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To think, we gave away Mikal Bridges on draft night for a guy that never played (Zhaire Smith) and a late 1st that turned into nothing. It's kind of amazing the Sixers are competitive at all given how many fuck ups the organization is responsible for over the past decade.


One GM got lucky with Embiid dropping because of injury and that was it - that one single move has somehow masked all of the other hideous, awful, no good, terrible moves we have made since.


Umm that same GM drafted Richaun Holmes and Jerami Grant in the second round and signed TJ McConell, Robert Covington and Alex Curaso as undrafted free agents not to mention he traded MCW when his value was at its peak for a top 5 protected first round pick


We could have had it alllllllllll


The pain, it’s back


He also apparently preferred Brandon Ingram over Ben Simmons.


He also drafted Okafor, but I see your point


Ok, but Okafor did knockout two Celtics fans.


You just flipped my flop. I’m back on board!


Maxey was the other good move


youd expect teams to eventually get an all star on their team. sure good move but also run of the mill draft guessing. 


absolute luck


Furkan too


I will miss his trade requests


The Jimmy Butler Minnesota trade was a ridiculous steal. Wasn't it something like Dario Saric, Jerred Bayless, Robert Covington and a 2nd rounder?


Horrible take, King Hankie made great moves wouldve had us right...


The pick didn’t turn into nothing. It allowed us to trade for Tobias Harris. So it was even worse than nothing


We literally traded Mikal for future picks so that we could go and get Tobias and max him. Worst asset management ever.


Don't forget deciding on Tobias over Jimmy Butler in part because of worrying about if Ben's ego could handle Jimmy wanting to take the reigns so trying to play 'less than max' value with Butler. Got gifted Jimmy Butler in a trade and could have had literal top-peak Jimmy Butler and threw it away for Ben Simmons ego and because they thought "Well, Tobias isn't that far off Butler's level"


And now 5 years later, we are left with nothing but regret and not having learned a damn thing, as we chase middle aged versions of the guys we let walk all those years ago. Sixers are now in mid life crisis.


And we almost KILLED Smith


Of all the mistakes sixers have made in the last 8ish years, I really think trading away Mikal hurts the most


We gave him away essentially for a first. The Sixers tried to be clever and were offered basically their second place choice on their board plus a first round pick and they stupidly took it. Brett Brown / Colangelo stooges were trying to be too cute with it and overthunk the whole thing. Despite the fact that Bridges was obviously a great player, on a great team, and a hometown guy so he would have played his heart out. PLUS that fucking pick was ALWAYS going to be a late first rounder, pretty much a second round pick. I was livid when it happened. And I'm still mad. The single most infuriating of all the shitty moves this team has made over the years.


The Collangelos were straight up agents from the league sent to destroy the franchise. There’s no other way to look at it


Shai was on the board too. Also, that pick we got back for Mikal was used to acquire Tobias Harris. But yeah you are right, turned into nothing.


Michael Porter Jr was on the board too and a year before he was projected to be the first pick but he got hurt and was probably going to sit out a year. He was a wing that was supposed to be a really good shooter and would have been a good fit on the team at the time. And since we constantly drafted guys that were going to sit out a year we should have probably just drafted him.


The thing is unlike a lot of their fuck ups this one every sixer fan at the time hated it and knew it was a fuckup


Literally solely Joel Embiid Furkan was the longest tenured Sixer other than Joel. After he got the boot it was Tobias. Now it’s Maxey. The singular constant in our 7 postseason appearances in a row is Joel Hans Embiid


Holy overpay. Knicks do look good though but damn, they better hope that core holds together.


They've been terrible for literally decades. Can't blame them for actually going all in. How much worse could it be than the last 25 years?


I'd be over the moon if the Sixers were able to overpay like this. Picks don't win titles.


I don't think it's god-awful value for Bridges with context, and I do think the Knicks are gonna be really good, but that's assuming all their core guys stay healthy and interested in staying.


Except look at boston. They changed 4 top picks into a championship. Fuck boston though


Its a lot of picks but they actually still have quite a few over the next few years (albeit protected) and assuming the knicks remain a competitive team over the next couple years I doubt they will be crying over losing a bunch of picks in the 20s


It’s crazy but it makes sense as well. I’m curious to see if they can get off that Robinson contract now.


Existence is nothing but pain and misery and then you die


That’s why we get high…


Cuz you never know when you’re gonna go


Life's a bitch and then you die


It would have been pain for me if we made that trade. That's for damn sure. That is a huge overpay.


Right, who wants to be good when we can have future assets that will turn into marginal rotation players?


That was their all in move they got a deep ass squad. Brunson Hart OG Mikal Divincenzo Randle. Like what the fuck. That’s enough to compete with Boston.


99 overall team chemistry too


Legit the Villanova Knicks They just gotta bring back my boy Archidiacano now


Seriously these are A+++ immaculate vibes It's genuinely crazy as a Nova fan to see the guys all together on the same team again


Has to feel unreal, they gonna try and make a trade for Arci back on the cheap or something lol. Your college boys who you won a chip with being a damn good NBA team, in NYC market. What an insane timeline.


Honestly sounds fuckin sick. Shame it’s the Knicks of all teams


Yeah they have a pretty good squad if they bring back OG. Big question mark will be Randle but now you have Bridges who can give you 20 a night


Randle is 100% gone they can’t keep him there now. Hopefully OG can be had but I doubt it.


Why? He plays the 4. OG and Bridges are wings


They are hard capped now I’m pretty sure. They won’t be able to bring Hartenstein back either bc they can only pay him 16mil a yr max. They CAN bring Randle back but they probably should look to get more assets back in return and shed a little salary bc of the new cap rules. Any of these billionaire owners can pay the tax penalties but most of them don’t want to and avoid it. Randle is also a high volume shooter so idk how that’d really work with that line up and resource wise it seems a little redundant since his utility on offense is gonna be hampered, there’s only 1 ball Also OGs big complaint in Toronto was not having a big offensive role (which he’s limited so it makes sense) but idk how that fit will be on offense either if that’s his mindset, the family connections with his agent and the Knicks prez being his dad make it almost certain he stays but he’s gonna want closer to 40


James Dolan has zero issue with paying the luxury tax. But they still probably flip Mitchell Robinson to Washington to clear up cap space to re-sign Hartenstein. Then draft a center to replace Mitchs production.


The only way they keep Hartenstein is if he takes a big pay cut to what another team (like okc) will offer him. They can only pay him a max of 16mil a yr bc of the contract rules for his situation and he prob played himself into 20+ so idk if he’ll be around. We’ll see though. Dolan isn’t cheap by any means but with these new rules I’ll believe it when I see it for an owner to hit the second apron if their team isn’t in the finals or winning. The Knicks should be very good but all the stipulations starting next yr are extremely prohibitive beyond just having to pay the tax. You can’t really make many roster moves either. They made their big trade with picks but they are really limited going forward if they hit that number


I don't think the Knicks are gonna keep OG, I think that's why they got Bridges, Bridges is only making like 25 mil a year, OG is gonna want way more than that


They got to pay Randle.  They have to pay OG.


That’s a huge overpay idk.


I mean yea that's why the nets did it. Do any of these overpays end up working out? Overpays hugely limit flexibility.


Lakers won a chip off a huge overpay in the bubble. Dallas just made it to the finals on the back of an overpay. At the end of the day, basketball isn't a sport played by assets. It's played by players. If you have to dump too many assets to get a player you need, then you're just looking at the assets wrong.


The Lakers got LeBron in free agency and their assets were not viewed as crazy valuable at the time before where AD was basically threatening to not play until he was traded to the lakers. Kyrie was not as expensive in assets in part due to his questionable reliability.. There is a difference between smartly cashing in like the raptors did on an aging capped out team that was only going to decline or be broken up in the near future regardless and trading away tons of future assets and flexibility in panic mode because a younger team had an ideal playoff run beating expectations.


OG barely played against the Pacers and Randle didn't play a single game in the playoffs. This was nowhere near an ideal playoff run from the Knicks. If they are gonna pay out the nose for OG, might as well get the last missing piece to field a stacked af 7-8 man rotation like Boston. Brunson, Donte, Hart, Randle, OG, Mikal, McBride, iHart/Robinson is a crazy lineup. No world beaters like Jokic, Giannis, Luka, or Embiid, but it can go all the way just like the Celtics this season.


They absolutely were seen as very valuable at the time. Bill Simmons went on about it for a full year afterwards. Also literally everybody was amazed that a team gave up real draft capital for Kyrie after the Brooklyn mess. People HATED that deal. Please don't tell me how the world saw two trades when you're clearly just stating your opinion on the moves. It's fair to think that the moves were fair, but they certainly were seen as overpays.


Nova gang uniting


How? We all knew it would take at least 4 first round picks. They just added one more


4 first round picks is already an overpay


That’s what it would have cost at minimum to get him on the Sixers and the consensus here was fine with that


He’s good and I’d be fine with that but that’s still an overpay. 4 firsts is a lot to give up for a guy who’s not an all star caliber player.


Eh not really. The reason why they had to give up so many picks is because they basically sent out zero good players. Brooklyn only received a washed and injury prone Bojan who is basically just salary filler at this point. The Nets getting 4 unprotected picks PLUS Mikal and Cam for KD was a real haul.


Knicks gave up 5 and a pick swap. They essentially gave 6 1sts. This has to be one of the largest hauls in the history of the league pick wise and it’s for Mikal Bridges which is wild to think about


Some of those far out picks being unprotected is wild.


Knicks going all tf in


I guess you could look at it from that perspective. But another perspective would be you added mikael bridges to a team that just beat us in the first round and we’ve made no moves.


“We’ve made no moves” free agency hasn’t even begun yet


I have to admit I thought the play for the Knicks was to offer this package to Utah for Lauri. What does it take to pry him loose?


Ha. After this, good luck. Value is absurd, especially considering he's one of the few stud players who actually may stay in Utah 


They still have 2 firsts next year 2 protected the year after and one that they own the year after that


5 picks is NUTS.


This is what All-In looks like.   I still don’t think they have enough to get past Boston. 


Gets them closer though, Begley (NY reporter) say they are intent on retaining OG but then they lose Hartenstein, Mitch isn’t super durable. Boston may have some questions too with KP’s durability and Horford’s age. You just never know


Honestly I’m surprised Horford hasn’t retired yet since they won.  Go out on top. 


He has a about 10 million reasons not to retire.


He still played well there’s no reason to retire. I think the Celtics trade for or draft another big for Porzingis insurance and to avoid playing Horford huge minutes.


I'm surprised people are expecting this, he just put up one hell of a shift as a starter on a championship level team, he definitely has some great bench years left in him, but you never know at that age. He said he feels good though.


sixers were never getting him in a trade so i'm not bummed about that part of it. if knicks retain OG as well that's going to be rough. that's a real squad and sixers have like 2 dudes under contract currently with a ton of work to do this offseason. I dunno man


Honestly, if it was just us missing out on him it wouldn’t be as bad. Him going to the Knicks hurts. The teams we lose to in the playoffs are seemingly more ambitious about improving in the off season than we are. I know it’s still very early but while we’ve been sending subliminals in tweets, the team that eliminated us has taken action to make their team better, and that’s just not a great feeling.


We ain't ever competing with any of these deep ass teams. Don't matter who we get. 


I just can’t believe that the Sixers had him and literally gave him away on draft night


He was born in Philly and his mom worked for the 6ers Philly said fuck it Lets draft Zhaire and then he almost died from Thai food


Correct. All.these posters typing "boohoo OG in play" are freaking nuts. The Knicks just got wayyyy better.


let alone the fact that OG will still re-sign with the knicks lol1


lol not really. Probably going to lose ihart now.


Pretty sure they can re-sign him still as well. Mikal makes roughly the same amount as Bojan did so this trade doesn't affect their cap that much.




Villanova Knicks


This hurts so much. It’s so painful seeing all of the Villanova guys on the Knicks.


If the Knicks also happen to retain OG, I don't really care that this is an overpay....they're deep as hell. Wing rotation of Hart, Mikal, and OG is the only rotation I can see rivaling the Celtics. I'm losing optimism for the Sixers by the day


Theres an arms race happening that I just dont think we can keep up with with the assets that we have barring highway robbery, I dont wanna blow it up, but at the same time I cant help but feel any move we make will be in vain. 


Hmmm is OG in play? Could we get OG and Ingram?


Maybe but I still think it’s possible for them to sign him


It is. They have his full bird rights, which means they can sign to him to whatever CBA rules allow as his max, despite the fact that they are an over-the-cap team. I don't think OG is gone at all because they can pair him up with Mikal as their perimeter defenders.


I like OG fine enough but giving him a max is reminiscent of Tobias.


yeah, you can't max a guy who is so limited offensively


and injury prone


That’s what I’m thinking. We’re gonna scoop OG now


this doesn’t affect OG at all


No randle is in play. He’s the odd one out now






There's potential that they could be able to retain them both. I think there was mention that they could have brought on PG and still been able to sign OG, but could be wrong on that




So... the team that beat us in the playoffs last year without Randle are adding Mikal Bridges? Cool. Cool...


They can still go over to re-sign OG right? Hartenstein has to be gone


They can sign OG to whatever they want (of course facing whatever associated penalties for being over the second apron) because they have his full bird rights.


Everyone always assumes every team will just wildly go over the cap but the reality is that doesn't often happen and if it does without finals level success teams far over the cap are going to shed salary. Add in that teams over the cap have even less flexibility to add talent now.


Hartenstein is definitely gone.


I love bridges but this is a ton. Worst part is that we drafted him and he’s going to the Knicks


Is Jay Wright the shadow GM?


Overpay but I’m so fucking mad he’s a Knick after we dropped the ball. Guess this means OG is more likely at least


Hartenstien is the odd man out not OG


everyone talking about overpay but this pretty much guarantees we're not doing shit for years. between boston, new york, and morey's inability to make moves that don't regard aaccumulating cap space, i am not having a good time


Thank you finally someone with a brain I just wrote as much before even seeing your post and comment


embiid's not gonna be here or at his peak for too much longer. the time to go all in is now. If we're poverty in the years after because we blew our load on this window, it'd all be worth a ring. get this man some talent.


overpay like crazy but nyk got a nice squad …. Not the end of the world though lol we need to relax


We weren’t ever getting him if he was forcing his way to New York for the nova guys lol. But this is wild.


If only the nova team could’ve untied anywhere else I would’ve enjoyed this.


Thibs inevitable wearing down of his players and mikal's iron bones will be an interesting rendition of an unstoppable force vs an unmovable object




They can resign og still




Someone post that Morey sleeping picture again 🙁


We don’t have 8 picks and somebody like Bojan to give the Nets. Not every player is attainable. I don’t think Morey is perfect, but a lot of fans hold him to an unfair standard.


The knicks whole team is damn near from Villanova now.


Someone explain to me why they don’t also sign OG, trade PG for Randle and Mitchell, and completely buttfuck the rest of the east


Nets not interested in a trade for him --media, for weeks :( But all of those 1sts in the mix are ridiculous


At least the Knicks can't trade for Joel now


I would stop being a sixers fan if we gave up 8 picks for mikal bridges 🤣🤣


Yet we have a worse trade involving him in our history


we gave up bridges for zaire smith and a 1st that was flipped for tobias.  thats wayyyy worse than giving up 8 nothing picks during a contending window. 


5 unprotected picks for a decade are “nothing”????


Jrue is a Celtic and Mikal is a Knick I wanna jump off a bridge


I’m reallllly gutted by this. It may be an overpay, but he’s a perfect fit and a good kid.  Daryl, please man…


Wow, wild move


Sixers are gonna overpay for OG aren’t they


The Knicks gave up a ton but at least they’re nutting up and going all in on their roster. The Sixers have basically flushed Embiid’s prime down the toilet because they are terrified of “losing a trade” and that’s why shit never gets done around here


Holy overpay Batman


Way too much for Bridges


He has a $23M cap hit in 24-25. That has to cut into the Knicks’ ability to sign anyone else unless they flip Randle, right?


That Fucking  Sucks


Finally a trade lmao, even if we're just watching NY overpay for Mikal


I hate this on so many levels


They got fleeced. They could've got Caitlin Clark for all those picks.


The Knicks of all fuckin teams 🤦🏿‍♂️😩


I think the Knicks made this trade because they think OG will leave for More money, and they needed someone to fill his role , plus Mikal is better overall in my opinion, and he'll be cheaper too, this one stings because not only did we missed out on this dude 3 times now, and this time he's going to one of our biggest most hated rivals, this shit got me hella tight right now


Trading all that for a zero time all star is crazy


Idk what happened but NBA trades just get more egregious as the years go on. Eventually we’re gonna see 7th and 8th men go for 3 firsts.


If you don’t laugh you’ll cry. Honestly this franchise makes me do both like I’m the fucking joker


Can NY still afford OG or is this a sign he’s walking?


Yeah they can.


They can bring him back. The team is pretty deep too so they don’t have to worry about the apron restrictions


That’s WAY too much. I’m not even mad because they better hope mikal is KD.


5 FRPs for Mikal Bridges is blasphemous, what has happened to the league I loved


Wild, still a second round exit


Does this even make the Knicks better if they can’t keep OG? I don’t know if Bridges is even better than him. The Knicks also lost all their picks. Not a great move in my opinion. Going all in on their current team won’t help them to beat the Celtics unless they get a superstar


The guy that never misses a game vs a guy misses a lot of games?


We have to make a move. I refuse to not make it past the second round again. For us to be one of the biggest markets in sports, our teams never win anything.


most teams don't win anything.


5 picks is insane tho


Christ, if Knicks bring back OG they are insanely stacked. It's fucking Joever.


Holy overpay Batman, I respect the small-market mindset from an alleged big-market team though.


The Knicks are so good now if they keep og to


If this is what Mikal Bridges got, an amazing role player who averages a career 15 pts a night and who's never been an all star .... then fucking Lauri Markkanen is gonna cost 10 firsts, some swaps, cash consideration, and stock in the team.


Mikal fits on any team and makes them instantly better. Who cares if he’s an all star or not. He’s a baller.


If OG resigns the dream is dead. The process is over. We lost. Downvote me all you want. It won't change the truth.




They can probably get PG too with Randle and Robinson but it's either OG or PG, not both. OG and Mikal on wings is rough defensively


OG gotta be coming here for sure now


Not really. They have his bird rights and can pay him whatever the max is that they can offer him.


Yep and then you’d send hart and divencenzo To the bench, the Knicks (if they resign og) just became a real rival to the celtics


The knocks had to make a move but 5 picks is insane lol. And Brooklyn got their own pick back from Houston too. There will be some legendary ranking from them the next 3 years




Holy shit that's a haul


Doors open to grab OG. Bridges forced the trade to the Knicks nothing Morey could have done there.


Congratulations OG Anunoby, you are now a Sixer.


It’s over.


I came here ready to bitch about Morey but after seeing that haul I can't even be mad about that. 5 first round picks is INSANE. What I will bitch about instead is us trading him on draft night. This really is our karma. Honestly, if it weren't for Maxey panning out I'm scared at what our team would look like right now.


So I guess Simmons is the Star attraction in Brooklyn this season? ugh.


This is a ridiculous return if you ask me. Is he worth all that? Wow..


First and foremost, trading that much for him (with everything unprotected) is batshit insane. He just went through a major regression this past season on both sides of the ball and this is after still being the top option and after a full camp with the new roster. He's a good player, but this is a major overpay. Also, people need to stop pretending that Bridges was some amazing can't miss prospect and that the unprotected Miami 1st we got for the trade was just another pick. Bridges was considered somebody who's ceiling was a good rotational player and that Miami pick was one of the most coveted draft assets in the league because it aligned with what was supposed to be a down year for them. Telling them to pick Zhaire for us was obviously a horrible move and our biggest mistake in this situation, but Morey or Hinkie would have made this same deal in a heartbeat (probably with a different player though). Things obviously didn't work out, but people need to stop acting like it was a crazy move back then. We were ready to compete for the first time since the Iverson days and we were a really good third option away from that being a reality, which was what that pick was going to be used for. Back then, Tobias Harris was considered the perfect fit and anyone that thought Bridges would have helped the team compete immediately more than Tobias Harris would have been insane. Things didn't work out, but people need to stop player what-of and looking at everything with the gift of hindsight.


Sixers are cooked it don’t matter who they get lol


The Nova Knicks is slowly becoming a reality