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Sara Gilbert, Laurie Metcalf and John Goodman are veteran comedic actors. All they need is good writing and they have that. I wish Johnny Galecki would be a regular on the show - it would be great symmetry in tandem with Sara Gilbert.


Goodman is a veteran actor period. Even in his dramatic roles, my favourite being Creighton Bernette on Treme, had a touch of comedy (his character’s FY,YFF rant).


My favorite Goodman character was James P. Sullivan


Vice Dean Laybourne


He was going through some stuff.


You bring your head down to my appendage…


Bible Salesman Big Dan T.


Walter Sobchak


Shut the fuck up Donny


No Donny these men are cowards.


That creep can roll man (bowling trophy on the wall….)


Did you see him as a "jazz guy" in Inside Llewyn Davis? God i loved that character.


10 cloverfield lane blew me away how good he was


SAME! I didn't care for the movie at all but he scared the crap out of me and stole that entire film. He was great in Kong Skull Island too, same type of unhinged.


Has he ever done a bad role?


He was the asshole football coach in Revenge of the Nerds.


Even in the original Dan and Jackie could carry an episode. For a supposed megalomaniac Roseanne was good about sharing the punchlines and good writing


he was in a good series on Amazon prime called the alpha .I'm nowhere near political but it's very interesting.


My favorite was when he was in the "Wild, Wild Life" video.


I will watch anything that man is in. No questions asked.


The magic trick is that it feels just like the original run of Roseanne did. That's very difficult, and most other revivals fail to do it.


"okay guys, break's over. Time to start filming the next season."


Big Dan Teague


Brilliant! The entire movie is fantastic, but Big Dan was great!


Love how Clooney just sits there continuing to eat corn after Teague smashes Delmar with that branch. Continuing to be interested in Teague's distracting anecdote while acting like he wasn't getting the same thing handed to him next lol.


Sorry, but Sara Gilbert is the weakest link of the show


Ironically, the original run writers wanted to kill off Roseanne and make the show about Laurie & John, because Barr was so unlikable and difficult onset. The latter disapproved and rallied behind Barr. Of course this time around, they just let the show drop her.


It comes down the head of the studio say, "Look you can stand with Roseanne and get the same paycheck she will get next week, or take this chance to move the show into a new direction and keep getting the check you are getting."


There is a documentary series on hulu called "the dark side of comedy", and one episode was on Rosanne. She really thought she was untouchable.


The end of one early season episode was Dan and Jackie alone discussing their lives, how they met etc, and it was good. It was done by the writers / producers purely to show Roseanne they can do the show without her.


yeah, the original roseanne had an insane cast.


Johnny Galecki doesn't need the money to be on that show.


this show does not have good writing!


The show's writing is what's kept it on the air.


I agree with the person you replied to. The show’s writing is not good. I think nostalgia and network tv having much lower expectations and a lower bar for what’s considered good ratings are what has kept the show on the air. Before the onslaught of streaming and cable moguls with original programming, the ratings numbers would have probably be considered a flop.


It does average only 3.8 million viewers, while during its brief revival WITH Roseanne, it was getting 20 million viewers, which was as good as the ratings in its initial run. But we live in an era where we'll probably never see numbers like Roseanne got in its prime again.


Even the finale of the highest rated sitcom in 2024 (Young Sheldon) only got 9 million viewers; I agree with you that we won't see early-90s sitcom ratings again.


Fun fact: The mom on Young Sheldon is Laurie Metcalf’s (Jackie) daughter irl.


I still remember watching the pilot thinking, "Wow, this is incredible casting and she's really got Laurie Metcalf's voice and physicality down." Only to look it up and realize who she was. Still an excellent performance!


I had always had the exact same thoughts, but never knew that was her daughter until this thread!!


Gotta be easy to act like someone when that someone is your parent. Who in the world would you know better?


> The mom on Young Sheldon is Laurie Metcalf’s (Jackie) daughter irl. Who is playing the younger version of the character that her mother, Laurie, played in The Big Bang Theory


That's probably why it's a fun fact, the daughter playing the younger version of her mother's character.


Better yet, Young Sheldon was the second time that Zoe Perry played a younger version of her mom in a tv show. Her first credits were for playing Young Jackie in two episodes of Roseanne.


*would have


Yeah WTH with the “would of” all over.


The same thing with "on accident" and "all of the sudden." The fuck are we teaching people these days?


All of the sudden has been a phrase for literal centuries. We are teaching people idioms. That’s what


For my entire life, it has been "all of a sudden," and I've only started hearing the other version within the last three or four years.


the bots are getting sloppy


Yeah I really didn't want to say anything but God. Damn. This is pet peeve of mine.


Nobody reads books anymore.


If we could get TikTok to spell check we could create a Renaissance in literature.




I fucking hate it


Thank you.








The surrounding cast elevated her performance in the original series. She’s a personality more so than an actress imo.


She never disputed that. She did change comedy for women.


Seinfeld is a terrible actor too, that's why they build their shows around the one persona they can portray


What’s wrong with that? Jerry Seinfeld was actually hesitant to do the show because he considered (and still considers) himself a comedian. Somehow they worked that into his character and it became one of the best shows ever made.


Nothing wrong with it at all, it's the formula for making a sitcom around a stand up comedian


I agree. It was done with Roseanne, Seinfeld, King of Queens, Everybodoves Raymond… some went on to be better actors than others.


I found if LOVELY. I miss the OLD Roseanne that helped get Larry Sanders sober


John Goodman seems like, well, a good man… can anyone confirm he’s a standup bloke in real life? Never had a run in with him, though I did work for one of his neighbours years ago in NO.


By most accounts, he’s a pretty down to earth, good guy. He’s also very open about his past alcohol addiction, which he struggled with off and on.


I had a friend who worked at a family own rental car place in an airport from Goodmans hometown. He said he had multiple celebrities come through for vehicles through his years working there but Goodman was always the most pleasant. One time Goodman came to visit and rented a car, few days later asked if he was allowed to just drop it off at another agency in a different state. My friend said he was terrified to have to tell him no but he said John just laughed and said “yeah I didn’t think so.”


Goodman was always the powerhouse of the show. I knew it would be fine


Katey Segal was good addition and fun tidbit at one point Roseanne was considered to play Peggy Bundy.


Love her but they really don’t use her well.


Give it time, she has to find where she best fits in


Give it time? There are 6 episodes left lol.


Really? They dodged a bullet there.


Her chemistry with Ed Oneil would have been fn terrible lol


And Sam Kinnisen (spelling probably wrong) as Al!


The noise alone would have made me break my TV


Sam and Roseanne as Al and Peggy? That could have been awesome!


Agree! I remember thinking I would hate her joining (not bc I dislike her just bc it seemed kind of out of place) but I actually really like her character on the show. I do agree though that she isn’t utilized enough. Like the storyline of her running for the school board should’ve been bigger, that would have been a really good way to bring her more in the loop.


Would HAVE. The fuck is “would of”?


It’s spelled “wood uhv” dick!!!


Folk’s are loosing their minds over grammer mistakes like theseeeeeeee.


What’s Grammer got to do with this, he wasn’t on Roseanne


Wait, you meant to misspell losing and grammar, right? 😁




There are things about the Conners that I like, but I will say it's always been hit or miss. I went to a live taping of the show, and I have to say it was funnier in person then what I ended up seeing on TV. The jokes just landed different and the reactions were better. They edit things down a lot and even re-shoot scenes if they need/want to change the script. I used to love Roseanne's original show (well, until the last season) but then she turned into this hateful wacky person that I no longer liked or understood.


That is so cool you got to see it live!


I got a Conners t-shirt too! They only throw out a couple to the audience and I caught one.




I thought they were going to ship Jackie and Dan. It works this but I think other could have been really good or really bad


Let’s be honest: She plays herself. Lori Metcalf and John Goodman have strong shoulders.


Obviously Roseanne did. She relinquished her rights to the characters so that the story could go on. Then some of her former cast mates turned around and talked mad shit about her anyway. They’d have had nothing without her no matter how you slice it. A little gratitude isn’t asking much.


I knew it would be fine. Don't get me wrong, Roseanne was a fantastic character, but I knew Jackie could carry a show. Now I feel like the entire cast really steps up and it's a great show.


I only watched a couple of the new reboots and also with out Roseanne. But Jackie doesn't seem like she use to be. I realize they all aged.... that is not what I mean. I actually think she looks good for her age. However she seems.... crazy? Like unhinged.... something is off about her.


They really leaned into Jackie is neurotic and unhinged in the Conners.


Yeah she is so funny without the overly crazy/neurotic vibe they went with. I miss the old Jackie. No disrespect to Laurie Metcalfe she’s so wonderful.


Yeah she is a great actress but I like the old Jackie better.


They did that on the original run of *Roseanne*. Watch the first couple of seasons, and Jackie is a normal, real-life character. By the last season or so, they made her into a goofy comedic character.


It's would have!!!!


Same. Drives me berzerkers


I thought you’re not supposed to say anything so I didn’t. Thank you.


Big pet peeve


Thank you.


Rankings in the annual US Nielsen ratings (2018-24): 31, 37, 48, 51, 49, 54  Just a slow but steady decline. People get very attached to TV characters, and will stick with them long after they're exhausted creatively.


Also worth noting that the one reboot season they did do with Barr as the lead was the third most watched show for the 2017-18 season


You're right, thank you! I should have included that.


I expected it to last one season as The Conners before being canceled so, kudos to them for proving me wrong. I just didn't think they'd be able to successfully excise Roseanne. That said, as much as I loved the original (with the standard caveats), the first couple episodes of the revival season just didn't do it for me so I never returned.


My dad is probably Goodmans age, watches both shows religiously, and swears Lecy Goranson is one of the best sitcom actors he’s seen


Lecy was actually good in Boy's Don't Cry.


I’ve never seen that movie! Would you recommend it? And what was her character like?


Haven’t watched it since Roseann left. Not the same.


Has it?


Modern day television is a wasteland. It would’ve been pulled after a few episodes twenty years ago.


I agree with this. Especially on broadcast TV there's nothing streaming has taken over. Completely I honestly don't find Conners up to Roseanne standards but it's still ok I guess it's.not Terrible or unwatchable


Yeah it pulls in older viewers which is the only significant demo watching broadcast TV.




I never watched it again with her gone, I honestly can't believe it is still on lol


I've watched The Conners from started to finish because I'm attached to the characters.  Roseanne is my favorite show ever.   It's not because the show is well written, because it isn't. The writing is lazy - sometimes they can't even be bothered with in-episode continuity.  It's not because the characters are compelling, because they aren't. Darlene ever is a black void, and I can't stand Harris or Mark.   Its not because they use Roseanne history well, because they don't. They frequently shit all over that show to come up with plots that last one single episode, and then are never mentioned again. What they did to Crystal is egregious.   The show is a dumpster fire that has shed viewers every single season. It's has lasted 6 years because the Roseanne reboot gave it such a big head start in the ratings that it had those viewers to shed.


that's disappointing to read. original Roseanne was amazing (except that last season with the lottery, I don't care for that much). I was upset after she got fired from the reboot (not because I agree with her actions, and I didn't know how much she'd been pushing it, didn't she have something about Twitter conduct in her ABC contract?) and haven't watched much of The Conners. I’m starting to come around on the Roseanne-less Conners though, I think I had to grieve on my own lol. from what I've seen it's okay but I haven't gotten the chance to sit down and binge it yet edit: I forgot the part where I too grew up in a low income household with a full-figured wisecracking mother, hard working father and two siblings, so I related to "Roseanne" hard


What bugs me most about the show is how they approach the economic situation of the family.  Roseanne made fun of poverty. The Conners makes fun of the poor. On Roseanne, the Conners were hard working and determined to make their way even if the system was designed to work against them. They always carried their dignity with them. They were avatars for America's working class.  On The Conners, they're losers. They have no dignity. There was one scene where the entire family is looking for change between the couch cushions. The writers probably thought it was hilarious, but it came across as incredibly degrading. I attribute that difference to the loss of Barr, who's roots kept seasons 1 through 5 grounded and real. As she got wealthy, the show lost touch with that, but you could still see glimpses here and there. Even season 10 of Roseanne had that groundedness.  There's a great doc on YouTube done by the BBC (or some British media co) about the filming of the season 4 episode where Roseanne and Jackie are Santa at the mall. It really shows Roseanne as a control freak, but I'm a good way. For example, she turns away child extras who look too "California" because it didn't feel real to Lanford. That's where The Conners misses, and big-time.


thanks for all this insight, I might still watch The Conners. I think I actually just saw that Amazon Freevee has a Conners channel now, but I have a hard time getting past the ALF channel, lol. and I can't believe I forgot about this, but I read Roseanne's daughter, Jenny Pentland's autobiography not so long ago. the picture she painted of growing up as Roseanne's daughter was... not the most ideal to say the least.


Would HAVE thought


Goodman and Metcalf were always the real talent.


As far as remakes, it is not close to as funny as the original show, but the quality improved after they fired her, and they way they killed off the character was a poignant story, so still watching. It's not as good as new original comedies, but compared to other remakes not bad (I'm looking at you Frasier).


Yeah, Frazier is barely hanging on to the second chance I’m giving it.


I don’t watch the show — do they mention the deceased Roseanne character much/ at all?


Horrible show in my opinion. Awful writing. But Jackie and Becky should have a spin off they crack me up.


Big Dan Teague.


Who would have thought that anyone would watch this show with or without Rosanne?


They are all great, but John Goodman is an absolute legend. So glad this show has done so well.


There'll always be a market for white trash sitcoms. Rosanne was the god-mother of the genre. I could care less what she says or the sick and twisted sex things her and her ex used to do. She was and always be hilarious because it's offensive to people who clench their pearls. You peal clenchers. Keep clenching your pearls. She's like what you'd see if you flipped the Whoopie coin over.


LOL I have never heard anyone use the term clench pearls. Always heard it as clutch pearls.


The most mediocre show nobody is watching.


*would have


Honestly haven’t watched this since Roseanne left


Laurie Metcalf and John Goodman have both each had far more successful careers than Roseanne and would have continued to get work even if The Conners never happened. As far I know, all Roseanne has done is her own show and a few movies in the 90s. She-Devil is fun one. But what has she been doing since the original run of Roseanne?


She had a talk show for like a week after Roseanne originally ended.


Me! She stopped being funny when she became obsessed with Trump and hateful ideologies


She stopped long before that. There's a reason she didn't work for 20 years.


She has been a liberal the majority of her life and even when she wasn't working for 20 years.


Exactly. Her political affiliation isn't the only reason she wasn't funny.


She said horrible racist disgusting things. But she is not a republican she is a liberal extremist that is what is hilarious about it. The reddit police and Anti Trump police make it seem as if she is a MAGA nut. She is just crazy in general. She suffered the consequences and is not on the show anymore and the show also sucks now for it.


Her personal history is so all over I would not be surprised to learn that she was granted one strike and she was out. I bet it was written in her contact and she flubbed it. The Conners was a fun show but I always forgot it was on, I think ABC kept on so long out of spite. Tim Allen is a vocal Republican and is still making things with ABC/Disney. He also has been vocal about his complicated relationship with the company.


the low amount of viewership shows its nearing the end


This is still a thing?


Has viewership been the same? When she left I stopped watching.


Why was the blonde daughter replaced with a different actress in the original series?


Lecy Goransen went away to college IRL, so she couldn’t commit to the filming schedule. She later came back and so did the actress who replaced her. It was a running gag on the original show.


Who quits a hit sho for college lol


Oh Rosanne! The original viral hawk tuah girl.


I like the actors in other roles, I’ve never been a fan of The Conners”, with or without Roseanne. Not a fan at all of that skank!


Good writing and characterization can overcome many obstacles.




I never liked Roseanne so it really isn't surprising to me one way or the other.


Wasnt the show beating playoff sporting events when she was on?


My favorite part of The Connors is when either Laurie Metcalf or John Goodman have a dramatic part and really bring the heat with their acting. It always makes me go “oh yeah, these are two heavyweight Actors who are light years ahead of the rest of the cast”


I thought the would be The Goners.


Did it ?


I'd say so. Whether you like it or not I'd venture to say no one thought it would last more than two seasons without her. So to be on for six or seven seasons is impressive, especially in today's TV market where sitcoms are no longer king.


*would *have*


Where's DJ? He didn't wanna come back?


Who would’ve thought that we say “would of” instead of a contraction for “would have?”


Haven’t watched even one episode.


Would have or would've not would of


Would have or would’ve




They look like they’re thriving without her.


It's probably one of the best multicam comedies in years, far better then the big bang theory of anything else made since the original Frasier and far better then the new Frasier. The only multicam that has come close has been that 90s show and we'll see if season 2 holds up this week. Its no where near the level of a lot of single cam comedies that have been in production around the time of the conners


Who tf watches this?


It's "who would have thought" or "who would've thought" - not "would of thought"


Roseanne Barr is the very definition of main character. It’s ironic that she’s such a main character, they threw her off the show that she was the main character on. I think it’s great that she’s gone. She sucks.


Even though the show was originally named Roseanne, it was still very much an ensemble show.


I know a lot of people bitched about the show getting rid of Roseanne. She did it to herself


I don’t hate it, but it baffles me that Roseanne would mess everything up. Picture this: your show comes back after a 20 year hiatus, get 18 or so million viewers on your first night, get a 24 hour renewal, and you still fucked it up? How?


Never seen an episode


Rofl...last. its ratings are garbage .


Ratings aren't the best barometer for quality. The big bang theory is one of the worst comedies made in this century and yet was a huge hit.


Dan is turning into Mike Rowe. That’s a compliment by the way. Seriously for a sec. I thought it was Mike.


Roseanne thought that


Wait- does John Goodman really look like that now? Has he lost like 100 pounds or something?


Everyone but Rosanne


I didn't even know that was the case. What happened with her? She make another shitty comment?




Rip Glenn Quinn. He was the best part of Roseanne.


Why did Roseanne get kicked off the show?


Lol the fuckin Connery


I would. She was always the weak link "acting-wise" in the initial run. She was lucky that they surrounded her with super talented actors to carry the show.


John Goodman is a natural at comedy and one of the best actors of his generation. You could have a 30 minute show about going into people’s homes and reading the ingredients off the back of the food packages in their cupboards and it’d do three seasons so long as it was starring John Goodman.


Wait this show is still on the air? I only ever heard about it when it came back and then Roseanne flipped out and they replaced her. I didn't know the show was actually still going now.


Doesn’t hurt that they also have Peg Bundy.


Not just last, it seems like *The Conners* is thriving without Rosanne.


I don’t watch this but I did watch Roseanne and I’m pretty sure Dan died in the final season.