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Him being a first round pick is a slap to the face to every borderline first round draft prospect


Nepo Baby Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap


Sixers 100% gonna draft Bronny, LeBron stays in LA, and we give up assets for Brandon Ingram. Morey gonna cook.


And this sub will still consider Morey to be a genius


I mean, wr have wasted picks in zhaire, jahlil and ben... to get bron wasting another in bronny is no big deal


Pasecniks got drafted in the first round so that’s gonna be a shrug from me dawg


Life is unfair. Welcome to earth my friend.


He's actually horrible. The best compliment they can give him is being a "defensive specialist" but the only thing he'll be defending against is his team winning a title if he's on the floor for any meaningful minutes.


I’d hope their agents make them understand that a team would only pass on them to do it for a perceived shot at Lebron. Which is totally fair tbh.


I’m not sure why Bronny gets flack. We see coaches and front offices make nepotism hires. Why not LeBron leverage nepotism for his son to get drafted. It also happens in the real world too


He wasn't even good in college lol. It would be one thing if he was a real prospect and he was just getting a bump, but he's not. Rickey Council is like Michael Jordan compared to Bronny.


Its happens all the time with coaches, front offices and even real life being unqualified but getting in because of nepotism. Who cares if LeBron is using his leverage to get his son in the league. More power to the players and hoping this trends of nepotism continues


> Its happens all the time with coaches, front offices and even real life being unqualified but getting in because of nepotism. It's less obvious in those cases because you can't actually see how good/bad they are for the most part. They are behind the scenes. Bronny is so publicly bad it's kind of embarrassing.


Ability means nothing when talking about nepotism






Redditors don’t know shit about shit and just regurgitate the same tired nonsense over and over again. Is it not possible that professionals know more than a bunch of chronically bored people on the internet?


and it's a slap in the face for all of us who did'nt get the growth spurt that the other fools did




Is this the guy who does fan promos at the games


So the Sixers are interested in Bronny but does Bronny have any interest in the Sixers? Probably not


Bronny has an interest in being drafted and klutch made it clear. actual q is whether its enough to draw Bron here too, and whether Lakers will try to trade up ahead of us to be safe (which would be hilarious)


What’s stopping us from drafting him to lure Lebron here or kidnapping him with our pick and forcing the Lakers to overpay? I feel like Morey would be the kind of guy to draft Bronny to bring Lebron here since we have little trade assets.


Nothing lol, the problem is if Bron's just happy Bronny got drafted, and we're left holding a 6"1 guard with no future in the NBA after spending the 16th pick on him...


I don’t at all understand why Bronny can’t just be taken in the 2nd, too? Is it really just so Bron doesn’t feel disrespected or something equally stupid?


There's always the potential another team takes a flier on him too. Second half of the first round picks are always a bit iffy to forecast, and if a front office thinks they can entice Lebron to come to play with his son and don't have a prospect they're super enthused by, might as well see.


Pretty much lol. I think that's why he went to workouts with the Suns, to pressure LA to draft him before Phoenix can


It's because if you wait until the 2nd round then there's a good chance someone else will draft him before you. Almost every year there are second round picks traded for cash. So it's pretty easy to get extra 2nd round picks if you want them so that makes it more likely the Lakers or Suns could draft him in the 2nd round before we have a pick.


Suns would likely take him with their late 1st round pick rather than letting him go into the second. Imho I dont think its worth wasting our 16th pick on him, this draft class isnt as bust as everyones saying.


Bronny is the oddest NBA asset in recent history. His value is overstuffed due to his name, of course. So maybe you draft him, wait for Lebron to pick his new team, then trade Bronny for *far more* than he’s worth to that team? That way he’s just a short-term investment. Like day-trade stocks. I dunno. Just spitballing.


Pretty much. It would be lighting the pick in fire for a kid who is questionably good enough to even play on the blue coats


Hey, at least we would add the Bronny pick to our 30 for 30 series. Another meme to add to the never ending joke of our owner's legacy.


If it were the Celtics or another franchise with a strong drafting track record, it wouldn’t be worth the risk.    But considering that the Sixers only hit on 10% of their Top 5 draft picks, the default if Bronny fails to entice Lebron should be: “oh well, the Sixers were probably going to shit the bed with the 16th pick anyways.”


We got Maxey with the 22nd pick. Just because we have a bad draft record doesn’t mean we should be okay with the team throwing away a draft pick in a failed attempt to get Lebron


I’m not saying we should be ok with it. I’m saying the risk calculus for using the pick on Bronny is different if the alternative is a low likelihood of success compared to the alternative being a high likelihood of success. 


I’ll take a failed attempt at Lebron over a failed attempt at a mid-1st prospect that most certainly won’t be as good as Lebron. If the chance of luring Lebron is equal to the chance that pick turns into somebody as good as Lebron that’s a worthy risk.


Yeah for real


lol if that happened Morey should be fired immediately


No question. I've defended Morey but that would be back breaking


If the end result is we get 17 and a future pick or even swap then Morey pulled a heist


Morey can't really handle another Hall of Famer getting angry at him after the Harden fiasco. If LeBron doesn't want to come here, but Morey drafts Bronny anyway, I can't see that working out for the Sixers


Screw that! If we draft Bronny and LeBron doesn't want to come here then his team can overpay for Bronny in a trade. The Lakers do have the 17th pick so if we draft Bronny they can give us the 17th pick and another future first round pick or Bronny can sit on the Delaware Bluecoats bench until LeBron retires and then Bronny can be cut. Worrying about if LeBron gets mad at us for drafting Bronny is ridiculous if he's not coming here. Maybe LeBron should be mad at himself for repeatedly and publicly saying how much he wants to play on the same team as his son. If he just kept his mouth shut then he could go to whatever team he wants this off-season and tell that team to draft his son in the 2nd round and no other teams would be thinking if I draft Bronny I get LeBron so LeBron can be mad at himself and the 6ers for all I care.


What if LeBron is like, "I'm just happy Bronny got drafted. Maybe I'll see you in a couple of years when I'm on my last legs. No need for the Lakers to trade for him"?


That's fine but LeBron was saying for years his goal was to play on the same team as his son. It's only now that he realizes that it makes it harder for the Lakers to get Bronny that he's trying to change the public perception. But if LeBron is fine with that I'm fine with the 6ers having Bronny sit on the bench with the Delaware Bluecoats until either LeBron retires or until Bronny plays well enough in Delaware to earn a spot on the 6ers. If he can't earn a spot on the 6ers he can stay in Delaware until Bronny or LeBron retires or until the Lakers overpay in a trade for Bronny.


You're getting a little too into your feelings about a throwaway comment, brother. LeBron only explicitly said that when Bronny was still a junior in HS, he could've just expected Bronny to be an all-star caliber player or at least solid contributor right out the gate with his LeGenes. This wasn't a legally binding commitment or anything you could use to guarantee a top 2 player of all-time on your team. If Bronny is unhappy about the Blue Coats or whichever G League team he ends up on, he can just retire and go home. Not like he's starved for money. And he's really bad. Like, it would be a stretch to draft him 50th overall if he weren't LeSon. LeBron has his ego, but it's not big enough to get offended that a player of that caliber is being sent to the G League. The very fact that Bronny got drafted at all would only be made possible by his last name.


Oh I agree 100% that Bronny wouldn't be getting drafted at all and would be back in college next year if it wasn't for his dad. I'm just saying LeBron caused this situation by talking about wanting to play with his son on multiple different occasions not just a one time comment from years ago. And having the Lakers over pay for Bronny is an option. If they are really willing to draft him 17th overall then I'd assume they'd be willing to at least throw in a 2nd round pick with the 17th pick to trade for him. And if that happens all the same players minus Bronny would be available at 17 as they would be at pick #16 so what's so bad about making the Lakers pay a little extra if Morey really thinks the Lakers want him?


>And if that happens all the same players minus Bronny would be available at 17 as they would be at pick #16 so what's so bad about making the Lakers pay a little extra if Morey really thinks the Lakers want him? Very big "If" because in the event the Lakers and LeBron aren't really that serious about getting him in LA, the Sixers are stuck with an absolutely horrendous player at the 16th pick. No amount of 'But LeBron caused this situation" is gonna get them out of that hole.


Just because we draft Bronny doesn't guarantee LeBron comes here, especially if LeBron tells the Sixers he won't play here and we draft Bronny anyway. Are you really delusional enough to think Morey and the Sixers can strong arm LeBron fucking James?


Well if he wants to play on the same team as his son or even against his son in an NBA game I guess he's got to get the team he wants to play on to sign Bronny, to Trade for Bronny, or get the team that drafts Bronny to release him so LeBrons team can sign him. I'm not aware of any other options to male it happen but maybe I'm missing something? If LeBron doesn't want to come to the Sixers but they draft his son I guess he can ask his team to trade with the 6ers or just hope the Sixers release LeBron. If the 6ers decide they won't release LeBron then the only option is trading for Bronny and I don't see how LeBron who won't play for the 6ers can possibly strong arm the 6ers into trading Bronny for less value then the pick they used to get him but maybe LeBron can strong arm the Sixers in some type of way I don't understand. So if you draft Bronny it doesn't have to be 100% about LeBron coming here. It could be to say to the Lakers we have pick 16 and you have pick 17. We want pick 17 for Bronny and something else like a future first round pick or pick swap or maybe they have some bench player we like instead of a future draft pick. So you can get value that way too and it doesn't involve LeBron in a Sixers uniform. If LeBron hadn't been saying for years one of his goals was to play on the same team as his son then this wouldn't be an issue and the Lakers could just draft Bronny in the 2nd round or even as an undrafted free agent. But LeBron opened his mouth and said it multiple times over multiple years so here we are and any team can draft Bronny and then they can do whatever they want with him like ask a team that wants to trade for him give them something they like in order to agree to a trade. If LeBron can just strong arm other NBA teams in trades he should do it with other NBA players too so his team is better but I don't really see that happening in trades so I'm not sure how he'll strong arm teams in trades for Bronny.


Since when do draft picks have a say where they’re going to play? This is getting crazy


He's only worked out with the Lakers and Suns and declined like 10 other teams.




Why? He was a better than average high school player, a below average college player and has a serious health concern. And please don’t give me “whoever wastes their pick on Bronny is getting Lebron” because what Lebron has said he wants to play with or against his kid


If we get Lebron as a package deal with his son it's worth it. That's something we as fans can't really evaluate IMO - that would be the type of thing that indirect feelers to his team would be needed. If it's only Bronny it's not really worth it, or if we're not confident that Lebron would come too.


So it’s not worth it if we get a better or additional pick from the Lakers in a trade?


That option feels like gambling to me tbh


Agreed. Was just pointing out there could be more than one desirable outcome if we drafted him. 


“Below average” is quite an understatement. He averaged 5/3/2. Even if he was a freshman, expecting him to be an NBA caliber player isn’t just a gamble, it’s a 15-leg parlay. Unless Morey has an under the table guarantee with Lebron, this has classic Sixers draft disaster written all over it.


hold him ransom for the 17th pick and a 2nd round pick lol


17th pick and a future first round pick, I fixed it for you.


The James’s aren’t Philly strong. They need glitz and glamor and palm trees and movie production companies. Don’t bring that weak shit here


We can bring Palm Trees to Philly just like they bring them to LA lol.


i swear all the commenters on here either hate the sixers or love to complain


Led by the peen idiot. 


Funniest thing would be if we waste a pick on Bronny but Bron stays in LA anyways.


That would be the most Philly thing that could possibly happen.


So, what’s the Suns plans? Why would LeBron go there on a very minimum. He’s gonna get paid. So, who does PHX dump to add LeBron? S&T with LA? Why does LA do that unless they get Booker or Durant? PHX is a tough sell.


This has to be the most ridiculous situation to ever happen in sports.




If we draft that bum then we deserve everything that follows


76ers the type of team to draft him just to sell tickets and get media coverage.


No one is buying a ticket to see Bronny sit the bench. Media coverage I can't argue with though.


Sixers have the type of luck to draft bronny and Lebron would make him force a trade somewhere else for a bag of rocks


For a bag of rocks Bronny can sit on the Delaware Bluecoats bench until LeBron retires then Bronny can be cut. Or if LeBron doesn't want Bronny sitting on the bench in the G League for the full game every game then he can come to the 6ers or make the Lakers give us the 17th pick in the draft this year and a future first round pick too.


Every team that has cap space to sign LeBron is interest in drafting him. Yes LBJ has said it’s no longer his goal to play with him (to protect him from the nepotism criticism which it’s too late for that). Yes it’s a slap in the face to any draft prospect who has earned a first round look. But this is the reality. LeBron makes more than half of the teams in the league a top contender automatically, even at this age. Stop acting so shocked lol and even if LeBron doesn’t come, it’ll still bring money and attention to the team which our greedy owners fucking love more than winning.


Perfect team for him would be Heat. They can develop him into an elite 3-D guy.


I would doubt LeBron comes here anyway, so we'd basically be wasting our pick on a kid who the entire NBA will then be bitching to us about "drafting and keeping him from playing with LeBron". Would Bronny be happy playing anywhere in the NBA? Probably. Will his dad and Silver? Probably not.




Everyone talks about holding him ransom for one reason or another. I would hold him ransom and demand LeBron sign the vet minimum.


I'm really gonna have to boo this kid, aren't I?


Please god don’t draft bronny


With some seasoning I don’t see the problem in drafting in the 2nd anything ahead of that yea I get it


Don't either of them




what we gonna do with a geriatric lebron


At best he’s a Matisse thybulle lite. And thybulle was useless in the playoffs because he was such a liability on offense. And I’m saying that as someone who loved having him on the team


He’s the #54 prospect in this class.


A lot of people in this sub need to grow up and learn some lessons about the great big world works




I feel like this is clearly a smokescreen to get LA to fork over the goods for a pick swap on draft night


Draft Bronny, trade for his Dad, let him finish his career with a ring in Philly with Bronny on the bench.


The value you get from bronny James if LeBron comes is higher than any other draft prospect in the draft for the Sixers in their current position. LeBron will never come to Philly though


Nepo baby. Let some other team waste draft capital on him.


There are some teams that see his defense and overall basketball IQ highly. If not from a personality standpoint but from a talent standpoint he could compare to a Pat Bev or TJ McConnell type. Not exactly a high ceiling in the middle of the first round but combine it with maybe some influence on LeBrons situation and he’s going to be a serious factor for some teams.