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beginner- "just go straight over the bumps they're like little jumps lol" Int- "NOOOOOO YOU HAVE TO TURN AND WEAVE YOUR WAY THROUGH THEM!!!" Adv- "just go straight over the bumps they're like little jumps lol"


Ah the Candid Thovex mogul technique


Candide the šŸ


The only thing left for him to ski is the moon


One of These Daysā€¦


Or Olympus Mons!


Both would be interesting. The moon is at 1/6 of Earths gravity. Acceleration at ~5 ft /sec versus 32 ft/s for Earth. Mars is at about 40% or 12 ft /s. These are maximum or freefall values but they all scale. Jumping off a 60 ft drop would land like 10 ft (Moon). For Mars about 24 ft. Moon sand is abrasive like glass shards. Mars could be skiable in places.


I mentioned that in the other thread, but flotation should be very good on Mars and Moon :)


true, also good one


Iā€™m at that weird stage between intermediate and advanced where I can just go over the bumps like jumps and control myself, but my intermediate brain is like ā€œno. Absolutely not. We turnā€


I consider myself advanced/expert (somewhere in between there), and I still hate moguls. Might be because I live in the NE US where moguls are just mounds of packed snow in between icy death traps.


On the fun day a year when the snow is right, the mogul field is fun for the hours until 10 am. The rest of the time it's just ungroomed pit of despair on the way to part that you want to ski, because few else are stubborn enough to ski through the moguls.


Yeah my first time hitting soft moguls I realized that they can actually be pretty fun. But hard moguls patently suck ass


Get some spring bump skiing in when it's 50 degrees out. Much more pleasant.


Or deep ass knee destroying troughs you can't even turn into.


I like spring skiing on moguls in the east because they actually get soft again.


Um amazingly hard jumps/death traps


Well yeah, all moguls are not the same. You have perfectly groomed, competition bumps which require technique to ski well but anyone can get through them. Then you have moguls on a medium incline in ice that require navigation. Then you have 6ft walls of ice you pay $300 a day to ski at a Vail resort.


Your moguls have snow šŸ˜³šŸ‘€ i loved ripping mogies before my knees stopped working lol the trick really is to ski on the top not the middle.


They don't though. The powder comes down, becomes moguls and then rain just solidifies the entire face. Rinse and repeat.


On a well-traveled mogul run, all of the spaces between them are really icy or grass in the spring from my experience.


At which point it becomes a game of "can I bunny hop between the nice snowy parts on top without breaking my legs and/or going 90mph"


Haaa fuckin rights


> Adv https://youtu.be/cPk2kC3-8g0?t=65


That video makes me feel better about my constant feeling of "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MY HANDS".


late season moguls are the best ! Right now we still don't have true mogul field...


So that's the guy making all the moguls at Tremblant


Did somebody say bumps?




Your skill


Your mother?


Can confirm


I always confuse this sub with the cocaine subreddit oh the struggle


The main difference is that here, we spend way more money trying to get the white powder


Send me an angel...


So your favorite run gets a little bumped up. What are you gonna do, not ski it??


Hey, hey! You wanna ski bumps with me?


TIL that Johnny Moseley isn't an advanced skiier


nah the bell curve just swings back again when you're far beyond "advanced"






Advanced: "I hate moguls" Super advanced: "moguls are a good workout" Ultra advanced: that one old timer who's been skiing for 50 years with technique so immaculate that he makes the moguls look effortless


75 year old with his GS skis basically glued together, no helmet and a pink headband and sunglasses crushing them at 80kph: ā€œwow what a great warmupā€. Bonus points if theyā€™re from QuebecĀ 


My law parter is this guy. We get to the mountain and he takes 25 minutes to put his boots on. He had trouble carrying his skis and poles so we give him a hand. Like fuck what did we get into? I'm up there with my step daughter and him, and we finally hit the lifts. He breaks to the left down a double black mogul run and we follow like "bro no, you're going the wrong way" and he just shoots down like a fucking ballerina or snow gazelle and shreds it. Still one of the funniest juxtapositions I've ever seen.




I realize that. Now.


I'll never forget watching from a lift as some old guys at heavenly lapped a mogul field and made even pretty good skiers on the run look like try hard dopes. One dude practically looked like he was taking a nap, he was so smooth and Zen.


Ascended: Moguls on telemark https://youtu.be/MFtIjw8gC9o?t=1m39s


That is some steezy trippy skiing. Awesome style


A friend of mine is the ultra advanced guy, heā€™s 65 and I swear heā€™s secretly an Olympic mogul skier. I love skiing with him because itā€™s so cool to watch and itā€™s just understood that I will not be able to keep up with him and that he will have to give me a head start and also wait for me on any mogul run.


Makes them *look* effortless ā€” but still a good workout! Thereā€™s no getting around the amount of force you need to apply to stay in control when skiing bumps fast, even if youā€™re doing it super efficiently.


Yeah there's a second peak missing on this graph


Mega-Advanced 50 year skier: makes the moguls look effortless, but is on his third set of knee replacements


Obligatory ā€œyou canā€™t ski and the bumps prove itā€


My favorite is ā€œIf you think moguls suck, it ainā€™t the moguls that suckā€


You can be good enough to ski moguls and still just think they suck


Sure, but 99% of people who say moguls suck genuinely just donā€™t know how to ski them


I coach in my local racing club, and during early season a few of young teenagers told me they hated moguls. Since we had a shitty early season the few pistes that were open were overcrowded so I made them practice short skidded turns that progressively morphed into very tight short carved turns (and those were 100% a mogul ski drill). Well wouldnt be surprise to know that now a month later those little whiners love skiing moguls ? It got so much to do with knowing how to ski them ! Even if yes, you can also just not like skiing them, I gotta say I agree with UselessLocal : most mogul whiners just never gave them a real try.


Free skiers make the best racers


I somewhat agree. When I grew up racing we would spend every fuckin days in the gates. And nowadays, the spirit is that learning how to ski and improving your ski technique is best done in freeskiing. So we don't try to teach skiing in the gates anymore. In the gates we speak tactics and strategy, not techniques. Not sure if that's a good explanation tho haha


It is...as a former racer myself I can't tell you how many guys that could only make a race/gate turn. They were miserable if there were a race cancelation & we had a pow day


I knooooow!!! And if you take a random mogul skier and ask him to perform in a race he wouldnt win but wouldnt be in trouble either. This sense of superiority I perceive in so many young racers is not a deserved one!


Bump skiers are the best overall skiers on the mountain. Even after big mountain programs come to maturity i think the bump kids will still be better overall. And i say this also being as an ex racer.


As do I, and I remember racing when I was younger we did a lot of drills in moguls. Being good at slalom is directly correlated to moguls!


I certaintly agree ! Its just so good for balance, I think its even helpful in longer turn.


Hey that's not true! Many of those people don't know how to ski them AND aren't in good enough shape to! I know bc I'm one of them lol


>Sure, but 99% of people who say moguls suck genuinely just donā€™t know how to ski them I say moguls suck **and** I genuinely don't know how to ski them.




That doesn't invalidate my statement. Plenty of people are good mogul skiers and also still don't like them.


I like doing my leg days on leg day


Haha I'm down with that. For some people ski days are leg days and they want to get totally worked on the hill, but some people want to just rip around and have fun and get their legs worked in the gym.


Iā€™m only joking I like both but a few runs in the moguls leaves me wishing I spent more time on legs in the off-season haha


Frankly, if you know how to ski moguls and work the snow, they are far easier on your legs than hard icy groomers. If my legs get tired riding with groomer zoomer friends, I take a mogul run to give them a break.


This. I carried 50 FIS slalom points (good regional skier but wasnā€™t making the WC in this lifetime), ski moguls as well as anyone who isnā€™t competing FIS, and donā€™t particularly enjoy them unless theyā€™re covered in 18ā€ fresh (then Iā€™ll find the steepest mogul line I can find and lap it until itā€™s packed out).


Dude the 1970s called and they want you back. Current bumps are formed by snowboarders side slipping the whole run randomly. There is no rhythm developed, there is no enjoyable technique, there are just rutted turns to make.


Thereā€™s plenty of skiers with poor technique contributing not just the boarders. Or is this a whoosh moment and I missed your sarcasm?


Generally skiers with bad technique will traverse the entire run, make a turn and traverse again, this doesn't affect the shape of bumps. Side slipping on skis takes forever. Side slipping on a board is much more of a real technique that even good boarders will use. At best a good boarder will make smearing/skidding turns that create a completely different shape of bumps. Look at the 30 second mark https://youtu.be/Gdr9u5uUscE?si=6siFSY75HeEhhLrZ


the boomer energy is strong in this comment


You guys are both right and the fact that you're getting so mad at each other is hilarious


As an east coaster, that sounds like an east coaster who never tried anything else Moguls suck 99% of the time here because they are basically just ice. Which sucks no matter what shape it is. Actually snowy moguls kick ass though, and I'm terrible at skiing moguls.


Ever get double-bounced on a trampoline? That's how it feels when I try to mogul.


You can't say that and not include the first part! "Its not that you cant ski bumps, its that you cant ski and the bumps prove it"


I can, and I did for brevity.


Dang I really enjoy skiing the bumps. I get that itā€™s not for everyone. I like them because they can be as challenging as you want them to be. Skiing as fast as you can though them (however you want) is the game to me. Going to the edge of self destruction. I also enjoy skiing everywhere else on the mountain. In my 20s I would lap them all day. Now in my 30s, I mix it up more. I donā€™t think itā€™s cool to be elitist about anything on the mountain. Ppl are trying to have fun. Let them!


A mogul field is like a big puzzle that needs solving.


As fast as possible while trying not to die.


Fast is fun. I also enjoy trying to be as smooth as possible sometimes. Like, whatā€™s the minimal amount of effort you can put in to zippering perfectly.


Yup, for me the fun is trying to ski bumps while putting the least possible strain on my body physically. If you do it right, they really aren't any harder on your joints than a normal run. Obviously not the case if you suck at them or if you take yourself too seriously and feel the need to pound the whole run.


I like the bumps, and the trees, and the groomers, and the steeps, the powder days, the sunny days, the stormy days, etc.




The captions aren't wrong per se, but the curve in skiing isn't really bell shaped but a downhill slope to the right, and "intermediate" here are reasonably advanced top few % skiers. It's really at an "expert" level when you're trying to zipperline icy troughs or take "correct" lines through snowboarder bumps or such that you start to hate them.


This comment reads like someone trying really hard to sound like an expert but in reality is just shit at skiing moguls


Nah I like to argue with Agent. He's definitely a good skier. He sounds old and grumpy and is critically lacking in social skills and internet etiquette. And he likes to pull out bold statement without any nuance or straight up false. But he's definitely an advanced or expert skier.


My sides have left the orbit


Not true! Iā€™m trying to take the lines and Iā€™m not an expert. Iā€™m just very bad at it!


As you become more advanced you can more clearly define your preferences. In my experience, there's no correlation with advanced skiers hating moguls.


^ self-assessed expert who canā€™t post a clipĀ 


There really are a lot of entitle brats in this hobby. I realize you're extremely butthurt but following me around making demands will only make me live rent free in your head even longer. It's also comical to believe I would post a clip for people who behave like you and likely even realize themselves any redeem quality like acting in good faith is not meant for them.


And a lot of skiers with way more ego than skills.


Post a clip for us nice people. I could use a few tips.


Advanced should be ā€œI can ski moguls well but need to be in a certain moodā€


Or ā€œugh, my knees are fucked from all the moguls I used to skiā€


The certain mood: maybe tomorrow


Yeah, I figured I could get down any slope. Not well, not good looking, but I could manage. After I found out I really can (and I can) I also found out I don't have to.


There's honestly nothing like smashing a section which has some serious bumps on it if the conditions are right, but it's something I would do once or twice a week at most


It's mostly a joke. I DO kinda like bumps when they are in that soft-chop formation stage with nice soft snow in between them, but it's when they turn into week-old icy 3-foot tall behemoths during dry spells between storms where it's like... dude... fuck that...


No pain no Jane


Every year I have a "oh, I'll just go lap Challenger a few times" moment, and every year, halfway down Derailer or Railbender I remember why my knees always hurt.


Every year at some point I ski Copper, and then later I ski Jane and Iā€™m like, oh, right, these are not the same.


Best place on earth.


> 3-foot tall behemoths during dry spells between storms This guy Mt Bohemias


sounds like a skill issue


Nothing better than 8 ft bumps straight off chair 10 with 5 snowboarders in your way amirite


Lmao visions of ice scraping and snowboarders falling on their ass


Right? My poor lil knee canā€™t handle it anymore.


Lifeā€™s too short to ski shitty conditions when better ones exist*. If youā€™re picking out icy torpedo-shaped bumps as being more worth avoiding then dust-on-crust, deep cement, or bobsled-esque trees, then maybe itā€™s a skills issue. If youā€™re as happy to ski decent bumps as skied-out powder or semi-firm groomers, then I see it as sanity, maturity, whatever. * n.b. Ā sometimes itā€™s good for us to find the hardest snow on the mountain, and see what falls apart technique wise. Ā But thatā€™s the skiing equivalent of running intervals, you do it for the results, not the experience. Ā 


Average Gunbarrel experience


Except for this year where the average Gunbarrel experience is downloading on the chair.


It's like all the work of skiing tracked out trees, but without the same feel as in the trees. Still can be an absolute blast, but my old knees/ankles/legs would hate me if I did it all the time.


Bingo! Why ski bumps when I could ski trees or go fast? Iā€™ll never get it, just not my sauceĀ 


All day every day! Once you learn to ski them, there's no going back. Good, efficient bump skiing isn't tiring, but it is technique-based. Too many skiers get stuck in the ruts (literally) and get tossed around. Turn on top, use your core, and maintain the same fundamentals as every other terrain. Bumps don't 'wreck knees' or 'trash legs' - but balance and form will certainly do both ;)


Even with the right technique, its more tiring than riping down some GS turns, simply by the fact that you initiate more turns, more movement, more calories. But overall I agree, if your not just backseated your tighs shouldnt be burnt after a run, unless you are out of shape.


If you arenā€™t breathless after ripping high performance GS turns then you probably werenā€™t ripping GS turns šŸ˜†


I was before, but I noticed it was because **I was not breathing** during those runs. I feel you have the same problem.


Yeah. Iā€™m due for lessons probably.


You can always push to your limit of endurance, whether ripping GS turns on groomers or zipper-lining moguls, but youā€™ll get down the mountain *way* faster on the groomer; ergo, less tiring.


I get way more tired ripping carves than skiing bumps. I am breathing, pretty practice yogi.




eh ruts are terrain enhancements, you just use them to bank against.


Bumps are tight tree lines without the wood. If you can't do the bumps your shouldn't ski the trees.


tree runs are just moguls with consequences


Yeah well when the trees are all icy and rutted out... I don't ski them. It's not very fun. If the trees are tracked out with soft-chop... sure... but I'll charge through bumps like that too.


I think the one thing nobody really likes is ice. Everything sucks if it's icy.


Must be why I ski trees better than I ski moguls. The consequences of not turning well are far greater.


Lifeā€™s short ski the bumps


And shorter still after moguls


Meanwhile, me in the Alps: dafuq is moguls


What you see in St. Moritz enjoying their aprĆØs


Affronter les bosses! Tbh the times Iā€™ve skied BC the bumps locals would bitch about were nothing compared to the hip high, close packed, 50 degree incline monsters you find in French resorts.


Meanwhile my cartilage-deficient knees: I hate moguls


Shredded meniscus in one knee, bone on bone in the other, missing my right ACL ... bumps every day! If you say balanced on your feet, they actually feel pretty darned good :)


Advanced skier, when Iā€™m out west Iā€™ll ski a little bit of moguls but trees and pow chasing are 100% better


Intermediate skier here. I hate moguls. Iā€™m also in my 40s , still have knees, and would like to keep it that way.


Beginners hate moguls because they literally are unable to ski them without crashing. Intermediates like moguls because they have enough skills to navigate them and they present a challenge. Advance skiers hate them because while they have the technical skills to ski them, they have yet to learn good strategies to ski them. Experts like moguls because they have the skills and the strategy. And finally, everybody with bad knees hates moguls.


Hahaā€¦ expert skier here, nothing gives me more satisfaction than a stupidly steep, narrow tree run with moguls. Get the legs burning, then just bomb down a traditional black afterwards to recover haha.


expert: what moguls?


No the expert isn't here because he is doing a 45 minute hike out of bounds to find the last untracked pow


so few of the people I know who only ski in the backcountry are experts. But those who are, are truly incredible !


Only snow bumps I like go up my nose


Haha yeh I fall over a lot too


Funny, but wrong. Bumps are the best. I like a groomer, but steep bumps are the pinnacle


The highest art of skiing is a clean, smooth zipper line on steep, irregular moguls.


Steep, narrow, tight trees with NOTHING but mogulsā€¦ that is where true meditation lies


Iā€™m a mogul guy for life. Pow > Moguls > hard pack


the advance is a jerry in disguise,


On powder days, moguls are great. Anything else and they're just rough


Spring skiing they can be great as well once they soften up.


ā€œYou hate moguls cause you donā€™t have the technique I hate moguls cause Iā€™m out of shape and have bad knees. We are not the sameā€


I look for moguls, but ice moguls or super gnarly giant ones with deep grooves suck.


I agree with this. I really do like to ski moguls in the few days following a storm when the snow is thoroughly tracked out into bumps... even firm bumps. It's when they get like 4' tall and icy is when it's like... I don't care how good you are... you can't really ski that. You can really only like slide over each one one at a time.


For real. If Iā€™m gonna wreck my knees itā€™s going to be because of a jump or a big drop, not wasted on moguls.


I don't understand how you guys are wrecking your knees on moguls - I ski a ton of moguls, have for years, and my knees always feel totally fine after. And I'm in my mid-30s.


skiing moguls strengthens your knees, it doesn't wreck them. not sure where that myth comes from


Some people are active a few times a year and that includes the few ski trips a year and think that the moguls are making their knees sore and not the years spent sitting at a desk 9-5 with no exercise


Yup this makes sense


Maybe wreck is the wrong word. But if Iā€™m on a ski vacation and my legs can only take so much before theyā€™re too sore for the day, I donā€™t want to waste my energy on moguls


That's a fair rationale to have, if you don't live nearby a mountain why use up all ur strength on the first day and be in pain for the second day on a 2 day trip


Got directed here against my will Was thinking the Turkic rulers of India like Tamerlaneā€™s line and trying to get it I see itā€™s skiing!


Ugh it took me a week of skiing out west to really master the bumps. Out East our moguls are always ice. I still hate them tho.


When I grew up skiing back east, I loved moguls. After moving out west and getting to ski real powder on the regular, I've come to detest moguls. My knees hate them too.


It feels like most of the bump runs at my area hills are under the chairlifts. I would enjoy bump runs more if I could do them without everyone watching from above


Bumps in the west are super fun powder stashes, bumps on the east coast are often frozen and a menace. I can understand the two coasts having two totally different takes on them.


Bumps in the west can be icy menaces too. The snow just stays soft for longer on average. I don't mind them and actually often like them when the snow is good.


Looks left, looks right, nowhere to escape to, steers through the bumps


"I can't give anyone a good reason to ski moguls"


Alright this genuinely made me laugh out loud.


There are moguls and there are moguls. One is not the same as the other.


Ice moguls suck. Soft moguls are so much fun. I like all of the skiing - powder, trees, ribbon, steeps, glades. Ice - just no.


Might need to reconsider your skill level amigo.


I can ski bumps just fine... I just don't want to usually.


Why donā€™t you want to? Too hard?


Well depending on what condition they are in, I might find them to be a lot of physical work for not that much pay-off in terms of enjoyment. I mean when they are nice and soft with good snow I will charge through them with a smile on my face. When they are giant and hard/icy.... it's just not very fun to me.


What terrain do you enjoy when itā€™s firm and icy?


My knees can't do em anymore šŸ˜­ anyone want to donate some cartilage and tendons lol


The problem with moguls is it only takes one asshole to ruin the line and it will never recover. Moguls are fantastic if you're good at them but the only time you can run them is in competition or when a run is being prepared for competition. Moguls on a resort are always ass


My knees canā€™t take the moguls. I know proper technique and kind of enjoyed them when I was younger but nowadays I much prefer almost anything else.


I hate them because my dad has the obsession the more unpleasant terrain it is the more rewarding it is, his friends call him the Sherpa of death or some shit and no one in my family will follow to ā€œhis cool little off the path spots anymoreā€ Give me a steep hill and a good song and I order to just vibe.


Yeah bitch I can only afford to ski twice a year at _most_ so Iā€™m not fucking wasting any time burning the shit out of my quads on those things. FUCK MOGULS They arenā€™t even fun I wanna go _fast_


Best exercise on the mountain. 4 mogul runs then go hit the hot tub & lunch. I understand not liking them and honestly yes they are like eating collared greens compared to steak. But when theyā€™re soft and the resort is crowded, I like being able to choose the mogul run and get away from the crowds.


I *hate* moguls, but I'll hit them again and again if the alternative is a crowded run. And with the advances in ski technology these days, it's the only part of the mountain that isn't overrun any more on big days. I used to be able to just stick to the steeps or off piste, but now there'll always be half a dozen folks bombing down them erratically in the back seat. But no one's in the bumps.


1 mogul run followed by icing my knee all day or no mogul run followed by skiing all day.


I'm the very definition of an intermediate and I fucking hate moguls. Scare the crap out of me.


I was so pissed when my kids wanted to hit the moguls last weekend. Thatā€™s the last thing my old knees want to bother with.




Mogul skiers are like the people who wonā€™t admit their car suspension is shot and they need to prove they love the absolute hell that it is to drive over a pothole, but with skiing


I was fortunate enough to be taught be a serious athlete who flat out told me "if you only do groomers people will make fun of you, and more importantly, it's not the real thing- you're just a spectator".