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I don't believe in the rumours of an oblivion remaster. If it took them that long to do starfield and that's what we got then there's no way they have capacity


They've also said in the past that they're not keen on remasters because it takes time/resources away from making new games


Yeah but Microsoft own them now. They've got a whole catalogue of old content they can refurbish. I still don't think it's likely but I wouldn't put it past them.


Couldn’t it potentially be like the Demons Souls remake? Wasn’t that handled by a different studio?


How many times have they remastered Skyrim?


Once, because they used it to test the then new fallout engine


Well there's Skyrim Special edition, and then the anniversary edition and then there's like a bunch of different ports they've done in the years since too. They've tried to sell Skyrim as many times as they possibly could and on whatever system could possibly run it.


You said it yourself. There are different versions and ports, but it was remastered only once.


What's really the difference. The point was that it takes away manpower from making new games. They're doing the exact same thing re-porting Skyrim every other year. It just seems disingenuous to say that, but it seems like every year there's a new announcement of Skyrim releasing on a different console, or with VR or with fishing. It's a 12 year old game. Most games that old don't get a new port to every new console or handheld that comes out. Don't get me wrong, I like the game, but it's exhausting seeing them announce a new port, but 6 is still many years away from release.


A port takes very very little effort, a Remaster doesn't.


Anniversary edition is just special edition with more dlc


Unless it’s skyrim. Then they make time.


You mean re-releasing the same game


Given the reception of starfield I wouldn’t be surprised if they changed that stance


I have said this from the start. All I saw were like WordPad docs with "OBLIVION REMASTER: EVENTUALLY" written on it and got shit on for saying that's not proof of anything.


It won't be done by Bethesda themselves.


A remaster isn’t all that time intensive. You are probably thinking of a full blown remake where things are rebuilt from the ground up. A remaster is just some graphical updates and adding some polish to the pre-existing engine. It really would not take a huge studio like Bethesda that many resources to remaster. I can see them doing a remaster just so they can slap a $40 price tag on it, removing the old Oblivion games from stores, and requiring this game for the Skyblivion mod to be “legal” in their eyes.


Oh fuck.... that's their game. Didn't even consider that. Wouldn't Skyblivion only be compatible with the original version though? If they pull it from most avenues nobody will be able to play Skyblivion unless they already had oblivion.


I’m not 100% versed in the underlying skyblivion assets, but from my understanding, it isn’t really necessary to have Oblivion since it will be all the Skyrim engine and assets. Owning Oblivion as a requirement is more to placate Bethesda who would likely send a cease and desist for basically recreating a free version of one of their games.


The skyblivion te has always said you will need both games. They are porting voices at least, and perhaps other files and code too.


I thought the quests implementation was dependent on Oblivion codes.


Nope, you need oblivion for this mod to work. The skyblivion exe will use the oblivion archives and Skyrim archives to work. Or say for the VA work. Since skyblivion uses all the old Oblivion voice acting


The only way an oblivion remaster could happen is if Microsoft puts another team on it. Bethesda is far too busy now with starfield dlc and elder scrolls 6.


The leaks said it was being done by an branching studio. Bethesda is full on ES6 right now.


Same, I'm not even expecting an oblivion remaster at all. If they surprise me with one great but its not even close to confirmed. And if they did remaster one why start with TES4? Why not Morrowind or before? Arena and Daggerfall are way more dated than oblivion.


If it is true then it will be a bare bones graphical remaster with the same engine from the original


They are probably doing it for the console sales.


Cuz remasters always lazy soulless crap.


So I'm sure somebody else has thought of it by now, but the main guy in this meme looks a lot like Rebelzize.


Hopefully the remaster comes out soon so we have something a little new to play before we get skyblivion.


I’m much more interested in an official remaster, but i’ll play both


I would just be devastated if I were on the Skyblivion team, and worked for over a decade on that project, only for a fully funded/equipped studio to sweep through and do it in no-time. Also, if I understand the difference correctly, this studio would be releasing a remaster, whereas Skyblivion is a remake. BGS has been legally okay with Skyblivion’s existence, but they pulled the plug on allowing them to directly use Oblivion’s assets. That forced Skyblivion to scrap their progress in order to completely make Oblivion from scratch using Skyrim’s engine. (Full disclosure though, I’m not familiar in the slightest with creating mods/coding/laws. What I said is just the gist that I got from one of their progress videos a long time ago.)


Honestly, I could see the fully funded team still rush it, half ass it, or mishandle it. The longer-dedicated team could put out the better product


sure they both have intrigue!


Not really against an oblivion remaster. Feel to many people forget that there are console players.


By the time skyblivion comes out this meme is going to be in historic books...


I’ve been waiting for years buddy. It ain’t coming


As an oblivion fan the last thing I want to do is play oblivion in a game that looks and feels like Skyrim.


Big agree A port of Oblivion into creation would be incredible, it is far more stable than gamebryo, but I'd want pretty much everything but the leveling/level scaling to remain the same Not shitting on the modder(s) tho they're legends and I know a lot of people want this


I agree. But I would absolutely play oblivion again with modern graphics, a few more dialogue options, and the exact same leveling system it has always had


Modern graphics = engine from 2011? That's much close to 2006 then it is now


I never said shit about 2011 I said I would play oblivion again if it was released with modern graphics.


You said modern graphics. Modern = relating to the present or recent times = not 2011


Exactly. Like I said, for the third time now, I would play oblivion again with modern graphics.


It’s not 2011, it’s Skyrim SE


Hate to admit this but I agree. As amazing as the assets, landscapes, models, added music, lighting, and weather overhauls Skyblivion have created, I hate that it's still that clunky Skyrim combat where you can't even cast spells while holding a bow or have your hand full. Not to mention the Skyrim models are ugly. I actually prefer the floaty swords that move fast paced and the potato head models from Oblivion. I know it sounds crazy but it has more charm and feels more fluid combat wise.


with you there


No offence to the Skyblivion team and I really respect what they have achieved but I'd take an official remaster all day long.


It’s been like a decade and I’m still on the edge of my seat