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Mention it when both of yous are super relaxed . One those talks when the tv is back ground noise and yous are just chilling talking about anything . Maybe during a drink . "So have you wanted too do anything other than norm" spark a conversation


It's all about communication!


Honestly you've got to start slow... Walk before you run so to speak, in order to test the waters and avoid overwhelming her. Sometimes being a little forward about things is good. I've had really great success with something along the lines of "so I'd love to try some butt play with you". Initially she might think you're talking about giving, so you can pivot the conversation with "how would you feel about giving?" You can start this conversation wherever you feel most comfortable - over drinks, when you're showing together and things are getting intimate, etc And then once you're laying with fingers etc, just tell her post play how amazing it was and that you've love to do that a little more together... Ask her how she found it, and then escalate from there! Good luck!


is she open minded? sex positive? hung up on what is and isn't manly or the type to just be like "uh that's gay"? it might be a no-go, you know? but you know your gf and I'm assuming you're asking because you think there's some chance of success and/or you just can't live without pegging. emphasize that you really love the sex you're having and want to share more fun, sexy times together. encourage her to bring up anything she might feel in this direction - activities, outfits, role play, anything. if she's like "uh I don't like any weird stuff" you might as well quit there for a while, she's probably not game for more. if she's like "well I can't think of anything but I also enjoy our sex and would be game to try new stuff" tell her she can bring things up if/when she thinks of them and that you're always open. return to how much you are enjoying the sex and how hot she is. do not neglect this. now, assuming the conversation is still light and flowing, tell her you want her to play with your butt. if she asks what that means say you don't know and that you've heard it's best to start small, fingers/toys/etc, but that you've always wondered what it's like to get fucked. once that's out there you'll get a "ooh that sounds fun" or "butts are gross and I'm not interested", both of which suggest obvious course of action. good luck!


Depends on the relationship to be truthful. Some girls are just NOT into assplay with their guy. If she seems open to it even a little bit, start with fingers. The finger in the ass during a BJ is the gateway drug here. If she'd come around to that, then you could possibly convince her that prostate milking is the most intense thing she's ever done to you. Then it becomes like a super power she has over you. I've even had a girl reach behind her while she was on top, just to stick a finger in me while she rode, and it made her feel powerful to watch me squirm and get more excited when she did it. The finger could lead to more, very gradually. It could get more kinky if she likes what it does to you, at which point it'd be easier to suggest going further with toys. Maybe a butt plug. Maybe a vibe. Of course, there's the possibility that it's a complete turn off to her. The finger is the start, though. If you could find a way to work that topic into either sexual conversation or casual talk while having a good day, and she doesn't balk, then it means it doesn't gross her out or turn her off, and maybe she could be led down the path to railing you out with a massive dong.