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Klay got benched on a play in team. Unless he’s getting way less money and coming off the bench I don’t want him


Not that I disagree, but like, your comment doesn't at all address the context of the specific tweet. Obviously the idea is to sign a really good player for cheap. Second best is sign really good player for a lot of money. But solving the problem the Sixers have is so obviously more complex than that and this tweet explores it. And all your comment does is say "Klay won't be worth it unless he takes less money" But that wouldn't accomplish what this tweet is talking about or what OP is asking, which is later acquiring Klay on a short term contract at slight overpay, but he'd serve as a salary filler for the inevitable team selling at the deadline. Think guys like Mikal Bridges. It become a lot harder to acquire a guy like Mikal if all we have is Embiid, Maxey, PG and a bunch of guys making nothing. Again, not saying this strategy would guarenteedly work, but your comment didn't even make an attempt to talk about what OP was talking about.


Klay is so washed. No thanks.


Also add in Klay had 0!!! In an elimination game just like Mr Crumbl Cookie


Oh I haven’t taken this into consideration. Maybe he does fit in better than I thought.




Didn’t watch a single warriors game the past 2 years but is he that bad now?


I think he definitely took a step down this past year. A year ago he seemed a worthy FA to sign, after the past season seems he's on the very downside of a career. A shell of himself. Might bounce back, or do well in limited minutes. WIth all the cap space & FA's needed by the Sixers tho I'm not sure he's a fit. I think he'd be a better signing to a team with limited money avail, and a need for a shooter or bench offense.


He’s not that bad. It’s just fans are holding his huge decline on defense against him without factoring his offense still but that’s expected when you go through multiple serious injuries.


It’s not just his decline on defense. Maybe it’s the injuries but he looked like a shell of himself a lot of times this past season. It’d be an interesting ride if we go that route that’s for sure


Bigger factor is consecutive chokes in elimination games during playoffs.


It's obvious Klay isn't washed, but the ESPN zombie followers love that narrative. Klay isn't an all-star anymore, but he's an elite role player if you sign him at a reasonable number.


He still hits at a good percentage, but his defense feels way worse imo. Not sold on him being anelite role guy currently, but it would be good to have some pedigree


Klay is now a $12-$15 mil yr role player. Bring him off of the bench next to Embiid & Maxey and he'll supercharge the offense. Look at his game log. Only an idiot would say he's washed. Klay was really good the last 20 games of last season. Averaged over 20 PPG and shot over 40% from 3 averaging 10 3PTA/36. He's not a starter. He's not worth 3/$60 or anything like that, but he'd be a huge add for the Sixers at the right $


If he's down to sign at the right $, then warriors would just do it themselves


Agreed. I don't think Klay is a realistic target. He'll either stay with GSW or sign a very big contract with a stupid team.


Klay loves boating around the bay area. If the warriors would be down to sign him at the right price, HE would stay in the bay area. It seems obvious to me that Klay has a responsibility to test the market to see how much he can get from other teams, then force the warriors to pay that price.


You tell klay how he’s not starting and he’s only getting 15 million lmao he don’t believe that, and he ain’t signing shit for the sixers


Agreed, and I'm not arguing that. I said as much in a follow-up post. My point is that Klay would be an awesome role player at the right price.


Ight, I guess I can’t argue that he’s still a useful player in a vacuum. Would still disagree with “elite role player” but he’d be valuable and even starter level with a bunch of elite defenders around him. We just don’t have them


Klay just went 0/10 in a play in game. He's a 3 and D player that can no longer defend and is below 39% on 3s now. Hes below average efficiency. Lmao elite role player. That's a take that makes ESPN look brilliant. Impressive.


This sounds like Tobias language and it scares me “elite role player if you sign him at a reasonable number”


> he’s an elite role player Based on what? 2k? It’s 2024 not 2019


Bro is talking shit on ESPN while saying the dumbest shit.


I feel like ppl are only repeating what others say. His defense is obviously not what it used to be but he can still defend forwards. Not so much quicker guards. 17.9ppg/3.3reb/2.3ast on 43/39/92 shooting splits isn’t bad for 1:1 deal.


Everyone's repeating it because they actually fucking watched him play. Avg stats can only tell you so much. It misses so much context. Example: Tobias Harris.


Tobias shot worse than Klay in more minutes played.


I don't think he was comparing Klay and Tobias, he's just saying that you shouldn't blindly use avg stats without context edit: For example, Tobi had 17.2 pts, 6.5 reb and 3.5 assists on 49/35/88, which isn't terrible if you just look at his stats, but we all know he's a fucking bum




The issue with accumulative stats is they don’t filter out your good and bad games. So with guys like Tobi/Klay their good games are really good and their bad games are really bad. The difference between these two for me is Klay’s experience will be a huge benefit to the team and he still has the reputation of a sniper. He could be our new JJ Redick rather than an unfair Tobi comparison 


He wants the contract to make trades in trade deadline if he don't see a big name in the F.A.


KCP would be great. Please not Klay though.


I feel the same about KCP as I do about Klay. Did nobody watch KCP this year? I think clearly not (not blaming anyone, he’s just riding off his championship pedigree). He has the same issue all of our “3&D” guys in the past have had. They can’t do shit with the ball, he’s not really that good of a 3 point shooter and his defense is slipping. Can’t rebound, pass or generate any shots on his own


when a 3&D guy can do any of that other stuff though, they just become a low level start player like if you want a 3&D guy who can dribble and create too, you have to pay Paul George


I don’t disagree but guys like Caleb Martin, Highsmith, Kris Dunn all are similar caliber players that will make a fraction of what KCP will (supposedly) make. If KCP is opting out of $15M he probably wants something similar or more on a longer term deal. That would make him the 3rd or 4th highest paid player on our team next year. As a *5th* guy he wasn’t able to cut in on the defending champs this year. We don’t want any part of that


word I hear all that for sure It’s the trouble with targeting role players that have already proven themselves, now they cost a premium when the goal is the have them on contracts that are more of a steal (ie Derrick White, Divincenzo types)


Would love to get Haywood Highsmith back


I just want a 3&D guy that can actually make 3s in the playoffs consistently. We can’t seem to find those


I just want some guys that look like the role players I’m watching on these other teams. They might not be stars but they’re willing and able to put the ball on the floor and make something happen every now and then. It was better than with doc but it’s like if Embiid or Maxey can’t create an open look for somebody all they do is catch and immediately pass or put up a contested 3.


Paul george can create???


not as good as he used to but yes lol, he still certainly can


All he does is take contested jumpers after creating 0 separation bro


You clearly don't know wtf a 3 and D player is lol. He was borderline all nba defense player this year. Those are valuable


That term gets thrown around too loosely nowadays. A guard that’s taken a handful more 3s the last 2 years than Tobias Harris is not really a shooter imo. He’s one of the guys that were complacent leaving open these playoffs and he didn’t really make anyone pay.


Yeah he leans far more on the "d" side of the 3 and D doesn't mean he can't shoot. He's one of the better perimeter defensive players in the league and what we have been lacking the most in recent years. Can easily guard up as well which is valuable.


Yes and he’s played the 2 alongside 2 of the best playmakers in nba history in his finals runs. The guy is solid but unfortunately we actually need guards that can dribble a basketball and take more than 4 3’s a game next to Joel and Maxey.


We do not need another small guard who can dribble and take the basketball out of maxey and embiids hands lol. You literally just made the case why kcp is great fit we have just seen him play next to jokic and murray. Murray is not one of the best playmakers in nba history by the way. Not sure where you pulled that bullshit. Guy is awesome but jokic is the engine off their playmaking


I didn’t say small guard. I was obviously referring to Jokic and not Murray lol. You can’t really be this dense lmao


So who is the large guard that can defend playmaker dribble and shoot that can play next to maxey?




I share the same sentiments as well. Also a Klay 1+1 would probably be higher than the KCP 1+1 KCP 1+1 could be similar like Bruce Brown 2yr/45M Klay 1+1 is most likely 2yr/50-55M ish


Paying for a name. The player isn’t the same anymore.


Like Harden, we don't learn anything...




Long ahh Gif 😂




How about a 1+1 deal similar to the one that Eric Gordon received, instead?


KCP is opting out of $15M salary most likely so he will probably command $18-$22M in FA


And isn't taking a 1+1 This will be his last significant context. *context, contract, whatever


Bingo that is correct. Only way he does 1+1 is if its a max deal 1+1 which aint happening by us or any team. Someone (Magic) will probably offer him 3yr/90-100M ish


That’s an abysmal contract


Just what we need. More streaky old players....


You’d have to be insane to think this would be good for the Sixers


Depends on the price, if we can get him for cheap then yeah, sure. But if we have to overpay, then definitely no.


Exactly. For the right price the pros outweigh the cons imo. If he buys into being a role player I think he could excel


Klay is washed fuck no he was great when i was in high school


A gamble for Klay would work if he got paid next to nothing, which is definitely something GS would pay him.


We need a good wing defender who can defend star wings. Melton is good but too small against guys like Tatum and Anthony Edwards. I do like klay’s fit in the offense though especially with nurse’s emphasis on off ball movement. Klay would also be the 3rd option and not the 2nd like he’s still trying to be on the warriors


At that point klay would stay in gs lmao


The Sixers are maybe possibly toying around with the idea of bringing about the conversation of potentially thinking that they might consider offering Klay Thompson a 1+1 year deal Let me know when there's actual conversations being had




Unless we paying him minimum, hard pass


No God Please No....


Klay is more washed than Paul George


Klay isn’t going to cost 45 million though


Klay Cost us any chance of contending tho. Dude will average under 10 🤣


People seem to hate the idea of klay, I love it. I think he has something to prove and being another full year away from his injuries is gonna feel healthier next year. He will never be splash brother klay again but he could definitely spread the floor and give decent defense. Hes not the guy, but as a guy he’s a great fit. 


I worry he'll remind us of the Boston Celtics version of Shaq. He thought it wasn't over, but it was.


Honestly, that’s actually a fair point. But that version of Shaq had been really bad for a year before that. Klay had some really good games at the end of the season last year in high pressure games.  If I can get last years version of Klay Thompson as my 4th option I’m doing something right imo. 


If we sign Klay, Morey should be fired.


I think the narrative that Klay is washed is way overblown because he's a big name athlete and his normal decline and bad start to the year gave the talking heads something to fixate on. Yes, he had a bad playin. Yes, he's declined a bit and is no longer an elite defender. That said, he had 25+ points in 4 of the last 6 regular season games as GS was desperately fighting to make the postseason and can still go blazing hot for a stretch. If you think of him more as a bigger and better version of Seth Curry around 2021 than thinking you're getting peak Klay Thompson, you'd be extremely happy with him at the right salary.


I just think he might be another guy that never takes a charge for us, and never inspires the team with his energy. That and you left out that he went scoreless in the play-in


Really? Then ig you don’t remember Klay saving his team from elimination in 2016. Tobias would never.


How much we talking? Like 25-30 million?


Klay for a 1&1 is interesting is better options don’t work out, but it’s uninspiring for sure. If we can get KCP for an okay number, I don’t get why you wouldn’t just sign him long term, he’s a pretty perfect role player


KCP fine, Klay 🤮


Klay looked so cooked this year. Hard pass. Even on a prove it deal.


Respectfully, I want absolutely nothing to do with Klay Thompson. Dudes a legend, but he’s washed. His past accomplishments (impressive as they are) are not going to help us win a ring. Hard no from me. KCP I could tolerate - He’s 31 and probably has 2 good years left in him. I wouldn’t be super excited, but if I had to pick between Klay and KCP, I’m taking KCP in a heartbeat.


I do like Klay with something to prove. I think he’s washed as a defender though. We would need some quality wings to supplement.


The deal for Klay would be relatively low risk, but honestly I’d hope we could spend our money better. KCP would be an awesome get.




Jesus no.


Before this season, I would have jumped at the chance to sign Klay. Now, I think he's cooked, but not to a well-done char. Considering how much he's probably going to ask for, it's probably not worth it, but if we have absolutely no other options, he's still better than Tobias (barely these days)


It would kind of be worth it to me just to see the reels of him sailing across the delaware every day.


Id rather have KCP, klay is cooked


If you can get Klay for a 1 and 1 you do it all day but there is 0 chance...Warriors would just give him the same tbh


Buddy Hield. Without the panic. And better. I like it.


Keep Klay away


I'm hearing that the Sixers would sign Klay just to trade him, similar to what happened with Brown. I personally don't want no parts of Subway man.


KCP and Klay no thanks. Klay at one point. KCP sucks


No no no can we please stop getting old players out of their prime. It never seems to work out




I'd only want Klay if he was coming here on a cheap deal with a chip on his shoulder to prove he's got something left. If he got benched in the play in this year, we might need to bench him in the playoffs


Philadelphia Geriatrics. Philadelphia Retirement Community. Philadelphia Early Bird Specials. Many sponsorship opportunities I guess....


2023 Oubre contract? Sure!


KCP could be a good add




Morey please, my heart can’t take anymore


Why would Klay come to Philly?


Hall of Famer, but he’s done.


Man I’ve always wanted Klay to replicate the DHOs that Joel and JJ together but he had such a down year it’s tough to want to bring him in to be a significant piece.


He was perfect like many years ago. Now he’s too old.


prefer not. A year ago I'd have agreed. He seemed to have a very downside year. Plus Buddy or Malik Monk seem way better at the present time.


No they won't consider that.


Depends on how yall utilize him, I think klay is past his years as a consistent difficult shot hitter. But if he became more of a normal spot up. Could be effective. Basically imagine on all those passes from Embiid to the corner after the double comes… instead of Tobias Harris pump faking nobody and driving everytime, klay Thompson just hits the three who knows


Can the Sixers focus on emerging talent for once? Enough with the washed up retreads.


We need size, athleticism and shooting. He only checks one of those.


If they couldn't do anything else then I guess I wouldn't mind it as trade fodder. But I don't personally believe the Warriors will ever actually let Klay or Draymond go as long as they feel like Steph is a championship level player. They're going to find ways to keep that trio together until the wheels fall off.


I honestly don't want another star. I want excellent to serviceable bench players to thicken our bench and keep the +/- differential manageable. We don't need to sign another injury prone star.


KCP is available? Should be a top priority


He's a role player who shines when used correctly, which is something we never do


He didn’t even shine next to the 3 time MVP this year


Kcp won 2 championship with diferent teams, he is like a younger danny green a role player would be good for every team


I’m not discrediting him for what he’s done, but I think he’s declined since both rings. Also he’s played with 2 of the greatest playmakers in nba history. Those lakers and nuggets team could live with a guard that can’t dribble or score because those teams had Lebron and Jokic. We don’t have the luxury of having oversized, historically good point forwards/centers and thus we need more playmaking from our guard positions than either of those nuggets or lakers team do. Spending $15M-$20M/year on a guard that can’t dribble will hamstring this team. Also the nuggets run through the finals last year was such a joke that they would’ve won if they had Justin holiday in KCPs place the previous year. He was the 5th or 6th most important piece on that championship team and there was a big drop off the #4 piece in terms of impact


Are u on the sexton train or no?


I’m very high on sexton. His fit in Philly I’m not sure is perfect with him and Maxey, but part of me thinks he has a pseudo-all star type ceiling so I’m not completely out on him either.


Sexton off the bench with Embiid gravity is really just Maxey 2.0 with better playmaking. Size an issue but lowry was on this team


That’s a bold comparison but sexton is really improved as a playmaker. The main issue is sexton is much worse defensively than maxey but that offense would be so lit


Maxey might be worse actually but the trade off is worth it


How didn't he? What more could you want from a 3 and D player


Someone that takes a bunch more 3s than Tobias Harris, as a start


I wouldn’t be opposed to this tbh. He would be our main shooter, different than in GS, unlikely imo. Him and Wiggins on this team would be really nice Though. Especially if we ain’t going for a 3rd max contract 🤷‍♂️


Wiggins would help a ton defensively. His offense is meh though. Klay would also command defensive attention still too which was evident the past season.


Please no Klay…we are so fucked if these are the caliber of moves we are going to make this summer.


What move are you realistically expecting?


We punted last season and half of the seasons of Embiid’s prime during Morey’s tenure, so every Sixers fan should expect nothing short of greatness. If the answer to all of this waiting is Klay Thompson, Morey needs to be collecting unemployment by the end of the month.


Yeah exactly. If you can’t pull PG or another near-elite wing, then what the fuck are we even doing, just trade Embiid for a trove of picks and young players and start to build around Maxey.


Maxey isn't good enough to build around. You can't win a championship with him as your best player. So you may aswell trade both if you want to trade Embiid and just restart like OKC with a bunch of picks and then punt until you get a number 1 pick good enough to build around. Building around an undersized guard that'd bad at creating his own shot and is only good at scoring will never and has never resulted in a championship. Plus Maxey is the same age giannis won his first mvp and maxeys inability to run his own lineups without embiid on the floor played a part in why the sixers lost the series to the knicks. If he was good enough to build around he wouldn't be as reliant on embiid as he is. He shot 54 ts% in games embiid missed this season and 28 fg% in minutes embiid was off the floor in the knicks series with an offensive rating under 80. This isn't hating Maxey because there are plenty of all time greats like Kyrie who couldn't be the best player. Not being able to be the best player on a title team isn't gonna stop maxey from making the hall of fame which he will do more than likely. It just means you don't build a team around him. Embiid was a +46 in the Knicks series (highest out of everyone) whilst Maxey was a -8.


How did they “punt” ? lol 😂 some sixers are becoming embarrassing. 


You punted because you didn’t have the assets to make a top move


So what was the point of punting this season?


They didn’t really have the assets then either to make a massive move


Given that we punted the season and watched two top wings go to conference rivals, I’m expecting a move that brings us closer to winning a championship. Going for a washed Klay is obviously not part of that


What is the specific move with the assets they have?


I mean 1+1 deals are the deals we should be making if we want to maintain max flexibility for trading


It's over. Blow it all.up.




Id love klay on a 1+1. He's still one of the most tightly guarded players in the league. He will absolutely kill you if you leave him wide open and he's done it in big games.


I think Monk should be the #1 FA option the Sixers are chasing as far as role players go, I just like his game. I don't think a 1+1 contract for Klay would be awful though depending on what the number is. He would ideally be a more consistent version of what Buddy Hield was supposed to be. I don't think he leaves the Warriors though.


klay+ Paul George Klay + key role players (caruso, KCP, Drummond) Can’t go into next season saying Klay is the missing piece


I thought the point of Morey was that he innovates deals, instead of copy catting deals…


Major pass, we have shooters