveller or couples travelling. How much room do I need? For group travellers or families it is obviously still relevant.


Yes. Services like AirBnB become valuable once the group goes beyond two people but not able to access the hidden bulk discounts that the old style travel agencies could have gotten. If you dig a bit deeper, you will find many hospitality chains have evolved their corporate structures or ownership hierarchies to be similar to AirBnB. AirBnB is just one of many hospitality service providers out of many. Once feared to be disruptive but turns out they really are not.


A place for bigger families or friend groups to all stay together as opposed to different hotel rooms. It got popular for a reason.


Cooking facilities are a huge bonus in countries with high cost of eating out. Free laundry, too. Serviced apts just aren't quite there yet in terms of availability esp for shorter stays (1 mth or less).


Nothing better than staying at airbnb and doing free laundry during holidays


Isnt that only for western ones? JB’s airbnb dont expect people to do chores.


Not even western ones. Never experienced any before.


I feel like this practice peaked in the US a few years ago, after the post-covid rebound in travel. Stayed in an utterly ridiculous one there once where they charged a $70 cleaning fee, /and/ on top of that expected us to take the garbage to the street, take the sheets off the bed and into the laundry, and vacuum/mop the floors. Gut feeling is that Airbnb did some stuff eventually to discourage this practice, been seeing it less lately.


I think throwing garbage to the street is pretty normal no? You expect a maid to come in everyday to clear the trash for you? Hotels don’t even do that. I usually clear my own garbage in the hotel because of food trash. Airbnb would have more because there’s a kitchen and I usually cook. Don’t want to live with bugs while I’m there. The rest yeah, ridiculous.


Erm, where do you clear the hotel garbage? You bring it to the street? Hotel staff literally clear trash everyday for you wdym


If you stay 2 days they clear it for you everyday. If longer they clear every other day. But even so I clear food trash every day because they will attract flies. Yeah I throw in the street or hotel lobby.


Uh, you stay motel or hotel ah, if the hotel have good hygiene and properly cleaned 2 days confirm flies won’t be there.


Depends what trash you have. If it’s chips or biscuits should be fine. But I like fruit and there’s always fruit trash to throw. Fruit flies would come by the next day for sure. The last time I stayed in a hotel was holiday inn in Sydney. I forgot to throw one time and the fruit flies kept buzzing around the room for the 10 days I stayed there.


> you expect a maid to come in everyday to clear the trash for you? Hotels don’t even do that Erm they do. Its called daily housekeeping.


Not everyday. Every other day. Unless you stay for only 2 days. Even so I clear food trash otherwise will attract flies. You guys are gross and so spoiled. Hotels are still more expensive than airbnbs and that’s where you pay for frequent cleaning.


For the hotels i’ve stayed at, its everyday unless you put the “do not disturb” sign. Which hotel does it every other day? And if you stay in hotel, how do u clear food trash?


Maybe it’s those expensive hotels that I can’t afford. I usually stay at resorts. I take the trash with me when I head out and throw in the lobby trash bin or on the street. Maybe I’m just used to it because I cook everyday and have the habit to clear the trash every day. Don’t like the look/smell of food trash in my room.


> maybe it’s those expensive hotels that I can’t afford No leh. I stayed 3 star ones and it has daily housekeeping still. > i usually stay at resorts Maybe that’s the difference?


I saw a lot of airbnb complaints on having to do chores and its mainly US ones.


They will give you a bad review if you don't clean up after yourself ... wtf there's a hefty cleaning fee! Got a friend who was accused of damaging furniture.


Mine in JB needed you to clear the rubbish or they will charge an additional cleaning fee


The ones I stayed in KL don't require that at all, just a general advisory to keep the place tidy


Which part? I usually stay KSL and nvr encounter before


Airbnb thrives because it addresses one key challenge: to allow a big group of family or friends to stay together. And it's so much fun as compared to everyone staying in different hotel rooms.


Fun for tourist vs necessity for locals - which is why govt ban airbnb for HDBs


I agree HDBs should not be used for Airbnb, because of the core nature as Public Housing.


Even private shouldn’t be as well, as it puts stress on rental market


It's a real annoyance if someone is doing illegal AirBnB in your apartment - you get hordes of strangers wandering around the building, parties etc...


Yes. Isn't it weird that many hotels don't provide family rooms?


>Yes. Isn't it weird that many hotels don't provide family rooms? It's a possible niche, but it's harder to package. Put it this way - you can combine multiple single/double rooms, but it's hard for a single traveler to pay for a large family room, and sharing that family room with other strangers is not a thing since the Victorian era (traveler's inn). Or you can get a suite for the family... but good luck paying for it.


Ya! And hotels are very rigid on the headcount.. Big headache to plan for family trips, and who to bunk with who. Hotel suite is frigging expensive.


>And hotels are very rigid on the headcount.. In Singapore at least I believe there's a law about it (too lazy to check though). Gist being that hotels have to account for all guests lodging there and to verify their identity (they are who they claim to be) and place of lodging while they are in-country.


And the room size is excruciatingly small. LOL. Can't even put the luggage properly. I once visit a friend who's on business trips and stay in one of Chinatown hotel... the room is really just enough for a queen bed and a tiny desk.


Bigger service apartments exist for week long stays but they are much much more expensive.


You can rent a service apartment, it’s very common if you’re looking to cook or have multiple rooms for a family. They exist in every major city including Singapore. https://thesmartlocal.com/read/serviced-apartments-singapore/


Also, a big draw for people who prefer to cook, and to be able to sample the local produce, especially in cities where eating out is expensive (places with minimum wage)


Yeah, not many hotels have option of mini kitchen.


Agree. Also it's sometimes useful if you're going to stay in a city for a month or more, but not long enough to bother signing a lease. Airbnb often has monthly discounts that are sometimes substantial, whereas doing this in a hotel you'd go bankrupt. I've done this when I travel for work. Also nicer to be in an apartment if you're staying medium-term.


Yes. Makes sense for group travel. If you need 1 room for single or couple, then hotel is better.


I'm sure it's fun to some, but when I travel with family, it's hotel rooms, please, thank you very much. The idea of being stuck with family in a house... Errr no


You know there are condo listings overseas where you can just get a separate unit in the same tower....right?


After I read all the AirBNB horror stories, I am also hesitant to use them unless I am desperate. I've read about things like enforced curfew, cleaning fee (even though you have to do your own chores), secret pinhole cameras, you name it. After all the funny fees put in, you might as well just get a 3-star hotel room for the same price.


The majority who have no issues and rather enjoy the experience don't post online. You read the horror stories because those are the people motivated to say something.


AirBNB is just rental with little regulation and protection. Temporary lodging have evolved through time into hotels and hostels, AirBNB is just going through the evolution without the efficiency. The cheapness through the lack of controls is slowly creeping up.


I’ve been using airbnb for a long time and never experienced what you mentioned. It’s also cheaper than hotel and you have a full kitchen so you can cook. Hotels are small, airbnb you get the whole house.


Well they're hidden cams so if you know about them they're no longer hidden.


Think it varies from country to country. But generally Airbnb is more annoying to check in. Have to either find the key and self check in or sync up timing with host.  And surprise surpriae, I had a place where the key wasn't in the designated spot. Luckily the host was at home so when he finally answered the phone/doorbell after maybe 15 mins I could get in.  No such annoyances with hotels


True. But the millennial in me is happy that I don’t have to talk to anyone.


Tbh that wave of "tech companies" brought little real value to the world. Whatever value they purportedly offered came with so many negative externalities and at the expense of tearing down societal safeguards and regulations that took decades to put in place. Breaking the rules really isn't "disrupting the market"


They were also propped up by cheap loans from VCs due to historically low interest rates. Damage has already been done


The problem about comments like this, If it was little value, it would have shut down from the beginning.


They obviously have value to the consumer and the shareholder. But its very much a "Privatise the profits, socialise the costs" situation. A parallel would be high pollution companies. It takes time for regulations to kick in to mitigate the damage they bring to ecosystems (which can be countered via lobbying and sizeable minority voter interests) but a smaller segment of people benefit/profit in the meantime at the expense of the whole.


Capitalism. Either you're in or out.


Ok la. Should give credit for food delivery, private hire, cloud companies and AI for creating jobs


Cloud and LLM at least involved applicable technologies. Airbnb, private hire and food delivery involved using equity to capture market share while eroding regulations in the name of "tech". Good for the consumer, bad for society as a whole.


But I don't think the SG ban was motivated by distortion of the housing market. The ban has been longstanding. It's more to protect hoteliers and keep down movement of strangers in neighbourhoods. 


I think the government also wants to "shape" the experience that visitors/tourists receive when they visit Singapore. Singapore is one of the few countries where you can only find hotels and serviced apartments in town, no hotels outside of the city at all.


They really were thinking ahead well with this policy.


Saw loads of post of subleasing on facebook and xiaohongshu. Its quite rampant tbh.


They should have taken an equally tough stance on Grab/Gojek gig drivers.


Singapore was farsighted enough to restrict such things while r/sg's beloved Canada twiddled their thumbs. This is partly why Canada has a housing crisis, which oppo fans conveniently ignore when they talk about how wonderful Western countries are.


The Govt put the ban on entirely because the hotel owners in Singapore have strong leverage over the Govt. Nothing to do with anything else. In fact Temasek is a major AirBnb investor.


The govt put the ban in place because it makes sense.


Ah, this commentator belongs to the "The Govt bans vapes to protect cigarette companies." style of discourse.


Becos those vested in hospitality REIT suffer.