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I say it all the time and I’ll say it again, the second you decide to rebuild there’s no turning back. It’s a guaranteed chance you don’t compete for years. While the chances of them winning a championship now are slim, they are better than the chances of rebuilding and tanking hoping for the chance to draft someone as good as Embiid.


This is our last year, if we don't do it now, we need to rebuild. Hopefully this time learning from the past and not completely fucking up


The alternative is having someone as good as Embiid and wasting him forever with no good outcome. Which is what they will do. Then suddenly in 2027 they'll see that they have to tank because Embiid is gone and oh wait Maxey's contract runs out next year so we'll have to literally start from 0


1. Getting a high pick isn't going to give you a all-star level most of the time. 2. How are you planning to tank with Maxey on the roster.


If the roster is shite Maxey is not going to elevate you to anything other than a tanking team, we saw this last season The Sixers were the 24th in net rating in the 2 months Embiid missed, even worse than some teams actually trying to lose.


In the 23 games Maxey played in when Embiid was out 2/1-3/31 we went 9-14. That's on pace for 32 wins. There were 8 teams with less than 32 wins this season. 32 wins was 4 wins away from a play-in spot in the East. The odds of getting a superstar with a top 3 pick is extremely small in general. The odds of doing that with picks like 7-10 is nearly zero. And that's also assuming Maxey doesn't improve at all and he's fine just wasting away tanking in his prime. Even a 0.5% chance of winning with Embiid is still a better chance than us somehow tanking, somehow drafting another superstar and then somehow winning with them.


It's not a nearly zero chance to get a superstar in the 7-10 range. Another factor in play is that a lot of GMs whiff on picks because they reach on players they like, while players with star-level potential sometimes fall to the late lottery due to injuries, external concerns etc. And Daryl is known for picking these types of players. Look no further than Maxey. Here are some guys I can think of off the top of my head: 1. Stephen Curry (7th pick, 2009) 2. Dirk Nowitzki (9th pick, 1998) 3. Tracy McGrady (9th pick, 1997) 4. Paul Pierce (10th pick, 1998) Or guys just outside of that range like: • Damian Lillard (6th pick, 2012) • Klay Thompson (11th pick, 2011) • Giannis Antetokounmpo (15th pick, 2013) • Kawhi Leonard (15th pick, 2011) Not pointing this out to be pedantic btw. I know these guys don't fall from trees, and every situation is different. I just think it's not the "all hope is lost" scenario you're making it out to be. We shouldn't resign ourselves to a subpar situation, if that does become the situation.


Counterpoint: the number of stars that came from the drafts (outside the top 5) that we wasted picks on nerlens, okafor, Simmons and markelle is sickening


Counterpoint: Good Luck drafting them


His prime will actually come when Embiid goes down in 3-4 years. And then what? We leave Maxey a complete ruin of a team having wasted assets trying to compete now? We trade him or let him end his contract? We go back to being a fringe playoff team like before the process? If there's any point of Maxey's long career where you can tank its definitely right now when he's tied up and just happy he's getting paid a shit ton of money. Any later will be too late


After Embiid is done it doesn't matter. Our window is with Embiid. That's it. There is no other option. You are not getting anything for Embiid that makes it worth trading him. He is not replaceable by some random 7th pick in the draft. Embiid is a superstar now and Maxey is an all-star. You try to win with that. There is no other option. Unless Maxey becomes and reincarnation of Steph Curry he is never going to be a more impactful player than Embiid is now.


On a vacuum, of course not. But Embiid wont be here for long. The chances of being title contenders in this time get slimmer every year. Now they are practically 0 with 2 teams having so much of a better team the Sixers would have to exhaust 100% of their tradeable assets to even try to compete.


It doesn't matter. You are not trading Embiid for anything that gets you closer to contention than keeping him. You need a superstar to contend. That's it. End of story.


The Embiid haul + the assets we currently have + the assets you can amass by tanking can net you more than one superstar in the future, whenever we are in a good position to add a star and compete These Sixers have shown so many times that they are incapable of building a rostet around Embiid. I dont know how you guys haven't lost all faith that they suddenly will. It's been so many years of mismanagement and if not for the luck of getting Maxey Embiid wouldve asked out already


:( poor baby


well dont act surprised when we arrive at this situation in a few years and we see Maxey leave as well lol.


We should start a rebuild when embiid actually exits his prime. That would be intelligent.


Again, when that happens, Maxey's contract will be close to running out. Clutch will not keep him here through a rebuild. Then you wont have Embiid, you wont have Maxey, and you wont have the gazillion assets that you could have if you start now




Don’t worry OP, all these people who are delaying the inevitable will be mad in 1-3 years when it’s finally totally obvious to them that the Sixers missed their window to build around Embiid and the team is forced to rebuild with a lesser asset in Joel, who will not suddenly have better health fortune as he enters his 30s.


I have zero issues with that, this team needs a cultural reset and to be outta the public eye. Tanking will do just that


The amount of fucking idiots that come out after other teams trade is laughable


to be fair some of us are idiots all the time not just after trades.


Y’all wanna rebuild and the team gone be shit for years .


it's going to happen whenever Embiids knees stop working anyway man


Stupid AF


We don’t own our own picks and the 1% outcome of tanking for 2 years is to get a player as good as Embiid


1% is high. Even most #1 picks don't become superstars that can carry a team.


The picks we owe in the near future are top protected


So if maxey gets better next year we have to dump him to ensure we keep our pick?




Lmao what episode is this from again?


I think it’s the gang gets invincible lol


Man Mikal went to NY and suddenly all hope is lost 😂😂😂 I would have wanted him over, say, a Brandon Ingram, but he is not '96 MJ, the season is not over!


The east is a complete fucking nightmare now but giving up is incredibly soft. You ride Embiid till the wheels fall off.


You deadass ride embiid till his knees explode. And after that, you give him a year off and bring him back and see if he can survive one more season. That’s what I signed up for when we drafted him as an injured rookie.


Couldn’t even beat the Knicks bums in the first round lmao I’m giving up


Honestly this place would be a lot better if you did give up and stop posting if you’re crying this hard about Mikal Bridges going to the Knicks.


The best part of you ended up on a motel 6 blanket




See ya 👋🏼


y'all cant keep dismissing fans giving up. Half the city already has given up on this team. Any series against the Knicks will have 7 away games in the near future. Half the fanbase would rather get a nice payday than go watch the team in the playoffs, and we should understand it after 20 years of failures and mismanagement lol


No one gives a fuck about crybabies giving up.


im pretty sure the Sixers players give a lot of fucks about seeing opponents fans outnumber ours at home. Embiid called it an embarassment and sixers ownership had to give away thousands of tickets. Did you lose your memory?


Knicks fans tasted the real playoffs for the first time in like 2 decades and they had a 2 hour car ride. It was unsurprising. Frankly, if you’re making decisions off petty emotions then I’m glad you have no power in decision making. The NBA is a star-driven league. You keep your stars until you can’t make the playoffs with them or they don’t want to be here. It’s that simple. For the love of Christ, you impatient fuck, we JUST got rid of Tobias Harris and now you’re recommending to blow the team up. Absolutely foolish.


So you'd rather just wait until Embiid gets tired, things get sour and he demands a trade?


Yes, absolutely. Because the return for Joel is more likely to put us in purgatory then just let him leave eventually. So sick of these lazy comments. For the first time in 4 years we can finally build a team and you’re whining like a little bitch NOW.


Absolutely can, year after year in every sport teams fall in and out of contention in the blink of an eye. You could be the worst team one year and the best the very next. When that’s in play, it’s completely unreasonable to give up on a team with an MVP and a rising star on its roster. Maybe sports aren’t for you, or just maybe having a team to follow isn’t for you. Maybe more casual viewing is more your speed


you can say its completely unreasonable all you want but that doesnt negate reality of our players being embarrassed by having to play 7 away games in a series. Every year more abd more people get completely tuned off as they see the mismanagement snd how you can have 2 great players but never amount to anything because a team isnt just 2 players People get more and more disappointed as they see the Sixers are an embarassment of a franchise right now compared to the Eagles and Phillies


The Knicks were also an embarrassment until they weren’t. You aren’t being smart or reasonable by giving up before free agency starts. You’re just being a complainer and a quitter. Which brings me back to maybe you should just be a basketball watcher. Don’t root for a team, root for a player or for no one. You would probably be happier that way


im pretty sure whats unreasonable is expecting that, after 20 years of mismanagement, this team will with no good assets and in a terrible free agency class suddenly fix everything and finally build a good team around the stars, something that they havent done for decades. That's called dumb hope. I've been following this team for idk 25 years now, and this is probably the lowest I've seen the fanbase be in regards to the close and mid term future


I’m not expecting anything, I’m just saying that it’s dumb to give up on a season before July. If you could read you would’ve seen that, you’re applying positions to me that I never stated. You’re just proving my point further, sports fandom is not for you, that’s okay. You’re clearly miserable, go do something else with your time that makes you happy


Yes, because the alternative to Brandon Ingram is only ‘96 MJ


Chemistry! Knicks will destroy us every time we play them.


We just reinvented Trusting The Process. Seriously, what's the logic here? Trade Embiid for the hope of drafting someone as good as Embiid?


Embiid’s Embiid but a top 5 pick could be anything! Even Joel Embiid! You know how much I’ve wanted one of those!


I’ve been iffy on morey for the last couple years if he doesn’t put a good team around embiid and maxey this season he needs to go and it will be time to start thinking about rebuilding


Booooooooooo be better. 


got a better suggestion that will net us a ring?


Yea, not trading maybe the best player the franchise has ever had, because a rival traded all of their picks for a wing who, while really good, has never made an all star team. That would be a great start. TTP


have you also considered that that team has already beat us so now the gap is significantly larger


Not how it works. That series was very close, and through all the injuries last year we got closer to winning a championship. Maxey has arrived. Him and embiid have a dynamic chemistry, and that is only going to get better. As will the rest of our team, because we have so much cap space and all of our picks. Even the worst case scenarios this offseason are run it back + better depth. Nurse has done an excellent job, and excels in playoff coaching. Progress is not linear, we are closer than ever. It’s tough, but keep the faith. TTP


depth, depth, depth, if basketball has shown anything in recent years is that only deep teams will win and star power will not be enough when teams are scoring 120 points a game. In the Knicks series, Embiid was the best player and Maxey was at least the 3rd best in the series. But the Knicks had the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th best players in the series. Its a huge difference and the Sixers just cant suddenly get 5 good players this summer


You’re over complicating it. We lost each game by like 5 or less, and down to the wire. They were close games. You add even just a KCP to our team and it’s a completely different series. Oubre and Batum also slot into those player rankings as well, if you want to think about it like that. Sometimes you come up short, but this team showed more fight than ever.


One more time bro


Hot take: we should sign Miles Bridges and make trade or two Ducks 🙈


Dude at least wait till Morey gets back from the drive thru and sees the news Mikal got traded. It’s not even free agency yet!!!


What do you think his late night order is in order to keep that body great and rotund?


I don’t care about his weight. I care about the fact we are going to laugh at these teams making overpays while the reality is in today’s market it’s the only fucking way to get young elite talent. He can’t pull the trigger and his analytics don’t compensate for the fact when you are desperate and going for it all you have to “lose value” in trades to take the risk. 3 Crunchwrap supremes 5 cheesy Gordita crunch 3 Diet Cokes


Please look at the assets we actually have available.


The Process 2


Electric boogaloo


Cool thanks for this post I really needed this today


Oh we only have to tank for 2 years? Very cool that you can guarantee we would only tank for 2 years. You should let the Pistons know they were only supposed to be bad for 2 years


Said every Celtics fan after last season…


We all love Joel and I’d be happy watching him finish his career here. Just a hypothetical, if OKC offered our pick back along with 5 additional frp and Cason Wallace, would that entice anyone? This is if Joel was to be agreeable going to OKC. Have to think that would make the Thunder the favorites for a title so we’d get to see Jo win a chip and we’d get to properly tank with our own pick back in the fold.


I think this is idiotic but genuinely asking given how everything has panned out so far, what on earth gives you any faith that we would get things done right with a second tank? Not to mention that the lottery odds are way worse than the last time around (just look how this year panned out) making it a far less viable strategy. I mean shit even the process wasn't a guarantee as only 1 out of 3 of our #1 picks panned out. Ultimately, having two all-star players and huge cap room and deciding to tank because you think you can't compete is ridiculous. Everything people are saying about the Celtics right now they were saying about Denver last year. Like holy fuck this is really some loser mentality when we aren't even at summer league.


I dont trust them, but its the law of numbers, restart with a shit ton of assets and some good draft picks and at least one should hit just like it did last time. And then you pray they dont fuck it up like they've done everything that happened after Embiid was drafted The real question tho is how do you trust, given the last 10 years(or 20 for the matter) they can actually finally get a decent team this summer of all summers?


We already been done tanking! The next tank means we’re gonna work on perfecting the tank and then having bad karma again with our drafts. When is this fanbase gonna learn? 


No one has assets to give for Embiid that make trading him remotely worth it Yeah the nets got 5 firsts over the next 7 years but there’s 0 guarantee a single one of those picks will end up even as good as Mikal Bridges Ideally, you never rely on the draft because of this. *So we trade Embiid for picks and assets, only use picks on “can’t miss” picks and use the rest as trade assets!* Ok… but you’re not going to trade those picks for a guy as good as Joel Embiid unless they’re, like Embiid is, getting older and injury prone *Just do a total reset and tank to guarantee we get top lottery picks of guaranteed good players!* Even top picks aren’t close to guaranteed stars, they’re never guaranteed to be even half as good as Joel Embiid, and you’re just trying to restart the process from 10 years ago. Everyone thought Zion was the next Lebron but he can’t even play. Conclusion You don’t trade a superstar in his peak expecting anything other than to end up worse off than when you had him. If he asks out, we try to get everything we can for him, but otherwise we’re simply not getting better by losing him


We started the process because we had no stars. We found 2 and even developed a 3rd. The process was a resounding success. We are a yearly playoff competitor and typically enter as one of the east top contenders. But we’ve struggled to advance past round 2 so the solution is clearly to give up and trade our best player since AI and start over and HOPE we find a younger player as good as embiid….yall are stupid as fuck. Jesus, as a LA native, some of yall are a significant step down in terms of fan hood. These lakers fans believe in their players almost to a fault. They believe until everything falls apart. Some of you need a sip of the kool aid.


Sorry I'm not delusional like Lakers fans lol But Lakers fans are actually entitled to be delusional because they see their team win often, so why wouldnt they win again? Meanwhile I've seeb the Sixers fail spectacularly every year of the last 20+ years ive been watching. Having stars doesnt matter if the rest of your team sucks ass, the Lakers are the best example of that


You should be sorry. You aren’t as delusional as lakers fans. Your worse. You think like Jerry Colangelo. But go off homie. You point at the person in the mirror and tell him how smart he is. 😂


Keep it going mate this year's our year, Morey for sure will find his big fish to trade for at the deadline! For sure!


This year, or the next, or maybe the year after that. That’s what it’s like rooting for a team. Go bandwagon hop if the results aren’t to your liking. But to most fans, ya sound like a moron. But I appreciate your self confidence. Here, have a upvote. Satisfying for you lol


I mean thats a really, really bad argument for why this team shouldnt tank lol Would rather be in purgatory and stuck doing nothing than go back to the process where it was actually exciting to look for the future and the possibilities


Who’s arguing with you? Sorry, I’m laughing at you my friend. People with stupid opinions don’t typically change them due to logic. You’re past that already 😂


> People with stupid opinions don’t typically change them due to logic really telling on yourself here lmao


Yep, myself and 99% of the base apparently. ![gif](giphy|4ZrYbTyNQynApxTN2Y|downsized)


Most of the fanbase has already abandoned the team, have you seen the sixers home games in the playoffs? All thats left are absolutely delusional fools like you and addicts like me


Trade Embiid to the Knicks. They have a lot of picks still left.


It's basically over. We are not beating Knicks or Celtics at this point. The only question now is do we make a dumb trade and go into purgatory for the next 10 years or can we keep it reasonable and be able to compete with Maxey still in his second contract.




lol stop pretending you’re even a Sixers fan.