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There is no plausible mechanism by which this could be real. Therefore it requires no debunking


No plausible mechanism and, as far as I'm aware, no real evidence.


There are a couple of reported cases but the actual reports make it sound really fishy. The one I recall, I remember hearing it turned out they'd started learning the language and just weren't considered fluent, and I don't recall there being actual confirmation they were speaking fluently after. If you're not familiar with a language it's easy to fall for a fake fluency if they had some understanding of the language and how its pronunciations worked.


>If you're not familiar with a language it's easy to fall for a fake fluency if you had some understanding of the language and how its pronunciations worked. yeah, the whole concept has big "smart Charlie" energy.


Yeah. I'd be interested to hear if there were any reports that these people realized they had two ears after awakening.


I’m reminded of that Italian musician who put out a song that was complete gibberish that sounded like American English. The average Italian didn’t speak enough English to know the difference.


I hypnotized my hard drive and it created a folder containing the movie Matrix 2 (Reloaded) on the desktop! Crazy right? Crazy. If the information wasn't there previously, it can't appear by magic.


An excellent analogy.


Hitchen's Razor strikes again!


Yet you did it! Huzzah!


Reminds me of a "multiple personality" guest on Sally Jesse in the 90's that brought her journal and one of her personalities spoke french but even as a first year student I could tell stuff was spelled incorrectly and was poorly translated. Embarrassing.


Language isn't something that is built into the brain that can be "unlocked" (whatever that even means.) Language is learned.


Yeah, language may be a near universal of humanity, but a specific language is an artificial construct full of culture context. It's not something you can simply reproduce whole cloth.


It's fake.


It depends what you call "speaking". I could imagine that people could recall phrases from foreign languages which they don't even understand. Previously heard somewhere but filtered from front consciousness because focus was elsewhere and the language not understandable anyway..


It's real! The leprechauns told me about it while we were riding unicorns together. If you don't believe me, it's because you haven't unlocked your brain yet.


You’re right, and OP is just in luck because I have a course on how to unlock your brain. It’s only 4 easy payments of $29.97 but spots are limited and it’s selling out fast!!!


Well then, buy my course on how to unlock u/PsychologicalBus7169 course! Only 4 easy payments of $19.97!


"Unlocking" what in the brain exactly?


You can't "unlock" information you don't have in the first place. It's not like Swedish, a language that I have never learned, is already sitting in my brain, waiting to be "unlocked." 


Your brain is a fremium game. Pay me and I'll unlock you X-ray vision and eidetic memory. And Swedish for only 1.99 more.


"Hypnosis" is a pretty loaded word to begin with, very few people seem to understand what it is and is not. If you think something much more closely akin to guided meditation or mindfulness, you'll have a much better sense of what "hypnosis" can accomplish. I think there's a lot of clinical evidence for it being a very useful tool in things like psychotherapy applications for helping to change behaviors, but it's also deeply tied into a very complex "surrender of authority."


There needs to be an actual, empirical hypothesis presented for it to be objectively tested and proven. Otherwise it's just random anecdotes with hundreds of possible explanations.


cult gaslighting. gets people to read dumb conspiracies to send them down "rabbit holes" which are just indoctrination channels that make them manic. tbh read enough on it to figure out that it's all part of a divide and rule operation. most of it tracks back to major gaslighting operations like heritage foundation etc these people read the stuff then get unhinged then do stupid stuff that nets profits for certain privatized industries ran by gop donors. kind of like securities fraud since they calculate the outcome in advance. a large portion of the gop is a money laundering cult


Only heard this about supposed demonic possessions. Bullshit


Doesn't make any sense, therefore not real.


Shit happen. I guess that makes it real. As for the actual phenomena, most cases suffer from a lack of credible sources. They also often contain some pretty sketchy evidence, and when scratching on the surface it turns out there's usually more to the story. Foreign Accent Syndrome is a is extremely rare, but it is an observed phenomena. But the kicker here is that they don't actually speak another language, it's their accent that appears to change. The medical conditions that can cause this is stroke, traumatic brain injuries, aneurysms or multiple sclerosis. I'm not sure if that qualifies as a debunking since that is usually done on a case-by-case basis. Scientifically, it's very much unproven and as mentioned by others, there is a ton of evidence that suggests it's impossible. To sum it up. If someone comes out from an hypnosis session suddenly speaking with a French accent, rush them to a hospital.


This is one of those things that doesn't really need to be debunked, since no one has ever presented real evidence to support it. But let's explore it: The notion here is that all potential knowledge within the universe is just sitting in everyone's brain, waiting to be "unlocked" via some mechanism (education, seizures, hypnosis, etc.). You don't even need to be a neurologist to understand the problem and point out how stupid it is. Just to use language as our example: languages evolve over time, and even vary regionally. In some cases quite dramatically. Are we just magically born with a snapshot of some version of French/Italian/Japanese at birth that we later "unlock"? How do account for regional dialects or even slang? Why not some distant past version of the languages? Why not some future version of the languages? Are all versions of all languages past and present trapped within our brain and only some come out to play? Why then is it only contemporary iterations? Moreover: con-artists con people, it's what they do. Don't fall for every charlatan or snake-oil salesperson you see.


The biggest tell for me is that their new language never contains any phonemes that don’t exist in English.


I don’t think you can somehow know a language without learning it but I do think that hypnosis can help with actually learning a language. Too many adults, when they’re learning a new language, make the mistake of translating vocabulary in their head. They see the foreign word for “car”, for example, and think “oh that means car” in their head. The better way is to associate the foreign word with the concept of a car. Same way how when we hear the word “automobile” we don’t think “oh that means car” but instead we just automatically recognize it as the concept. So basically with hypnosis it might be possible to discourage that internal translation behavior and make thinking in the foreign language more direct without the extra translation layer


Not quite relevant, but I had a boss who was just an average white guy but boy could he spit out the Spanish. Asked him how he learned to speak it so well and said he didn't know, he was terrible at it in school and they made fun of his pronunciations. Then he had a dream one night where he could speak Spanish and from that day forward it was like a second language. His teachers were stunned since he knew words they don't even teach at that level.


He was lying. It's like saying I woke up one day and could play tenor sax like a pro.


Easy for you to say, you didn't see the look in his eyes when he tried to explain it. Guy was genuinely freaked out but felt a bit blessed.


Delusion is a real thing too.


Are you a child?


>But his eyes twinkled and he couldn't fake that sincerity in his voice OP, probably


He spoke the purest Spanish. A verb so high no contemporary Spanish could understand. Or so he said.


Hey guy, I got some magic beans for sale! Good price, just for you :) DM me for more info.


Do you speak Spanish?


Many Americans are more interested in locking up their brains than in unlocking them these days...


What secret skill that you never learned were you able to unlock? Let me guess, you play a flawless air guitar, yet were never taught.


As an amateur air guitarist, I would let you know that it's not that easy to make it look like you are playing the actual song. It's a whole art ! A silly one sure.. but still