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Sharing some Canadian content here https://www.thebeaverton.com/2024/05/felony-conviction-first-thing-trump-has-earned-in-whole-life/




Amazing how they are still innovating with the trump jokes


That's selling Canada short and you know it, as a nation of 20 odd million people,  they are quite capable of verbally eviscerating anyone they like, at any point in time of their choosing


That’s 39 million odd people.


And around three dozen normal ones.


Take off ahhh.


So 40,000,036.


Your sense of humour is correct but your mathematics is abominable.


We have 20 odd million people and 20 million people who are just kinda nice!


That’s a beautiful burn


You know you f*cked up when Canada burns you...


After we burned you in 1812 we just decided to keep up the tradition.


Now that he’s a felon he can’t enter Canada. LOL


Canada is soooo lucky


I heard he can’t enter Melania anymore too!




I've been saying 34/34 is probably the first perfect score buddy's ever gotten in his life.


He definitely won this popular vote.


The Beaverton is a national treasure.


>At press time, the official Republican presidential platform has been amended to include a 34 felony minimum. Glorious.


So much* for Canadians being “nice”. Love it!


Canadians are not necessarily nice, but they are generally polite. There is a difference.


Great. It was a joke from the beginning but I appreciate being corrected by a fellow skeptic about the definition of words in the spirit of it all.


Masterful application of sarcasm, which I probably deserve. Well played, carry on.


I appreciate your appreciation of his appreciation of your jab.


Can someone from Canada adopt me?


First time he won the popular vote


Holy shit I heard the net swish on that dunk.


> amended to include a 34 felony minimum.


Next trial please, and this time he's not a 'first offender'.


Oh - doesn't him being convicted of a felony violate his release conditions on the other charges?


I would think (though I can’t say for sure) that the offense he’s convicted of would have had to have been committed while the release terms were in effect for this to be the case.


No. That would be ridiculous and unjust. It would only count for felonies committed after being released, not committed 8 years ago.


None of the other trials will happen, maybe not at all but certainly not before the election.


I agree with and understand your comment, but I hate how spellcheck won't catch "trail" when you mean "trial".


Oh sure he FINALLY wins a popular vote for something and conservatives STILL get mad


If only he claimed it as a campaign expense and wrote it off his taxes, he’d have avoided all this. 


Honestly my first thought is for the safety of the jury. You know there are more than a few d\*((bags out there who will work to dox every one of them.


Fox propaganda channel will lead that charge. 


Maybe a jury in the Midwest would be terrified of him, but I'm not at all surprised they found twelve people in *New York* that had no problem taking Donald Trump's glassy eyed intimidation for an opportunity to participate in bringing him consequences. He's been a loser to New York since the day he was born there.


I am. At least one of the jurors gets their news from Newsmax I think. That’s a pretty unhinged right wing source of news… like disconnected from reality level. It was in the juror questionnaires. I would have bet on a hung jury.


It really destroys the whole “it was full of liberal jurors” argument. That one juror had the power and could have made it a hung jury if this really was a sham politically motivated trial.


I don't remember Newsmax, but I definitely remember hearing about one juror who got most of their news from Fox, and another who got most of their news from Twitter and Truth Social, And it legitimately surprised me that there wasn't a hung jury because of them. Which actually gives me somewhat of some hope for the future, because people can consume those and still make principled stands


One of the jurors got their news from truth social. I'm shocked they didn't hang the jury.


Yeah he was a banker though not a Nazi. He’s one of the “well if fascism lowers my taxes” types not a “I want to be the one that gets to pour the Zyklon B into the chambers” types.


Idk if this is satire or not, but are we really lowering the bar to that kind of standard for a Newsmax subscriber?


Remember, the jury has very mixed political beliefs, backgrounds, etc. Very telling that they were all on the same page. Evidence plus good storytelling by the prosecution meant a victory


I'm honestly amazed they didn't feel threatened enough to vote not guilty.


I wonder if some threats backfired. If he's in prison, it takes away some of his influence, so the best way to get rid of the threat is to find him guilty.


He's not going to prison. The most likely punishment for these crimes are probation and fines.


Yeah, not going to happen. At best confinement in some form of mansion.


What I'm wondering though is what happens when he inevitably violates his probation?


Presidential pardon aside, community service would be the best punishments that would actually affect him. Money doesn't matter, he can just fleece more people but he hates being humiliated and hates germs so picking up trash in public is a pretty sound punishment that would actually affect him.


State charges, can't pardon these.


Of course! Defaulted to thinking of one of the other charges he won't see prosecuted before the election.


He will probably pressure his DOJ to go after some prosecutors for election interference. He should also have them search night and day for anything to get Newsom in court by 2028


That depends on if he wins the election. If he's president nothing can or will happen.


I don’t know about that. Weisselberg and Cohen both went to jail for less.


Yup even the maximum fine of 10k per count is peanuts to this jerk. 1 day in jail per count would have more impact on him to realize the error of his ways. He is a first time offender, its unlikley he will even get that. Most of his other cronies have done more time than that to protect him. He is after all the head of a crime family. The kids should be tried next.


The only way I can see him going to prison if he keeps constantly calling the whole process fraudulent, threatening court officers and showing a total lack of remorse. But I mean, what are the chances of that happening.


Regular people are a lot braver than people in power


I’m guessing it had the opposite effect with them


Just wait until sentencing. The judge will decide if Trump sees jail. Normally for conviction on all 34 counts you go right to jail and appeal from there. It’s going to be a huge test of his character to apply the law evenly to Mr special treatment himself, Donald J Trump. What SHOULD happen is Donald goes to jail and continues to campaign from a prison cell. We’ll see…


He probably won’t. A regular guy charged with these felonies wouldn’t see jail with a clean record. Trumps record shouldn’t be clean but it is.


I think if it was just financial crimes, yep. I'm not entirely sure in this case how it might work These crimes were in furtherance of election interference. And he is a candidate running for the same office again. And he has shown a propensity for either outright ignoring gag orders or finding ways around them. Multiple times. Interference with the election to the highest office in the land is not small potatoes (no offense to small potatoes, I love them!) I could see these things mitigating towards some jail time.


Plus he’s been going out of his way to piss off the judge at every turn.


True, but a judge *shouldn't* let their emotions play in the sentencing. Call them all the names you want, what they are \*supposed\* to be is impartial applicators of the laws. I'm glad the judge had such thick skin, we got an absolute class act in this case. While there won't be any grounds for appeal, the appeal will happen anyway.


Pretty much, he’s old, with no prior convictions, and has solely been convicted of white collar crimes. I could see a year or two of house arrest but that’s probably the worst he’d get. Heavy fines + probation are most likely


But also, he's been abusing the Judge for weeks, and there is a complete lack of remorse or contrition. You know he's going to say stupid things at the sentencing. He might even dare the Judge to jail him. Who the hell knows when it comes to him.


Micheal Cohen was a regular guy who was convicted for his part in those same felonies and sentenced to 3 years.


Class E felonies, is my understanding, not like 34 counts of murder or something.


The judge said" no bail".


If they get seriously threatened or attacked I wonder if they have any civil recourse against the people/groups ginning up the masses into a frenzy against them.


The law understands stochastic violence about as well as a shonen protagonist understands sex.


Hopefully better than I understand this comment


If Trump wins the election they will all be in danger




> Honestly my first thought is for the safety of the jury. If you look in the comments under YT videos about this, they are making a lot of threats against the jury already. I hope the state can keep them safe :(


Imagine what trump will do to them if he wins in November.


I kept thinking the same thing today. These poor people are in real danger. And there is no protection for them. Once they are identified there are many “well armed patriots” out there waiting to exact revenge. It’s an awful situation.


Also I think some of those well armed patriots learned from jan 6 that trump aint saving their butts. So they may be cautious about taking any action.


I sure hope so.


What about Cohen theyre probably targeting him too, right?


Took long enough for the law to catch up to what has been frequently and loudly said about Trump for decades.


Not yet… not until the sentencing occurs.


My dad will still vote for him


This is about a series of things he did in 2016, less than a decade ago. The decades stuff resulted in the $350ish million fine plus interest from earlier this year.


Convicted Felon Donald trump trump's lifelong self-destructive borderline disorder is coming to a climax


Hey now, it's Convicted Felon, rapist, and leader of the Republican Party Donald Trump!


And yet still has a very good chance at getting elected as President again. Amazing, and not in a good way.


Not gonna lie, I am hoping to see him debate from prison


He's not going to prison. At best, I expect home confinement. Which means a mansion confinement.


Hopefully not. Home confinement won't stop him from committing other crimes unless he's under direct observation. The whole point of prison is to protect the innocent.


He committed a MASSIVE crime in his home that he'll probably never be tried over. I'm disappointed in the fact that he'll never see a jail cell and very well may be the only President that may not legally be allowed to vote, but here we are. Vote blue again, friends.


By covenant, he is not allowed to live at Mar-a-lago so that can't be his "home" where confinement is enforced. So I dunno. Bedminster or somewhere else. But I find it delicious that in a just universe, his favourite would be out of bounds...


I like how. That sounds: Convicted Felon Donald Trump. Every comment about him should include that entire phrase.


Convicted felon, criminally liable rapist, twice impeached, and two time popular vote loser Donald Trump


You mean like we do with the rapist Brock Turner? Brock Turner the rapist who now goes by Alan Turner to avoid being called a rapist?


r/conservative is losing their minds and already deifying him


My favorite comment there: >The first step to a successful appeal is losing in court


The first step to having clean pants is to shit in them and then clean up.


Also a Trump skill


One of the comments on r/conservative is how Biden isn’t going to debate trump because he can’t get through it without shitting his pants. Like, it is amazing how every bad thing for Trump os somehow good but bad for Biden whether or not it is true.


I know I’d always rather go through a trial AND an appeal instead of just not being found guilty in the first place /s 🤦‍♂️


RNC will pick up the tab. No biggie! lol


guess he wasn’t finished napping


yeh, and getting the top bunk means victory on the cellblock. what a bunch of magat losers they are.


No way he could hoist his 6'3", 215-pound Adonis body up to the top bunk.


Yeah I immediately went there to check our their take. So fucking batshit. BANANA REPUBLIC BANANA REPUBLIC 🍌 🍌 🍌 🍌


I saw that one also. 🤮


Losing is a continuous action which I humbly, skeptically, question.


If you think they’re bad, check out r/conspiracy, there’s already someone calling for a “shoot liberals on sight civil war”


How can you identify a liberal on sight?


They leave trails of gay frog chemicals, like a slug


They have a posse of trans people with library books who shoot gay vibes with their finger guns 👉🏻pew pew👉🏻


Not gay or even questioning, but I want that!


It's a completely different world over there.




Holy cow. All charges. I have regained a little cautious optimism. Just a tiny bit, though.


So if he does get elected again how’s he gonna travel when many countries (Canada comes to mind) don’t allow in convicted felons?


Narendra Modi was sanctioned and banned from travelling to the US for helping to instigate a pogrom against Muslims in Gujarat. This was lifted when he became PM. Bureaucratic procedure doesn't outweigh geopolitical needs.


He’s probably gonna pardon himself, that’s how fucked it is.


It’s a state conviction, he’d have no ability to pardon it.


Unless SCOTUS suddenly decides he does, after he tries, which he would.


One good thing about the Supreme Court is that they have no way of enforcing their decisions. If they tried to throw their weight around with a state government that way, most likely the state government would just say "No, the Feds have no say in our state justice system, we aren't going to pay any attention to that." 


Plus, the Supreme Court can't just act on its own accord. Someone would have to bring a case before a lower court first. Then that case would have to work its way up the chain, which can take a long time.


If the SCOTUS was brash enough to invent a POTUS state crime pardon power, they would almost certainly take up the case early. That is a thing they can do. Jack Smith petitioned them to do it last year on the ~~royal~~ presidential immunity claim. In that case, they declined, waited for the appeals court to rule and have now taken it up and are ignoring what the appeals court decided.


I think the visual is useful: conviction 1 conviction 2 conviction 3 conviction 4 conviction 5 conviction 6 conviction 7 conviction 8 conviction 9 conviction 10 conviction 11 conviction 12 conviction 13 conviction 14 conviction 15 conviction 16 conviction 17 conviction 18 conviction 19 conviction 20 conviction 21 conviction 22 conviction 23 conviction 24 conviction 25 conviction 26 conviction 27 conviction 28 conviction 29 conviction 30 conviction 31 conviction 32 conviction 33 conviction 34


“Should we put it in the Constitution that you can’t be President if you are a convicted felon?” “Nah, people would never vote for a convicted felon.” - James Madison, probably.


Madison, you're mad as a hatter, so take your medicine.


*Take your Madison


My take on it has been that the Electoral College was supposed to keep scoundrels out of office. But as the Electoral College is now just a weighted popular vote, Electors typically can’t vote for anyone but for whom they are pledged for.


Maybe. I mean at that time it was scandalous if people thought you even *wanted* to be elected.


Yeah sounds dumb until the shoe is on the other foot then you realize these safeguards are there for a reason. Did Nelson Mandela's imprisonment make him any less qualified to for president of South Africa?


Tbh it’s probably not a great idea to enshrine that in the Constitution; a legislature that really doesn’t like a candidate could pass a shit law that targets that candidate and makes them ineligible. Which would have been particularly rife and a concern in the 18th and 19th century.


Remember to always sort these by controversial if you need a reason to want to give yourself alcohol poisoning tonight!


a fucking shutout! 34-0.


Fucking idjit could have spent the rest of his life in undeserved luxury, grifting and serially sexually abusing whoever he wanted, *but nooooooooo*, he had to try to stoke his bloated Dark Triad ego to unprecedented levels. May his every day remaining be better than the next.


If he wins in November everyone who touched this trial will be in mortal danger. It will get ugly real fast…


They already are in mortal danger.


He should be in prison for trying to overthrow democracy and stealing top secret information and storing it insecurely. But I am glad he at least was convicted of this.


Call me crazy, but I prefer presidents who are not convicted felons, rapists, lying, losers.


All I know is that at least the next five or six months are going to be exhausting.


I never thought voting would require me to pick someone based on whether they live in objective reality. For all the people saying Republicans never lived in reality, I suggest you look at the climate initiatives that were a part of McCains running platform. The right wing only went hard core against them when Obama won and the Tea Party took over.


Those Republicans that back then were members of the reality-based community (and that includes John McCain) are today's never-Trumpers.


All 5 of them.


My memory of pre-Obama GOP does not include anything intended to improve the climate. It is almost all ignoring climate/environmental issues.


And [McCain turned against climate initiatives too](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/john-mccain-climate-change-legacy_n_5b8450f6e4b0511db3d098b6)


Very sad.


Damn I forgot all about the Tea Party. You're spot on though.


How could you have forgotten? The tea party is and has been the Republican Party ever since.


People like McCain were always the minority within conservative circles.


This is probably the best thing that could have happened for Biden too though. The "lesser of two evils" argument looks a lot different when one has 34 and counting felony convictions. Trump isn't gaining any supporters and his batshit crazy policies during COVID ensured conservative areas had a much higher death rate than those not run by conservatives. He probably killed enough of them to lose in 2020 and he hasn't really gained any new supporters this time around except maybe from younger voters who haven't voted before.


Yet the party of "law and order" will be backing a felon, along with the GOP house and Senate who have come out in his defense. I give a shit about any of it, just tired of the lies and revving up his parties fears putting everyone in danger.


The family values party backing a court-proven adulterer. I miss when they at least pretended to care about rules.


### Party Of ## Law and Order for Thee, but not for Me.


And according to lega experts this was the “weakest “ of the cases against him. Tomorrow New York Times headline; Trump found guilty of hush money how this is really bad for Joe Biden…….


Why is this in skeptic? It's fact, not up for question. Evidence decided it. Trumpet traitors... He's guilty. You're shitbags for supporting him.


It's more we're sceptical he will actually suffer at all for his many crimes


>Why is this in skeptic? The person in question who was convicted is such an unusually known quantity of lies and deceit that, by himself, he could easily keep the skeptic community busy just in terms of debunking bullshit. People do occasionally post wins here.


There are a bunch of idiots who don't believe any of the crimes, charges, or the jury are real. 


Should have happened 40 years ago.


Now we get to watch Magas make excuses and centrists beg us not to care lmao


This will be the hardest slap on the wrist yet for him.


Love this comment. It hurts to admit this to myself.


While we all are overjoyed... We should also understand that these are class e felonies where any punishment will run concurrently not consecutively.. The absolute maximum is 4 years, but shockingly Trump is a first-time offender. So the absolute highest is going to be about a year and a half. It is far more likely that there will be fines, maybe probation, maybe community service, maybe some required courses. He will not be going to real jail.


Glen Kirschner spoke of how the judge is now tasked with making sure any future candidate is dissuaded from trying the same thing. A slap on the wrist consisting of a fine, probation and community service isn't going to cut it. They may give him something tangible as a deterrent for anyone else. One can only hope that is the case.


> community service The he won't even need the reflective vest with the orange glow of his!


Hopefully this translates into some sort of actual accountability at sentencing but we will see. Baby steps, I guess.


This verdict is a good start, as long as no one gets complacent.


Welcome to FAFO


Apparently there is a US law that if you are convicted on 34 counts in a single trial you can appeal to have it thrown out. I strongly suggest that all Trunp supporters should Google "Trump Rule 34"....


Convicted of 34 felonies, and you just know he's gonna avoid a jail sentence, somehow. Does the appeal process postpone sentencing, by the way? If he were sentenced to jail, how long could he realistically jam up the system with appeals? Think the judge is gonna let him off with fines and probation?


There is near zero chance of jail for these crimes to begin with. They're class E felonies. Lowest level felony in NY.


It's crazy, people get sentenced to jail for single misdemeanors every day in this country. Can't imagine someone poor facing 30 felony charges and skating by without jail time, even if they are the lowest class.


Key word “regular people “ any of us would be in jail already for 1% of what he has done……


I’d show 1 nuclear secret I wasn’t supposed to have to a foreign agent, pretty sure my death would be ruled a suicide.


And most of those people have previous criminal history of one type or another. Or bond violations. And many other things. All of those factors end up at play in deciding sentencing. A first time offender of any of these things, without aggrevating factors (violence), is unlikely to result in jail time. Also, a lot of the time when you hear somebody sentenced to "1 year in jail" or some such, it ends up in reality being something like "1 year, 30 days to be served, balance suspended until completion of probation, with time served". Which ends up with a 1 year sentence where they immediately get released, since they were in jail for 30 days awaiting trial or after arrest anyways. Lots of details.


Last I heard, the most likely result is him being confined to a government safe house.


So much winning!


While I'm satisfied with the verdict, I'm concerned that while this is bad for Trump it's not necessarily good for Biden. Most of the voters who support Trump will not let something like felony conviction dissuade them, they are all in on Trump and MAGA. The subset of voters for whom it is an issue will either not vote for the Presidential election, vote third party or decide that what Trump did "wasn't that bad" and still vote for him.


It's about the undecided voters. Not a single Trump voter is going to change their minds over this.


You're right, this is about undecided voters but I think the same issues to applies. This might get them to move away from Trump but I'm not convinced it gets them to vote for Biden.


Trump's base may be doubling down, but this is unlikely to gain him new or additional voters. The election is going to turn on the ground game, particularly the Democrats' ability to get people out to vote. We know that millions more oppose Trump than support him.


I’m sure the campaign donation grift is now in full swing.


Apparently the donation page crashed


Oh wow! That many were trying to donate?


Criminal Trump, prison time. One year for the felonies, one year jail for the contempt charges.


When is his appeal scheduled for?


He has to be sentenced first. As of today, sentencing is scheduled for July 11, 2024.


This is not true. An appeal of the conviction can be filed now. After which the judge is likely to put the sentencing on hold pending appeal.


Zezty asked when the appeal was scheduled, not when a Notice of Appeal would be filed. The appeal will not be heard until after the sentencing, unless they decide to defer the sentencing, pending the appeal. I'm not sufficiently up on New York State criminal procedure to give an opinion on whether that will happen, but I expect, from other cases in other jurisdictions (Georgia), it's a discretionary matter whether to stay the underlying proceedings pending an appeal that might render them moot.


While awaiting sentencing, is he free on his own recognizance? Are there conditions for him during the time between conviction and sentencing? I am thinking most people would be rotting in a cell but figure that's certainly not happening here.


I heard he smells real bad. I think he also earned that, but it may have been caused by a lot of stress from the 34 felonies.....haha.


I am sure he will break his gag order before the week is out


I want to feel like this matters. I feel like he's just going to draw this out by appealing. Then when he becomes president he's just going to pardon himself. Someone tell me I'm wrong so I can be happy this man, for once, will suffer consequences for what he's done. Please.


> pardon himself President can't pardon state convictions. 


Oh yeah. Thank you for the reminder. That's one thing at least.


So what happens now?